Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Petals ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The war was lasting quite a while. Madray (ma-dgray) kicked the tiny rocks across the cliff. The sun dramatized the oh so bloody battleground. She looked down and saw her forces winning. The war was between the Laxoiurs and Genx. Laxoiurs were women, born magicians and witches and charmers. The Genx were all male, ruthless, born warriors, and technicians. The Genx had imprisoned the Laxoiurs over 1000 years ago due to their brute strengths. But about 20 years ago, Madrona, slave to Lord Black started an army and raided the castles with their animals or creatures, elements and magic. Now the world was divided as more Laxoiurs were freed. But there was some, those called the Lanxurs, who stayed to their master's side or husbands, if that were the case. Not many Genx married, those who did were by own choice of the man. Most Genx just made a woman his leman, a woman who was his lover but still obeyed him like a slave. Genx could keep many lemans.
Madray was a general, Lady of the Province Astro and one of the most powerful person in court and faithful friend to Madrona herself. Not only was she her friend, but cousin by blood through their mothers.
You might be wondering if the outcome of the war was that the other lost, which must happen how they will reproduce…well Madrona's sister, Makota learned from a scientist and technician. She made a machine that reproduced babies and people or she could clone them. She made many new things…but even as this was great and such, their technology did not compare to that of the Genxs.
Madray looked around her. Most of the soldiers here were ex-slaves, criminals and such. Not a lot of Laxs, short for the Laxoiurs, here were made, but through sexual intercourse. And most had lost their virginities, made love or been raped. It would be rare for a slave to have not lost her virginity at the age of 15.
She looked at the battlefield and sighed. Not were the Laxs magicians, witches and charmers, they were also warriors but barley so. Only about 100 or 200. She among them included.
They dragged the Genxs bodies together, and burned their bodies. They needed to move before more Genxs came. About half of her soldiers were dead, burned. They needed to reach shelter. She told May to tell everyone to get ready and walk. The nearest fort was 3 days ride.
A day later, her hair was tied up in a knot, her pendants; her sign showing of her status was put away with her other belongings but left her ring. She thought she saw something in the trees. She was going to caution her soldiers when they were blindly ambushed. It was nightfall and she could barely see. Sweat poured down her face. Her lips trembled. She tried to form her soldiers and she fought and fought and struck and struck. But there were too many. Then she cried “Retreat Code3!” Everyone ran one direction and she stopped the Genxs with her magic. Her soldiers were safe. They vanished and then she was overpowered by them and dragged on a horse tied like a pig and carried somewhere.
Adrian kissed the breast of his leman and down, hearing her pants and moans. Then he was disturbed and heard her squeal. A thing was brought in, tied like a roast pig. He then realized it was not a thing, rather a woman or Laxoiurs. “She was with the army, holding us back while the others escaped…” Adrian raised a brow, surprised that she alone stopped his army. He wouldn't be surprised if it was like fifteen or twenty, but one? He stared at her…then said, “Untie her…” The lackey did as commanded and left.
He stared at his leman and commanded, “Leave…” He didn't wait for a reply but she left. He stared at the woman on the ground. He took off her gab. “Bastard!” He smiled. She had clear skin, flawless rather except for a scar down her neck at the side going down her left shoulder. Her lips were full but scarred and bleeding. Her lashes long, eyebrows thin and arched. But it was her eyes that caught her attention. They held knowledge and intelligence were cynical like, negative, but held some sadness and sorrow. Funny though that an innocent aura surrounded her small body. The contradiction lying in the facts itself. They looked old and mature too. Her hair was brown, plain brown. This woman might be called pretty but would never be a true beauty.
“I'm impressed you could stop my men…I wouldn't surprised if there at least fifteen but one…most impressive. A woman,” He heard her grunt in dislike then he smirked, “forgive me, I mean Laxoiur of your great power would hold some title and power. Now may I know the name of such a powerful foe?” She snorted at his compliment as if it was an insult that meant little and replied, “I am but a servant to this war as you are it seems.” He raised a brow and asked, “You have no name…fine, I will give you a name myself…how about Madray?” He thought her heard her choke. Did she know Madray then? Madray the Guardian, they called her. Madray the Powerful. Madray a powerful person in the Court of Madrona, who killed many a strong lord and taken many a strong holdings. But no one outside her loyal followers and soldiers and the Court and Madrona had seen her. But some whispered her ugly for hiding so. They said without magic, she had killed Lord Black at the age of 13, with her bare hands. They said her masculinity and powers were overbearing that she was ugly for a woman. But this woman before was petite so he marveled at the contradiction.
