Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ Chapters 1-10 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This was originally split into a lot of chapters, but I'm lazy so I decided to put the first 10 chapters into one big thing. You may find this and other fics by me at under author name: Izzy-chan (hint, hint) and I have a couple here. Ok, I think I'm done babbling!

Boarding school (until I can think of a better name for it)

By: Izzy-chan

Ethan glowered as his parents escorted him to the office of the school. A boarding school. An all MALE boarding school. As they entered the drab office a man spun around in his rolly chair.

"Ah, you must be Ethan Green. Welcome to Montague Academy. My name is Mr.Palmer," he said in a nasally voice.

The man smiled sincerely, as if he's really happy to meet me. I'm just another tuition in his pocket. Damn my parents for wanting to send me here, Ethan thought.

"This school is strict. I'm very busy today so I can not discuss everything with you. You'll have to ask another student or your roommate."

"My what!" Ethan exclaimed.

"Your roommate," the man repeated.

"Could you tell us a little about this roommate?" Ethan's mother asked.

tsk, probably wants to make sure he's a geek so I won't get into trouble. Ethan glared.

"His name is Wesley Drake. He's very intelligent, straight A's. He hardly ever leaves campus. He's...a very intriguing person. Mr. Drake keeps to himself."

Ethan could just picture this Wesley person in his mind already. Short and scrawny. Buck teeth and thick glasses. Freckles and an annoying stutter.

Mr. Palmer's grating voice brought Ethan back from his thoughts."...Report to room 1B on the second floor to get a key to your room from the hall monitor. Your room is number 5B. Now I really must be getting back to work now. It was a pleasure meeting you." Palmer turned back to his work. Ethan and his parents left the office.

"Mom, dad, I think I can find my way on my own."

"But Ethan..."

"Darling, he's a big boy. He'll be okay. Let him be." Ethan's father interrupted.

She sighed," All right!" She embraced Ethan. "I love you, be good, and write to us!"

"Yes mother."

"Son make us proud."

"I'll try."

Ethan watched the departing forms of his parents until they disappeared. He sighed as he slung a couple bags on his shoulders and hefted his bulky suitcases. Grumbling, he lugged his belongings up the stairs.

The door to room 1B was open to reveal a desk with a bunch of papers on it, a rack with all the keys to all the rooms on the floor, and a brown haired woman typing on a computer. She looked up and smiled at him.

"Hello. My name's Lydia. What's yours?"

"Ethan Green."

"Ohhhh, you're in room 5B with Wesley, right? here's the key," she shoved a key in his face. "You probably already know that I'm the hall monitor for this floor. If you have any questions ask me! Do you dye your hair? It's a really awesome color! I wish my hair was like that! I'm babbling aren't I? Grrrr! I have to stop it! It's a bad habit of mine to babble pointlessly and....Ack! I'm doing it again!"

Ethan just laughed. He decided that he liked the older woman. She was a little strange, but funny. He stayed and talked to her a few minutes longer before heading to his room.

He unlocked the door and stepped in. He noted two things; no one was in the room and it was spotless! Everything was organized so neatly.

"Don't tell me I have a neat-freak for a roommate!" Ethan dropped his bags by the bed on the obviously unoccupied side of the room. He flopped on the bed then bolted upright when he heard a key in the door. Ethan braced himself for the worst and was shocked be what he saw.... (hmmmm....stop here to keep Angel in suspense and annoy her or go on......go on!)

Wesley opened the door to his room and immediately spotted the presence of someone else in his room.

"You must be Ethan." Wesley stated in pure monotone. Ethan had bright red hair and green eyes. No freckles. He was dressed casually in khakis and an olive green shirt. The only way Wesley could detect that Ethan was a rich snob was to look at his designer matched luggage set. Observing Ethan, Wesley could tell he didn't expect him the way he was either.

Ethan couldn't do anything but stare. Wesley was not what he expected, far from it. Wesley was tall, lean, but muscular. Unruly black hair hung over cold pale gray-blue eyes. Wesley moved almost panther-like as he walked to sit on the bed opposite Ethan's.

"Not what you pictured?" Wesley asked looking into Ethan's eyes.

"N-not exactly." Ethan silently berated himself for stuttering, but how could he not? Wesley's gaze seemed to pierce through him to his soul, seeing his darkest secrets and deepest desires.

Ethan didn't know what to do. Wesley was just sitting there staring at him, not saying anything.

"Um... I'm going to go look around." Ethan had to get out of the uncomfortable tension in the room. He pulled out a schedule and a map and decided to look for his classrooms. It was the weekend so he wouldn't be disturbing any classes. He located his first class on the map when he heard a thud. He looked down the hall to see two people making out heavily on a door. Two MALE people making out heavily on a door.

"Mmmmm....Trevor, we have to get in the room. What'll other people think if they see?"

Trevor turned his head and saw Ethan standing there gaping. "Well it seems that someone is thinking quite a bit now Gerome."

Gerome spotted the shocked redhead.

"Um... I'm really, really sorry for um interrupting. I'llgonowbye!" Ethan scurried back into his room.

Gerome sighed, "well wasn't that just dandy."

Trevor snickered in response.

Wesley heard the door close and was surprised to see Ethan leaning against the door looking very flustered. Wesley was about to ask what was wrong when Ethan asked, "Did you know about the two guys down the hall?"

"What do you mean?"

Ethan blushed slightly saying, "The two guys down the hall who were practically eating each others faces."

"Oh, Trevor and Gerome. Everyone knows about them."

"Are lots of guys that open about..." Ethan trailed off not exactly meeting Wesley's gaze.

"Not many. Preston and his followers pick on people like that."

"Who's Preston?"

"You'll know when you see him."

A bell rung. Wesley moved to the door.

"What's that for?"

"Lunch," Wesley replied.

Ethan meekly followed Wesley. He had no idea where he was going. As he passed a narrow hallway he heard voices so he glanced down it. He saw Gerome and Trevor surrounded by a group of burly looking guys. He decided to investigate. The guys were threatening the couple. Suddenly one, who seemed to be the leader, stepped forward and slugged Gerome in the stomach. Ethan couldn't stand to see someone hurt like that and without thinking yelled, "Stop it! Stop it now!"

All eyes turned to the furious redhead.

"Who the hell are you?" The main leader, who Ethan knew was Preston, snapped.

"What does it matter?" Ethan snarled back.

"It matters greatly in this situation," Preston replied.

"Just leave them alone!"

"What can you do if we don't?"

Preston's flunkies surrounded Ethan.

"Well, I guess I won't be seeing you walking for awhile," Preston laughed as he walked away.

Ethan was still angry, and when he was angry he did things against his nature, like hitting. Ethan began to sweep the floor with Preston's followers. When he was done Gerome and Trevor were standing there and looking at him as if he had sprouted an extra head.

"T-thank you." Gerome stammered.

Ethan smiled, "It was no problem. Hey, can you two show me where the lunchroom is?"

Wesley wondered where Ethan was. He knew that the emerald-eyed boy was behind him until now. Why should I worry? He isn't important! Wesley glared to himself. Then he spotted Ethan coming in the lunchroom. Who could miss that hair? It was so damn bright! Ethan was with Gerome and Trevor. That fact mildly surprised Wesley. He had thought Ethan was a homophobic.

Ethan glanced around the room. There were so many people. Ethan had no idea where to sit.

"Do you two mind if I sit with you? I mean, I don't want to intrude on anything..." Ethan babbled.

"Of course you can sit with us!" Gerome exclaimed smiling at Ethan.

Ethan smiled back, "Thanks. Oh! I don't think I've introduced myself. I'm Ethan Green."

"Nice to meet you. I believe you already know who we are?" Trevor asked smirking.

"Yes I do." Ethan blushed.

They all sat down and Gerome began busily introducing Ethan to people.

"So who's your roommate?" A boy named Jacob asked Ethan.

"Wesley Drake."

"THE Wesley Drake?! That guy is like an icicle!" Jacob exclaimed.

"He didn't seem too bad. Just kinda' quiet," Ethan replied.

"You sound like Gerome. 'He really has a good heart yadda yadda yadda!" Trevor teased.

Gerome smacked him in the arm. "But it's true! I think Wesley has a good soul. He's just afraid to make friends because of the difference in social status."

"What do you mean?" Ethan asked.

"Wesley got in here on a scholarship. He was the top student in his class. All of the kids here come from rich families. Wesley doesn't so he thinks he stands out," Gerome answered.

"I for one think the guy has a personality disorder," Jacob put in.

"He has a nice ass though," Trevor said at the exact moment Gerome was drinking, making Gerome choke on his soda.

"TREVOR!" Gerome exclaimed.

"Well he does," Trevor replied grinning.

Ethan just blushed in response.

"You'll have to excuse him. He has no manners!" Jacob teased.

Trevor chuckled," But that's what ya' love about me right?" He draped himself on Jacob.

Jacob shook him off. "Hey, I'm totally straight remember?"

"You sure about that? 'Cause if you weren't sure me and Gerome could... help you find out," Trevor said suggestively.

"W-wha...No! No damn way!" Jacob sputtered.

"Can we change the subject please?" Gerome asked.

"Aw, all right. But didn't we decide to ask him?" Trevor asked.

"Not like that!"

"Wait a minute...You wanted to..." Jacob was wide-eyed and shocked.

"Why not?" Gerome asked.

"Are you...Are you serious?" Jacob was still flabbergasted.

Trevor nodded vigorously in response.

"Let's change the subject please?" Gerome asked again glancing at Jacob's stupefied expression.

"Why bother? It's almost time to go," Trevor replied.

"um..See ya' around guys," Jacob said quickly before he left.

"He'll never warm up to the idea now. Trevor, why'd you have to screw it up?!" Gerome exclaimed once Jacob was out of hearing distance.

"Maybe not," Ethan said.

"What do you mean?" Gerome demanded.

"I mean, now that he's thinking about it, he could decide it's not a bad idea and." Ethan promptly turned crimson.

Trevor grinned at him for backing him up and Gerome sighed.

"I guess you have a point. We should get going."

"To bed," Trevor added grinning lasciviously.

Gerome blushed but didn't deny it. Ethan watched as the couple departed. He thought that they made a cute couple. He smiled slightly and walked up to his room.

Wesley was casually laying on his bed reading when Ethan came in. Wesley glanced up briefly as Ethan entered, then went back to his book. He heard Ethan settle on his bed, then nothing. He felt Ethan's gaze on him. He looked up to see the boy's eyes flicker quickly away. Then he heard rustling.

Ethan rummaged through his things until he found his sketchbook and pencils. He flipped through until he found a picture he was drawing of his twin sisters, Ivy and Ianthe.

Wesley looked over to see Ethan shading furiously on a sketchbook. He wondered what Ethan was drawing.

Ethan looked up to see Wesley looking at his sketchbook. Ethan knew that Wesley wouldn't ask him if he could see it even though he was definitely curious.

"It's a picture of my sisters." Ethan walked over to where Wesley was sitting and handed him the sketchbook.

Wesley marveled at the piece of art. Ethan had real talent. "This is very good," Wesley praised, knowing it was a gross understatement.

"Thank you."

Wesley glanced at the clock sighing. He untangled his limbs from his comfortable position.

"It's time for bedroom check."

"Bedroom check?'

"Just stand by your bed. Lydia will come around and make sure we are all in our rooms before the electronic locks close."


Wesley opened the door and stood by his bed. Ethan did the same. Suddenly, Lydia sprinted through the door exclaiming, "A bee is chasing me! I need a flyswatter."

Wesley complied; Lydia snatched it up and began swinging her arms wildly in the air. The bee swooped towards Ethan. Ethan meeped and hid behind Wesley, clinging to his black T-shirt. Lydia finally smushed the bug with a splat against the wall.

"Yeah! I got it!" She did a little happy dance before facing the two boys, a comical sight before her eyes. Ethan was behind Wesley, grabbing onto him and peeking over his shoulder. Wesley had a 'why-is-he-touching-me' look on his face.

Ethan realized that he was practically using Wesley as a jungle gym. He quickly untangled himself from Wesley.

"I'm sorry, um... I'm really, really allergic to bees. If I get stung it's not pretty." Ethan explained blushing slightly.

Lydia just smiled saying, "Yeah, sure ya' are. Well, I guess I should get going!" Lydia checked off the two guys and proceeded to the next room.

"Well um... I guess I should get to bed," Ethan said nervously, not expecting Wesley to reply.

"Good night Ethan," Wesley said softly as he slipped under his covers and closed his eyes.

After a couple hours, Ethan was still awake, and staring at the unfamiliar ceiling. He had noticed that Wesley had fallen asleep about an hour earlier. Ethan glanced over and stuck his tongue out at the sleeping form.

