Fan Fiction ❯ An Alien Ate My... ❯ The Choice ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: The line "Doesn't this just beat all..." is a copyrighted line owned by Rei of Breath of Fire III from Capcom, and is used without permission.
Claimer ^_^ : This story and all affiliated characters are owned by me, so please don't use them without my consent (if you want to use them, mail me and we'll see...) All names were chosen randomly and any similarities are completely incidental.

An Alien Ate My...

Chapter 4: The Choice

Lena slumped herself around Cross' limping penis. She just had the day's session. She's grateful to Cross, but her mind is somewhere else. She felt rather guilty to be receiving nutrients and nearing her Geantoid stage while another Suraimu was in her weakest state. She then thought of something. "Cross,"
Cross, who was still breathing hard, hummed.
"I'm going to ask you for permission to do something."
Cross regulated his breathing, then sat up. Looking at the nearly all light brown blob between his legs. "What's the matter, Lena?" he asked.
Lena silenced before continuing. "I...I want to share my energy with Jun."
Cross smiled. "What's wrong with that? It's good to share."
Lena looked up to him. "But I..." She looked back down. "We will then have our energy levels on par. I...I would return to my child stage of growth. The stage when you found me..."
Cross' smile didn't fade at all. He took Lena into her arms, laid back onto his bed and put her on his chest. "Why should you have my permission? What are you afraid of?"
"I'm afraid you won't let me...I grew to this stage using your speiro-oil, and now I'm going to give it away..."
Cross chuckled. "Boy, you really value this oil, huh? Should I remind you again, my body excess it regularly. And it will stay that way until I'm old."
Lena stared into Cross' eyes. "There's something else...If I do this, my life-span may not be enough for me to get into my Geantoid stage, let alone experience it long enough..."
Cross silenced.
"You do know that my age has nothing to do with my growth stages?"
Cross shook his head slowly. "No, you never told me."
Lena looked away. "I'm sorry...I really want to show you my Geantoid stage before I...die...They say it's the most beautiful form of a Suraimu..." Then a portion of Lena's face under her eyes turned a bit brighter. She seemed to be blushing.
Cross tapped Lena's top softly, then slid his finger to her side. "You sound like you're going to die some time soon."
"I am..."

Lena positioned herself next to a shaking Jun. They were facing each other. "Ready, Jun?"
Jun, though still shaking, nodded.
The Suraimus closed their eyes. Both Cross and Bart watched with anxious expressions. May was there too, but her expression was curious. Then both Lena and Jun turned totally translucent. The crystal clear blobs then rose about half an inch before joining into one big blob.
"Whoa..." Bart's comment totally summarized the Cross and May's thoughts.
The combined blob glowed a bright halo of silver. Cross, May, and Bart shielded their eyes from the blinding light. When the light diminished, they returned their sight to the desk and gasped. On it were two almost identical blobs. The only differences were their eyes and size. Lena, the blue-eyed blob, was only slightly bigger than Jun, the green-eyed one. They were of the same transparent shade as Lena when Cross first found her, but Jun was semi-translucent blue.
"I assume the operation went well?" Cross asked.
"Yes, we're now share the same level of energy." Lena replied.
"Thank you, Cross." A different 'voice' said. "Thank you for letting Lena do this."
"You're welcome, Jun." Cross said, smiling. Then, grinning at Bart, "And don't you waste her, okay?"
Bart turned to him, a streak of horror on his face. "W-What do you mean?"
Cross frowned. "Well, Jun's staying with you now."
Bart gulped. "B-But I thought I only have to revive her."
"I can't possibly support two Suraimus, Bart." Cross sighed. "What do you think I am?"
"W-Well, I..." Bart was at a loss of words. He turned to May for support, but found her stare agreeing with Cross.
"Excuse me," Jun said, bouncing towards them on the table. "If it's too much, I'm alright without speiro-oil..."
Everyone turned to her, including Lena. "Jun..."
"Suraimus only need speiro-oil to grow. I...I can survive as long as I'm under your sun. I...I've gotten used to rely on it alone anyway..." Her 'voice' weakened as she said the line.
"Gotten used to...?" Cross gulped. "You mean...that man...he never gave you...?"
May choked. She took Jun into her arms. "Poor you..." she sighed into her.
Cross choked. "B-But that...You don't have his DNA..."
Lena's eyes widened. "S-So you...make an energy transfer without DNA help...?"
Cross gulped. "Doesn't this just beat all..."
"Jun, are you sure...? You...don't you want to grow to your Geantoid stage? You don't have to do anymore energy transfers."
"I don't have to...We don't have to..."
"But...but...don't you want to...?"
"You...You're going against our ways...?"
"There aren't any ways!" Jun exclaimed, jumping to face Lena. "We're not in Kenkyuusho anymore! There aren't even much of us anymore! Why should we?"
"Because it's our purpose of living! We live to develop into our Geantoid stage!"
"No, we don't..." Jun sighed. Her eyes turned to stare the desk below her. "We don't have to..."
"Stop it, you two." Cross said at last, stopping the blobs' argument.
"Cross..." Lena began, but Cross raised his hand.
"Lena, if she don't want to continue her growth, don't you think you should appreciate her decision?"
"Lena, I'm grateful that you gave me your energy for me to continue my life, but..." Jun caught Bart's face on the corner of her eye. "I don't want to be a burden to anyone."
"You're never a burden, Jun." Bart said.
"And you'll never be one." May added.
Jun silenced, then snuck herself into May's hug. "Thank you. I really thought you mind."
"Mind?" Cross asked.
"I thought I'm reducing May's speiro-oil portion."
Lena blinked. "But humans don't need speiro-oil."
Jun turned to her. "But..."
"Yes, that's enough, Jun." May quickly said, squeezing Jun in her hug, somehow stopping her 'speech'. Jun has no idea why she told her to shut up, but she closed her eyes and snuck herself into May again anyway.
Cross gave Bart and May a side look. "What exactly did you do last night to feed her, Bart?" Not exactly expecting such a response, Cross raised an eyebrow at the sight of Bart and May falling into a deep blush. "Forget it..." he waved.
"So, you really want to be just a shoujo?"
Jun turned to Lena. "Yeah, I'm fine this way..."
Cross smiled. After a short silence, he clapped. "Well, now that it's all settled," he started, "all we need is a little explanation. Lena, what is Kenkyuusho and what is a shoujo?"
"Kenkyuusho is where we come from. And shoujo is the name of the stage of growth we are now." Lena explained.
"Great, now we know more of you." Cross said. He then proceeded carefully. "Now, we'll need to know whether are there more of you."
Lena blinked. Her eyes turned to Jun, full of hope.
Jun slumped a bit. "You're also alone...?"

