Fan Fiction ❯ Beast Wars ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
My newest fic! Cool!! To the readers of this story this fic! This story is based on one of my fave shows that came out in the years of 1996 and 1999. So please enjoy!
Far from earth is a planet called Cybertron that is inhabited by robots. There live two races! The Maximals (Good guys) and the Predacons (Bad guys). On a space exploration, both of the teams crashed on a strange planet that is filled with the power the Predacons want! Energon. Apparently, the robots can't stay in robot form forever so they took the forms of animals and dinosaurs. Each name given to fit the form!
(Good guys)
Optimus Primal - Gorilla
Cheetor- Cheetah
Rattrap- rat
Rhinox- rhino
Dinobot- Raptor
Tigertron- Snow tiger
(Bad guys)
Megatron- T-rex
Tarantulus- tarantula
Waspanator- Wasp
Terrorsaur- pterosaur
Scorpanox- scorpion
In later days, a 13-year-old girl encountered the Maximals. The girl gave advice to the team! The planet that she calls home is planet earth. The young girls name is Alexis she becomes friends with the peaceful Maximals, but lets go to the Maximal base where something seems to be wrong!!
Cheetor: ALEXIS!!! Where is that girl? *Walks into the center of the base*
Rattrap: *Is playing a game* Nooo!! NOT MY MONEY!!
Cheetor: *Walks up to Rattrap* Hey, Rattrap have you seen Alexis?
Rattrap: Zip it kitty! I need to concentrate on the game!!
Cheetor: Grrr! *Hits a button*
Screen: *Turns black*
Rattrap: *Has a very horrified look on face* *Turns to Cheetor* WHY DID YOU DO THAT??
Cheetor: I can't find Alexis!!
Optimus: You try her room?
Cheetor: Yep! I looked everywhere and I couldn't find her!!
Dinobot: *Snarls* That girl can't even sit still!!!
Rhinox: Well she's not with Tigertron!
Rattrap: Then let's track her down!!
Cheetor: And how do we do that??
Rattrap: *Is smiling very proudly* All we do is find that hair clip she wears!
Rhinox: That's impossible! She never takes it off!!
Cheetor: You mean the one with the pink flower on it??
Rattrap: Yep!!
Optimus: But how??
Rattrap: I put a tracking device on it! So if we lost her all we have to do is track her down! I even added speaker and listener so we can speak back in forth!
Dinobot: Stupid vermin!
Rattrap: *Turns to screen* Let's see… *Pushes some buttons* There she is!! *Points to a flashing pink dot on the screen*
Rhinox: It's to far up!
Optimus: Better zoom in Rattrap!
Dinobot: *Is looking at screen* ………
Screen: *Zooms in*
Everyone: *Eyes are now very huge*
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