Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Dreams ❯ The beggining.. ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

For the few of you who actually read this, Marnie Reid wanted me to change the Marnie character, to make it seem like her. I've done it, but It's still based on Marnie Doval. Please make a note ^-^.

The time was 1999, right before the new millenium. I was just a young boy at the time, no older than 14. I had just learnt to wield a sword, and began to study the double-sworded way. The world was at peace. No wars, no "small undercover operations". Just peace, and friendship between our nations. One day, my life suddenly changed. My story goes like this:

CLANG! Our swords met, CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! Every attack she made, I succesfully blocked. CLINK! I knew I made contact. I pulled away, and smirked. "Good job Marnie" I said. "I could do better...". "Don't worry, you couldn't have" I joked, then winked at her. She took offense, dropped her sword, and began to run at me.

Marnie was a slim girl, small, round brown eyes, but they always had a certain sparkle to them. Her haircolor was a shiny, silky brown hair, which never stopped flowing. Her specialty was not fighting, but swimming. She had taken up fighting as a way of protecting herself, as many of the boys at the local school were always going further and further with her.. She had all the credentials of a pretty girl, but she was more tomboyish. She didn't like being called a tomboy, but we both knew she was. I, myself, was a normal average person. Blue hair, hazel eyes, small, and slim..ish. Nothing special, except my extreme ability to handle a sword. A gift I inherited from my father.

I dropped my sword, and took to running. I knew it was futile, she could run faster than me, but I still had to try. I swerved to the right, paused, turned around, and made a mad rush for the tree. As I was a few feet from the tree, she tackled me down, and pinned me to the floor. I turned, to look at her. She was sweating, and tired, and so was I. "Ya got me. Good run" I said.

With that, she rolled off me, and we both looked up at the stars. I smirked, and said "They're beautiful, aren't they?". "Who? Me?" she joked, and giggled. "Naw, You'll never be pretty" I said, and began to chuckle. I felt her hand as it hit my chest. It was as hard as a rock, and cold as iron. "HEY! None of that now!". She began to laugh out loud, and hit me again.

"Alright, Alright, I meant the stars." I said, not wanting to get hit again. She replied "Yea, they're pretty." Out of no where, a large flash appeared, and a star began to streak across the sky. "Wow! Did ya see that Marnie?" I inquired. "Yep, make a wish." I began to make a wish, and it was "I wish I could have some adventure in my life."

The next day, I awoke to find something horrible. The town was being raided by bandits! I looked out the window and chaos was everywhere. I ran to my closet, got my two katana cases, put on my lucky necklace, and slipped on my chain mail. I jumped down my stairs, and ran out the door, where I was confronted by two bandits.

I drew my swords, and slashed at them both. They fell quickly, but more kept coming. I decided I couldn't take them all, so all I could do is find reinforcments. I took both my swords, and ran straight to Marnie's house, slashing all along the way, until I knocked on the door. No answer.

I knocked again, then, when nothing answered, I rammed the door down. I heard screaming and yelling up in her room. I made a run up the stairs, only to find Marnie tied up, and a man coming nearer to her. "Hey! Back away from her!" I yelled. The guy turned to me, and drew his sword. I swung at him, but to no avail. He was talented.

He swung at me, but met my sword in a stalemate. He turned around, and swung at me once more, but hit my katana once more. With my free sword, I slashed at him, and cut a gash in his stomach. He dropped down, and died.

I walked over to Marnie, and untied her. "Are you ok Marnie?" were the first words out of my mouth. "Yea, I'm fine. Thanks, I owe you... alot..." she said. "Don't worry, it's covered, all I need is a bit of back-up from you, and Chester. Chester likes you, so I need you to convince him." I snickered, because I knew she didn't like Chester one bit.

"Get your stuff, we might not be coming back" I suggested. She got her things, including her double sided sword. With that, we were off to Chester's house. As we came out the door, a bandit came running at me with his sword drawn. Out of seemingly no where, an arrow shot him, and made him stop in his tracks. "Chester!" I exclaimed.

