Fan Fiction ❯ Aether Psychoses: Tales from the Planet Solstice ❯ Phase 1, Episode 10: Uncertainty - Tranquility - Rejoice ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
===> C M A <===

RATING: This story is rated "R" for mature subject matter, violence, language, and some fairly blatant sexual humor.

DISCLAIMER: This story, its settings, its characters, and all its distinctive likenesses are Copyright 2004-2005 Carlos Alexandre. This is an original work and may not be published without Carlos Alexandre's written consent. Characters, settings, personas, etc. may not be used without, again, Carlos Alexandre's written consent. Any relation to this story and any real-life events, past or present, is entirely coincidental. And all that other crap.

If you're reading this anywhere but at, I recommend you go there instead; some places this fic is posted in might not be formatted or italicized/bolded/underlined correctly.

Author notes and special thanks are further down.

HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 1303
Rhegos National Museum and Archives, Shawness

An aged building, speaking volumes of history and culture with its appearance and structure alone, stands before us.

"This is it," I announce, watching Sonny nod--impressed, no doubt--as he whistles. "Welcome to the Rhegos National Museum and Archives!"

"Nice place," he admires, walking up the first few steps. "So, this is like a museum and a huge-ass library all rolled into one, right Amethyst?"

"You bet! If it's knowledge you seek, you'll find it here!"

"Assuming it doesn't conflict with Rhegosian political agendas, right?" Sonny says with a smirk.

"Actually, the heads of the museum, though technically part of the Rhegosian government, are rather resistant to the government's attempt to censor and distort historical information," I explain. "They've earned quite the international reputation for both their work and their ideals, so anything you find in here is, more than likely, untainted fact."

"Is that so?" he replies, sounding all interested suddenly.

"It is," another voice confirms.

We turn to find... a very, very large man.

A VEEEEEEEEEEERY large man. I don't think I can stress that enough.

Standing at a huge seven and a half feet, and of a wide, muscular frame, he towers over me and Sonny. He is clad in a blackish-blue bodysuit that covers everything save his head, with thick gloves and heavy-looking boots.

His face and green eyes--glowing green eyes, actually; a rather unusual feature--maintain a no-nonsense expression, calm yet focused. His hair is black and cut short; nothing fancy. His skin is slightly darker than mine, but not as dark as Sonny's.

"Are you two here on a research mission?" The man, Maxwell Farthas, member of the Centauri's crew, asks.

Despite his sheer physical presence, though, he speaks so gently, so politely. It's a little... funny...

"I am," Sonny answers the man.

"You are?" I question.

"Yeah, I got things to, like, you know, look up," he says.

"What sort of 'things'?" I press, smiling a little.

"Nothing special, really. History of the events leading up to the war, a certain country's involvement, that sort of thing."

... You're hiding something, Sonny.

... But... it is not my business. I won't pry any further. However... I pray you don't forget the promise we made earlier today...

"Bah, boring stuff," I lie, usually loving to partake in such studies myself. "Listen, I'm going to explore the city a bit more. I'll see you later Sonny. And you take care, Maxwell."

"I sense no malice from him," the big man comments.

"Who, Amethyst?" I ask.

"Yes. I know you have your doubts, despite what Sieg Hyrem has told you," Maxwell says, saying exactly what I'm thinking. "Put those doubts to rest. Amethyst is trustworthy. At least, he is now."

"Do you mean that he wasn't trustworthy before?" I ask. "Or do you mean that he won't be trustworthy somewhere later down the line?"

"I meant the former," he clarifies. "Though, remember, no one can read the future."

"Don't say shit like that, mang. I'm not about to become some paranoid freak, cautious of everyone I know because, in the future, there may be the off-chance that they'll stab me in the back."

"I can... appreciate that. Listen, Sonny, I have learned of something that you will be most interested in."

I cock an eyebrow. "Oh? What's that, big man?"

He looks around before coming closer, almost whispering his response. "The location of a Sklabosian slave camp."

A... Sklabosian slave camp?

"Wait, wait," I gasp. "You mean... an active Sklabosian slave camp!?"

Maxwell nods. "Indeed."


Thank heavens... we aren't the only ones!

"We have to save them!" I say, still overwhelmed. "Do you know the exact location?"

"I do not. But I have learned that there is a Sothisian resistance cell located near the camp."

"There's a rebellion?"

"Yes. According to what I can gather over the networks, more Sothisians survived the Great Purge than previously thought. Sklabosian leadership is already strained, struggling to keep their own citizens content. The country is a mess."

"This is the perfect time to strike back!" I declare.

Maxwell nods again, agreeing. "It is. But only when we can discover the camp's location, or the resistance's base of operations. Do not get your hopes up; my information may not be correct. We should find out as much as we can, both here and from our crewmates. I suspect both Lady Hyrem and Sieg Hyrem know a great deal more about this than they care to admit."


You know, back when that whole Portal shit was going down and I thought the world was going to end, I actually considered abandoning this little venture I planned with Maxwell.

But now... hearing that there just might be others like me, willing to fight...

It's weird. It instills a sense of comradery, one different than the one I feel with the Essex's crew.

My people... My people fighting to survive, fighting for their brothers...

Now, more than ever, my mind is made up.

Once we know where it is we have to go... I will fight.

I promise you, Maxwell... I will fight!

"Let's see what we can find," I say, heading into the building. Surely something in these archives will point us the right way.

Meander... I'm sorry about this, I really am.

I'm doing something you'd never want me to do.

HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 1307
Shawness Central Park

I remember this park.

I came her once... with my parents...

"Sylvan, don't go too far," I whisper, mimicking what my mother said to me that day.