Suddenly, Wesley began to thrash in his sleep and started yelling something like "no, stop! It hurts!" Ethan crept over to the head of Wesley's bed and touched his shoulder. Wesley flinched away at the contact and whimpered, a sound that tore at Ethan's heart. Ethan sat on the bed, gently lifting Wesley's head to place on his lap, and began to brush through ebony locks.

~Dream mode Wesley~

It was the same dream of memories he had been having for years. His father was drunk again and was hitting his mother until she collapsed on the ground sobbing. He, only a child, jumped in front of her screaming "daddy stop it! You're hurting her!"

"Well she deserved it and so do you, you little brat." His father removed his belt...

Wesley forced himself to wake up. He lay there with his eyes closed and realized someone was on his bed, touching his hair. His eyes flew open to connect with Ethan's troubled gaze.

"Are you all right?" The worried boy asked.

Why did you even bother with me?" Wesley asked.

"Well you looked... like you were in pain. I wanted to help and, I thought that maybe we could be friends," Ethan said so softly that Wesley barely heard him.

Wesley's gaze softened slightly as he asked," Did I wake you up?"

"No. I couldn't sleep. I'm not used to sleeping alone."

Wesley took that statement the wrong way and gaped at Ethan.

Ethan noticed for he said, " Oh! Oh no, I mean, I'm the oldest of seven kids and some of them usually climb into bed with me at night." Ethan smiled wistfully in remembrance. Then Ethan glanced at the clock. "It's getting late. I guess I should try to get some sleep." Ethan climbed into his bed.

Wesley didn't know what drove him to, but he kicked off his sheets and walked over to Ethan's bed. Ethan's eyes went owl-wide.

"I'm not exactly your younger brother but..." Wesley trailed off as Ethan pulled back his covers and moved over so Wesley would have some room. Wesley hesitated before he lay next to Ethan, sliding the sheets over his body. Ethan was staring at Wesley, not sure if he could get close to him or not. Wesley solved that problem for him by turning towards him and hesitantly moving closer. Ethan got the idea, wrapping his arms around Wesley and snuggling to his chest. Wesley bent his head to rest on the silky strands of Ethan's hair. Strawberry? Ethan used strawberry shampoo. Interesting. Wesley nuzzled Ethan's hair to get more of the inticing scent. Wesley moved back, then was about to move forward again. Ethan moved his head up to ask Wesley what he was doing, which created a position with their mouths mere centimeters apart

Ethan blushed and moved down some so he and Wesley weren't so close.

"Um... Goodnight," he whispered softly before drifting off to sleep. (Before you get all flustered at me for not letting them kiss, they just met each other and I feel like building tension between them and romanticize (Is that even a word?) it)


The next morning Wesley woke to find Ethan snuggled half on his chest, half off. One leg was flung across Wesley's waist. His head was lying almost over his heart, one arm curled next to it. Wesley regretted having to wake the boy from his slumber. The clock told him that he could afford to stay in bed a little longer, so he did. Wesley's attention centered on Ethan's vibrant locks. He wondered what it would feel like, and gave into his desire to find out. Soft. Soft and silky. Wesley let his hand travel in that hair, until he realized that he was practically petting Ethan! Ethan stirred, then emerald green eyes met sapphire blue.

Ethan found himself snuggled against Wesley when he woke. He hoped Wesley was still asleep, but had no such luck. Ethan shot up immediately.

"Good morning. Umm.... Did you sleep well?" Ethan asked.

"Fine." Wesley got up, grabbed a change of clothes, and walked into the bathroom adjacent to their room. Ethan heard the sound of the shower and let himself flop back on the bed, still warm from Wesley's body heat. This is so awkward. What do I say to him? Ethan asked himself. After a few minutes of Ethan's pondering, Wesley came out of the bathroom. He was dressed in loose-fitting black pants and a cobalt blue shirt.

"It's all yours," Wesley said as he walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" Ethan blurted out.

"To breakfast."

"Ok. Ummm.... See ya' later, I guess."

Wesley gave him a slightly odd look before he went.

Ethan grabbed some clothes and headed towards the shower. When he was done, he glanced at his schedule, then glanced at the clock.

"Shit! My next class is in five minutes! Guess I'll have to skip breakfast," Ethan grumbled as he grabbed his things.

His classes went by quickly. Lunch came.

"Hey Ethan! Sit with us!" Jacob offered.

Ethan smiled at him and sat down.

"So, you survived your first night with the ice prince?" Jacob asked.

Ethan thought of Wesley's nightmare, then how kind he was afterwards. "It wasn't that bad. I'm starting to like him."

"I can see why!" Trevor said, pointedly staring at Wesley's ass.

"Trevor! You letch!" Gerome exclaimed.

"Oh just admit it, you think he has a nice ass too!"

Gerome blushed, "I-I do not!"

"You two, quit it okay?" Jacob interrupted their bickering.

"So what are you doing during free time Ethan?" Gerome quickly changed the subject.

"I dunno yet."

"Do you wanna come down town with us then?" Trevor asked.

"I guess so."

Gerome and Trevor beamed at him, then became stoic.

"What's wrong?" Ethan asked.

Jacob turned to look behind him. "Preston." He said with obvious loathing.

"Oh look, it's all the queer boys. Already have an orgy with the new kid?" A guy next to Preston, probably a right hand man of some sort, said mockingly.

Ethan whirled around, his eyes glittering dangerously. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted.

"Do you realize how utterly pathetic you are?"

Ethan turned to see Wesley approach.

"You know, you did have a choice to join us," Preston said in a cool voice.

Wesley said nothing, just staring at Preston, cold eyes boring into him.

" C' mon Preston. We'll wait until later," one of Preston's cronies said.

Preston nodded.

Wesley waited until they were out of earshot. "Ethan, no matter how much they try your temper, don't give into them. They will bend rules so they can hurt you. Don't give them a reason to." With that, Wesley walked away.

"He's right Ethan. Wesley's the only person who they are even a little bit wary of. You did beat up their bruisers," Gerome said.

"You made them look weak. They might try something so be on guard," Jacob added.

"I'll be careful."

"Hey guys, I gotta go. C ya' later?" Trevor asked.

"Yep, at free time," Gerome replied.

"Man, I know some things we could be doing during free time!" Trevor said suggestively, grinning at Gerome and Jacob.

"TREVOR!" Gerome and Jacob exclaimed in unison.

Trevor laughed, wiggling his fingers at them as he left.

"I should go too," Jacob said.

"Yeah me too. C-ya' later Ethan!" Gerome left also.

Ethan started to his next classes, which were so boring he almost fell asleep. Last period he had with Wesley.

"During free time I'm going downtown with Gerome, Trevor, and Jacob." Ethan told Wesley at the end of class.

"All right. Have fun."

Ethan watched Wesley leave and wondered if he could ever get the solitary boy to open up, even a little bit more. Ethan smiled to himself and decided to take Wesley on as a project. He dropped his stuff off at his room before meeting his friends.

Ethan, Gerome, Trevor, and Jacob were in the parking lot when Ethan heard a whimpering noise by some bushes. He parted them to find a little Shih Tzu puppy huddled in a ball. It's hair was matted with dirt and it was shaking. Ethan lifted the puppy in his arms.

"Oh poor thing!" Gerome exclaimed when he saw the miserable sate of the little puppy.

"I'm going to take it to my room," Ethan said. He turned and started walking back.

"They don't allow pets in the rooms!" Trevor yelled.

"Oh well."

The little creature cuddled against Ethan, then looked up at him with big eyes.

"It's okay. I'm going to take care of you now," Ethan told the dog. It was a good thing it was so small. Ethan hid it inside his coat before entering the school. He quickly made his way to his room. Once inside he took out the bedraggled little thing.

"You need a bath."

Wesley entered his room and heard splashing, then "No! You come back here you little..."

Suddenly, a wet ball of fur assaulted Wesley. It happily pawed at Wesley's legs in greeting, then sat at his feet. Ethan came in the room seconds later. He was soaked. His shirt was plastered to his chest, revealing the outline of his nipples. His hair was mussy and he had a big smile on his face.

"Oh hi Wesley!"

"What is that thing?" Wesley gestured towards the bundle of wet fluff at his feet.

"It's a little Shih Tzu puppy I found. Can we keep her? Please?" Ethan looked at Wesley with eyes that rivaled the puppy's. "Please?"

Wesley sighed. "Oh all right."

"Yeah! Thank you!" Ethan catapulted himself at Wesley and flung his arms around his neck.

Wesley pushed him away. "Arg! Now you got me wet!"

"Good, now you can help me wash him!"

Wesley resisted the urge to sigh and followed the beaming boy to the bathroom.

"Can you hold her? I'll wash her. She squirms a lot!"

Wesley touched the dog. When he did, it immediately rolled on it's back, paws in the air, in a very submissive position.

Ethan smiled, "I guess she really likes you!"

Wesley glared in response. "Just wash her," he grumbled.

Ethan began to soap the little puppy, a secret smile on his face. When he went to rinse her, he pointed the sink attachment at an angle, successfully soaking Wesley.

Ethan giggled at Wesley's shocked expression.

"You think this is funny do you?" Wesley said stoically, pointing at his drenched front.

Ethan couldn't hold back his laughter.

Wesley took this opportunity to spray the water on Ethan's face. Ethan sputtered then proceeded with a counter attack. Soon the two boys were sprawled on the floor laughing, wetter than the dog they were attempting to wash.

The dog cocked her head to the side thinking, boy, these humans are nice, but they sure are strange! She felt left out so she walked up to Wesley and put her head on his knee. Wesley ignored her.

"Wes, she wants you to pet her."

"Yes I know but... What did you call me?"

"I called you Wes. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing I guess." Wesley began absently stroking the little dog's head. When he realized what he was doing, he promptly removed his hand. (Ah, he was daydreaming about stroking Ethan's silky strands of hair. Juz' kiddin! Now back to our feature presentation)

"What should we name her?" Ethan asked.


"No! That's not nice!"

"Well then what do you want to name her?"

"I dunno. Something happy...Ishcabibble?"

The dog jerked her head up when Ethan said the name. Ethan grinned.

"I think she likes it. Ishcabibble!" Ethan called.

The dog left Wesley's side and pounced on Ethan, attacking his face with her tongue. Ethan giggled as the dog continued the torture.

Wesley let his mouth quirk up slightly in a half-smile as he watched the dog's assault on his roommate. Ethan's eyes glittered with merriment. Then he whispered something to the dog. Ishcabibble immediately whirled around and leapt onto Wesley.

"ETHAN! Get it off me!!"

Ethan grinned and watched as Wesley took the dog around its stomach and held her at arms length like something repulsive. Ishca wiggled around, trying to get closer to Wesley. Ethan took pity on them both and took her from Wesley.

Ishcabibble calmed down and looked up at Ethan expectantly.

"What?" He asked.

ACHHHOOO!! She sneezed.

"Bless you."

"You just said bless you to a dog?" Wesley asked.

"So, she sneezed and..."

Ishca interrupted by sneezing a few more times.

"I think it's a signal that she wants something," Wesley stated.

"Well what?" Ethan asked.

The dog hopped from Ethan's lap and ran to the door, her little nails making clicking sounds on the floor. She looked up at Ethan and Wesley sneezing frantically.

"She wants to go out."

Ishca wiggled her tail and them and faced the door again.

"Okay, I'll take you out." Ethan lifted the fuzz ball and went out to the park near the campus. She did her thing and he took her back inside.

Wesley was lounging on his bed when Ethan came back with Ishcabibble. The dog leaped out of Ethan's arms and onto Wesley.

"No, I don't want to pet you. Go away!" Wesley pushed the puppy off his lap. Ishca pouted then bounded over to Ethan, energetically wagging her tail. He smiled at her and picked her up. Then the dinner bell rang.

"Ishca, I gotta go. I'll see you later okay?" Ethan told the puppy before going downstairs.

"So, what did Wesley say about your little puppy?" Jacob asked Ethan when they were in the cafeteria.

"He said that I could keep her in our room. I named her Ishcabibble." Ethan said smiling.

"What the hell is an ishcabibble?" Trevor asked as he sat down.

"It's Ethan's puppy's name love," Gerome replied. They talked for awhile until Trevor and Gerome said that they were going up to bed.

"But it's too early to go to bed!" Jacob protested.

"We're not going to be sleeping," Trevor said winking at Jacob.

Jacob blushed. "I meant that it was too early to leave. I didn't mean that..."

"Sure ya' didn't." Trevor grinned at Jacob before leaving with Gerome not far behind him. Soon after, Ethan went upstairs and changed for bed. Wesley was reading a book on his bed when Ethan came out of the bathroom. Ethan didn't want to sleep alone, but was nervous about what Wesley would think or say if he asked.

"Well umm... I wanted to know if um..." Ethan stuttered. Well how does a guy ask another guy to sleep with him?