He jumped down from his roof, and made his way over to us, shooting as he went. "Guys, We gotta get outta here!" He yelled. "No! I swore to protect this town! I need your help, please Chester.." I pleaded. Marnie also joined in, just like I asked her to "Please Chester... for me."

Chester couldn't help it, he had to join. "Hurry! Into the castle!" We dashed into the castle, where the king was tied up, and the leader of the gang was in his throne. "Alright guys, save the king!" Chester took up his bow, and took down two bandit guards, while Marnie attacked the rest. I ran up to the bandit leader.

He took out his sword, and took one slash at me. I put both my swords in an X shape, and caught his blade. I moved a blade to the left, and caught him off guard. I kicked his gut, and he fell back. I looked over to check on Marnie, and saw she was surrounded, and Chester was with Marnie. Before I could reach them, the Bandit leader swung at me, and instincivly my sword moved into position, and blocked it, to my amazement.

With a sudden jolt, I swung my left blade, and reached over with my right blade and hit him once, but it was not enough. He kicked my back, and I fell forward, losing grip of one of my katanas. It slid away from me, and I knew without it I couldn't win. I began to crawl to it, and as soon as I was close to it, my something hit my back. It wasn't a limb, but a magic spell.

It paralyzed me, and I fell face forward onto the floor. All I could do was turn over, and stare at the horror that loomed over me. "Time to finish you off" he said. He summoned a fire spell, and cast it at me. "This is it, the end... Marnie..." I thought. I braced myself for pain, but it never came. I opened my eyes, and to my astonishment, a light blue aura was surrounding my body. The leader shot another spell at me, but it dissapated. I crawled over the katana, stood up, and ran at him, slashing like mad.

A few seconds later, he fell to the floor, defeated. I wiped the sweat from my head, and remembered about Marnie and Chester. I ran to them, and cut through most of them, and tackled the others. "Run Chester! Run Marnie!" I stood up, and ran right after them, and into Marnie's house.

I ran and collapsed on the couch, and dropped my katanas on the floor. The wierd blue aura was still around me. I still didn't know what it was, but I knew it had saved my life. It was a shield of sorts, a magic spell... but no one in town could cast magic. Who did it? Maybe it was in me the whole time...


That's where my whole ordeal started. "Magic, it hadn't been used in years, why now? And who cast that blue aura around me?" Those were a few things that were going through my head. I'll let you get back to the story.


Marnie walked over to me "Hey, what's wrong with you? Your glowing... blue... that's... not normal." "Marnie.. I know, it's odd, but it doesn't hurt, and I don't know how to turn it off." And with that, the blue aura wore off.

Marnie sat next to me, and began to pour her heart out, all that she went through, how all our training just left her, how she freaked out. It apparently helped her calm down. She began to speak with less and less enthusiasm. Then, she just started to sob. It was apparently too much for her to take, with all that had just happend.

Chester went upstairs to the balcony, as a look-out. When he got there, the town was empty of bandits. They had all apparently left town, retreating, or regrouping, I really didn't know. I just hoped to never go through that again.


Ah, the aftermath. It was a really tough time, as you can imagine, letting everything soak in. Wow, huh? Yea, it may not seem like much to you, but to me, it was.


My breathing got more and more subtle, and I decided to go outside, risk it. I got both my katanas, and walked outside cautiously. Marnie followed, and Chester drew his bow, and we stepped outside. Everyone was outside, and looking over the damage that happend to their homes. I dropped my guard, and walked around town, looking for anything suspicious.

Nothing, nothing was wrong. Everyone was looking over losses, mourning for the dead. But the search hadn't been in vain. We found the queen in a small garden, tied up. When we released her, she thanked us, and asked us over for a royal banquet. We happily accepted, and that night, everyone was dressed up properly.

Never in my life had I been so dressed up. Marnie had to help me with the clothes, because I didn't know much about them. My mother was dead, and father was never found, so I lived alone, in a small house. I usually spent my time at Marnie's, training and hanging out there. Though she did work, she was usually around a lot.