It's not going to win any international awards or anything, but this little park, taking up several city blocks, is a nice retreat from the chaos of the big city. It's the perfect place to take a relaxing little walk.

Not that many people here today, I see. Those that are seem to be making their way to the nearby archives where I left Sonny, or towards the shore's marketplace.

Well, there's a lively couple of folks, taking a brisk run!

A teenage girl, probably fourteen or fifteen, leads, her lithe frame clad in simple jean-shorts--torn, not hemmed--and an off-white T-shirt with some elaborate black line-pattern drawn about it. A pretty young thing she is, I must admit, with... long silver hair? And... red eyes?

"Meander?" I voice softly.

No, no, no Sylvan. Get a grip.

Her aether signature is nothing like Meander's, not one bit.

What her aether signature feels like, though, is...

"Circular!" I call, now recognizing the girl. Pupil of my former partner, Atlas operative Celestial Knight.

Or rather, ex-Atlas operative, if everything went according to Atlas and Chrysalis's plans... Of course, it's possible that since I left--"switched sides," as it were--that their plans have changed.

Well, speak of the devil! Look at that man following Circular. An older-looking face than his actual age, somewhere in the mid-to-late twenties, would suggest he should have. He's wearing black and silver armored gear that covers his whole body save his head. Yup, it's him alright. No mistaking it.

He doesn't really "run" after Circular; rather, small sole-mounted hover-jets, concealed and embedded into the soles themselves, aether-fueled and controlled by the wearer's thoughts, propel him along the ground. He leans forward, letting his momentum speed him up a little, his gray cape flowing behind him in a manner that could be called majestic if Celestial Knight wasn't clearly on the run from someone

"COME BACK HERE!!!" a crazy female voice yells, following the two with swords drawn. It's Lemires, one of Tealla's fighters. Close behind her are the siblings Tommy and Vigor.

I smile, just a little. You'll deserve whatever beating they rain down upon you, Celestial Knight.

And yet, do I see you and your little girlfriend gaining ground? Why yes, I think I do!

Willing myself to transform into my other form, feeling Amethyst's power coursing through me, I fly straight up, and then head towards where I know Celestial Knight will try and make his getaway...

Though, I have to wonder...

Nah, put it out of mind, Sylvan. It's just coincidence. Nothing more.

HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 1308
Atlas High Command

"And thus, I hereby name Celestial Knight a traitor, guilty of crimes against our noble cause."

No one moves. All eyes are on the speaker, also their leader, as the man of stature continues his announcement.

"Let us not dwell on one insignificant worm's crimes, though. We must continue where he left off--"


"You dare interrupt!?" another man calls. "Great leader, allow me the honor of killing this unfaithful--"

"SILENCE!" the man of stature intercedes, quieting the quarrel. "Earthen Knight, please continue to speak your grievances."

"I intend to!" the angry man, Earthen Knight, continues. "We sent too many good men to be killed fighting against Amethyst's forces, good men who fought tooth and nail for Atlas! These men believed in us, and we let them die! Had I known of this treachery, I would have stopped it with my own two hands!"

"I understand your frustrations and anger," the man of stature responds calmly. "But it was a necessary measure. Atlas's presence is global, and with so many under our fold, we must remain united. And, forget not, even we are not immune to espionage and betrayal, as evidenced both by Celestial Knight's actions and the many times Chrysalis, our sister syndicate, has gone against our wishes. Outside forces aware of Atlas's existence must believe that we were deceived by Amethyst. They cannot know our true plan."

"But it is we who deceived Amethyst!" Earthen Knight presses. "I knew him before we planted that... that thing inside of him! We changed him!"

"And you stood by and let that happen," yet another states, standing up calmly. "You could have saved Sylvan Sorel before we infected him."

"Do not patronize me, Shadow Knight!" Earthen Knight spits. "My loyalties lie with Atlas! But when we brought him into our fold, he was one of us! That affords him at least our basic respect!"

"But we have given him a great gift," the man of stature defends. "By infecting him with the symbiotic Wraith, and allowing him to contact the Hyrem siblings to help him conquer it, we have made him a stronger person both in body and mind. He can, in all likelihood, never be infected again."

"And he well join neither Chrysalis nor Atlas again!" Earthen Knight retorts. "He has sided with Sieg Hyrem, and will now show him the loyalty that he should have shown us!"

"You are confused and tired, my friend," the man of stature says, almost soothingly. "Please retire to your quarters for now."

Earthen Knight, under the weight of the glances of his peers, gives in and leaves the chamber. The rest sit... except for one, the man known as Shadow Knight.

"Kill him," the man of stature orders.

"Yes, Solar Knight," Shadow Knight says, disappearing from sight.

A few seconds later, he reappears, the smell of blood turning up his colleagues' noses. He sits calmly, intent on hearing his leader's words.

Tales from the Planet Solstice

An original fic by Carlos Alexandre (CMA)

This episode was originally released on Wednesday, October 19, 2005.


As I mentioned in the last chapter, episodes nine and ten were supposed to be one and the same, but episode nine was going to end up being like twice the size of my normal chapter. To get it released in a timely manner, I broke it up into two chunks. This is the second part.

And, yes, I did intend to physically describe everyone again. :)

I accept, welcome, and encourage criticism. Send it to or visit and post in the forum.


Thanks to my fellow Triple Peeps, Grand Master Shoma (Apollo Alexandre) and Judge Neusy (Neusa Gaspar), for their support and kindness. They have good fics too, mostly of the fanfic variety, and they and I write some works together. Please check out for more!

Thanks to "Supafly" (David Hackman, also known as Majere) for inspiration and for letting me base a character in Aether Psychoses on him.

Thanks to the plethora of anime, movies, and video games that inspired me to envision and create this original work!