Cross sighed. Bart and May had gone with Jun. Lena was silently watching the stars on Cross' desk. Cross stared at her with remorseful eyes. She had finally met another Suraimu but she still found out that they're alone. Cross tried to assure her that another survivor mean that there will be other survivors, but she just did that smile with her eyes. Cross knew she now had little hope, and he had no way of convincing her.
"Lena, why don't you come here and have your day's portion?" Cross asked as he laid back onto his bed.
Lena bounced towards the edge of the desk closest to Cross' bed. "I don't know, Cross..." she said. "I feel kinda guilty to develop while Jun doesn't."
"It's her choice." Cross said, sitting up and turning to her.
"I know..." Lena said, looking down.
Cross took Lena into his hands and held her in front of his face. "So, you're saying you don't want to develop as well?"
"It's not that..." Lena avoided Cross' stare. "Besides, I may not live long enough to get to my Geantoid stage anyway."
"So you're giving up?"
Lena didn't reply.
Cross pulled her nearer and kissed her on her side. "Why don't you at least try?"
She turned to him.
"At least try, okay?" Cross whispered to her. "For me?"
Lena's eyes filled with what seemed to be tears. "Alright." she said. "You've always been good to me, and...I suppose I'd better return it."
Cross smiled. He then kissed her again before locating her on his belly. He took off his trousers and laid back onto his bed.