We mainly spent our time speaking about the fierce battle that occured, and the magic spell that had been cast. "Mm.. a magic spell, that hasn't been used in over 40 years." said the king. "I know sir, but he used it against me. I think that I also may have cast one." I confessed. "You? How? You aren't even 30 years old, and you claim to know magic? Maybe it's in your blood..."

The night went on with such brooding, and though we talked through the night, nothing was found out, except for that magic might still be practiced out of the country. I decided to stay the night at Marnie's, just to stay safe with them. I slept in the same bed as Marnie did, and, as before, she didn't really care.

In the middle of the night, I heard a noise coming from downstairs. I slowly woke, and took a katana with me downstairs. I slowly walked down the stairs, and looked at whatever was downstairs. A bandit. "Don't move. I see you, am behind you, and am not afraid to attack you." I said. I was not behind him, but this was to throw him off. He turned around, and began to scan for me. I slid up behind him, and put my sword to his back. "Run." I said.

He took to running, and I slowly walked back up stairs, but never fell asleep. That night, I layed in bed, listened for every single sound. I heard Marnie's calm breathing, which calmed me down a bit. I looked over to her, and a smile came on my face as I looked at hers. It was calm, innocent, cute even. I had never seen this side of her before. It was usually a worse looking face, one that never took orders. I fell in love.

I decided that I couldn't let that night stop me from doing my job. The next day, the king's messenger ran up to me, and told me that other towns were under attack. They needed my help, and I decided to respond to the king. "Sir, I will need a few supplies. A backpack, clothes, food and water. I will also need repairs on my katanas, and I will need back-up. Marnie and Chester would be my reinforcements." When he ran back, I told Marnie about what had happend, and she agreed to go with me, and Chester had also agreed.


What had I just gotten myself into? Oh boy, I had no clue what was in my future. Neither do you, so I'll let you get back to the story


That same day, as the sun was setting, we all went to the castle, and picked up our supplies. We spent the night there, and when the morning came, we left. The map the king gave me was straight-forward. We had many towns to go to. I decided to get money for our work, so that we could keep our supplies up, and our morale high.

The first town we came to seemed normal, and we walked to the city center. The leader of the town told us that they came at night, and were bandits. We spent the whole day learning about the town, and when night came, we were ready. I stood at the entrance of town when I heard footsteps, and called to ready my allies.

I noticed the pendant on my necklace started to glow the same shade of blue as the aura did. I decided it must glow when danger was near. I drew my swords, Chester readied his bow, and Marnie stood behind a tree, waiting for a surprise attack. I ran, and skidded to a stop in front of the enemy. The same old bandits.

The sun was almost set, leaving a golden corona over the plains, and into town. I smirked, and they rushed out at me. An arrow shot over my head, and into one's chest. Two came at me, swords swinging. I kicked one back, and knocked two more over. The other one made a thrust with his sword. I made a parry, and thrust my sword into him. I pulled it out, and kicked him away. Marnie jumped down from the tree, knocking over two bandits as she landed. She swept another, and he fell face forward. I pulled back, and lunged forward with both swords pointing different directions. That took out two, but there were still too many to handle. As hard as we tried, they kept coming, and soon, they surrounded us. Chester shot and reloaded as fast as he could, but he couldn't get as many as he would like.

"Marnie... looks like this is it." I whispered to her. "I didn't think we'd go this way.." she replied. "I have to tell you something..." And with that, my pendant began to glow white, and I felt a power surge through my body. My katanas began to glow white, and a sudden jolt went through my whole body. A deep voice from inside said "Jump. Jump and it shall come to you". "What is it you want to say?" Marnie inquired. "Uh... don't move." I lept up into the air, and my instinct took over. I began to spin my katanas, and a sudden white shockwave flew out of my katanas. It knocked me over, but seemed to pull energy out of the enemies, and they all suddenly fell.