Wesley waited patiently for Ethan to spit it out.

"Um.. I wanted to know if we could um... sleep like we did last night."

Wesley watched the nervous boy in front of him smiling slightly. "Sure."

Ethan still didn't look quite convinced so Wesley picked him up around the waist and dropped him on his bed. Ethan swiped his hair out of his eyes and watched as Wesley raised the sheets and lay down beside him. There was a clicking of nails on smooth hard floor and then Ishcabibble was suddenly on Wesley and curling up on his chest.

"GAH!!! Ethan get it off me!!" Wesley whined.

Ethan sighed and detached the puppy from Wesley and put it on his other side. Almost as soon as he did, Ishca hopped over him to pounce on Wesley again.


Ethan giggled as Wesley attempted to pry the puppy off himself.

"She loves you Wes. She just wants to sleep with you."

"Well I don't want to sleep with her!" (Ah, so who does he want to sleep with?)

Wesley detached the puppy and dropped her off the side of the bed. Then he hauled Ethan against his chest.

"There, now you can protect me from that thing!" (No, he really wants to have Ethan against him, smelling his strawberry scented crimson locks and running his hands.... Bad Izzy! Izzy's letting her twisted little imagination get ahead of itself!)

Ethan relaxed against Wesley. Wesley was very comfortable to lie on. He tilted his head up so he could look Wesley in the eyes. Wesley looked down at him, hair flopping in his eyes. Instinctively, Ethan reached up and brushed the hair from Wesley's eyes. Wesley had such pretty eyes. Ethan realized what he had just done when Wesley jerked slightly away. Ethan opened his mouth to apologize when Wesley softly ruffled his hair. Ethan smiled drowsily, resting his head on Wesley's shoulder and drifting off to sleep.

Ethan woke to Wesley tossing in his sleep and making pained noises. Another nightmare. Ethan couldn't do much but reach up and stroke Wesley's hair. The other boy had him pinned up against the wall and he couldn't move. Ethan tried to mimic what he did last night. It seemed to have worked on Wesley then.

Wesley forced himself awake. The same nightmare, but something was different. Fully coherent, he realized that he had Ethan's body pressed between him and the wall (And he likes it that way! *Izzy smacks herself* There I go again, bashing my characters)

"Wesley? You awake now?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah." Wesley reluctantly rolled away from Ethan's warmth. He felt the bed shift.

"Wesley, do you want to talk about it? Was it the same dream as last night?" Ethan softly inquired.

Wesley looked over to see his roommate sitting, looking at him with genuine concern.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about me."

Ethan didn't believe Wesley's words, but if Wesley wasn't ready to talk, then he'd wait until he was. Ethan twisted to glance at the clock. 1:03.

"Let's go back to sleep. We still have time."

Wesley was slightly surprised that Ethan hadn't tried to interrogate him. Ethan smiled at Wesley. Right then, Wesley realized how cutely attractive Ethan was. That gorgeous hair flopping into forest colored eyes. And the way he brushed his hair away from his face every so often was so... Wesley stopped that train of thought and let Ethan curl up next to him again. Ethan was such a snuggler. Then the two drifted off to sleep.

***(Third day that the story takes place)

Jacob was sitting through the most excruciatingly boring math class when he felt something hit the back of his head. He turned around to see Trevor grinning at him. Jacob picked up what Trevor had flung. It was a note. It said:


Me, Ethan, an' Gerome are going to the club tonight. You wanna come with us? Afterwards we're going to have a party in me an' 'Romey's room. So what do you say?

Your sex fiend,


Jacob shot a glance at Trevor. Trevor smirked and licked his lips. Jacob glared back. Rolling his eyes, he turned back to the teacher.

Trevor smiled wistfully. He was often called a joker or a clown, and no one ever tried to talk seriously with him. Well it's partially my fault he thought. He was confused. He was confused about his feelings for Gerome and Jacob. Obviously he was sleeping with Gerome. He knew he loved Gerome, but he couldn't tell him. Jacob was another matter altogether. He wanted Jacob and he cared about him, but he didn't know if he loved him or not. Trevor sighed and placed his head in his hands.

***(back to the mooks)

"Plee-ze Wesley?" Ethan pouted at him.

"All right!" Wesley said slightly exasperated. They were in the class before lunch and Ethan asked Wesley to share a can of soup with him because he wasn't hungry enough to eat a whole one. Wesley declined at first, knowing that his roommate would try to strike up a conversation with him if he accepted. Unfortunately, Ethan made an art of persuading.

Ethan beamed as he grabbed Wesley's arm and dragged him up to the kitchen. (There's a kitchen thing in each floor. It's by the hall monitor's room.)

Wesley just sat at a table and watched Ethan open a can of soup and put it on the stove. Ethan came over to Wesley cheerily.

"So, how was your day?" He asked.


"Mine was soooo boring! Especially in professor Kincaid's class! I've met some nice people here though." Ethan rested his head on one fisted hand and observed Wesley. Wesley just stared back with his usual inscrutable expression. Ethan just smiled, then got up to check the soup.

"I think it's done!" Ethan happily exclaimed. He energetically grabbed some bowls and began to pour the soup. Suddenly, he slammed the pot back on the stove and whirled around.

"W-Wesley, the soup's making noises at me!" The look on Ethan's face was priceless.

"What? Let me see."

Ethan snatched Wesley's arm and pulled him over to the soup. Then Ethan hid behind Wesley, watching over his shoulder. Wesley lifted the pot and started to pour it. It made a hissing noise.

"See! It made noises at us!" Ethan proved his point.

Wesley sighed, "You boiled it a little too long."

"Oh. It's still okay right?" Ethan asked, a worried furrow in his eyebrows.

"It's fine."

"That's good!" Ethan was relieved. He put his hand on the counter and was shocked at the heat the burned through his fingertips.

Ethan yelped and drew back his hand to see red spiral marks from the stove's burner on it. He stood there staring at it so Wesley took action. He snatched Ethan's hand and put it under the sink faucet, putting the cold water on full blast. He faced Ethan, noting that Ethan had his head tilted down so Wesley could not see his eyes. Wesley placed a finger under Ethan's chin and lifted it up.

Ethan felt stupid. He felt stupid and his hand burned like the fires of hell. He felt tears prick at his eyes. Then, he found himself suddenly looking into pools of blue a.k.a. Wesley's eyes.

Wesley noticed the tears in Ethan's eyes. "I'll get some aloe and bandages. Stay here okay?" Ethan nodded. Before he left, Wesley gently wiped the tears from Ethan's cheeks, leaving Ethan staring after him in total shock. Ishcabibble pawed at Wesley, but Wesley ignored her because he was too engrossed in thought. Wesley didn't know what possessed him to touch Ethan like that. Well, he sort of did. It didn't seem right for Ethan to cry. He was practically always smiling. And the skin of Ethan's face was so soft... (Houston, we have attraction!! *Izzy falls down in giggle fit) Wesley internally smacked himself at his train of thought and got down to the business of finding aloe and bandages.

Ethan put a hand to his face where Wesley had touched him. He was more than a little surprised at Wesley's compassionate gesture. Ethan smiled slyly to himself. Wesley, I'm going to get you to open up even if you kill me, he though just before Wesley returned with the first aid kit.

"Give me your hand."

Ethan flinched a little as he allowed Wesley to spread aloe on his burn and wrap it up in bandages.

"How does it feel?"

"Better." Ethan smiled, "How 'bout we eat that soup now?"

Wesley gave Ethan a slight smile before saying, "Sure."

"Me, Gerome, Trevor, and maybe Jacob are going to some club tonight. Do you want to come with us?" Ethan asked as they ate.

Wesley pondered for a moment. "Maybe."

"It'll be fun. You need to get out more anyways. And..." Ethan took on an almost devilish expression. "If you don't go, who will protect you from Ishcabibble?"

"I could go to the library," Wesley replied dryly.

Ethan pouted for a second. "But you said maybe, so you might go right?" Ethan said hopefully.

"That's right."

"Well, I'm going back to our room. You coming?"

"I want to stop at the library first."

"K, see ya around," Ethan said over his shoulder. "Wesley Drake, always studying!" Ethan exclaimed to himself as he walked back to his room.

***(Later that night: Ethan and Wesley's room)

*whump* a shirt was hurled at Wesley's head as he walked in the room. After yanking it off his head and shoving off an over exuberant dog, Wesley saw Ethan digging through his closet.

"Don't I have anything to wear?" Ethan dug some more. "Wait... Ah-ha!" Ethan shot up with a bundle of clothing and turned around smiling. "Oh hi Wes, didn't know you were there. Hey, don't give me that look. I'll clean this all up when I'm done." He then proceeded to the bathroom.

Wesley situated himself on his bed with a paperback book. Ischabibble hopped on the bed and snuggled against him. Wesley was about to push her away, when he noticed her eyes. They were sad eyes, starving for his attention. Wesley had a flashback of himself as a little boy. He closed his eyes and banished the vision from his mind. He looked at the little puppy and pet her. She squirmed happily and moved into his lap. Wesley smiled as the puppy curled up in a little ball and started falling asleep.

Ethan came out of the bathroom to see the cute little scene on Wesley's bed. He leaned against the doorframe and waited for Wesley to notice his presence.

Wesley glanced up to see Ethan clad in dark blue baggy jeans, a tight black tank top, with a deep forest green silk button down shirt open over it. His hair had a tiny bit of gel spiking it slightly.

"Hey, are you coming to the club? If you are you need to get ready. Oh! I'll help!" Ethan babbled. Then he threw open Wesley's closet and began to search through his clothes. He pulled out a dark gray V-necked T-shirt. "Oooohhhh, I like this! It's soft!" Ethan went back to digging. He held up a pair of black pants with the shirt. "Ta-daa!!" He exclaimed.

Wesley just watched, slightly amused by Ethan's antics. Wesley decided that Ethan was having way too much fun with this.

"Okay take this off and put this on!"

When Wesley was dressed, Ethan dragged him down to the lobby where they were going to meet the others. Wesley didn't really know them besides whose name went with what face. He was a little worried about what they would think of him going.

The guys came down, dressed to kill. Gerome had on a pale blue shirt, which complemented his eyes and khakis. Jacob was wearing dark red cargo pants with a dark blue shirt that had a red stripe on it. Trevor was wearing green cargo pants, a bright orange shirt, and his trademark hat with sunglasses resting on the brim.

"So are ya all ready to party!" Trevor exclaimed jumping up and down.

"Okay, I don't know him," Jacob said.

Trevor slung an arm over Jacob's shoulder grinning. "Of course you know me. Wasn't that you last night?" Trevor teased.

Jacob blushed and shoved Trevor's arm off him and scooted over by Ethan and Wesley. "I think I'll stick with the straight (haha) people tonight!"

Gerome laughed and said, "Well let's go instead of sitting around and talking about it!"

As they entered the club, they were assaulted by the peppy sound of Vanga boy's (can't spell) "Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, I want you in my room, spend the night together, together in my room!"

"Yeah! I love this song!" Trevor exclaimed as he leapt onto the dance floor. He was actually a very good dancer, in his own way.

"C'mon, please dance?" Ethan asked Wesley.

"I'm probably not a very good dancer. I don't want to embarrass myself."

"Look at that guy," Jacob said pointing to an older man trying to impress some younger girls by the bar. Wesley bit his lip to keep from laughing. The man looked ridiculous.

"See," Jacob smiled at him.

"All right," Wesley grudgingly replied.

Angel by Joee came on. "Time went by so quickly, you were only seventeen. When you left you took a part of me. I just want to let you know, this was the time when you ran away, it seemed the days would fade into night, but you'll be alright I know that I've got an Angel watching me (I love that song, but I probably messed up some of the lyrics. Lisel, if you know the right words can you tell me?)

Wesley tried to let the music into his soul and began to move to the beat. Ethan stopped dancing and gaped. Wesley was a good dancer. Wesley opened his eyes and stopped dancing when he saw Ethan looking at him oddly.

"Wesley, keep dancing! You're really good!"

Wesley and Ethan danced for hours until they decided to get a drink and rest at the bar. (They drink sodas. No alcohol for them)

"So are you glad you came?" Ethan asked.

Wesley shrugged. "I guess it's not too bad."

"Not too bad!? Wait a minute..." Ethan's ranting was interrupted.

"SO I TELL YOU I SLEEP WITH GUYS AND YOU TELL ME YOU'RE NOT WEARING ANY UNDERWEAR!!!!" Trevor exclaimed rather loudly. Ethan laughed and looked at Wesley who had his trademark half-smile on his face. Ethan thought Wesley's smile made him look something. He couldn't place what it did to Wesley.

"Let's go see what that was about!" Ethan dragged Wesley over to where Trevor was waving his arms wildly at a blushing dark blond haired guy.

