Fan Fiction ❯ Akuen ❯ Unintentional Encounter ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or anything associated.

Author's notes: The story begins in Sora's POV, he's writing in his journal.


May 04, 2001 Friday

My philosophy is shoot or be shot. In this case, though, it's more like dance or be shot. Well, maybe not shot.. more like beaten, thrown out, and starved. Yes, you've probably guessed it by now. I'm a hooker. Hooker, Prostitute, Pole/Table Dancer, Whore, whatever you want to call me, I've probably either done it before or am now. My name's Sora, though, I'm not usually called by it. More often than not it's bitch, hey you, baby, or gorgeous.

I'm supposedly one of (1)Haradatashii's best, so I get overworked. I get handed out to any fool that wants me, if he'll pay enough. I don't have anywhere else to go, though, so I put up with it. I get paid and fed, and that's enough for me. Why don't I have anywhere else to go? Well.. that's not important. The only important thing is to make sure Haradatashii is pleased with my work. If I don't bring in enough money, I don't get fed. Or I sleep on the street that night. It depends on his mood, I guess.

Tonight's been an easy night so far, and the only thing I have planned is a show at 7. Squall and and Cloud have been gone all night.. and Aerith is on stage at the moment, so I really have nothing to do. But if Haradatashii caught me writing, he'd probably yell at me and tell me to get 'my slutty ass' back out there. Usually on my off time like this, I'll talk to Cloud. Cloud and I.. we're really close friends. I guess Cloud and Selphie are the only people I can call friends. Cloud and I have been through a lot, and Selphie has been there for me.. a lot. I'm suprised she still hangs around. No, she's not a hooker as well, she's a bartender. She works at the bar at the Asobiba, and she has as long as I've known her. The Asobiba is where I work. Well, it's where I work because it's where Haradatashii gets the best business. Selphie's not too impressed with him, she doesn't understand why I don't just work for someone else, or get a job doing something else.

And I don't really know why I don't. I guess it's because this is the only lifestyle I've ever known. Ever since he found me on the streets, I've always agreed to everything he's asked, rather, demanded of me. I figured I owe it to him, for rescuing me. But now.. I'm not so sure. Did he really rescue me or just pull me farther into hell?

He found me when I was around 12. And I've been his ever since then, now that I'm 15. I'm not legal yet, but as long as no one knows how old I am, then it's okay. And if anyone finds out, I'm the one who has to pay. So if anyone does ask, I just tell them I'm 18. They usually don't question any further, and those that do just don't get anything from me.

Oh.. Aerith's back. It must be seven..



The young bruentte boy pushed his chair back, the wooden legs scraping against the tile floor. He closed the book quietly, and dropped the white pen in a container on the edge of the desk.

"Sora? You're up in five minutes.." A girl's voice said behind him.

"Okay, Aerith. Thanks." He turned, and nodded at her, his brown hair falling into his eyes. The girl smiled, waving a feminine hand dismissively.

"Are you okay? You seem kind of out of it.." She inquired, tilting her head.

"Yeah.. I'll be all right." Sora shrugged the question off, lifting his head and smiling.

"If you say so.." She winked and pulled him into a quick hug. "Remember.. if you need anyone to talk to.. I'll be here." She whispered by his ear, before pulling away and walking out of the room, her red high heels clicking against the squared tiles.

Sora sighed, his shoulders lifting and sinking back down. He reached down to the old wooden chair he'd been previously sitting in, and grabbed his sequined overcoat. Haradatashii said that since he had the figure and face of a 'bitch' that he was their bestselling boy, and for that, he got a scheduled pole dance show every Tuesday and Friday at seven.

So here he was, a Friday afternoon, at seven, getting ready for another show. He'd been doing this for a year now, he even had regulars. He wasn't sure if this was something to be proud of or disgusted by, he hadn't ever really given it thought.

He brushed past a rack of coats, dropping the leatherbound book in his bag on the way out. Haradatashii smiled at him from a corner, raising a glass of liquor in front of him. He wasn't really all that bad of a guy, unless you didn't get his money in on time, or didn't get a good amount in. Sora had only failed to bring money once, and was slapped around and left outside for the night for it. But the next morning, he'd come back out and allowed him to come back, talking and offering drinks as if nothing had happened. That's when Sora learned that he never got attached to his whores, and worked twice as hard. Afterall, he didn't want to be left on the street if he'd started falling behind..