The shockwave knocked me off balance, landed on the ground on my back, and my head hit the ground, knocking me out. The next thing I knew, I was in a jail. How I got there was beyond me, but with me were Marnie, and Chester. I stood up, drowsily and leaned on the wall. "Unh... what happend?"

I began to pace back and forth. In my mind, the deep voice told me "You must help your friends. I shall assist you. Search the wall. You will find your answer." I responded by feeling the walls, until I found a small dagger, just big enough to fit inside the lock. "Good. Now put it in the lock, and twist to the right, and push." I obeyed, and the cell opened. "Now, put the dagger back."I returned it to it's position, and slowly stepped outside

I was a bit shocked, at what just happend. "Do not be scared. Listen to my voice, and you shall be fine." I stepped out of the cell, and began to walk forward. "Stop. Go left, but watch for the guard. Slip up the stairs, and head right. Go into the door, and your equipment will be there. Head out, and the first window shall be the once closest to the floor. You'll be safe outside."

I had no choice but to obey the command. As I came to where the guard would have been, I looked over a box that was in the way, and saw him asleep at his post. I crept past him, trying not to breathe. After that, I had no trouble getting up the stairs. I walked slowly up the stairs, until I found the door. I balled my hands into fists, and opened the door quickly, but silently. No one was guarding my things. I all got my weapons, backpack, and my chain mail. At that moment, thoughh the door ran a handful of men. I took my katanas, and readied myself. "Bring it." I said.

"Sir! I do not wish to harm you. I'm here to rescue you. You are the one, the one who was jailed unfairly. Come, come with us." He said. I resisted at first, but the strong voice told me "Listen to them, they do not lie." I put my guard down, and said "Not like I have much of a choice." I put on my chainmail, and backpack, then I returned my katanas back into their sheathes. I crept out with them, though the window, and out of the prison.

They took me to their town, and showed me a place to sleep. It wasn't anything that I was used to, the houses were so primitive, and the jail was totally of the ordinary. It was like I was sent to a different world, a primitive one. This made me think all night of what happend.

The next morning, I awoke to the smell of eggs, and the sound of sizzling bacon. I stood up, and walked over to the kitchen, to find a person cooking breakfast. "I'm sorry, was I sleeping in your house?" She turned around, and smiled at me "No, I'm just here to cater to your needs." I came out of my half-asleep state, and saw her, a pretty teenager, no older than 16 talking to me.

"Now, why would you do that?" I asked. "Silly, don't you know? I'm a slave. I've been sent here to cater to your needs. All of your needs." She said. "I thought slavery was banned! Wasn't it banned in 1298?" I replied, rather mad at the fact she said slave. "1298? Boy, you really were out. We're in 450." "WHAT?! 450? Are you sure?! It can't be. "

The next few hours I spent pondering, why would I be sent back in time, and why to this time. It all didn't make sense. The strong voice told me "Child, I have the answers to your questions. You were sent her by your own power. It overwhelmed you, and time and space itself. It caused a rift in the time-space continuium, and sent you hurling back into the past. The reason you are here, is to save your world, by learning to control your inner magic. This is the only way to destroy the creatures that inhabit the theives which loot and attack your world. That is all for now."

"Hm... Magic... could I really use magic...?" I had no clue, but the best thing I could to was to find out where magic was in this world. The cheif of the town told me, there was a powerful wizard across the lake. He told me that the lake was inhabited by monsters, which were kept at bay by guards at the shore, but at the water, we I was succeptable to danger. I had no choice, but to accept.

They had rented a small motor boat, and sent me on my way. I crouched down, to become more aerodynamic, and get myself there faster. In about the middle of the lake, the engine died. "Oh great, can't get any worse" I said, getting pretty mad. I looked out at the shore, and thought it was too far to swim to. The water in front of me started bubbling, and a monster lunged out at me.

I fell onto my back, as the creature flew over me, just a foot above me. I rocked back, kicked it's stomach with both my feet, and launched it back into the water. I rolled over, and another landed, claws down, into the boat next to me. I turned, swept the creature, and with the other foot, kicked its back, launched it back into the water.