"So, who's your friend Trevor?" Ethan asked.

"I'm Caleb," The dark blue eyed stranger answered.

Ethan smiled. What a disappointed look on Caleb's face! Apparently Caleb tried a pick-up line on Trevor, and it backfired rather badly. Trevor was attractive in a perverted way (pervertedly attractive) He had light brown hair and deep brown eyes. That totally cocky grin on his face all the time and his unremovable baseball hat, well Gerome could remove it. (*hehehe*) The forementioned person came over all smiles. He was angelically attractive. Petite with platinum blond hair and Cerulean blue eyes. He slid an arm through Trevor's and put his head on his shoulder.

"Meeting new people without me love?" Gerome asked.

"He approached me first," Trevor grumbled.

"Hey, we should go back to the dorm. It's almost lock up time!" Jacob bounded over to where they were standing.

"Yeah, then we can stop and pick up the pizza we ordered," Trevor said.

In Gerome and Trevor's room they all sat cross-legged on the floor eating pizza from paper plates when they heard something hit the window.

"TREVOR, TREVOR!" They heard someone yell.

"Oh, no, it's Caleb," Trevor groaned.

"Don't worry. I'll...take care of him," Gerome said with a slightly demonic expression on his face.


Gerome re-entered the room, a smirk on his face.

Trevor jumped up, "What did you do?"

"It doesn't matter. Let's just say Caleb won't be bothering you anymore (Who will he bother? Izzy grins wickedly)."


"Trevor, just leave it at that," Gerome interrupted.

"Hey, what time is it? I think we all have to go soon," Jacob broke into the beginnings of a tense silence.

Gerome glanced at his watch. "Yes, you're right. Our little party has to come to an end."

They all said their good-bye's as they departed to go to sleep.

"Admit it, you had a really good time tonight!" Ethan said to Wesley once they were in their room.

"It was kind of fun I guess," Wesley replied.

"Well, I hope you had fun `cause you're coming along next time."


"You need to get out more. You're cooped up in here all the time," Ethan absentmindedly stroked Ishca's sleeping head.

"If you say so," Wesley sighed. He was tired and wanted nothing more than to go to sleep. He had his eyes shut when he felt the covers rustle and Ethan move next to him.

"Am I presuming to much?" Ethan asked softly.

"It's fine."

"Okay. Good night." Ethan made himself comfortable against Wesley. Ethan thought that Wesley smelled nice. Minty. Wesley seemed to have a thing for mint. He had mint shampoo, soap, and most likely some mint cologne somewhere. Ethan didn't mind. It was a comforting scent. Ethan studied Wesley's sleeping face. When he was asleep, and not having nightmares, his features were so relaxed and peaceful. Ethan drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face.

***(Fourth day the story takes place)

Wesley woke to find the bed empty. He heard the shower running. Ethan's up early, he thought glancing at the clock. The shower stopped. A few minutes later Ethan came out of the bathroom.

"Good morning!" Good morning my ass, Wesley thought. How could Ethan be so damned cheerful in the mornings?

Wesley stretched as he got out of bed. Almost tripping over Ishca Wesley managed to get ready and arrive to class on time.


Ethan wasn't able to talk to Wesley until lunchtime. "Hey, you're going to sit with me today right?" He asked.

"If you want me to."

"Of course idiot! I wouldn't ask you to if I didn't want you (Izzy snickers, let's leave off the to…just kidding) to!" Ethan laughed grabbing Wesley's arm and dragging him over to the table where he was sitting.

Wesley was slightly worried about what the others would think of him sitting there, but allowed himself to be dragged. As he sat there longer, he began to feel more at ease.

Gerome arrived first and when he saw Wesley he grinned. "Hello Wesley. I'm glad you're sitting with us today."

"Um…" Wesley started, not sure of what to say, and was gladly interrupted by Jacob.

"Gerome! What the hell did you do?" Jacob was outraged.

"What do you mean?" Gerome asked innocently.

"I mean why is Caleb calling ME?" Jacob exclaimed.

"I wanted him to leave Trevor alone. He seemed very lonely so I sort of gave him your number."


"Please calm down and listen to me. He's a very nice person. Just go to dinner with him as friends…"

"I'm not going anywhere with him!"

Gerome sighed, "Jacob, could you just try to be nice to him, please? Just think about it."

"All right," Jacob grumbled reluctantly.

"Hey what did I miss?" Trevor bounded up to them.

"I'll tell you later," Gerome told him.

"Okay. Hey, did ya' know there's only two weeks until Christmas break? I can't wait!" Trevor exclaimed.

"Yeah and I practically just got here. My parents couldn't wait until after Christmas break to enroll me," Ethan replied.

Christmas break. A time Wesley loathed. I'll be all right, he thought. I'll be pretty much the only person in this school over break, but I've done it before. I'll be just fine on my own. He jerked himself out of his thoughts and back to the conversation around him.

"Do ya' wanna go somewhere during free time today?" Trevor asked.

"I can't. I have to go to the library to work on a paper," Jacob mumbled. He was still upset with Gerome about the Caleb thing.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I have to do the same paper," Ethan said sadly.

"Let's just stay here today. Tomorrow we can go get ice-cream or something," Gerome suggested.

Trevor beamed at his lover. "Sounds like a plan! I knew I could count on you to think of something!"

"See you guys later," Jacob abruptly left.

"Geez, what's up with him?" Trevor asked.

"I'll tell you later," Gerome said, frowning as he pondered.

***(Ethan and Wesley's room)

Ethan was sitting on his bed casually swinging his feet and looking at Wesley as he studied.

"So are you going anywhere for Christmas break?" Ethan asked.

"No," Wesley replied bluntly, in a way that Ethan knew not to press further in why Wesley was staying on campus.

"Would you like to come to my house? I can call to make sure it's okay."

Wesley's head jerked away from his studying in surprise. "I'd like that."

Ethan smiled, "I'll call now. It would give me something to do!"

"You could be in the library working on that paper."

Ethan gave Wesley a withered look. "I have time later today. Anyway, it's not due until next week. I have plenty of time!"

"To procrastinate."

"I…Well…Grrr! I'm calling anyway!"

Wesley chuckled to himself as Ethan stomped over to the phone.

"Hey Henderson," Ethan said as the butler picked up the phone.

"Ethan! It's good to hear your voice."

"Same here Henderson. Is my mother around?"

"Yes, just wait a moment."

"Oh Ethan, I miss you so much!" His mother exclaimed rather loudly as she picked up the phone.

"I'm calling about Christmas break."

"That's coming up soon isn't it?"

"Yeah. I wanted to know if my roommate could come to our house."

"Of course," His mother gushed; "I'm having cook make a special Christmas dinner with…" His mother began babbling about preparations, which Ethan mostly tuned out.

"I'm sure it's going to be wonderful. I gotta go now okay?"

"I miss you. Call more often."

"Bye mother," Ethan said sweetly. "She's so hard to get off the phone!"

"Are you going to work on that paper now?"


***(Jacob in the library)

Jacob was skimming through an article on the Internet when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Gerome standing there. He sighed to himself, great, he knows I can't raise my voice above a whisper here or I'll get kicked out and he wants to talk about Caleb. He's got me trapped here.

"Jacob, please go out with Caleb tonight. He's been through a really tough time lately. I think all he needs is a friend with a sympathetic ear…"

"Fine," Jacob sighed. "If you're going to keep pushing it I'll do it."

"Thank you Jacob!"

As Gerome left, Jacob wondered if he just made a big mistake.


Caleb smiled shyly at Jacob over the rim of his glass. A couple hours ago Jacob had called and asked him to dinner. Now they were sitting in a cosey (Okay, it's official, Izzy can't spell, but ya' know what I mean right?) Italian restaurant. It was nice to be out with someone again, but he was frightfully nervous. He was pretty sure that Jacob wasn't interested in men and he didn't want to do anything that would make Jacob hate him. He didn't know what to say and the silence was rapidly becoming uncomfortable.

Jacob had worries of his own. He didn't know exactly what to say. He didn't want to accidentally offend Caleb, or encourage him either. A man approaching their table took Jacob out of his thoughts. He reminded Jacob a little of Trevor; well he had the same sense of style.

"So Caleb, you've already latched onto another man. You're so tripe." The man laughed coldly as he swaggered away. Jacob glanced over at Caleb. Caleb was quivering, his eyes downcast.

"E-excuse me Jacob," Caleb's voice quavered as he got up and rushed away towards the bathroom.

Oh god, why did HE have to show up? Caleb leaned against the wall. It seemed the only thing strong enough to keep his body standing. He was actually starting to have fun again damn it! Now he felt like sobbing. God, someone should just take me out back and shoot me, he thought angrily.

Jacob sat and pondered before deciding to follow Caleb. As he entered, he saw Caleb leaning against a wall, his body shaking. Jacob reached out and touched him on the shoulder. Caleb's head jerked up, his eyes filled with unshed tears.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

Caleb paused a moment, then nodded. He swiped at the tears on his cheeks and cleared his throat.

"A little over a year ago I met David. I was shy and he helped me open up and meet new people. We became…involved, not sexually though. I wasn't ready for that then. We did get close to it more than once." Caleb blushed. "I thought he understood. On our first year anniversary I-I wanted to. I left work an hour early so I could come home and surprise him. Instead it was the other way around. I-I found him… with another man." Tears began to form at Caleb's eyes again. "H-he said some awful things to me…" Caleb bit back a sob.

Jacob awkwardly embraced him, trying to supply some comfort. Gerome was right. All Caleb really needed was someone to confide it. He gently broke the embrace.

"Come on." He grasped Caleb's arm and began to maneuver him out of the bathroom.


"Jacob smiled interrupting him, "Just somewhere quiet."

Jacob led him to a nearby park where they sat on a bench, looking at the stars and talking. The night air was cold. Small snowflakes fell from the sky, littering the ground with their dusting of white. After awhile, Jacob checked his watch.

"It's getting late. If you want, I'll walk you home," he said.

"I'd like that," Caleb smiled.

Jacob walked Caleb to his door.

"Thank you for taking me out tonight Jacob," Caleb said softly.

"Maybe we could do it again sometime. Well… Good night." Jacob turned to walk away.


Jacob stopped and turned back to Caleb.

"Um… Wouldyoukissme? I mean, nothing major, you don't have to…" Caleb began to babble nervously.

Jacob thought about it. Caleb was hurting and needed some confidence. Besides, what could a little kiss do? Jacob gently cupped Caleb's cheek in his hand as he leaned in and pressed his lips firmly against Caleb's. Caleb made a soft moan in his throat and opened his mouth as if beckoning for Jacob's tongue to quest there. Instinct led Jacob to slide his tongue against Caleb's lower lip, eliciting a whimper from him. Caleb twined his arms around Jacob's neck. Their tongues met and explored. Their bodies made contact. Caleb began unconsciously grinding his hips slowly against Jacob. Suddenly, the realization of what he was doing hit Caleb. He stiffened, quickly breaking away from Jacob, a shaking hand to his lips. His eyes were welling with tears.

"I'm sorry Jacob. You've been so nice and… Oh God I'm so sorry!" Caleb's tears flowed freely as he bit back a sob. He ran into his apartment, slamming the door behind him.

Jacob lingered on the door stoop, worrying his lower lip between his teeth. Just a little kiss had quickly turned to more and Jacob didn't know quite how he felt about it. He decided to have a long talk with Gerome the next day. He turned and began to walk back to the dorm.

Caleb slid his back down his door until he was sitting on the floor, leaning against the door with his knee bent and his head back.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Caleb berated himself. "God, why do I do such stupid things? Jacob was just starting to be my friend and I blew it!" Tears began making their way down Caleb's cheeks. "I'm such a wimp too. Crying so much." He curled himself into a ball and sobbed himself to sleep.

*** (5th day the story takes place)

Wesley woke to Ethan snuggled on his left side and Ishca cuddled on his right. Hi smiled, gently ruffling Ishca's hair. He would have done the same to Ethan, but he couldn't bear to wake him. He got out of bed with a reluctant sigh. Just by his morning he could tell it was going to be a long day.

Wesley's prediction from the morning came true. The minutes seemed to inch by so slowly. It seemed like forever until it was lunchtime. Now, he was seated with Ethan, Jacob, Gerome (ya' know I just realized I've been spelling his name wrong. It's really spelled Jerome. Should I spell it right from now on or just keep it the way I've been doing it?), and Trevor around their usual lunch table.

"So Jacob, how was your date with Caleb last night?" Trevor grinned.

Gerome smacked him on the head. "They only went as friends. Don't pick on Jacob."

Jacob was strangely quiet. Usually he would join in the bickering. Wesley wondered if there was something on his mind. He seemed kind of out of it. Jacob quickly finished off his lunch.