A steel spirit bends wills to whims
A watery soul nudges minds to desires
A fiery mettle takes action, yet hesitates

-= PHASE 1
--== EPISODE 10
---=== Uncertainty - Tranquility - Rejoice

HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 1313
Shawness Central Park

"RUN FASTER, DAMMIT!" Lemires roars as I try to pick up the pace.

"Fuck!" Tommy curses. "Why the hell does that fucking guy have to be so damn fast!?"

"Farther is getting!" Vigor yells. "Farther is getting! Not catching up!"

The three continue running, jumping over park benches and ducking under tree branches. Their targets, however, continue to gain ground.

That is, until a wall of lightning appears out of nowhere, trapping CK and Circular is a transparent dome of crackling aether energy.

"Tommy, what just happened?" Lemires asks me.

"I'm not sure--" I start replying, until I'm cut off.

"Don't try anything, Celestial Knight," a floating boy threatens, holding out an armored hand. He seems to be the one holding the two in place.

That boy...

"Amethyst!" I call out. "What are you doing?"

I remember, now. He's the kid that Sieg carried with him when he and Tealla came back from that battleship, the one near the giant Rift.

His face is the same, but the rest of him looks different. I only know that he's the same person because of how Tealla described him in this form.

He's just as tall as normal, and the same build, but has shoulder-length gray hair instead of his usual short blonde. Pieces of radiant purple and blue armor cover various parts of his body. Some of them contain small embedded orbs and crystals that glow faintly, emitting an unusual aether signature.

"What does it look like?" Amethyst responds, maintaining his electric force field. "I'm helping you out! Celestial Knight and his protégé here are my enemies, too."

"We had everything under control!" Lemires snaps. "We don't need your help to take care of--"

"Lemires, enough!" I order, motioning with my hand for her to stop. She does. "Thanks for the help then, Amethyst. However, Tealla really, really wants to... talk to these two people."

"That's actually what I want to do, too," he answers, floating to the ground, still keeping his barrier of electricity up. "It won't take long, I promise. Five minutes, tops. Then, they're all yours."

I cup my chin. A five minute wait isn't that long. I don't see a reason to stop him, and especially if I can get some choice information out of all this for Tealla.

"Very well," I say. "But only if we are privy to the conversation. I think you'll find us quite useful, actually!"

Amethyst seems to think about if for a few seconds.

"Sure, why not?" he agrees.

"You really think I'll tell you anything?" Celestial Knight mocks as the four youths approach him. "Please. Give me some credit."

"My master isn't intimidated by the likes of you!" Circular defends.

"That's funny," Tommy begins. "He sure seemed pretty intimidated earlier when the two of you ran off with your tails between your legs. Lemires, convince our friends here to talk."

"With pleasure," Lemires says both seductively and viciously, unsheathing one of her swords, channeling lightning aether through it very visually.

"You know, soon the local authorities will arrive," Celestial Knight tries. "And they aren't going to let this little display continue."

"Actually, they'll arrive in about seven and a half minutes," Amethyst explains, clenching his fists. "That's plenty of time for us to have some... fun."

"You forget, Amethyst," Celestial Knight retorts, "that I've been around you long enough to know how your body and powers work. For example..."

He suddenly produces a small, cylindrical device, and throws it at Amethyst. The boy prepares to block it, but as it hits his armored hand, the device explodes into a bright flash.

After a few seconds, the light dissipates, revealing the three Centauri crewmates and a collapsed Amethyst, no longer in his armored form, his appearance and clothing now back to normal.

As for Celestial Knight and his young female companion...

"UP THERE!" Vigor shouts, pointing to the sky as a hover-skiff speeds off into the distance.

"FUCK!" Lemires yells. "He got away!"

"Hey, you okay?" Tommy asks Amethyst as he slowly gets up.

"Yeah, I think so," he replies. "Sorry about that. I forgot that Celestial Knight has some tricky gadgets hidden away."

"Is that his name? 'Celestial Knight'?" Lemires questions.

"That is. He's one of the Knights of Atlas, or he was at least. From what I can remember, Atlas planned to drop the guy like a bad habit--"

"Whoa, hold on there, kid. What in the hell is 'Atlas'?"

"Atlas is another sect of the Chrysalis syndicate," Tommy explains suddenly, his words dripping with spite. "Or, rather, Chrysalis is another sect of Atlas. It's... complicated."

"Does Tealla know about this?" Lemires asks.

Tommy nods. "She does."

"So why all the work in assessing Chrysalis's plans and goals? We could've also been looking out for this Atlas group."

"Chrysalis and Atlas are in league with each other," Amethyst says, "but they are not one and the same. Think of them as partners. And think of Chrysalis as the sneaky, underhanded partner, plotting behind the other's back."

"That's right," Tommy continues. "At least, that's what all my information on them seems to say. And Tealla is more interested in Chrysalis at the moment. Hence why we're looking more into the Chrysalis leads. But no matter. Thanks for confirming all that, Amethyst. I guess I owe you one."

"It's nothing really," Amethyst says, dusting himself off. "But I... cannot divulge everything I know about them. I know that's what you want, but I can't do it. Not yet, anyway."

"Don't worry about it. Vigor, Lemires, let's go. We still have work to do. Take care, Amethyst."

"You too."

"Take care, Amethyst," Tommy says.

"You too," I respond, as he and his comrades make their way out of the park.

I'd better leave too. The last thing I want is the Shawness police breathing down my throat.

I transform again into my armored form and take off flying.

Tommy... seemed to be very interested in Atlas...

I wonder...

I suppose it would be no surprise if Atlas had somehow wronged him, committed some crime that he could not forgive. Atlas has destroyed so many lives, after all.

