By: Animefreak70 
Chracters:Nikko-announcer of tornament
Touya-co anouncer,Meya-referree,Yana-head of commission,Damon-he...he does stuff,Keo-he does stuff too. Enjoy!
(Chapter1:work,work and cheese?)
:the commission is in the office to discuss work:
Yana-ok now that everyone is here lets
(looks at Damon pickin his nose)
Damon this is working on the tornament.Not on your nose!
Damon-(looks at boss)you know,your sexy when you yell:smile:
Everyone(except Damon)Animefall
Meya-just shut up and listen!
Yana-we have to group up the teams for the plimenary rounds.There are about(reads through list)50 groups and___
Keo-50 GROUPS!That's it after all the work we did!:grumbles:stupid public associations!
Everyone(except Keo)Sweatdrop
Nikko-So I say that we take 10 gruops and pair them up so this thing takes....uh....
Touya-5 days
Nikko-um(gets out a calculater)let's see...take away 6 plus 7 dividded by...1,562 equals...5! days^_^:triumphat smile:
Everyone(except Nikko)animefall
Yana-yes i agree.Anyway,here are the pairings.
1st match
DragonballGT vs. The rugrats
2nd match
Inuyasha vs. Spongebob
3rd match
Scooby Doo vs. Teen Titans
4th match
Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Invader Zim
5th match
Zatch Bell vs. The teletubbies.
Damon-The teletubbies?
Meya-Hey do you think that sexy purple dude tinky winky will be there?(she gives a seductive smile)
Keo-Meya....he's gay
Meya-i know...but with my help:hentai thoughts:he wont be for long.
Everyone(except Meya)O.o
Yana-o...k...anyway let me go announce it to the teams(yana walks out the office and heads down the hall)
Damon-watch that ass
Nikko-Damons on crack again
Meya-you go that right
(keo walks into the kitchen and back with a sandwich)
Keo-hey does any on got any chees?
Everyone(except keo)animefall/sweatdrop
:Back to Yana:(Yana reached the waiting room and opened the door.Inside people were talking with other competitors about them being weak except for one group-_-)
Yana-Teletubbies!stop raping the Teen Titans!
Lala-(is rumping on top of beastboy who is a goat)Fuck off!
Tinky-:french kisses robin:
Robin-@.@get this gay fagot off of me!
Yana-I said STOOOOPPP!:everyone looks at Yana wide eyed:O.O:ok tommorrow you will be in the pliminary rounds.10 groups wil--
Keo-(walks into waiting room)hey!any of you got cheese?
Everyone(except keo)Animefall
Nikko-That's it for the show!^_^
Yana-What!I didnt even-
Damon(walks behind Yana)-there you are
(picks up Yana and carries her off)
Everyone-:ignores Yana's scream for help:
Keo-yo seriously.I need cheese.
Nikko-:sweatdrop:I need a new job..-_-
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Suspense /
Martial Arts /
Comedy |
Type: Continuation |
Uploaded On: 04.12.2005 |
Updated On: 04.15.2005 |
Pages: 1 |
Words: 85 |
Visits: 202 |
Status: Completed
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