"Um…Gerome, can I talk to you sometime later today?"

"Sure," Gerome replied, a slightly puzzled expression on his face.

Jacob left seeming as if he was in a hurry like yesterday.

"Okay, there's something really wrong with that guy," Trevor said.

"I wonder what he wants to talk to Gerome about," Ethan put in.

"Do you think something happened to him?" Gerome wondered.

"Yeah, Caleb probably molested him," Trevor said sarcastically.

Gerome smacked him again. "Not funny, but I wonder… I'm going to find him. I'll see you later." Gerome rose from his seat and went to search for Jacob.


Gerome came to Jacob's dorm room last. He didn't expect Jacob to stay in his dorm during free time and looked everywhere possible for him. He even checked at the sign out table to see if Jacob had left campus. Now, he knocked on the door. Jacob opened it.

"Gerome, um… Come in."

Jacob seemed figity. Whatever this is about it must be very important Gerome thought. He decided not to straight out and ask, but wait until Jacob felt comfortable enough to tell him. He was lucky because Jacob cut to the chase.

"I wanted to talk to you about something that happened last night," Jacob started. "Caleb told you about David didn't he?" Gerome nodded. "Well, David was at the restaurant we went to and he really upset Caleb. I walked him home. When we got to his door he asked me to kiss him." Jacob fiddled with the edge of his shirt. "It started out as an innocent little kiss but… Then it wasn't."

Gerome was not expecting that. In fact it was one of the last things he predicted.

"Caleb broke it off. He started crying and saying how sorry he was. Then he slammed the door. I don't know what to do."

"Well, did you enjoy the kiss?" Gerome asked rather bluntly.

Jacob blushed, "It wasn't so bad, just different."

Gerome gave him a long look. "I think you have to analyze your feelings first before you get involved with Caleb's. Then you should go see Caleb personally. I can't tell you what to say. That you'll know when the time comes," Gerome advised.

"All right," Jacob replied even talking about it hadn't made anything clearer.

"Do you need to talk about anything else?"

"No, you can go now if you want."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow." Gerome opened the door to come face to face with Ethan.

"Um…Hi." Ethan smiled nervously, "Was I interrupting?"

"Nope. I was just leaving," Gerome reassured. He smiled at them before closing the door behind him.

"So, um… How are you?" Ethan asked.


"You seemed a little stressed or something during lunch."

"I just have a lot on my mind. So, you've become close with Wesley," Jacob smoothly changed the subject.

Ethan decided not to dwell on Jacob's problems and replied, "Yeah, he's not bad. He's actually pretty cool once you break the ice."

They talked for a while longer before Ethan decided to go back to his dorm.

***(Ethan down the hall)

Ethan walked swiftly down the hall. As he turned to where the halls crossed he felt strong arms on either side of him grab his arms. As he jerked against the hard grasp he heard cold distinct laughter. He was turned around to have Preston's sneering face come into view.

"Looks like you're not so tough after all," he leered. He motioned to two other guys. "You know what to do. Make him hurt."

A fist came smashing into Ethan's face, another at his stomach, and he could do nothing. His body began to fold as he slumped to the ground losing consciousness.


Wesley glanced at the clock for the 20th time in the last 2 minutes. Where the hell was Ethan? It was almost time for bedroom check. He flung his book down, pulled some shoes on and went to find his roommate. He decided to try Jacob's dorm first. You couldn't pay him to go to Gerome and Trevor's dorm. God knows what they were doing in there. A groggy Jacob answered the door.

"What?" he grumbled.

"Do you know where Ethan is?"

Jacob's expression changed to one of worry. "He left for your room almost an hour ago."

Wesley made a U-turn and began to walk away.

"Wesley wait," Jacob panted as he ran after Wesley.

They turned the corner to find Ethan's crumpled form.

"Oh my God," Jacob gasped.

Wesley checked Ethan's pulse, sighing with relief as he felt the steady throb of life. He turned to Jacob. "Get the nurse," he ordered.

Jacob nodded sprinting down the hall.

Wesley brushed some blood matted hair off Ethan's forehead. He felt sickened by the condition of his…Friend? When he started thinking of Ethan as a friend he couldn't tell. Wesley gazed at his battered face, wishing he would smile.

Ethan's eyes fluttered open. He opened his mouth to speak, but Wesley stopped him.

"Don't say anything. Save your strength." He gently grasped Ethan's hand.

Jacob and the nurse came rushing over. She checked Ethan's vital sighns and carefully checked for broken bones (I have no medical experience at all and no idea what one would do in this situation. This is fiction so just go with it.).

"You're very lucky." She turned to Wesley and Jacob, "Could you help me get him to the infirmary?"

***(In the infirmary a couple hours later)

Wesley came into Ethan's room. Ethan was wearing a hospital gown and lots of bandages. He managed a weak smile in Wesley's direction. "Hi," he croaked. Wesley sat in a chair by the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I could go bungee (can't spell) jumping."

Wesley cracked a smile at that. "Look who I brought to visit." He picked up Ishcabibble and put her next to Ethan. "She was going frantic over you not being there." The puppy curled up by Ethan's head and began licking his face. Ethan giggled reaching over to pet her head.

"Thank you," Ethan said grinning.

Wesley gave into the urge to (Claim his mouth in a passionate kiss and…. No not really!) muss up Ethan's hair lightly with his fingertips. He was glad the nurse took the time to wash the soft locks.

The nurse came in the room and observed the boys talking. Their closeness in friendship touched her. She cleared her throat to get their attention. "Would you like me to bring in a cot for you to sleep here?"

"Really?" Ethan asked.

"If it's not too much trouble," Wesley said at the same time.

The nurse replied, "It's not a big deal. I'll go get it."

After setting up the cot, both of them quickly drifted to sleep.

***(6th day of the story)

Wesley felt someone shaking him and was surprised to open his eyes and see Jacob.

"I figured you'd be here. I thought you might want to be on time for classes today."

"What time is it?" Wesley asked.

"You have an hour."

"Alright. Thank you Jacob," Wesley said truthfully.

"Hey it's nothing," Jacob grinned at him. "Well I gotta go. There's something I need to do."

***(What Jacob's doing)

Jacob was in a hurry. He waited outside the shop muttering to himself. "Isn't it supposed to be open now? I'm going to be late!" Then his savior a.k.a. the shop-person unlocked the door.

He rushed in, found what he wanted and rushed over to Caleb's apartment. He knocked and a blue silk pajama clad Caleb opened the door. His expression changed to one of panic.

"Jacob what…"

Jacob pulled out the flowers from behind his back. "Yellow roses mean friendship right?"

Caleb's face lit up as he nodded.

"They're for you ya' know," Jacob teased.

"Thank you. They're beautiful." Caleb took them. "Um..would you like to come in for a little while?"

"I would, but I have to get to class. Do you want to go see a movie or something tonight?"

"Really?" Caleb was practically beaming.

"Yeah. Could I come by later?"


Jacob couldn't help laughing at Caleb's eagerness. He sounded like a child.

"I'll see you later then," Jacob said over his shoulder. He'd start out being friends with Caleb, but who knows…


Wesley hadn't concentrated through any of his classes. His head had been filled with thoughts of Ethan. As he walked to lunch he caught sight of Preston. Wesley grabbed him by the back of his shirt and dragged him into an empty corridor.

"I bet you feel real good now," Wesley said coldly.

Preston smirked. "What do you mean?" He asked.

So he's playing dumb. "How does it feel to get away with having an innocent student beat up?" Wesley growled.

"Oh he deserved it. And why would such a thing concern you? Don't tell me you actually think that Ethan is your friend. Haven't you realized yet that people like us don't mix with people like you?" Even though Preston was shorter than Wesley, he still had a way of looking down his nose at him.

Wesley tried not to respond. He knew that Preston was trying to goad him into doing something that he would regret and it was working. Wesley couldn't resist it anymore and slammed the obnoxious boy's back against the wall. It wasn't much, but it was enough to frighten Preston.

"If you ever hurt or try to hurt anyone again I'll personally be after you. Then again, maybe I have enough proof now to have you sent away for good."

"And what proof would you have?"

"Something like this." Wesley pulled out the small tape recorder he used during class to record lectures. Wesley walked away leaving Preston standing there. Preston wasn't stupid. He knew well enough that he didn't stand a chance against Wesley.

***(In Mr. Palmer's office. Remember him?)

Wesley observed the changing of expressions on the face of the man in front of him. Wesley had just given him the tape of Preston's confession.

"Well I'm quite speechless."

"Say that Preston will be punished?" Wesley suggested.

"He will at least be expelled. I will suggest counseling and community service to his parents, but what are the chances they'll make him go through with it."

Relief coursed through Wesley. "Thank you Mr. Palmer," he said as he rose from his seat.

Mr. Palmer smiled, "No, thank you. Have a nice break."

"You too," Wesley politely replied before exiting.

***(Two weeks later. Yes, I know I skipped a lot of time, but I was too excited about Christmas break!)

Nothing much happened in the weeks before Christmas break. Preston was indeed expelled. Ethan was making a quick recovery. The nurse said that he'd be well enough to travel if he took it easy and didn't push things.

At the moment, Ethan was packing some things for his parent's house. He bought gifts recently for the members of his family. He had a gift for Wesley too. He was a little worried that Wesley wouldn't like it. Ethan heard the door open and looked up to see Wesley bringing Ishcabibble in from her walk.

"It's freezing out there!" Wesley exclaimed as he shucked off his coat and unleashed Ishca. Immediately she leapt at Ethan and landed on his lap.

"Hello sweetie," (That's to the dog and not Wesley!) Ethan patted her soft little head. "Are you almost ready to go?" He looked up at Wesley.


"Yeah. I just need a few more minutes."

Wesley watched Ethan out of the corner of his eye. "Are you feeling all right for this?"

Ethan gave him a withered look. "Wes, I'm doing great. If I wasn't I'd be complaining."

A small smile graced Wesley's features. "I should've known. I'm ready to go. How about you?"


They donned their winter jackets and lifted their suitcases. They departed their dorm room. Outside there was lots of wind billowing the snow falling around them.

"I think I'll miss it here," Ethan stated as he turned to look upon the building.

Wesley cocked his head with a questioning look.

"This place has begun to feel like home in a strange way," Ethan answered the unspoken question.

They loaded the car and were ready to depart. Wesley was driving first. Ethan sat in the passenger seat with Ishcabibble curled in his lap. They didn't know what to do with her, so they brought her along. Ethan studied Wesley's profile. Wesley fascinated him to no end. One day he could be cold and distant, the next warm and caring. While Ethan was hurt Wesley took care of him. He made sure that Ethan took his medication and changed his bandages regularly.

***(Ethan's flashback)

It was a couple days after Ethan was assaulted. He was excused from classes until after Christmas break, but he was still required to do a lot of end of the term work. He was writing an essay for English when Wesley came back to the room.

Ethan glanced up and smiled. "Hi. How was your day?"

"Mediocre I guess. How are you feeling?"

"Mmmm… A little sore, but okay."

"You need your bandages changed. Do you want some help?"

"Sure." Ethan carefully slipped off his shirt so Wesley could attend to the wounds on his torso.

Wesley tried to be as gentle as possible as he began to unwrap Ethan's waist. He gently drifted his fingers along Ethan's ribcage.

Ethan bit his lip, trying not to laugh.

Wesley took that as a sign of pain. "Are they tender?"

"No. It tickles." Ethan giggled, then put a hand to his stomach. "Ah, don't make me laugh. It hurts."

Wesley frowned as he tried to wrap Ethan's waist without causing him any pain. When he was done re-wrapping Ethan he asked, "Do you need anything at the library? I need to go there."

"No, but thanks for asking."

"Remember to take your medication while I'm gone."

"Yes mother," Ethan teased.

Wesley tried to scowl at him, but ended up smiling. He shook his head as he left.

***(End of flashback)

The snowfall was growing thicker as time went on. Wesley was getting nervous.

"Ethan, I think we should find a hotel or someplace to stop. It's getting to the point where I can barely see the road."


They drove for awhile before they came to a gas station. Wesley pulled up and parked the car.

"You stay here and I'll go ask for directions to the nearest hotel okay?"


A few minutes later Wesley came out of the station.

"The closest thing is a little inn a few miles away." Wesley buckled his seatbelt and started the engine.

Soon they pulled into the parking lot of a modest looking lodge. They grabbed bags they would need and Ishcabibble before bolting towards the shelter. They entered and came to a reseption desk.

The receptionist smiled, "What can I get you two?"

"What rooms do you have available?"

"Ummm…." She stared at her computer and wrinkled her nose. "We don't have much. We have one single, one double, and our * heh * honeymoon suite."

"Want to try a double?" Wesley asked Ethan.

"What? We can't get the honeymoon suite?" Ethan asked with mock horror.