I rolled back, and saw more rushing up to the surface. I had to get out, and now. Two lunged at me, on from the side, and one from the front. I leaped into the air, and pressed my foot on one's face, pushing myself forward, into the water.

Water rushed by me, as they began to follow me. I opened my eyes, only to be stung by the acidity of the lake water. "This is no normal lake. Stay in this water too long, and you'll turn into them." The strong voice warned. I didn't want to question, and began to swim at a powerful stroke. Something grabbed my foot, and pulled me underwater.

I swung my other foot around, hitting it's face, as another grabbed my arm. I yanked it, and unsheathed the dagger that was hidden under my sleve. As it hovered towards me, I dug the dagger into it, then pushed off it's dead body. Two more grabbed my legs, as a pole came into the water. I had no choice, but to grab it.

As I did, my body rushed out of the water, to see Michelle, the one who served me the morning before. She pulled me into the boat, and the two creatures slid off of my feet. She turned out the motor, and began the journey to the other side of the lake.

"Thanks.." I said, out of breath. "Heh, it's strange. I was drawn here, it just seemed.. like something was calling me. Then I saw you. Strange, isnt it?" Shell replied. I smirked, thinking of my pendant "Yea, odd. But your here now, and you saved me.. I owe you." "Owe me.. how about letting me come with you?" She said, rather shyly.

"Come with me...? It's fine, I guess. I can't promise you wont get hurt." I replied, a bit concerned about her. "I'll be fine! I just.. want to get away from this slavery.. It's just that... I cant go with you, unless my status as a slave.." She said, biting her lips slightly, not trying to show any weakness. "And how do you do that?" I wondered, not knowing what she would say.

I finally focused on how she looked. She was a medium slim girl, with Cerulean hair, falling past her shoulders, and big royal blue eyes, which can easily mesmerize anyone who satres into them too long.

"I need you to.. adopt me into your family. I know, it's a little odd, but it's the only way I can lose my slave status. Please.." She beggged. I had no choice but to accept. "We'll do it at the next town, ok? Well, your my new sister.. I never really got to know my parents.."

"Neither did I.. they died when I was young. A wild fire killed them both. I wish I had met them." She said, with tears welling up in her eyes. "Heh, My mom was killed when I was young.. really young. My dad was left to raise me, and he taught me the basics any man would teach his son. I got the uncanny ability to use a sword, and predict attacks before they're made---" I said, and she threw her fist at me, only to be caught by my hand "Like that."

"Wow.. you really are gifted.." she said, and with that, a long steady silence followed. Until we reached shore, not one of us spoke a word. "We should find a place to stay the night, then go to the chief's house tommorow." She suggested, and so we did. The nearest inn was where we stayed, and since our money was short, we had to share a bed.

As I stepped into the bathroom, I was overtaken by the strong voice, and watched as it spoke with Michelle. She apparently had put on my pendant, and was learning from my pendants vast wisdom. "Hello Michelle, I drew you here because you had questions unanswered. I thought I could help you, and solve some problems."

"Where... where am I?!" Michelle asked furiously, drawing out two of her daggers, and pointing them at my other self. He smiled, and replied calmly "You, are in my world. When you placed the pendant on, you were drawn here. I'm just here to help. Please, ask your questions."

She began to trust him, and poured out on him "Who were my parents?" "Your parents, were rebel leaders, who were opposing the slavery trade. They were nobles, until they were kidnapped, and forced into slavery." My other self explained. Michelle asked again "Was this why I was a slave?" "No, it was not. Your parents secretly left you at a noble's home, to protect you from slavery. But, the noble saw the whole thing, and sold you back to slavery, and had your mother and father murdered."

Michelle broke down, and began to cry "Who killed them?! Who was this noble?!" She yelled at him. He was full of wisdom, so he understood her emotional rush, and replied as compassionatly as he could "His name, I do not know. I do know that you will meet soon, and you will get your chance. Go with Danny, he will guide you, and help you on your way."