Then he stared at her and somehow wished she didn't because he stared at her breasts and his groin ached at that moment. He stared at her again as he felt her glare dig deep into his skin. He needed a tupping. He was disturbed and didn't get his fill with Val. Now he would take her for the price of disturbing him. When he touched her, she struggled and he felt a spark. He put her on the bed and she stopped struggling, wide eyed in disbelief. He smiled and kissed her wholly on the mouth, hard and passionately. Was she trembling? He felt something deep inside want to protect her and long for her at the same time…He tugged at her clothes until her body sprang free of it but she kept shivering and trembling. God! He pushed her away, more annoyed than ever. It was more chore than pleasure touching this girl as his hands trembled like some schoolboy with his first woman.
He turned around and saw the girl white and trembling. Then he said, “As my prisoner you have become my leman, see to it that you try not to cower in front of me and pleasure me at the very least…” With that last remark roaming in the air, he left his tent.
Madray did not hear his voice though. Images crossed her mind of one rainy and cold night…a horrible night that stained blood on her body and hands for the first time. A night when her sword tasted the blood of…
She shook her head and went to rest. She was scared now that she was his leman that he would come back and take her. She was wide eyed awake the entire night. And she couldn't escape with magic since the bonds sealed it.
Adrian didn't enter his tent the entire night, rather with someone else. And he felt much more relaxed as lights of the sun hit the ground. He entered his tent and saw a wide-eyed girl on the bed, unmoving. She looked ghastly pale. He touched her forehead and she jumped as if it burned and slashed her skin. No, she was not running a fever.
He stared at her profile. She didn't move and he saw the sags under her eyes. Something deep inside of him wanted to comfort her. Then she stared up and demanded, fire coming into her eyes as well as a tint of fear? “Release me at once!” He smiled. Was just him or did her eyes become even more fiery? “I'll not be some pig waiting to be slit across the throat and roasted on a fire!” He snorted. Barely that…he went to her and wished he hadn't released her bonds. She kicked him in the shin and then in the temple. He fell on the ground. He heard her running footsteps.
He could taste the blood on his lips and his pounding headache coming on. He ran outside the tent and saw his men running after her. She fought wildly, using her magic spells. But she was surrounded and unless she knew how to fly then there was no way she'd escape. Someone crept behind her and bonded her hands. She was lying helpless on the floor and glaring at him as if her escape's failure was his fault.
If his head wasn't pounding he would be slightly amused by this but instead he let a growl of anger. He picked her up over his shoulder and walked back to his tent. He needed release and he needed to take out his anger someway. As punishment for subduing him with her trickery.
He put on the bed, not gently but not so forcefully as he could have done. Instead he bent down on the bed and started taking off her clothes. She realized his intent and struggled fearfully yet fiercely with bravery. She remembered a wise old woman once said, “Ye be brave al' ye want but that don't mean ye still ain't afraid.” She never screamed and hell be damned before she freakin' did! Instead she bit and tried kicking until he bonded her legs. She squirmed; she hit his head with her own. Everything that optional she did. Then she was tired but she didn't give up. But none of her tactics seemed to be working or effective as he just grunted or snorted at her petty attempts.
Then she was fully butt naked. And she thought she heard a gasp? The little perverted bastard, staring at her like some trophy. Then images floated across her mind, but she shook it hard. She would not be like how she was yesterve. Nope siree!
“Such beauty should not be hidden little one,” he stated in a goddess worship voice. She still kept cursing him in all the languages she knew. She snorted at it. And how dare he call her little one, she, Madray the Guardian, the Great, Protector of the Laxoiurs for the last twenty years ever since the age of eight. She'd be in hell thrice over and back to earth and heaven four times each before she'd let the “little” bastard insult her so!
Then before she could say another curse, he kissed her wholly on the mouth. And what a mouth and kiss though she had not the experience to compare it but it was just so passionate. Then he trailed down her neck and towards her breast and she couldn't stand it but images went across her mind and all pride and honor left her. Instead she felt like a little scared girl again and tears came streaming down her cheeks and before she knew it she was pushed away and left cold on the once warm bed.
Damn her! The little witch made his blood boil so! Then she started crying and he couldn't help but pull away like he was the one hurting her. It was just sex! He was doing nothing wrong so he walked quickly back to the tent. And there she stood crying her heart out. She looked truly innocent and he could do nothing more than watch and he felt somewhat helpless. He hated hearing woman cried and treated his female servants with respect. That was why most of them hadn't escaped. But those who left, he let them as he knew they wanted their freedom. He would not fight if he had to but there was also a duty to the House of Government.
Damn her again! He grabbed her and just let her cry on his chest. And dammit now he felt like crying with her! Men like him didn't cry… He cringed with disgust. Then he waited and waited. She was breathing evenly. Maybe she was asleep. He pushed her a bit and saw that she was sleeping. He laid her on the bed and kissed her on the forehead and left.
