Fan Fiction ❯ Book 5 The fight ❯ A relief ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The next morning they all wake up and eat some berries and apples for breakfest that they gathered the day before.Then they pack up and hop on Oppa."Yip"Yip"! Aang calls into the morning air.They leave in search of a hospital for Sakka.As they go over the horrizon they notice a earth kingdome hospital in a village.They land and take Sakka to the hospital.In the hospital is a combined nations of water and earth.The nurse uses her water bending to sooth the injured leg to be relaxed.And the doctor uses his earth bending to make a clay cast for Sakka.Aang and Katara are amazed by the hospital's technioces.Katara wishes she knew some of there water bending but doesn't want to interupt.Sakka is then cared for as the rest of them.They stay for 2 days................