I was suddenly ejected out of the mindset, and remembered my not taking a shower in two days. After I showered, I came out of the bathroom to find Michelle crying on the floor. "Shelly..? What's wrong..?" I inquired, rather worried about her. "My parents.. were--" She said, before being cut off by my finger on her lips. "Shh, I heard, I heard it all. I'll help you. They wont get away with this."

The next morning, I woke up, to find screaming and rampage outside the inn walls. Michelle was still sound asleep, and I didnt want to disturb her slumber. Racing downstairs, I heard the innkeeper saying that the man outside wanted Danny, but he didn't know any Danny's. I opened the door, as a man was choking another man.

"Put him down!" I yelled, and drew my swords. He dropped the man, and turned his attentions torwards me. "Ahh, Danny, how nice to see you. My, you've grown so much. You may not know me, but I know you very well. I used to know your father. He was a great swordsman, and you've learned much from him. But, you may not know that I was the man that killed him.Your father died at my blade, great of a swordsman he was, he could not compare to my skills." the man said, a grin creeping up on his face.

Suddenly, I was drawn into the realm of my alter self, yet I didnt see him. I heard echo's from inside, that said "Child, I will fight this fight for you. This person not only hurt you, but they also hurt me, in a similar way."

I was hesitant at what the voice had said to me, but I agreed to what it asked of me. The pendant around my neck suddenly flushed a deep red and sparks began to fly from it. I looked up and closed my eyes with my body slowly lifting, hovering above the ground. A sudden red light shot from the pendant, and then another, and suddenly miniature comets of blazing red fire light began to encircle me. They all began to get closer until they all hit my body at once, and then I was engulfed in a red ball of light. When the light ceased, my body had changed slightly. I was stronger and leaner. I had a yellow gold armor on and my blades had doubled their size, with gold designs running up the blades edge. I opened my eyes and looked at myself. The pendant that had been around my neck as a necklace was now part of the armor in the middle of the chest and beamed a red color. I looked over to the swordsman, only to have a straight face. The swordsman looked over at Danny and looked almost hesitant. "Heh… No matter what form you take… you and your father shall share the same fate at my blade." I looked over at him and my eyes suddenly had a beaming sense of anger that could pierce any man. "May you taste your own blood…" The words bellowed from inside of me as I twirled my blades around my wrist. I then took to a fighting position. The swordsman looked at me with a grin across his face and spoke while taking off a long black coat, reveling a silver armor similar to Danny's. "Well I'll give you a benefit that your father never got. I shall tell you my name." I looked at him with a glare on my face, ready to hear the name of the man that killed my father. "My name is Keiya. Not that it will do you any good in the end of knowing it. But it might make it more fun if people start to hunt for me." Keiya slowly rolled his tongue across his lower lip, wetting it and then pulling a spear that was on his back, in front of him. He twirls it in an awkward way and suddenly the spear- head, which is a crystal, begins to glow, and the spear changes color to a silver like green.

