Fan Fiction ❯ Being Different ❯ Being Different ( Prologue )
Being Different
Running, wishing time would just stop as they headed toward each other, ignoring all else that was around them and just focusing on reaching one another, trying to run from their nightmare. Her long black hair flowed behind her back of her slender body, her baggy black trousers dragging on the floor and her dark brown eyes filling with tears of happiness. He was smiling back at her, his shoulder-length hair blowing backwards in breeze as he ran. His black jeans were tearing even more as he ran to her and his smile widening as he got nearer to her. Then she stopped.
She caught her breath and then called for him to stop. He looked confused. She pointed to something behind him but he just laughed and took another step forward thinking that nothing could hurt him. She shook her head and wiped her tears of happiness away, allowing for the tears of upset and fear to come through. He then stopped again
"Chris," she cried, "Don't move!" She said and she wiped her tears away. He stopped exactly where he was.
It was the end of a perfect day together, sitting by the river, sharing a picnic, telling each other that they loved each other more, all the usual things that were expected of young people in love to do. The sun was near setting. Chris turned to Tiff.
"I love you." Tiff smiled.
"I love you too." She said, she had been saying it all afternoon.
"This has been a perfect day," Chris said, "Do you want to do it to-" Chris stopped and Tiff understood why. She sat up straight and held Chris' hand tightly. "It'll be fine." Whispered Chris. Tiff sighed as if somewhat unsure.
"Goths!" Cried the low deep voice of a young man, about the same age as Chris and Tiff.
"Just leave us alone." Chris asked, not with much effort in his voice. The other man laughed and then around him several more people were laughing. Tiff squeezed Chris' hand even tighter. Normally it was just him but now he had the group. Tiff looked carefully to see exactly how many people there were when something shiny caught her eye. She gulped and looked again. She couldn't believe it, not only the leader was equipped with a pistol but, from what she could see, they all were.
"You aren't worth worrying over." Said Tiff, thinking that it would be the best idea to just get away as quickly as they could. She got up and Chris went up with her. They then both turned away.
"Chickens!" Said another member. Tiff laughed to herself and they carried on walking.
"See, not so bad." Chris said with a smile. Tiff nodded back and gave him a kiss. Then they both stopped as they heard the roar of engines from behind them.
"Shit!" Chris said, "They've got bikes, we have to split up. Meet at Timber field yeah?" Tiff nodded. She smiled at Chris one last time and then let go of each other. Tiff then looked down the street they were walking along. She took a breath and then ran. Chris then looked to his left and ran that way. The Bikers would find it hard this time to pick which one to chase. Tiff looked back and saw half the bikers heading for her. They had always hated her, because she was different and liked black to pastel shades and had black makeup up on instead of pink lipstick. She then met Chris and they clicked instantly. She and him have been going out for about a year, each date spent together was ruined by Max Wall shouting insults and being a down right idiot. Things had gradually got easier with him but now he was even worse than ever. First he threatened that if he saw them in public ever again he was going kill them, giving them slow and painful deaths. Tiff had just replied 'with what?' and Max went away. Then he carried a small kitchen knife everywhere with him, then it wasn't a kitchen knife but something bigger, and now it was a small pistol, he could do a lot of damage with that.
She carried on running until she saw a small alley way. If she went down there then the bikes wouldn't fit. She would be safe in there. She made a quick dash for it so as in the darkness they may not have seen her go in. She then looked out. She saw then all drive past and she smiled with a sense of brilliant relief.
Chris saw Timber field ahead. He thought he would wait a while before he rushed in, making himself completely obvious to the Bikers that decided to follow him. It was only about half though, so he hoped that Tiff was all right. He heard the bike engines roll to a standstill and then turn off. Chris stepped behind a bush so as Max, who had decided to follow him, wouldn't be able to see him.
"The shit's hiding!" Max called, "Find him! Kill him!" Chris gulped and made a run for the field, he could see a figure standing in the field. Tiff was okay! He turned and made sure that no one was heading his way and then he took a breath and then ran.
Chris took another breath and turned round. Max was smiling.
"Finally, I've got you just where I want you, say your prayers you not good son of a bi..." Max said before he was interrupted.
"NO!" Tiff cried. Chris turned and looked at Tiff.
"What are you doing, do you want to get us both killed?" Chris asked.
"Oh don't worry, you'll both die tonight." His rough American accent had a gangster type pitch to it. Tiff shook her head.
"No! Let him go and just kill me." Chris shook his head but Tiff took no notice. "Please, let him go." Tiff then fumbled around her pocket, she always had her mobile with her.
"You freak!" Max said, but then he smiled and signalled for Tiff to step forward. She did so and stood in front of Chris.
"What are you doing?" Chris asked Tiff in her ear. She looked down and Chris followed her gaze. He then took her hand and felt the mobile. He then nodded and took his hand away, with the small Nokia hidden in his hand.
"No holding each others hands, you are here to die, not to make us feel ill!" Tiff nodded and closed her eyes. Meanwhile Chris held down the emergency number. He heard it beep; someone had answered. He held the phone up to his ear, making it look as though he was scratching his head, Max looked at him then looked back at Tiff. He took his pistol out of his pocket and smiled. Carefully he aimed it for her head. Chris meanwhile whispered in to the phone.
"Timber field...police...ambulance...asap." He then kept on the line in case the operator wanted to ask more questions. Tiff's phone was company run and so she could use her phone for as long as she wanted and just pay the bill at the end of the month so Chris wasn't really bothered about her credit running out. However he didn't want to keep his eyes on the battery.
"Ready to die?" Max asked. He closed one of his eyes so that he could clearly see the aim. Tiff still had her eyes closed but she had heard Chris whisper in to the phone. Then, just as the gun shot Chris managed to jump in front of Tiff, saving her from the pain of a bullet of which he had to suffer from. Tiff opened her eyes and saw Chris falling to the ground in front of her. She shook her head and knelt down.
"Chris!" She cried and she rolled him in to a safety position. She looked up to Max. "You bastard look what you've done!" She cried and she shook her head again. Chris had blood seeping through the corner of his mouth. Tiff took her sleeve and wiped it all away and tried to make him talk to her. "Chris," She said and she wiped away more blood. She then looked up and saw flashing lights in the near distance. She smiled. but tried not to make it noticeable that she knew she was going to be saved. She then looked down at Chris and tapped on the side of his face to keep him conscious.
She then looked up again as the sirens were switched on. Max turned back and shouted for them all to scat.
The ambulance stopped near Tiff and Chris as the police cars, of which there were two, chased after which Bikers they could see in the dark. The paramedics got out of the ambulance and ran over to Chris. Tiff wiped tears from her eyes as she turned to watch what the men were going to do. They asked her questions which she answered like, what had happened, how long had he been like this, what had happened and the usual things. They then tried to speak to him but he had become unconscious. Tiff shook her head.
"He's gonna be all right yeah? Isn't he? He's gonna make it right?"