And since I helped them destroy those lives... I'll have to see if there's some way I can assist Tommy.

Bah, don't think about that right now, Sylvan. Just relax for now. Enjoy the view.

HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 1337
Waterfront Marketplace, Shawness

And that should be it!

Hooray! I got everyone a gift!

"You look happy," Tealla comments. "I'm assuming you got everything you wanted?"

"I did, I did!" I say merrily. "Thanks a lot, Tealla! Oh, and I got you something, too!"

"Me?" she says, puzzled.

"Yeah, I did. Now where was it... ah, here we go!"

I look down at the present Asha got for me.

"It's a little Sieg doll!" she exclaims. "Isn't it cute? There was this shop that made custom dolls, and I asked them if they knew the Crimson Edge and the guy was all like 'oh, yeah, I do, I can make you a doll of him if you like' and I had two made and I thought 'wow, one for me and one for Tealla'!"

I take the little stuffed toy from her. Well stitched, good weight; not a shoddy job at all!

"And then I thought that maybe you wouldn't like a Sieg doll," Asha continues, pulling something else out of her bag, "so I got you a Tealla doll too! I asked the shop if they knew the Crimson Edge's sister, and he's all like 'oh, the Cold Shadow, Tealla Hyrem' and I'm all like 'yeah, that's her, can you make two of her too' and he's all like 'sure, here you go'!"

Heh, it doesn't look a thing like me. Still is nice though.

These... must have cost her a lot...

"And no paying me back!" Asha barks, seemingly reading my mind. "It's a present! A thank you gift! They're both yours!"

I smile. I'm not one for dolls and the like, but these are nice.

"Thanks, kid!" I say. "I'll treasure them both!"

She smiles back. "Thanks again, Tealla! Take care! See you later!"

And off she goes.

Nice kid.

I look at the dolls again.

She said she got two of the Sieg doll, one for me and one for her. So... who's she going to give the other Tealla doll to?

She'll probably keep it for herself, I guess.

I think I'll arrange these to make it look like the Tealla doll is kicking the Sieg doll in the face. Yes, that sounds perfect!

Woohoo! I got everyone gifts! I got everyone gifts!

I even got the engineering bots some shiny new polish! Sure, they won't appreciate it as much as Amy will, but still, they help, and they deserve something, even if they're just tools.

I should head back and get everything packed up and ready. There's still a lot of time left in the day; I can pack everything, leave it in my room, and still do a bit of sightseeing.

I wish I had someone to help me carry these bags, though.

Hey, isn't it just my lucky day!

"Amethyst!" I call, spying our newest crew member sitting all by his lonesome on a bench, watching the ocean.

He seems to notice, waving as he stands.

"What's up, Asha?" he greets, walking up to me. "Can I help you with those bags?"

Bingo. "That's real nice of you! Here, take these ones. But don't look inside! Girl stuff."

"Ah. No prob."

A gentle ocean breeze brushes by the two, playing with clothing and messing up hair. They walk slowly, in no real rush, towards the general direction of the airship port.

The girl, Asha Hendrik, is the very picture of optimism, her smile seemingly a part of her being. Everything she needed to do this day is done, and she anxiously awaits the following morning.

The boy, Amethyst, is deep in thought, perhaps a little depressed. He found a new home, one that he isn't entirely sure he deserves, but intends to stay at anyway.

"What'cha thinkin' about?" Asha asks politely. "Something wrong?"

Amethyst twitches his head a little, slightly startled at the sudden question. "Oh, um, nothing really!" he answers, laughing nervously. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to concern you or anything."

"Hey, no worries! But... you're a terrible liar."


"Please, Amethyst. It's written all over your face. You're in a rut about something. Just let it out! For me?"

The boy looks at the girl's gentle face, suddenly feeling a slight blush coming on. He tries to hide it.

"Well," he starts, "it's just that... you... all of you... have been so welcoming. Not that long ago, I was your enemy... and you were mine. Suddenly, being a part of your group... I just feel uncomfortable is all..."

"I see," Asha says, sounding disappointed. "You'd be more comfortable if we were enemies again?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant!" Amethyst returns nervously. "That's not what I meant at all! It's just that, well... I feel guilty. Like I don't deserve your kindness."

"Is that all?" the girl responds, as if it wasn't a big deal. "Geez. You men, always worrying about the stupidest things. Listen, Amethyst... wait, what's your real name again? Sylvan, right?"

"Yeah, that's right," he confirms, "Sylvan Sorel."

"That's what I thought. I'm calling you that from now on, by the way. 'Amethyst' just sounds weird to me. Now where was I? Oh, right: listen, Sylvan, stop worrying about that. It doesn't matter. You can't undo the past. But feeling guilty, man, it accomplishes nothing."

"You sound like you know what you're talking about."

"I do, I do. When I first came to the Essex, I felt the same way. I... I let someone down... and it's something I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for. But the more Sieg and Amy and everyone on the Essex helped me, the more I saw that I had a place there. I help them as much as I can, and doing so makes me happy."

"I see," Amethyst says. "Maybe, well... What if I feel afraid of belonging to something? I lost myself once, and consequently I forgot that I once had a place I called home."

"You're afraid it'll happen again?" Asha asks.

The boy shakes his head. "No chance," he says confidently. "It will not happen again, not ever. I promised myself and Sieg. So it's not that I'm afraid I'll forget my home again. Maybe... it's that I still think of the home I left behind, before I allowed myself to be consumed by hate."

"So why not go back?"

He shakes his head again. "I can't. I don't belong there anymore. And even if they welcomed me back with open arms... my home is the Essex now. I have a purpose on that ship. More than a purpose; I have a destiny to fulfill. I believe that the Essex needs me as much as I need it. And I can't possibly let all the love all of you have shown me in this very short time I've been with you be for naught."