Wesley laughed softly. "The double it is I guess."

"Okay, here's the keys. If you need anything just call down here. Have a nice night."

"You too," Ethan said as he followed Wesley to their room. It was nice. It had a nice four-poster king-sized bed and an ajoining bathroom.

"Nice," Ethan commented.

"You've probably stayed in nicer."

"Yes, but I like this better. It just feels more comfortable," Ethan responed matter-of-factly.

Wesley tilted his head to the side. His roommate never ceased to surprise him. Ethan's parents had enough money to buy him anything he'd desire, and yet he wanted simple things. In fact, simple things seemed to please him more than anything extravagent. Wesley admired that Ethan didn't waste his wealth on frivolous things. But money didn't really matter to Ethan.

"Should we get ready to sleep? Tomorrow will be a long day," Ethan interrupted Wesley's thoughts.

Wesley glanced at the clock before nodding his head.

They changed and settled into the bed. They hadn't shared a bed since Ethan was hurt. They both missed it. Wesley had missed Ethan's warmth. Wesley's body always felt cold, but Ethan's warmth could penetrate the coldness and make him feel cared about. Ethan missed Wesley's comforting strength. Having Wesley there made him feel not alone and not so vulnerable.

Ethan snuggled close and rested on Wesley's chest, listening to his heartbeat. Wesley rubbed Ethan's back until they both drifted off to sleep.

***(What Jacob and Caleb have been doing)

Jacob had only been able to see Caleb once before Christmas break. He was busy getting assignments completed. Earlier they had only gone to see a movie.

Now it was the first day of Christmas break and Jacob was headed to Caleb's apartment for dinner. He knocked on the door. Caleb answered it right away.

"You have perfect timing Jacob! I just finished. Come in." Caleb was beaming. It was funny how a smile could change one's appearance. It certainly changed Caleb's. Jacob followed Caleb into the apartment. It was a nice little place, but it wasn't as furnished as Jacob expected. It seemed rather bare.

Caleb seemed to notice Jacob's expression saying, "I haven't been here long. I-I lived with David." Caleb lowered his eyes hiding behind his bangs. Suddenly he lifted his head, his expression changing. "Let's eat before it gets cold."

"It smells delicious," Jacob complimented, hoping to keep Caleb's mind off the depressing subject of David.

"I-I wasn't quite sure what you would like so I just made spagetti and meatballs. Is that okay?" Caleb asked nervously.

"It's my favorite," Jacob reassured him.

"That's great!" Caleb exclaimed.

They sat in a comfortable little dining room. At the first bite of his food Jacob was amazed. He had no idea that Caleb was such a fantastic cook. He told him so making Caleb turn as red as the tomato sauce.

"Thank you. Cooking is sort of a hobby for me."

"If you ever feel like cooking you can make me something." Jacob smiled.

For the first time, Caleb realized how attractive Jacob actually was. Smiling made him look so much better. He studied Jacob as if seeing him for the first time. Strong lean body, choppy brown hair topping blue-green eyes. And that mouth. Caleb could acutely remember how those lush lips could feel… Caleb snapped out of his trance when he realized Jacob had spoken.

"Um… What did you say?"

"I asked if something was wrong."

"Oh no. I was just wondering whether to bring the cake out now or not."

"Ohhh. I think you should!"

"All right." Caleb scurried away.

Jacob watched him. He knew something was up. He had acted really peculiar. He had barely eaten anything and he had been staring at Jacob rather intently. Jacob decided top shrug it off as Caleb came back, chocolate cheesecake in hand.

"Is it all for me?" Jacob joked.

"No, but you can eat half of it." Caleb leaned forward to cut the cake. That's when Jacob noticed the way Caleb's clothes were hanging off his body.

"Caleb, have you been eating enough lately?" Jacob blurted out without thinking.

"I haven't really been hungry lately." Because I've been plauged by David. He's everywhere. I see him in my dreams and on the street, Caleb thought but didn't say.

Jacob didn't pry. He could tell by the look in Caleb's eyes that it had to do with David. Caleb's hands were shaking as he put down the knife. Jacob moved over and embraced him.

"It'll be okay," he whispered.

] Caleb buried his face in the crook of Jacob's shoulder. He could feel the tears coming to his eyes, but wouldn't allow them to fall.

At that moment Jacob realized just how deeply Caleb had cared for David and how much pain he endured. It made Jacob wish that he had someone care about him that deeply. He stroked Caleb's back.

"We should eat that cake now. It's beckoning to me," Jacob suggested once he felt that Caleb had calmed down.

"Right." Caleb released Jacob from his grasp.

They finished their desert then decided to sit in the living room and talk for a little. Jacob stretched himself out on the sofa while Caleb sat himself in a chair. That room was the most furnished room in the apartment. Jacob noted the roses he gave Caleb were drying in a vase. His gaze rested on a photo. It was a picture of David and Caleb. David was behind Caleb with his arms around Caleb's waist. Caleb had his head resting on David's chest. They were both beaming at the camera.

Caleb noticed Jacob staring at the picture. "I should really put that away," Caleb said in a weak voice.

"Maybe you should if he hurt you so much."

Caleb closed his eyes. He would not cry! Not again!

"Would you like to talk about it more?" Jacob asked.

"I do, but I don't know if I can.

Jacob's gaze softened. "It's okay. I just thought you'd like to get some of that off your chest."

"I-I think if I tell you, you'd think I was being stupid and overreacting."

"I won't think that.'

Caleb reconsidered. "Now I feel like such a fool. I thought I was in love with him and now I know he was using me. Everyday I'd go to school and then to work. I'd work weekends too. I had to provide for the both of us since David didn't have a job. He said he was looking, but now I know he never was. I'd give him half of the money I earned no even knowing what he was spending it on. At first he was great, then he wanted to sleep with me. I told him I wasn't ready, but I asked if he would just hold me. He laughed at me and asked `what for.' I never asked again. He did things like that all through the relationship. The worst part was near the end. He'd start yelling at me and call me…" Caleb began to break down. He decided that it was a good place to stop.

Jacob put his arms around Caleb once again.

"Shhhh. It's all right. You didn't deserve any of that. He really was a bastard wasn't he?"

Jacob could feel Caleb shuddering from his sobs. They stayed like that for awhile. Jacob didn't comprehend how long until he looked at the clock.

"Caleb, it's very late. Passed the time when I'm supposed to be back at the school. Can I stay here tonight?"


"Does that couch fold out? I'll sleep on that."

"No you can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch."

"Caleb, I'm not going to kick you out of your bed! I'll sleep on the couch and that's final!" Jacob exclaimed stubbornly. (Why don't you boys sleep in the same bed? * Izzy winks * Not yet though! Be patient!)

Caleb sighed. "I'll get some blankets.

A couple hours later Jacob still couldn't sleep. He saw Caleb come out of his room and feigned slumber.

Caleb approached the side of the couch and knelt by Jacob's head.

"Jacob?" He whispered. Jacob didn't respond, so he assumed he was safe. He gently stroked Jacob's hair, then glided his fingertips along his cheek. "Thank you for being so kind to me." His hand stilled as he leaned closer and chastely kissed Jacob on the lips. He would have preferred a deeper kiss, but didn't want to wake Jacob. That would be embarrassing. "Goodnight angel," he said softly before he went back to his room.

Once the door was shut, Jacob's eyes flew open. He brought his hand to his lips. He was shocked that Caleb kissed him, no matter how innocent the kiss. He shook his head and closed his eyes. It would be best to sleep on it.

***(Short Trevor and Gerome interlude)

Trevor and Gerome were in a hotel bed, entwined in each others limbs. They were on their way to Gerome's house first, then Trevor's.

"I hope that Ethan and Wesley aren't out driving in this storm." Gerome gazed out the window.

"Hm. They probably stopped at a hotel like we did. You shouldn't worry so much."

"I'm not worrying! I'm glad that Wesley decided to go with Ethan."

"They seen rather fond of one another, don't you agree?" Trevor remarked.

Gerome grinned, "I think I'm rubbing off on you!"

"What are you talking about?"

"My gay matchmaking skills."


"Gerome sighed. "I can't believe you haven't noticed! I'm trying to set Jacob up with Caleb!"

"Oh yeah." Trevor smirked, "Think it'll work?'

"No idea. I think Caleb will warm up to the idea, but I'm not so sure about Jacob."

Trevor chuckled, "Oh, I think he will."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that I'm pretty damn sure Jacob's at least bi. I swear I've seen him check out other guys."

"Really?" Gerome beamed. "Maybe there's hope after all!"

Trevor laughed and kissed his lover. Gerome smiled and curled contently in Trevor's arms as they both slept.

***(Morning, Wesley and Ethan)

Ethan slowly woke. He found one of Wesley's arms draped around him and Wesley's lean body behind his. Everything was normal. He drowsily decided to go back to sleep then suddenly completely tensed, wide awake. Wesley had shifted in his sleep. Ethan could feel Wesley's hard penis pressing against his ass. Ethan's eyes bugged out and he tried not to hyperventilate. Wesley slid his hand beneath Ethan's shirt to rub against his belly. He began to kiss at Ethan's neck. Ethan moaned as Wesley's mouth found a particularly sensitive spot. Wesley's hand slid lower.

NO NO NO!!! Ethan internally smacked himself. This is not going to happen now (later * winks *). He carefully extracted himself from Wesley's grasp. Wesley didn't stir. Ethan rubbed his neck. It seemed to burn where Wesley's mouth had been. As he walked to the shower, he decided not to tell Wesley and pretend the whole incident never, ever happened.

Wesley woke when Ethan turned on the fan in the bathroom. He growled at his present state of arousal. He couldn't even remember what he dreamt about to get him in that state. He shook his head and prayed that Ethan would hurry up in the shower.

***(Back to Jacob and Caleb)

Jacob awoke to the smell of waffles. He opened his eyes to see Caleb standing over him.

"Oh! I was about to wake you. I made breakfast. I hope you like waffles."

Jacob let the sheet slide off him and completely missed Caleb's gaping at his bare chest.

"I'll go fix you a plate," Caleb squeaked before hurrying off.

Jacob stretched and put on his clothes (he still had his boxers on. Good thing Caleb didn't see them!). He went into the dining room. He finished eating and helped Caleb with the dishes.

"Are you going anywhere over break?" Caleb asked.

"I'm staying with my family for a few days."

"I-I'll miss you," Caleb whispered, shyly looking into Jacob's eyes.

"I'll miss you too," Jacob replied.

Caleb smiled sadly. He knew that Jacob wouldn't really miss him and was just saying that to make him feel better.

"One more thing before I leave."


Jacob stepped closer. "This." He pressed his lips to Caleb's, teasing at Caleb's lower lip. Caleb granted Jacob further access to his mouth, which Jacob readily accepted.

"What…" Caleb's bewildered mind couldn't form complete thoughts.

"I believe we're even."

Jacob grinned at Caleb's adorably confused expression.

"Didn't you kiss me last night?"

Caleb's face was a study of red color tones.

"I'll call you when I get back." With that, Jacob left.

Caleb stood there stunned for a few more minutes before hugging his arms around himself and smiling slightly. Maybe it wasn't intirely impossible…

***(Ethan and Wesley arrive at Ethan's house)

In the morning, the storm had passed. After a snowplow went by. Ethan and Wesley checked out of the inn and went on their way. Wesley was driving again.

Ethan awoke with a start. He hadn't realized he'd fallen asleep. He looked at the clock on the dashboard. It was past noon. They had to be close to home. He eagerly scanned the scenery for a familiar landmark. They were closer than he originally thought! Wesley had just turned down Ethan's street.

"Good, you're awake. I'll need your help to find the house." Wesley quickly glanced at Ethan.

"It's the fifth one on the right."

Wesley slowed in front of a security gate with a huge mansion looming a ways behind it. "This one?" Wesley asked in awe.


A security officer approached the car. Wesley rolled down the window.

The man saw Ethan and smiled. "Welcome home Ethan."

"It hasn't been that long."

"It seemed like a long time," the man replied before electronically opening the gate.

"Have a good Christmas!" Ethan yelled.

"You too," the security officer said before Wesley drove the car up the driveway. Closer, the house seemed even larger than from far away. He pulled up close to the house and parked.

"Okay let's get our stuff!" Ethan seemed so happy to be home.

They grabbed their things and Ishca, heading to the door. Ethan rang the doorbell. A slightly portly man with graying hair opened the door.

"Master Ethan!" His eyes moved to Wesley. "You must be Wesley. Come in!" He ushered then into the warmth of the house. "I'll get your mother."

"Thank you Henderson. It's good to see you again. I hope we can catch up later?" Ethan asked.

"Yes I believe we can. " He answered before leaving the room.

Wesley could tell the two had a close relationship. Ethan didn't enlighten him with any details. He heard footsteps approaching and was greeted by the sight of Ethan's whole family.

