Fan Fiction ❯ And He Was Left Out ❯ And He Was Left Out ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
And He was Left Out

By Houou

Disclaimer: Don’t own Samurai Jack, don’t own DBZ, and I don’t own any Zelda game that Koume and Kotake appear in.

AN: How come he gets to ride the giant grasshopper? There is OOCness.

Jack was in a big city, wandering aimlessly, wondering what in hell possessed him to come here.


Vegeta and Bulma were walking outside, wondering what in hell possessed them to come outside.


If he hadn’t turned left at that corner, if the other hero hadn’t looked up at that time, they probably wouldn’t have seen each other.

But, they did.


Veg eta was pointing at Jack, Jack was pointing at Bulma, and Bulma was just pointing.


The three of them were sipping water and discussed what could have brought them to the same room. Two of them have had bizarre dreams and all three of them were present in one.

Getting nowhere, the dreamers began retelling their dreams. Bulma nearly spit out her water when she heard of the cookie dough war. Vegeta held back a chuckle at the thought of Bulma chasing Jack with a tank and guns.

Ice and fire beams crashed through the window and collided with the table. A cloud formed. When it settled, Vegeta was Super Saiyan, Jack had his sword out, and Bulma was against the wall, held there by two witches, Koume and Kotake.

They put her in an unwakeable sleep and flew away.


“Y ou weigh a ton.â€

“Big words from a freakish monkey.â€

Vegeta, who was forced to lug Jack around (cause he cant fly, darn it) nearly dropped him there. “WHAT!â€

“Don&ac irc;€™t drop me. You can’t take those two on by yourself.â€

“Actually, I could.â€


â ;€œTold you,†Jack yelled when the ice one (I think she’s Kotake so lets just say she is.) had the Saiyan prince half frozen. Vegeta just shrugged and went Super Saiyan 2. The ice was knocked away.

“You aren’t doing so great yourself,†Vegeta retorted. It was true. Scorch marks made a map on the samurai’s face from a misdirected deflection of Koume’s fire.

Another /clang/ and fire headed for Vegetable Breath. (I’m sorry; I had to call him that once.) It went through him, with no acknowledgement that it ever existed.

It seems so stupid writing like this, one thought at a time, but in fact Jack’s mind was racing. Vegeta possessed a violent, hot temper, like a fire himself. As for himself, not entirely by choice, he was isolated, severe, and harsh, not unlike a blizzard.

They were fighting the wrong witch.

“Quick! Switch witches!â€


Koume tried to burn Vegeta on the hair. Not a flame appeared. He shrugged and blasted Koume, knocking her to the wall.

Ice blasts from Kotake passed through Jack; all he felt was similar to water running through his fingers. The sword moved fast. Kotake joined her twin on the wall.

Vegeta prepared a Final Flash…

Jack raised his sword…


“YAAAH!†Goku shot up and nearly fell off the couch; he had fallen asleep. He got up to get a gallon of milk to drink.

“And that goes well with cookie dough, doesn’t it?â€

Goku nearly choked on his milk.