Asha smiles. "You see? It sounds like you've made up your mind."

"... Heh, I guess I have, haven't I?"

The girl nods. "C'mon, let's get these back to the ship. We have sightseeing to do!"

"We do?"

"Damn fucking right we do!"

Amethyst laughs, openly and genuinely. "Alright, then! Let's get to it!"

Thanks, Asha. For cheering me up.

I'll be strong. For Sieg, for myself... and for you.

As we continue walking, I can't help but notice how pretty Asha is--


You're eighteen, and she's, what, twelve or thirteen, tops? Even if you look the same age, you aren't!

Besides, from what I've gathered, young Asha here is madly in love with Sieg. So leave her be. She's your friend, and nothing more.

Pursue women your own damn age, like maybe Meander--nope, she's with Sonny. Amy? A possibility, though she seems very close with Sieg.

Damn! This is harder than I thought!

What about on the other ship, the Centauri? That Lemires girl is very sexy. Hmm... let's file her under "maybe." Vigor? Too young. Tealla?

Tealla, eh? Attractive, tough, smart... Yes, I can go for all of that!

Okay, it's decided! Whenever I think of Asha being cute, which she is STOP IT SYLVAN, I'll just picture Tealla instead!

Yes, that's it! You're young on the outside, but you're a man inside! No pedophilia for you, Sylvan!

"Um, are you okay?" Asha suddenly asks with her sweet, sweet voice. "You're sweating. Do you need to rest for a bit?"

"No, no, I'm fine!" I assure her, lying through my teeth. "Let's keep going!"

I sigh. Good one, brain. You're real funny, you know that?

HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 1348
Downtown Shawness

"Thanks, you two!" Galvanos says, bowing politely. "I think you've really helped me out! Listen, I owe you one, both of you. Anytime you need anything, let me know! Later!"

The girls wave as they and Galvanos part ways.

"That was dirty of you, Amy," Meander accuses. "You just used him as an excuse to change the subject. But now, we can return to it!"

The blue-haired girl turns, only to find her companion running off in the distance.

"I believe this is the part where Sieg would say 'you fucking bitch'," she sighs, shaking her head. "I wonder if she realizes that our rooms are about a ten second walk from one another..."

"I take it you're enjoying your meal?" Armen Stratos asks, cocking an eyebrow as his dining companion tears through his food most inelegantly.

"Yeah, this is some tasty shit!" Sieg Hyrem, said inelegant dining companion, says with a mouth full of food, shoveling an assortment of seafood dishes into his mouth, somehow not making a huge mess of himself.

"Indeed. And please, eat as much as you want; it's all on me!"

"Oh, I intend to--" Sieg suddenly notices a well dressed couple looking at him. "What!? Ain't y'all ever seen a man enjoying a fucking lobster before?"

"I have!" the lady exclaims before being shushed by her husband.

Armen laughs at the display. "Truly remarkable. Your conduct, I mean."

"Oh?" Sieg mutters with a mouth full of food. "And why's that?"

"Because we live in such a cruel world. A world where people make any excuse to gain at the expense of their fellow man. To be so lighthearted when you have seen so much of that cruelty is amazing."

Sieg downs a whole glass of water before continuing, putting aside his now finished plate. "It isn't as hard as you think, Armen. For as much of this so-called 'cruelty' that I've seen, I've witnessed just as much selflessness, valor, and courage. I've seen evil people change their ways, and good people do terrible things. Life is a precious thing that's always changing, just like people, and I won't spend it thinking of ways to control my fellow man in the hope of forcing a false peace."

Armen smirks. "Was that a shot just now?"


"Without any regard for consequence? I am an influential man, you know."


"That's why I like you, Sieg Hyrem," Armen compliments. "You aren't a coward."

"Flattery will get you nowhere, my good man. Now, you told me that you had some answers for me."

"Of course, of course. Ask me anything you wish."

"That's the plan. First of all, Amethyst. Or Sylvan Sorel. Or whatever it is you want to call him. Who is he?"

"He's a young lad with the dreaded Drain disease, born and raised in Sky Current. When he was still a small child, his parents visited Hyperion City and were killed in the Hyperion Incident. Sylvan, already feeling weak and helpless from his condition, sank into a deep depression. However, he became a target for the wandering essence called Amethyst. They couldn't fuse completely, though, for Sylvan kept his heart closed to outside influences. He gained Amethyst's power, but didn't completely merge with it. That's how the Wraith was able to possess him--"

"Did you have a hand in that?" Sieg interrupts.

"No. However, I knew that it was done, and could have stopped it, so I take full responsibility for it happening. If... he wants revenge, he may take it out on me."

"Noted. Continue."

"Very well. As I was saying, that's how the Wraith was able to possess him so easily. Amethyst is not 'designed' to exist separately from its host, you see. It is a collection of the thoughts and personalities of all its past hosts. Once it merges with someone, who must be suffering Drain, it becomes 'one' with that person until that host's death. Which, according to what I've discovered, doesn't happen for quite a long time; the lifespan of Amethyst's host is at least double any normal human being's."

Armen takes a sip of wine. "But I digress," the man continues. "Sylvan, not fully fused with Amethyst, held certain... evil desires, if you will. That Wraith that possessed him could only have done so if Sylvan allowed it. He did. With the powers of both the Wraith and Amethyst within his body, the boy became quite powerful. It seems, though, that he's finally conquered the demons within and fused with Amethyst completely, or so I hear. I wonder if he's as strong now as he was before?"

"I'm sure you'll find out soon enough," Sieg says, almost threateningly. "That Wraith that took over Sylvan's mind still puzzles me. How did it come to be?"