"Oh Ethan, it's so good to see you!" His mother gushed, grabbing him in an embrace. She looked to Wesley. "This must be your roommate. Introductions would be nice."

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Everyone, this is my roommate Wesley Drake. Wesley, this is my family. My mother, my father, Adrian, Victoria, Vincent, Ivy, Ianthe, and Katherine."

Ethan's mother was a slight woman with dark brown curly hair and green eyes. She was probably very beautiful when she was younger. Ethan's father was tall with light brown hair and gray eyes. Adrian had hair the color of his mother's and eyes like his father's. Victoria had light brown curly hair and hazel eyes. Vincent had auburn hair and green eyes. Ivy and Ianthe were identical twins with very light brown hair and green eyes. Katherine looed a lot like Victoria. They were all very handsome/beautiful.

"I hope you enjoy your stay here!" Ethan's mother gushed.

"Mom, you make it sound like this is a hotel," Adrian teased.

"Oh hush." She pouted. "All of you go and do what you need to do," She ordered with a wave of her hand.

Ethan laughed at her antics. He thought his mother could be pretty strange sometimes.

"I can ask Henderson to take your bags if you want," She offered.

"No, we can take care of it. What room is Wesley going to be staying in?"

"I was thinking the room across from yours. It's one of the nicer guest rooms. "

"Thank you mother. We'll talk more at dinner. I'm sure you have things you'd like to do."

"Yes. I'm so glad you're home. It was a pleasure to meet you Wesley."

"You too," Wesley replied.

"Come on, let's get settled in," Ethan suggested.

Wesley nodded in response. He picked up his bags and followed Ethan up the stairs. Ethan led Wesley to a huge room.

"This is the room you'll stay in."

"It's so big." Wesley moved around to see the whole thing.


Wesley wondered if he'd ever stayed in a room like this before. All the colors, mostly blue and green, corresponded well telling of a skilled interior designer. Wesley highly doubted that Ethan's mother had anything to do with the room's tasteful decorating.

"Do you want some time to yourself to unpack and stuff or do you want to do something?" Ethan inquired.

"I think I'd just like to relax for awhile."

"Okay. I'll be across the hall if you decide you need something." Ethan winced at his words. He wondered why he was starting to think everything he said sounded like a sexual innuendo. Maybe it was because Wesley was touching him that morning…Nopenopenope! Ethan wasn't going to think about that. "Nothing happened," he whispered to himself. He flopped on his bed and decided to take a nap.

Wesley hung up his clothes in the closet and put his shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush in the bathroom. He made sure all his belongings were organized before setting himself on the bed. Comfy, was the first thought that came to mind as he rested on the matress. He closed his eyes. They opened to the sound of mischievous giggles. He turned his head to see Ivy and Ianthe standing by his bed.

"Hi," one of them shyly said.

"Hello. What's your name?" Wesley asked.

"I'm Ianthe. Sorry if we woke you up."

"Ethan was sleeping and we wanted to talk," Ianthe added.

"Yeah, we missed him lots!"

"You didn't wake him up did you? He needs his sleep." Wesley was slightly worried.

"Oh no! We didn't mean to wake you up. We were just checking to see if you'd talk to us," Ivy babbled.

"Will you?" Ianthe gave him puppy dog eyes. That reminded him of Ishca. He looked under the covers and found her curled up.

"Wake up sweety. This is Ishcabibble." Wesley picked up the puppy. She stirred, opening her large eyes and yawning.

"Cute!" Both girls exclaimed.

The two girls clammered onto the bed. The next couple hours were filled with puppy petting and little girls jabberings. He finally got reprieve when Ethan came into the room.

"Hey you guys, it's time for dinner." He grinned as his sisters hopped off Wesley's lap. "I hope they weren't too bothersome."

"Not too bad. Did you sleep well?" Wesley asked.

"Um… I guess. Let's go," Ethan said leading Wesley downstairs to the dining room. Rephrase that, dining hall. It was huge! It could probably fit thirty people! Wesley was seated between Ethan and Vincent.

Throughout the dinner, Wesley gathered tidbits of information about each of the members of Ethan's family. His mother was your tippical meddlesome mother, but with a dignified air surrounding her. She seemed almost indestructable. Wesley didn't pick up much about Ethan's father. The man remained fairly silent, allowing his wife to speak enough for both of them. Adrian definitely took after his mother. He had a strong, friendly personality, which showed in his words. Victoria had a perverted sense of humor that livened up the dinner conversation. Vincent seemed very shy. He spoke timidly, but Wesley could see the keen intelligence in the boy's eyes. The twins practically told him their life stories earlier so he didn't need to pay close attention to them. Katherine seemed incredibly shy. She barely spoke a word.

After dinner they all went their separate ways.

"I have to talk with mother for awhile. I'm sure the twins would LOVE to keep you company," Ethan grinned.

Wesley sighed. "I'll see you later then."


Ethan walked in to see Wesley on the couch with his twin sisters. They were babbling a mile a minute and bouncing up and down on his lap. Wesley had an `Ethan-help-me' expression on his face. Ethan couldn't help but laugh. The girls turned towards the sound.

"Ethan!" They both squealed.

"Thank you for bringing Wesley!" One babbled.

"He's so nice!" the other tugged on Wesley's hair.

"I'm glad you like him but…" Ethan knelt to their level. "It's past your bedtime. Come on!" He grabbed a shrieking girl and flung her over his shoulder. She giggled as he spun her around a couple times.

Ianthe tugged on Wesley's hair again to get his attention. "Will you do that for me?" she pouted.

Wesley smiled. Why not? He lifted her up. She laughed, wrapping her arms around him. He spun in circles with her, listening to her giggles.

He stopped before he got too dizzy, and followed Ethan up to the girls' bedroom.

"Will you stay with us Ethan?" Ivy asked.

"If you really want me to."

"Wesley too?" She asked.

"Well, that depends on Wesley." Ethan's emerald green gaze flickered to Wesley.

"Pretty please?" Ianthe twined her arms around one of Wesley's legs. Ivy did the same.


The girls jumped up and down with glee.

"We have to get ready for bed and so do you. We'll be back okay?" Ethan told them.


The boys left, changed, and returned to fall in the bed. The girls giggled, snuggling close. They heard the telltale jingle of Ishca's dog collar. A few seconds later she was in the bed, climbing over Ethan to snuggle on the other side of Wesley. The four people and one dog soon journeyed into the world of dreams.


Victoria headed to the twins room. She was assigned to wake up duty. As she headed down the hall, she came face to face with the little girls.

"Good morning Toria," Ivy greeted.

"Ethan and Wesley are still sleeping," Ianthe informed her.

"How would you know imp?" Victoria began to tickle her.

"They slept with us last night," Ivy stated.

Victoria raised a slender eyebrow. "Oh. Well, I guess I'll wake them up. You two imps go down to breakfast."

Victoria opened the door to the bedroom. Ethan and Wesley were entwined together on the bed. Her brother's hands were resting on Wesley's chest, his head resting on Wesley's shoulder. Wesley's head was tilted downwards, resting on the top of Ethan's hair.

"Cute," she whispered. She was a huge fan of yaoi and seeing them like that made her think sappy thoughts. She grinned, letting the door shut behind her with barely a sound.

Wesley stirred into wakefulness. He inhaled the soft scent of strawberries and realized his face was buried in Ethan's hair. He brushed the strands away from his face. Ethan was still sleeping peacefully. He gently extracted himself. He went back to his room to make himself presentable.

Moments latern Ethan awoke from the lack of bodies in the bed. He changed and headed to the dining room. Everyone was already seated and starting their breakfasts.

"Good morning," he greeted.

"Ethan! You're finally up! I was just telling everyone about the party tonight."

"Party?" Ethan choked on his orange juice then glared at his mother.

She missed his sour look replying, "Yes and it will be marvelous. I have the whole thing planned."

Ethan rolled his eyes. He decided not to try and argue with her. When she wanted to do something, it would be done no matter what.


After breakfast, Victoria dragged Ethan and Wesley into the living room.

"So, I saw you two in bed together this morning," She teased.

"Um…Oh." Ethan didn't know what to say to that.

Victoria grinned as she examined her brother and his friend. They were standing next to each other with identical looks of astonishment on their faces. Something seemed familiar, as if she was supposed to remember something about the spot in which they were standing… A particularly evil smile came over her features.

"You two gotta kiss!" Victoria bounced up and down.

"What?" Ethan yelped.

"You're standing under mistletoe. It's tradition so you have to. Make it a good one with tongue!" Victoria babbled.

Ethan found himself speechless, gaping at his sister. Kiss Wesley? He turned to the person in question, who seemed indifferent about their situation.

"Um… Are you okay with this?" He asked.

Wesley shrugged. He moved closer to Ethan, tilting his head up. Wesley's hand was warm on Ethan's chin. Ethan hesitantly placed his hands on Wesley's shoulders. Wesley leaned in brushing Ethan's lips with his own in a light caress. The second time their lips made contact was firmly. Wesley began nibbling softly at Ethan's lower lip. Ethan opened his mouth and found himself eagerly kissing Wesley. He almost pulled away, but then realized that Wesley was kissing him just as enthusiastically. He twined his hands in Wesley's hair and lost himself in the kiss.

Wesley was really getting into it. Ethan's mouth was addictive. Wesley couldn't seem to get enough. So sweet and hot… But he knew it would have to come to an end as all kisses do. He drew it out a little longer before breaking away. They both turned to slack jawed Victoria.

"Oh my…That was damn hot!" She blinked rapidly a couple times. "I think I need something to drink," she squeaked before scurrying away.

"Ethan starred up at Wesley. "Um…I-I'll see you later." Ethan practically ran out of the room.


Wesley didn't see Ethan until the beginning of the dinner party. After showering and changing clothes, Wesley went down to the party hall. Rich people were mingling around, sipping on alchoholic beverages. He assumed he would be ignored. He was proven wrong when Ethan's mother latched onto his arm.

"This is Wesley, Ethan's roommate from boarding school. He's staying for Christmas break. Isn't he darling?" Ethan's mother gushed.

Bunches of her friends approached him and asked him questions. Once they left him alone he wandered onto the balconey. It was chilly out. The night sky was clear and so peaceful.

Ethan hesitantly approached Wesley. He held out a mug.

"Here, I brought you some cocoa." Ethan looked anxious, as if he expected Wesley to yell at him.

Wesley smiled, taking the mug. "Thank you."

This seemed to reassure Ethan of whatever he had been feeling. Wesley didn't see what the big deal was. Yes they kissed and yes they enjoyed it. In fact it was one of the better kisses that Wesley had participated in.

"It's a beautiful night," Ethan blurted out. He was shifting his weight back and forth. He needed Wesley to talk to him. He needed to know that Wesley wouldn't act all weird on him now.

"Yes it is." Wesley put his mouth to the mug.

The wind blew by, causing Ethan to shiver. He wrapped his arms close to hold in his body heat.

Wesley noticed. "Let's go back inside. It's getting colder."

Ethan smiled gratefully. He followed Wesley back indoors.

"Do you hold lots of parties here?" Wesley made idle conversation to break the silence.

"Oh yes. My mother loves social gatherings." Ethan rolled his eyes trying to act more like normal. He couldn't help but act differently. What he would give to know what Wesley was thinking!

"I think the party's coming to an end," Wesley observed. Ethan's mother was giving best wishes to guests as they walked out the door.

"Yeah. Godd thing `cause I'm getting tired." Suddenly questions nagged at Ethan. Would Wesley sleep in the same bed as him that night? Did Ethan want him to?

Wesley noticed that Ethan wasn't totally there. Ethan looked as if he were trying to figure something out in his head.

"Want to talk about it?" Wesley offered.


"Whatever you're trying to work out." Was it just Wesley's imagination or did Ethan just blush?

"I was just…um…"

Yes, Ethan was blushing. Wesley smiled slightly. Ethan looked cutely flustered…Wait, back up. When did Ethan and cute insert themselves in the same sentence? Wesley wondered if he always thought Ethan was attractive. Maybe it just took kissing him to realize…Wesley froze. He wasn't…No, he couldn't be attracted to Ethan! (* Izzy pops in * ahhh the little denial stage. * Izzy giggles *)

"What are you doing up?" Wesley was brought back to reality when he heard Ethan talk to his three little sisters.

"We couldn't sleep," Ianthe answered.

"We wanted you and Wesley to stay with us," Ivy added.

"Yeah!" Katherine exclaimed in agreement.

Ethan looked to Wesley. "What do you think?'

Wesley gazed at the little girls' faces. "Why not?"

"Yes!" The little girls all hugged Wesley.

"Now you three go up to bed. We'll be there in a few minutes." Ethan commanded.


