Fan Fiction ❯ Already Dead ❯ Already Dead ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter or any of its characters. Don't own anything…wish I did though. Don't sue…I would like to keep what little money I have.

Take, Take a look behind you
A little look inside you
All you've known has gone up and down

Remus is the only one left of the Marauders. Peter turned traitorous, James killed and Sirius presumably dead. Himself slowly wasting away. The friends he had grown up with. All of them just gone. Taken away from him.

And break, I'm just a little bit angry
Just a little bit angry

He hated everyone. Why was everyone else allowed to live. Why not James. Why not Sirius. Why couldn't Peter turn back?

All I've got is this shell, I've found
I know, How long
Until you all fall down
All I've got is dead

You're not effective Is all I'm fed
All I've got is dead

He was of no use. He wasn't even really important to the order. It had all seemed so perfect before. Then everything was gone and he was all that was left. He might as well be dead.

So for the time I'll live in my head
Look, Look at those who have told you
Those who have sold you
Pretend they're on higher ground
Burn, I say, Burn those that scold you

Whenever anyone looked at him they would see someone grieving. Not someone dying inside. He hated those that lived in his friends' place. He wished they would die or that he could join the dead.

It was those before you
Who created this hell I've found
I know, How long
Until you all fall down
All I've got is dead
You're not effective is all I'm fed
All I've got is dead

All the faces around him turned treacherous. Everyone was against him and waited for him to die. Why shouldn't he just do them all and himself a favor and die?

So for the time I'll live in my head
From the time you get up, until the time you lay cold
Till the time you wake up in your life
You're already old
Does a life that breathes, Take time to heal your head

It doesn't matter 'cause you're already dead

He missed them too much. He had nothing in the world; trapped in his head. He's dead.