"That... I don't know," Armen answers. "It is, or rather was before you so efficiently dispatched it, a minion of one of my business partners."

"One of your 'business partners'?"

"Yes. His name is Gabriel. He's quite a fellow, real charmer. A little scary though--"

"What was the point of creating the Portal?" Sieg cuts in, right into his next question.

"... A common enemy."

"... A common enemy," he states simply.

I frown.

I thought as much. I suspected, since I met the man for the first time a month and a half ago, that Armen Stratos has been planning to introduce some great calamity to the world in the hopes of uniting Solstice's armies.

But... to go this far...

"You know that Portal may eventually be Solstice's demise, right?" I ask.

"I doubt that. There are too many obscenely powerful people here to let that happen."

"I told you before; flattery will get you nowhere."

He smiles that same smile of his, the fake one that looks so damned genuine. "As you wish. Any more questions?"

"Three more, actually. Firstly, those ships that looked like they were trying to stop the giant Rift. Yours?"

"No," he begins. "They belong to Atlas."

"Another business partner?"

"They most certainly are not. Atlas is an organization out to take over the world. They had strong ties with the Cruz Foundation of old, ties I promptly severed when I took my place as Cruz's head. True, we had... used them to finish our preparations for creating Portal, but it was never an official partnership."

"You deceived them."

"We did. And you should be careful, dear Sieg. Atlas knows much about both you and your sister, not to mention your respective ships and crews. Their plans for the giant Rift, plans that we triggered sooner than they wanted and bent to our whims, involved using some strange power they believe is contained within both you and Tealla."

"I see. Secondly, what does Chrysalis have to do with all of this?"

"We had Sylvan installed as their 'leader' or sorts, and the majority of them are in hiding, as far as I know."

"They would be," I comment, "after they became your scapegoat. Though I do appreciate you leaving Sylvan's name out of it all."

"You may see me as an enemy, Sieg Hyrem," Armen says with conviction and purpose, "but I see you as a friend. You are an honorable man, a type of human being that is scarce in this day and age. As for Sylvan... he deserves a second chance. I see no need to tarnish his name. Let him make whatever he wants out of himself, free of the Wraith's influence."

"I thank you for that," I say. "I mean it, too. Thank you. But I won't stand idly by as you--"

"No thanks, I'll just get the bill please," Armen tells the waiter. "Sorry about that, Sieg. I believe you had one more question?"

"I do," I confirm, standing up. "If you and I went one-on-one right now, no holding back... would I win?"

He smiles again. Bastard.

After giving it some serious thought...

"No, you would not," he answers. "I'm out of practice, but more than your match."

"That's what I thought," I respond, stretching. "That's all my questions! Thanks for lunch. We'll be in touch. I promise."

"You can't stop us, Sieg," Armen says. It is neither a threat nor a warning. He's stating it as if it were unavoidable fact.

I put my hands on the table, staring the man down.

"Nothing motivates me more than being told that I can't do something," I tell him.

"Daddy, will you still have to kill him?"

"Yes, my dear. Probably."

"Do you want me to do it?"

"No, no, that's okay. I have my own plans for Sieg..."

HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 1407
Downtown Shawness

Well, that was an easy job. Mission accomplished.

"Did you manage to catch everything?" I ask my client.

A portly man--not obese by any means, but definitely heavy--stands with some wacky mix of style and pride. Along with a "hip hop pair of funky shades," which I assume is street slang for "nice sunglasses," and a blue bandana, tied at the forehead and leaving his very short hair revealed, he wears a simple white T-shirt with a black leather vest on top along with a pair of blue jeans. He stands at about five-foot-eight, and when you get by the rather unusual attire, he can be quite the intimidating man.

If you get past the attire, that is...

"Hey! Who you be talkin' at?" the man, none other Supafly, wandering shop-ship merchant extraordinaire, barks. "I be catchin' and hatchin', plottin' and bloggin', dig!"

"That's cool," I answer, pretty sure that he just said "yes."

"Man, that guy needs a swift kick to the nuts," Supafly explains, making a kicking motion with his leg. "Makin' Rifts and helpin' Wraiths take over minds 'n' shit! It ain't right!"

"I agree wholeheartedly, but I have to ask: why did you want to know all this?"

"I'm a b'ness man, Sieg," he explains, "but I ain't no monster, and I ain't workin' for no damn monsters, neither. Stratos-man and his Cruz bullshit can kiss this Fly's ass from now on!"

"I can respect that. So, in addition to sending this to my ship's databanks, can you send it to the Centauri as well?"

"Supafly can dig that! No problemo!"

"Now, about my payment..." I say slyly, eyeing the three young ladies accompanying Supafly. Very hot women, I think, all of them dressed in a gray uniform-like outfit. Each one has a snug, long-sleeved top, with a matching short skirt... oh, yeah, baby, I like where this train of thought is going! "I think I'll take them--"

"AW no no no no no no NO!!!" the man exclaims. "First, you be owin' da Fly for bailin' you and yer sis out of major freakin' trouble! Second, I ain't no pimpin'! The Homie-D Honeys ain't into that gig!"

"I don't know about that," the first of the three rather attractive girls says in a sultry tone. This one is Annette Eagle, Supafly's right-hand woman, a fair figured five-foot-six red-haired beauty. "I've always thought that the 'Crimson Edge' Sieg Hyrem was rather cute!"

"I must agree," the second one, Violet McNeal, adds. She's the shortest of the three, standing at a petite five feet. Her's is an air of cuteness, what with her long purple hair and her strangely seductive low monotone voice. "He is a very attractive man--"

"HE'S FREAKING HOT!!!" the final girl, Ellen Samson, interrupts. I think I like her the best. She's tall; I'd say she's an inch shy of six feet. And she's blonde, too, her lovely hair falling to her shoulder blades. "LET'S RENT A HOTEL ROOM!!!"