"We have to tell mother we're going," Ethan told Wesley.

They did that before going to change. They met outside the bedroom. They entered and climbed in the bed together. They fell asleep with little girls surrounding them.

*** (Christmas Day)

The few days before Christmas were slightly tense between Ethan and Wesley, but uneventful (mainly because Izzy had writer's block *hehehe *). Christmas morning everyone gathered around the Christmas tree. The children were all excited. Wesley was surprised to find that Ethan's family had boughten him gifts.

"Why wouldn't we? It's only fair," Ethan's mother explained.

Mr. Green gave him a card with a shocking sum of money in it. Mrs. Green gave him keys to drive a new car! Victoria gave him a four - cd compilation package of soothing music put with nature sounds. Adrian gave him a cd player. Vincent gave him a book of famous poetry. Ivy and Ianthe gave him a dolphin figurine made of opal. Katherine gave him a box of chocolates (she's only about four years old so she gave him a small gift.)

After unwrapping everything Wesley was deeply touched. This was his first real Christmas. "Thank you all so much!"

"You haven't opened mine yet." Ethan shyly handed Wesley a thin rectangular package. Wesley opened it to reveal a silver framed picture of Ethan and Wesley sitting on a park bench with Ishca sitting on the ground between them. Wesley noted Ethan's signature in the right hand corner.

"It's beautiful Ethan. I don't know what else to say."

Ethan smiled, "That's okay."

They continued opening presents. Ethan opened Wesley's. It was a deep forest green sweater made of the softest fabric Ethan ever felt. He grinned putting it on over his pajamas.

"so what do ya' think? Will it be the new style next year?" Ethan joked.

"Oh yes. Old pajama pants and great sweaters, what a combination!" Victoria joined in.

"I love it Wes." Ethan smiled at him before pealing off the shirt. "I'd leave it on, but it doesn't go with my outfit."

They laughed and watched everyone finish with presents. Once they were done, Ethan's mother ordered them upstairs.

"I want you changed and looking appropriate. I want pictures taken!"

Once the ordeal of sitting through photos was over, everyone had some free time. Wesley relaxed. He listened to his new Cd's and was reading the book. There was a knock on his door.

"Come in," he replied. He was slightly taken aback to see Victoria standing there. She was the last person he expected. She seemed nervous.

"Well, I…Um…"


"I wanted to apologize for encouraging you to kiss Ethan. I know it cause unnecessary tension between you two."

"It's all right. I think we're over it."

"That's good. Hey, you're listening to the CD I got you!" She exclaimed.

"I like it a lot."

"I'm glad! Well, I guess I should get going. See ya' later!"

"Okay." Wesley went back to reading. He didn't see anyone else until dinner. The cook prepared a tremendous four-course meal. Hands down it was the best meal Wesley had ever eaten. After dinner the whole family gathered to watch the Christmas Carol. Apparently it was one of their family traditions. Afterwards, Ethan and Wesley took the youngest children up to bed.

Once the children were sleeping, Wesley said, "Ethan, this was the best Christmas I ever had. Thank you so much."

Ethan smiled at him, "You're welcome." He snuggled closer to Wesley and the two drifted off to sleep.

*** (Earlier that day at Caleb's house)

"Merry Christmas to me." Caleb was sitting on his living room floor opening presents he'd wrapped for himself. He glanced out the window, gazing into the falling snow. He felt so lonely. He wished that Jacob were there. No, he shoke himself. Jacob was just trying to be nice. But what about those kisses? Caleb couldn't seem to shake those kisses from his mind. The phone rang. Who could that be?


"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Jacob cheerfully exclaimed.

"Jacob!" Caleb gasped. "I wasn't expecting you to call!"

"It's christmas! Of course I'd call you. Why wouldn't I?"

"I thought you'd want to spend time with youir family."

"Christmas is a time for people you care about," Jacob stated.

"You care about me?"

"Yes silly! Why wouldn't I?"

"I dunno," Caleb whispered.

"I'll be back in a couple days. Is there a good time when I can stop by?"

"Anytime!" Caleb blurted out.

Jacob chuckled. "Okay. I have to go now. I'll see you when I get back."

"Merry Christmas Jacob."


Caleb hung up the phone. He was glad that Jacob found the time to call him. Oh! He missed Jacob so much!

"No, idiot. You can't fall for him." But in his heart Caleb knew it was too late. He'd already fallen.

*** (Trevor and Gerome)

Gerome and Trevor looked at the night sky together. They were on the porch sipping hot cocoa.

"It's a perfect night for Christmas," Gerome sighed happily. "I hope everyone is as happy as I am right now!"

"I bet they are. It's getting late. We should head up to bed." Trevor grinned lecherously.

Gerome laughed, "Is that all you ever think about?"

"No. I think about you. I love you Gerome."

"I love you too Trevor."

*** (end for now)

AWWWWW…. * Izzy gushes * I just couldn't help but end on a sappy note! Ohh! If you're interested, watch for two new originals by me. They both star Ethan's brothers (I blame it on my muses)! Vincent has to tutor Chance, a mysterious bad boy in Wish on a Star. An accident causes Adrian to meet Kyle, a boy who is fed up with life in Crash into Me. Well, until later!! See ya!

Ohhhh my god! I feel so bad! It's been forever since I worked on this! Well, when was down I didn't write anything and now it's bad up and…I'm babbling! Oh, in this chapter you get a little peek on how Gerome and Trevor got together!

Dedication: To everyone who reviewed. I love all the feedback! You all are great!

***(Ethan and Wesley)

Ethan and Wesley stayed at the mansion for a few more days before they decided to go back. The vacation wasn't over, but Ethan was actually homesick for their dorm and the people.

"I wonder if Gerome and Trevor will be back," Ethan mused aloud.

"I have no idea." Wesley looked over to Ethan and gave him a tentative smile. The past couple days he had caught himself staring at Ethan. It was strange how a kiss could be such a strong catalyst for Wesley to realize how he felt for Ethan. Ethan was so alive and caring where Wesley was not. Wesley risked another glance at Ethan's profile. Beautiful. Ethan was very beautiful, inside as well as outside.

Ethan felt nervous. He could feel Wesley's eyes on him. Why does he keep looking at me? Is he mad at me for some reason? Ethan turned his head to see Wesley look away. Maybe it's about our kiss. Lately, Ethan had found his own gaze focused on Wesley, centered mainly on his mouth. Ethan felt himself blush. He always did when he thought about the infamous kiss. It made him wonder. He prayed that Gerome was back.


Gerome and Trevor were hanging out in their dorm room (not in bed for once), when they heard a knock on the door. Trevor opened it.

"Hey, we're back," Ethan put on a cheerful face.

"Ethan!" Gerome exclaimed. "It's good to see you!"

"How was your Christmas?" Ethan asked.

"It was great. Very romantic."

"Very much in bed," Trevor added.

Gerome hit him playfully. "No, not really."

"Um…Gerome, is it okay if I talk to you privately?"

Trevor grinned. "I'll leave you two alone. I'll see ya' later!"

Once the door clicked shut, Gerome became all business. "What did you need to talk about?"

Ethan nervously scuffed his feet. "Um…How did you figure out youwereattractedtoTrevor?"

"Whoa, slow down. Did you ask me how I knew I was attracted to Trevor?"

Ethan nodded, turning red.

"What brought this on?"

"Could you ask me again after the story?"

Gerome studied Ethan. "I suppose so. Here's how it started…"

***(Quick Trevor and Wes)

Trevor was walking down the hall when he happened to run into Wesley. "Hey, how ya' doing man?"

"Allright I guess. Is Ethan with Gerome?"

"Yeah. They're having a serious talk." Trevor peered at Wesley. "Is there something you want to talk about?" Not many people could distinguish one emotion from another on Wesley, but Trevor and the others had learned to decipher the little fluctuations.

Wesley hesitated before saying, "At Ethan's house we were caught underneath the mistletoe. For traditions sake, we kissed."

"So you're confused now?"

Wesley nodded.

"I know the exact feeling…"

***(Flashback: One year, Gerome's point of view)

It was Gerome's first time in a boarding school. He was nervous that his roommate wouldn't like him. Gerome had a hard time befriending people in his old school. They thought that he was just a rich, British (I dun know if anyone picked up on that. I suck at writing accents) snob. He heard the door open and felt his heart leap in his throat. A boy with sandy brown hair and chocolate colored eyes stood in the doorway.

"I'm Trevor." The stranger introduced himself, stepping forward.

"I'm Gerome." Gerome felt a blush rise to his cheeks as he shook Trevor's hand. He was always shy around people, especially ones that he wanted to make a good impression on.

In the next week, Gerome didn't see much of his roommate. They didn't have classes together with the exception of lunch. Trevor was always surrounded by people. Gerome never found the nerve to ask if he could sit with them. They probably wouldn't let him either. The other boys picked on him. Because of his outer appearance, his quietness, or his accent, people started saying that he was gay. That didn't bother him, but some said some hateful things to him and even threatened him. He was so unhappy, it reduced him to tears every night.

***(Trevor's point of view)

Trevor was having a blast at boarding school. He wasn't sure he'd like it at first, but his outgoing personality made it easy for him to make friends. The only person he hadn't successfully befriended was his roommate. It wasn't really his fault though. Gerome seemed to want to be left alone most of the time, except at night. Every night when Gerome thought Trevor was sleeping, he'd cry until he fell asleep. Every time it hurt Trevor, but he didn't know what to do, until one night. It seemed like Gerome had been crying for hours. Trevor made a decision. He turned on the bedside lamp. He heard Gerome gasp and saw his tear streaked face.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?" Gerome sniffed.

"No. I've been awake," Trevor whispered. He made up his mind and approached Gerome's bed. He took Gerome into his arms and pulled him close. He let Gerome sob on his shoulder. He rubbed Gerome's back and told him that everything would be allright.

***(Gerome's p-o-v)

Gerome pulled away. "Thank you Trevor, for being so nice." Trevor was the first person at the school to show Gerome kindness. Gerome felt as if someone cared about him. It seemed only natural as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Trevor's. The kiss was chaste, and lasted for only a brief second, but it stirred feelings inside that he never knew he had.

"I-I'm sorry Trevor. I-I'm going to sleep now."

Gerome quickly moved away. He curled up in a ball and squeezed his eyes shut. He listened as Trevor slowly moved back to his own bed. Gerome sighed and tried to fall asleep.

***(Trevor's p-o-v)

Trevor was in a shock. He hadn't expected Gerome to do anything like that. Yes, he'd heard all the rumors about his roommate, but he never found out if the accusations were true, nor did he care. But now, he was starting to wonder. It would explain some of Gerome's protectiveness of himself. And how did Trevor feel about the whole thing? He had no idea. Everything seemed blurry, not making any sense. He decided to get some sleep. He'd figure out what to do later.

***(End of flashback: Wesley and Trevor)

"So what happened after that?" Wesley inquired.

"Well, after a couple weeks I decided to get to know him. Even if he was gay, I wasn't going to hold that against him. Soon we became very close. People started giving me shit for being friends with him and I lost a lot of my old friends, but I didn't care. As it turns out, I found out that I had deeper feelings than I ever felt possible. I love him." Trevor's expression looked serene as he reflected on the past.

Wesley smiled softly. "That's really sweet. You know, you two are my role model for the perfect couple. You always are so happy together. I'll see you later." Wesley went back to his room, many thoughts buzzing in his head.

***(Gerome and Ethan)

"Trevor came up to me later and started talking to me. At first I thought he was like all the others and was trying to humiliate me. Then I realized that he trully cared and that I felt exactly the same way," Gerome finished his story.

"Wow. I never knew all that. I'm glad you told me." Ethan grinned at Gerome. "I can barely picture Trevor as sympathetic instead of a big goof ball."

Gerome laughed. "So, why did you want to know anyways?"

"Well…There was mistletoe…And Wesley and I…Well, Um…We kissed."

"Finally!" Gerome grinned.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh nothing. So, how do you feel about Wesley?"

"I'm…not sure. He's a good friend and I care about him but…I don't know. I need to talk to him."

"Just give it time. If it's meant to happen, it'll happen," Gerome said sagely.

"Was that a prediction of the future? You sound like one of those psychic people, " Ethan teased as he walked to the door.

"Nope. Just some good advice."

***(Ethan and Wesley)

"Ethan I want to talk to you about something important," Wesley said as Ethan walked in the room.

"Okay. I'm listening." Ethan sat on his bed.

"I've never talked to anyone about this before. I want to talk about my past…"


Ahhh!!! Izzy leaves a cliffhanger (well not really). Anyways, tell me what you all think please. I dun really know what's going to happen yet. I'm really going to try to update periodically (not always this, but some of my other stories too). Trust me now. Well I'm gonna go! Bye-bye! ~Izzy-chan~