He stepped onto the stage, his platformed high heels dropping heavily onto the marbled floor. He smiled seductively at the people gathered around the stage, winking and slipping the sequined material from his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor around his feet. He carfully stepped out of it, making his way slowly to the pole at the edge of the stage.

Deroggative shouts and whistles came from the mass of people, yelling for him to 'take it off' or 'give them some of that ass', but he'd delt with crowds of these type of people before, and knew how to handle them. Which was either give them what they wanted or flash one of his innocent smiles that drove most of them mad.

He reached out a small hand, grasping the cold metal and pulling himself up to it, raising a fishnetted leg to rub against it. His left hand wandered up the pole, grasping it and pulling himself up, hooking a leg around the bar and leaning back. His back arched and his hair fell around his face, as he held onto the bar with both hands, one leg hooked around it and the other on the floor. He scanned the crowd, smiling, and caught the gaze of a silverhaired boy, who was standing by a wall, trying despiritely not to watch him. He looked away as soon as Sora caught his eyes.

His smile dropped as he pulled himself back up, setting his foot back down on the floor.


He didn't know why he was here. His friend had told him it was a great place, and him being as sheltered as he was couldn't comprehend the meaning behind 'Asobiba'. He didn't want to go anywhere, he was perfectly happy at home, reading a book..

Okay, so he wasn't. Home was boring. There was nothing to do, nowhere to go.. but, still. This wasn't exactly his idea of fun.

Green eyes glanced up from the floor, only to be caught by a bright blue gaze. He immidately looked away, and instead, studied the ground. What would his father think if he was caught in a place like this? That thought made him shiver. He didn't want his father to think badly of him, bastard he may be. He hugged himself, pushing back farther into the corner. But, his friend would think he'd wimped out if he left minutes after he got here.

He could always call his Chaufer.. the weight his cellphone was pressing against his stomach, sitting quietly in his front pocket, switched off. His friend had told him to turn it off, and only turn it on when he was outside.

He risked another glance again, watching transfixed as the brunette boy swung around the pole, every seductive movement making him want to steal him and take him somewhere.. very, very private..

He shook his head, closing his eyes. Staring at the comforting deep red of the inside of his eyelids, he let out a gust of breath. There was a sharp jolt at his shoulder, and his eyes flew open, just as he was pushed again. He narrowed his eyes, trying to back away from the people that had unintentionally pushed him into the crowd of people, but he was just pushed forward. Some people stopped and grinned at him, smacking his backside and making comments on how cute he was.

A disgusted huff left his mouth as he sneered, pushing his hands into his pocket, feeling around for his phone. His eyes widened as he felt nothing but the empty inside of his jacket. As he was about to turn and search, he was pushed again, arms flailing as he fell backwards. His back hit someone else's and they moved, and he flailed more for balance, falling into another person.

This ballet act continued until he was dropped by the edge of the stage, people pushing and shoving as a high heeled shoe dropped down on the tile in front of his face. He slowly lifted his head, eyes wandering up the person's body until he met their eyes, the same blue depths he'd shied away from earlier.

A hand from a nearby person reached out and grabbed the boy's ankle, and the stripper frowned, shaking his foot irritatedly. The person sneered and ran a finger up his leg, grinning when the brunette pulled away, stumbling over and falling off the stage.

The silverhaired boy held his arms out on reflex, catching the smaller boy in his arms.


(1): Haradatashii means irritating in Japanese, I renamed Donald, because Donald is a stupid name and I REALLY don't feel like getting sued by them for using his name. ~_~ (and I think Donald's voice is utterly irritating, so it fits..) And in this fic, Donald and Goofy are both in a humanlike form, because I can't imagine a duck pimping Sora. I used a picture that I found a URL to in a review.. ( valhalla. morethanart. org/ w2180/ ruaki/ g19. htm You have to copy and paste, and I had to space it out because apperantly doesn't like urls..)So that's what I imagine them looking like in this fic. .. Thanks to the person who left the url, I can't remember who I got it from. If you recognize it, and you're the one who left it, I'll give you credit..

Also, Inu means dog. And Inu in this story is Goofy.. I renamed him as well.. for the copyright laws and.. I think Goofy is a dumb name for a cool- looking character.. and no, I'm not referring to the Goofy from KH when I say cool-looking, I'm referring to the trinity picture. You'll see Inu later, but he doesn't play a major role or anything.