"I sez NO, ya damn horn-dogs!" Supafly bellows, before shooting me an angry glare. "Don't you be givin' my Homie-D Honeys no wacko jacko ideas, a'ight?"

"Alright, alright, I'm only kidding," I concede, hands up in defeat. "No payment necessary; this one's just repaying a favor to a friend."

"Daz good," he says, nodding as he turns away. "Mah Honeys, we's is gots to go!"

"Bye, Sieg!" Annette says sweetly, winking as she walks away.

Damn. Missed a good three-way there. Damn Supafly and his "morals." I have to remember to punch him in the back of the head one of these days. With my gun.

Oh well. I think I did good work today.

Armen Stratos...

I remember the letter you sent me back when you wanted me to attend Phoenix Station's grand opening.

"But, from one victim to another," I think aloud, reciting a phrase in said letter that stood out, "let me assure you that under my guidance, the name of Cruz Foundation will become synonymous with peace."

From one victim to another, eh?

That's funny. If I recall correctly, Mr. Stratos, you've killed more people than you can ever count...

... And so have I...

And yet, you call yourself a victim. You call me a victim.

How... peculiar...

HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 1409
Rural Rhegos, Far Outside Shawness City Limits

His name is Willis Cornell.

Heir to a legacy he never wanted, and witness to a terrible secret that shattered his youth, he seeks out the one remnant of his past life. He senses his brother nearby, and waits.

He stands patiently, monitoring his TPC for activity. Straightening his black shirt and pants, and slightly adjusting the visor-headdress ensemble called HELM, his blue hair blows about in the wind and occasionally over his emerald eyes.

At five feet and six inches, with a skinny, unassuming frame, Willis doesn't put too much thought into his physical appearance. Neither fashion nor trend affects this young man, even when he is trying to impress a girl. He is stubborn in this regard, insistent that appearance is merely a superficial thing that simply doesn't matter in the grand scheme of it all.

Another set of beeps from the TPC... his target is nearby. And said target is with someone. He sees them both on a hover skiff, several stories above ground.

Willis pulls out a small disc-shaped gadget, presses a button on it, and simply drops it. Before it can hit the ground, the disc floats, and with surprising speed heads towards the skiff.

It catches up to the craft within a few brief seconds, latching onto the frame. About half a second later, it explodes, sending the hover skiff into a downward spiral as its passengers jump off of it.

The skiff lands with another explosion. Its cargo, the man known as Celestial Knight and his student, the young woman called Circular, land safely, using aether bubbles to soften the shock of the fall.

"BART!!!" Willis screams, running up to the two of them.

"Well, I must say, this is a surprise," Celestial Knight says, a smile creeping up to his face. "Little brother, it's been ages! And you remembered to blow up my ride, too! How touching."

"Can the bullshit, Bart," Willis spits, assuming a fighting stance.

"... Or what, Willis?" Celestial Knight says both tauntingly and threateningly. "What will you do? Will you kill me? Maybe you'll report me the way you did mom and dad?"

Willis doesn't move as Celestial Knight, also known as Bart Cornell, Willis's older brother, helps Circular to her feat.

"I visited mother and father in jail, by the way," Bart says angrily. "You know, despite the fact that you knowingly put them behind bars, they always ask how you are. Despite the fact that you haven't seen them since that fateful day, not bothering to visit them even once in prison, they ask of you, hoping to the heavens that you, little brother, are alright."

Willis stands his ground.

"And now you're here to do... what, exactly?" Bart continues. "Are you here to play the hero, and stop my 'evil ambitions'? Are you here to watch me suffer further, as every plan I've conceived to get our parents out of jail fails miserably?"

Willis finally speaks. "I'm here, Bart... because I have to be. I can't let you or our parents do the things you've been doing. It's wrong."

"And I suppose what your precious Sieg Hyrem does is right, yes?" Bart says vengefully. "Tell me, Willis, how many people have you personally seen him murder?"

"He only does so in self defense--"

"Tell that to the families of his victims," Bart interjects, walking around his younger brother. "Tell that to the families of the Cruz Foundation soldiers he has killed throughout the years. Tell that to the members of every organization, every military power, every faction that has dared cross his path. Tell all of them, you foolish, ugly child, that Sieg Hyrem killed 'in self defense'. Tell them that you, too, have killed alongside him 'in self defense'. I dare you to."

"Enough!!!" Willis yells, breathing heavily. "This isn't about Sieg, Bart! This is Cornell business!"

"No, you little fool. As always, you fail to see the beauty of this little situation. This is about so much more than just you and me, more than just mother and father."

Beads of sweat run down Willis's face.

"It isn't too late, my brother," Celestial Knight says invitingly. "Come with me. Abandon that stupid warship and its unattractive crew. Let's go see mom and dad! Let them see that you're alright! Apologize to them, and help me set them free! We can be a family again!--"

"I ALREADY HAVE A FAMILY!!!" Willis screams, throwing a punch at Bart, who barely dodges the attack.

"DON'T ATTACK MY MASTER!!!" Circular roars, discharging a large blast of white aether in Willis's direction.

"CIRCULAR, NO!" Bart cries, his eyes widening.

Whoa! Amazing! That aether blast was something else!

I... I should be dead! But... I'm still alive!

What happened--

Big brother?

"BART!" I yell, seeing him kneeling before me.

He... he took the hit! He took it for me!

"MASTER!" the girl screeches, tending to her fallen guardian. "I'm sorry, master! I didn't mean to!"

"I am... alright, my student," Bart says. "Do not worry."