Madray woke to the sound of a howling wolf. She got up and knew who exactly who it was. She went outside and saw that the guards were knocked out and saw him. White shining fur with red eyes. It was huge, only few blessed to see its magnificence. It was here again…it stared at her. She stared back. His name was Adamuh, a God in his own right, and a monster by curse. He had been always watching her ever since childhood and always haunted her. Did he hear her tonight? And must he have come at such unusual times? Then he stared at her harder and she felt dizzy as the words were whispered into her head, `Tis almost time, doona worry for all will be well…Then images went inside her head like they always did every time he came, except the images were different. Then she woke up, sweat pouring down her face and stared into the eyes of Lord Adrian.
“You don't talk much do you?” he asked in his deep voice. He had arms around her waist and was very close. On the same bed, some girls might have pushed him away but she was too stunned to do anything other than look at him. She never got a good look at his face but now she could tell he was a handsome man with black raven hair. He had a stubborn and squared jaw, straight and perfect nose and high cheekbones. The masculinity of his body and face contradicted his soft lips. But it was his eyes, golden they were, pure gold with sparks of intelligence and playfulness but something deadly hung in them. Also a glint…of something she couldn't tell.
A wave of desire pushed through his running blood and he wanted her. His cock sprung to life. This was weird since he never wanted a woman so badly. Nor has he ever had trouble with a damn Laxoiur before either. But he liked hugging her to him. His hands ran down the length of leg and back to her waist. Yes, he really liked it. And he knew that she did too for she was shivering from pleasure or was it disgust? No he knew the female body enough to know that it wasn't from disgust. He smiled as he explored her body.
She knew she should stop him; she would if she could. But fire burned through her skin, passion blazing through her veins and blood. No her mind screamed, you are Madray the Guardian, The Great, do not lose control. Then her body protested, take what little pleasure you can for you won't get much of it in this lifetime. And her honor demanded, is this what you are, a slut to give her virginity to any Genx, snap out of it we are in a war, he is the enemy holding you captive…will you be weak willed and not break free of his hold on you? Do you not remember your oath so long ago? Then it struck her and she pushed him away. Her mind and body was quiet and her honor needed not to make a point but her heart said gently, you are not a slut, think of it, you are always in control and if this man is able to make you lose control, make you want him as he does you, passion burning does this not mean more? You are a woman of controlled passions and a demanding honor but a person who would love unconsciously and fully given the extent, so does this mean you do not do this as for your body's aches but for your heart? Then her honor screamed no, do not listen to her. He is the enemy, `tis not wise to fall in love with him. You are a soldier; your first priority is to the war and your leader. Love is an illusion, affection is unnecessary but passion is not so for a soldier or a Laxoiur for the men will be imprisoned and who will you slate your lust on then? Another Laxoiur? Ha don't make me laugh…You should have thought of this when you killed Black so many years ago, what was it, fifteen years ago…
The thunder rolled across the skies and tears of blood ran down statues of the Gods. His fingers danced down her spine as a shiver of fear and disgust ran through her. The war was starting as the small seeds were planted in the minds of the females. Such a small seed but what is big was once small. But Lord Black's shadow loomed in the moonlight, and he held her with fear…for some reason she could not fight, trapped in by so small a source, so great the power. And thunder banged the earth's surface as Black banged his entrance into her body. Her clothes torn, her face bruised and her screams echoing the distancing but the rain absorbing it. She felt her blood and felt her organs being torn. Then a silent fact came to her, she could not live with such shame or him for that matter. Was she to die as she lived he would live in his dying. Suddenly a force came at him, pulling him away from her and primal urges of an animal came alive. She tapped into her magic, chanting words but that was not enough. She attacked the man that was still down, tortured him though her damaged body wept from pain. She washed and bathed herself in blood, tasted it, reveled in the beauty of it. His screams filled her with delight…and she spoke with a voice not her own, thought with the thought that was not hers, moved in a way that she did not move and she swore she heard the cry of a wolf before fainting…
She jerked violently. He saw the raging emotions but he could not identify them. And his body was aching with great need. He touched her then she did something eh would have never thought of her. She grabbed him and kissed him wholly. His surprise did not last as he began to take control of the situation. He could feel her shaking.
Her honor screamed but her heart was talking slowly. Her mind was thinking and her body was not hers. She just needed comfort as she came over truths and facts. She wanted to feel passion for her body was right. She would never get another chance. And he was gently, not rough how she expected. But he was so damn slow!
Then he did something surprising, he pushed her away and whispered, “Stop…”