Bart dropped himself onto his chair. He was alone in the classroom, but that changed pretty soon as May entered. Bart turned to her and blushed a bit, as with her. "Hi," he greeted.
"Hi, Bart." May replied. She took the seat next to him. Then, leaning a bit to him, she whispered, "How's Jun?"
"She's better." Bart replied. "Can't believe she refused when I offered her some speiro..."
May slapped her slightly on the shoulders. "You offered her?"
"What's wrong with that?" Bart asked her, his eyebrows raised a bit. "Afraid that you won't have enough for yourself?"
May fell into a deep blush. "Stop that!" she hissed, smiling sheepishly.
"Hi, guys." Cross greeted cheerfully as he entered the class. "How's life?"
"Pretty much fun without you." Bart replied with a smirk.
Cross smirked back as he put his bag on his desk. Then, lowering his voice, he asked, "How's Jun?"
Bart developed a slight smile. "She's fine. Still refusing to develop, though." he said.
They stopped their conversation as their classmates started to flood the room. Then, closely following the bell, entered a man into the room. His energetic posture covers his totally white hair and age of over 60. His small, round glasses added to his wisdom. "Ladies and Gentlemen," he began. "Let us start our session for today. Small Biology recap!" he exclaimed, drawing groans from the whole class.
"Oh, man..." Bart sighed. "I haven't read a single word!"
"Hmm," Cross hummed, looking as usual. "You know Mr. B likes to have pop quizzes. Study a bit, will you?" he shook his head.
"Okay, now." Mr. B started, opening a huge, thick book. "The scope of this little quiz is unlimited." Again, groans were heard. "Alright. those who can answer me will get extra credit for this subject."
Bart's head slid onto his desk with a groan. He didn't feel the need to hear the questions. He wouldn't be able to answer them anyway.
"Growth." Mr. B started, "is triggered most by what? Ms. Canny?" he asked as he gestured his head to a blonde girl raising her hand.
"Carbohydrate." she replied.
Mr. B shook his head. "No, that's for energy. Growth is more than just having enough energy to live on. Mr. Loire?"
"Um, protein?"
Mr. B smiled. "That's right." he said as he wrote something on a piece of paper on his desk. "Next,..."
But Cross didn't hear the next question. He was exploring his mind. 'Protein...growth...?'
"Very good." Mr. B congratulate a girl as he wrote on his piece of paper. "OK, here's a question. Any organism ceases to live without food. Sperm," he paused a moment to admire the blushes on the girls' face, "has no food once it goes out of the body. How does it survive long enough to inseminate an egg?"
"Ah..." a young man next to Cross got his attention as he repeatedly snapped his finger. "I read about that somewhere...dammit...what is it...Someone, same one, cement..."
Cross raised an eyebrow. "Semen."
Mr. B turned to him. "What's that?"
Cross quickly turned his vision to the asking teacher. "Uh, semen, Mr. B." he replied.
"That's it...!" the young man sighed.
Mr. B nodded. "That's right. Semen. The white, slimy, sticky thing if you've seen it before." He smiled wider as the blushes on the girls' faces grew deeper. "Yes, I'm sure you've seen it. Now, why is that?"
Cross' face showed comprehension. "Because semen contains a deep concentration of protein...!"
Mr. B nodded again and again. "Good. Someone's been doing their homework." he said. "Although I wonder...Tell me, Cross." he said as he sat on his desk. "Why is that you're only good whenever I ask about sex, sperm, and such?"
The class fell into a fit of laughter as Cross blushed. It's not his fault that he knew more about that stuff than the average person. Well, even the knowledge he had from his abandoned stargazing hobby was still above average. Luckily, he had something in his mind to busy his thoughts and ignore the embarrassment. 'Protein...growth...sperm...semen...protein...Lena...' his thoughts revolve around the same words. He finally reached his conclusion by the time the bell rings for lunch.

"So, it's not the sperm?" Bart asked as he, Cross, and May sat down for lunch.
"My God, can you not talk about that while we're eating?" May said with a disgusted face.
Cross nodded eagerly. "Yes. See, she's growing. Growing requires protein. Protein is in semen. It all fits. She didn't actually need it all, just the protein!"
May rolled her eyes. "Fine, great. Now can we stop talking about that? I'm trying to eat here."
"You can eat over there if you like, May." Bart said, then to Cross, "That means we can develop them both without having it with them, is that what you're trying to say?"
May blinked at Bart's last sentence. She didn't take her food to the other table.
Cross nodded. "That's right." he said. Then, looking a bit downcast, "But we would need a great amount of protein to emulate the concentration in semen." he said. "Where are going to get it from?"
"Yolk?" Bart suggested.
"Not enough." Cross shook his head. "And we can't go around buying eggs just to get the yolk."
"Hey, I think I know how." May said. Her eyes were looking up, signaling that she was trying to remember something. "My mom drinks this protein drink everyday. It's in the form of powder. All you need is to add water."
"Maybe we can use this to help them develop." Cross said.
"Even Jun?" Bart asked.
"Of course." Cross said. "If this works, she'd never feel afraid of taking someone's portion."
May blushed a bit. She glanced at Bart and found him blushing as well.
"Cross, there's something we'd like to confess to you." Bart suddenly said, surprising May.
Cross looked sideways at them. "If it's about you two, save your breath. It's too obvious."
Bart grinned. "Yeah, well..."
"Well," May said, breaking the awkward moment, "we should get Lena and Jun to my house. We'll do it today."
"Done." Bart said whereas Cross just nodded.

To be continued...

Author's Note: If you have figured out the Suraimus' native language, you'd be shocked or at least raise an eyebrow at the translation of the location Lena said to be their home land. You may already figure out what the Suraimus really are, or maybe not... What do you think so far? Any ideas, comments, praises, flames, critiques, anything at all (no viruses, please...), mail them to