I... oh, god... what do I say now?

What the hell do I say now?

"I think it's time we part ways once more, little brother," he says, now being supported by the girl. "Do NOT follow me. Next time, I won't stop her."

I stand there as the two hobble away.

... Bart... am I the one who's wrong, here?

HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 1902
Waterfront Marketplace, Shawness

"Hey, sis."

"Hey, Sieg."

"Mind if I join you?"


The two lean against a guardrail, watching the infinite ocean.

"What brings you to Shawness?"

"A job that didn't work out. My contact chickened out. So I ended up babysitting one Asha Hendrik all damn day."

"Hope she didn't cause you too much grief."

"Nah, just a broken window or two. No biggie."

"That's cool."

"What about you?"

"A job that DID work out."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yup. Tealla, how'd you like a recorded confession made by one Armen Stratos?"

"Hmm... What, exactly, is he confessing?"

"Pretty much his mad plan to unite all of Solstice's armies against a common foe, namely Chrysalis and 'their' Portal. Oh, and that he was directly involved with Portal's creation."

"Sounds interesting."

"Thought you'd say that. Our mutual pal Supafly will be transmitting it to your ship sometime today. It's probably already done, actually."

"How thoughtful of you. But you know, Sieg, Armen Stratos confessing his involvement so freely sounds real fishy to me."

"I agree. He's planning something, that's for sure, and he chose his words very carefully today. Still, even if it's only a half-truth, it's a valuable piece of intelligence."

"... You know, he survived the Hyperion Incident."

"... Who? Armen Stratos!?"

"Yes. He told me back on Phoenix Station."

The man laughs. "And then there were three."

The woman smiles. "So... do you think there are any more?"



"No idea."

"There's... a lot we don't know about what happened, isn't there?"


Tealla looks at her brother, admiring for a moment the man's thoughtful expression.

She thinks of how he enjoys so many aspects of the sea. The food, the air, the simple view...

How ironic that he syncs more with fire aether than the water or wind types. Though, he can use just about any type decently enough, and often does so when the two of them spar. She thinks of how that is both his strength... and his downfall. Certainly he knows enough utilitarian chants to get himself out of many a precarious situation... but in a head-on fight, he relies more on trickery than actual ability--

No, no, no Tealla. That's dangerous thinking. And probably exactly what brother dearest wants you to think, too.

Don't think I didn't notice it, Sieg. How much you're hiding from me. Don't think I can't tell just how much you hold back. Don't think I buy your act that you're surprised whenever I show you what I'm capable of; you know me well enough not to be shocked by it all.

One day, little brother... we'll have to fight for real. No interruptions, no holding back, no worrying about injury or death.

"Hey, big sis," Sieg says. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I reply. "What is it?"

"Do you know anyone named Gabriel?"

"Hmm? What's wrong, Tealla?" I ask as my sister's expression changes.

"N... Nothing," she stutters. "No, I don't know anyone named... named 'Gabriel'. Don't ask me that again. I'll kick your ass if you do."

And, with that, she walks away. She tries masking her anger from me, but I read it plain as day.

Well, Tealla, it's very clear that you know exactly who I'm talking about. Whoever this "Gabriel" is, he certainly has some effect on you. An old friend? A former lover?

Damn, I shouldn't have thought about it for so long. Now I want to know! So, sister, how am I going to make you tell me?

I'll think about it later. I better get back to the Essex.

HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 2227
The Essex, Heading Away from Shawness

And... that about does it!

Everyone's gifts are all wrapped up!

I yawn, suddenly tired. Think I'll call it a night.

Man, Sylvan sure knows a lot about Shawness; he showed me so many things today! The parks, the mountains, the waterfront... It was quite a day!

I still don't like the people, though. They take for granted what a beautiful city they live in. But that's okay. I'll be sure to appreciate what I saw and did today, and I'll be visiting again in the future.

HSD - 232 - 07 - 08 - 1100
The Essex's Lounge

Asha yawns, one hand over her mouth and another carrying a bag of wrapped gifts she purchased the day prior.

Hunger and thirst command her body now as she heads towards the nearest source of food and drink, unawares that something is waiting for her on the other side of the door she's about to open--

"SURPRISE!!!" they all yell as the girl enters the lounge.

"Wh-- What?" Asha murmurs.

"I think this time last year was the first time you set foot on my fair ship!" Sieg announces. "Remind me; how much of my food have you eaten?"

"Oh, Sieg, knock it off!" Amy says, laughing. "Happy anniversary, Asha!"

The girl stands at the door, still seemingly in shock.

"Heh, the kid has no idea what to say!" Sonny jokes. "C'mon, Asha! Give us a speech or something!"

"Yes, please speak your mind!" Meander adds.

Asha lifts her head, smiling a tearful smile.

"I love you all so much!" she manages before breaking down, sobbing as Amy steps forward to comfort her.

"You got us gifts!?" Sieg exclaims, surprised. "The hell!? That's OUR job!!!"

"Yeah, what gives?" Willis says. "Now I'm going to feel all guilty!"

"Live with it," Asha insists as she hands out packages.

They exchange their gifts for a while, opening them, each happy with what they've received.

"SWEET!!!" Sieg shouts, playing with the dolls fashioned after himself and his sister. "Now I can beat the crap out of Tealla in my very own room! Take that, vile sister!"

As the mighty leader of the renowned airship Essex continues to... play make-believe with dollies, ramming the Sieg doll's hand into the Tealla doll's head repeatedly, Asha approaches Amethyst, gift in hand.

"I didn't forget you, Sylvan," she says, handing him the present.

"Me neither, Asha," he returns, giving one back. "Happy anniversary."

--== EPISODE 10... END.