Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Oath ❯ Chapter 8~Hard Truths ( Chapter 8 )
Blood Oath
By Mija
Disclaimer~I do own them hehe...WARNING LEMONY SORT OF THING AHEAD..sorry I am introducing this sort of lemon in the begining of this fic, my original does not have this but since I have to condence this It might be better for this fic, plus if you really think about it back then men were not as faithfull as we like our dreams to think they are, they are men soo umm ya get the pic right??? lol.
Chapter 8~Harsh Truths
~~~~~After her visit with King Rufus, Tessa walked around the garden for awhile and came upon a piece of the garden that was up against the castle wall and blocked up by large hedges and columns. She wondered about this till a guard told her it had been the first Queens private gardens. No one but she had attended to it, it had been a place wher her and her children, those of the royal court could go to relax and have a day that was normal, family time. At the moment it was overrun and not kept at all. Tessa felt a sadness in her heart. She wondered if the royal family ever came to the garden thier mother had created and if they did, why did they not take care of it? Either way at the moment she was not allowed there, only the family of Royal Greystones could be there and as of yet she was not one.
After she walked the gardens she went into the main castle, the hall. There was many woman and men in fine robes and dresses, mingling and flirting shamelessly. She saw some Knights as well flirt with pretty young maids,bombarded with many offers herself. She politly declined all of them, sure not to discracrace any of them in any way. Thus far she had been able to avoid Prince Garrett, her betrothed. But after a few hours she saw him shamelessly flirting with many women, some mere comman chamber maids, which was not a surprise to her, but that they would think that they were obligated to him cause he was royalty was scandalous. Then she soon realized that they did not throw themselves at him cause of his station, although that helped, but he was a man who was to fine and cute and built well to turn down. He was a man many women dreamed about. Her first real truth came that very night. One she would never forget.
~~~After dinner was served and eaten everyone went thier own way. Tessa, as usual made herself small and pretty much unnoticed by all. She secretly watched Garrett and tried to figure him out more. But sadly she got a really harsh truth into what went on behind the curtains of the royal family. Garrett had dissappeared. When she was looking for him she came upon a room with much moaning and noises. Curious she cracked the door open and saw Prince Peter with a young maiden from the kitchen in his room, on his bed. The sounds, the moans, the position was not lost upon Tessa. She was not stupid or nieve although she had never actually seen it, she knew it for what it was. Prince Peter was having sex with someone other than his wife. Not that she blamed him much, since she now knew about Doreen.
~~~After she saw Peter she left them to his own and went to her own room, till she passed another room near her's and heard noises similair to that which Peter and his woman were making. Unable to help herself, since she was a curious soul, if not a bit perverted she thought as she laughed. She opened the door slightly to the room next to her own. She did not know who the room had or did belong to till that very night. When she opened the door, she saw a sight that made her stomache turn and wish to all the Gods that she was someone else, but she also wished she was the very girl who was recieving the attention Garrett was bestowing on her.
~~~Thats right. When Tessa opened the door she opened the door to Garretts chambers and saw him with the chamber girl he had been shamelessly firlting with. She was naked upon his bed. Her cloths strewn all over the room as was his. He too was naked and for some reason Tessa couldnt shake the image of his naked form from her mind. He was gorgeous. His skin was tanned and well built but you could see a few scars upon his body, which only added to his appeal. His skin although tanned, was light against the mane of long black raven hair that reached his middle back. His arms, his legs, his every muscles were well shaped and defined and Tessa almost drooled at the sight of them. He was a God in her eyes and apperantly in the chamber maids eyes as well. As much as Tessa wanted to look away, as much as it hurt her heart and soul, she could not look away.
~~~Tessa watched as he licked this woman in her private area. This totally shocked Tessa, she did not know men did this, but as she watched as Garretts long pink tongue stroked and darted out to taste and consume the womans core, all Tessa felt was really realy odd. She felt heat in her tummy and she wanted so bad to just touch places on her body, she was told she should not touch. Her nipples got hard and her abdoman got hot and needy. She shamelessly watched as Garrett, licked this woman's petal pink lips and sucked as well, making all the sound of suckng and slurping to accompany it. The woman moaned and grabbed his head, pulling on his raven locks as her eyes were shut and she moaned out in what seemed like pain as well as pleasure.
~~~Tessa couldnt help but watch as he licked and sucked on her nether regions, only to move up and take her overly huge breasts and latch upon them. One at a time of course, he sucked and licked and nipped and the woman was writhing on the bed. Then to her surprise she saw him stick a finger into the girls private canal and began to push in and out of her as he licked her. Oddly this made the ball of fire in Tessa's stomache start to churn and roll. Her nether regions throbbed and her nipples ached. Why did watching her betrothal affect her so??? She should be mad, she shoud hate him. And a part of her did, but a part of her wanted to see more. But even as she watched Garrett stick his iron rod into the womans pussy, she realized one important thing. If he did this when they were wed she could not tolerate it. She would do anyting to make sure that Garrett was faithfull to her. It wasnt a girls pride or anything else of the sort. This went way back. She would not and could not marry a man who would not be faithfull to her under any circumstances.
A/N~Yes short but at least it is a chapter lol..anyway not too lemony i know but either way dont be mad cause of what Garrett did, cause if you know anything about the dark ages??? well the knights and men were doing what ever they let me know what yall think just no flames k?? ty huggles and smiles Mija..:-)