Keiya slowly crouched down as a cat and had an expecting smirk across his lips. Suddenly he sprang in such a speed that his feet weren't even touching the ground, as he sped over towards me. I took my kantanas and held them in an X shape, only to catch air as he flipped beside me and dealt a hard blow in my side. I flew over and hit the ground but I got back onto my feet, not feeling much pain due to the armor I had on. He sprang once again, but I anticipated his maneuvers by flipping up over him and slashing violently across his back at an angle. I only succeeded at cutting his armor. Keiya turned around with a big smirk and said in his bellowing voice "You surprise me Danny… you were able to actually get a shot at me. But if that is all you got, then you had better bow down now so it will be easier for me to slice off your head!" His grin crept into a devilish smirk and he gazed with his eyes almost as black at coal at me. I straightened up and held up his kantana blades and spoke "I'm only getting started…" I thrusted my blades following by my fast footsteps, and sparks flew around as the kantana blades met the top of his spear. I tired to push forward, but he pushed me back and we were at a stale mate. We both thrusted back off of one another's force and got into fighting positions. The gold designs on my blades began to glow as I put them into a T shape and scraped the blades together once, creating some sparks, and then began doing it more rapidly. I ran up to him and did it, creating a great ball of golden energy, hitting him hard and pinning him against the wall as the energy dissipated. Keiya got his bearings and tried to attack, only to fail. I took my kantanas and jammed them into the ground, using them as posts I swung on them, kicking him in the side sending him spiraling in the air. I quickly leaped up and kicked him across the face sending him kamikaze to the ground and skidding a bit from the force of the attack. Keiya flipped up and over me as my punch went into the ground creating cracks in the cement. Keiya then floated in the air and suddenly glowed a black and held his hands in an awkward way and chanted some foreign tongue. Suddenly great balls of black with a small bit it white in the middle with a reddish haze to them, appeared in the air. They all began to rush into my body as if trying to possess it but instead began to drain my energy. After being hit by almost fifteen of them, I dropped to one knee but quickly stood up to defend against a mighty punch that sent me stumbling back by Keiya. "It appears you know great magic as well Keiya." I said in a low tone. "Yes indeed I do. Would you rather die a death from magic, or have your blood run down my blade?" Not answering the question, I sprinted forward at him and jabbed my kantana, making his spear flip out of his hands. Keiya looked almost horrified as the spear flung out of his hand and as he began to reach for it, I pinned him down with my foot to his throat hard onto the ground creating cracks and hearing his armor crack as well. I took my kantana and held to his forehead with the tip of it only a mere centimeter away.

I suddenly gained control of my body, but not enough to move. "You killed my father... Why did you do it?!" I yelled at him. He just replied calmly "He was weak. He couldnt even defend himself without his sword. He would never be accepted in this world." "You stupid bastard! How could you?!" I yelled, a fury that almost made me kill him at the spot. "Oh yes, your father was a good man, but he trusted too much. But how could he have known I would have run my spear through him..? Oh you're father, was a stupid man. He should have killed me while he had the chance, but he was too weak to kill someone else. I had to finish what he started" He replied, smiling as much as my foot would let him. "How can you say that?! Haven't you ever thought of someone besides yourself? I should kill you right now for this" I replied, with a fire in my soul. "Oh, but your pride wont let you. It wants to see what I can do. It want to know if you can actually beat me by your actual skill" And with this, he quicly pushed his palm into my foot, and knocked me off my balance.

I hesitated slightly as the pendant glowed its fierce red and I became my altered self. I drew my kantanas into the air and jumped up. Keiya anticipated my maneuver and he took flight into the air, heading straight for me. We clashed swords and fell to the ground, both of us on our feet. Keiya held his spear out in front of him and it began to twirl fast, becoming a blur and suddenly a small glow of green energy began to take form from the middle of the spear spinning. It pulsated and then went into the ground and suddenly rumbling of the whole earth began, and shots of green energy almost looking like the Aurora Borealis shot up into the air and began to swarm towards me. I tried to twist around the green energy, but to no avail, it struck me down to the ground and began to pound on me as if mountains were crumbling upon me. I opened my mouth to let out a scream of pain from the pressure, but no sound came out from the energy stealing my breath away. When the pressure and attack had ended, I shuddered and slowly stood only to see Keiya with his devilish smirk and spear pointing in my direction. "You see, you are the inferior one, just like your father!!" He then jolted towards me and I had a split moment to think. Suddenly the pendant glowed its fierce red and my eyes around the pupil reacted, also glowing a red. I dropped one katana and thrusted it at him, as he was coming at me with his spear. My kantana pierced through his armor and through his back, with blood slowly trickling down the edge of the blade, and his spear shredded through my armor and through my back as well, with the crystal stained a red from my blood running down it. My eyes suddenly went from a red, to a pure white as I stumbled backwards, letting my kantana go, staying put imbedded inside Keiya's body. Keiya gasped for air and looks at him with blood dripping from his lip. "It seems… I… was… wro…wrong…" Keiya then fell over onto his side and his eyes rolled back. I hit against a wall and screamed in sheer pain and agony from the spear being inside of me and slid down the wall until I was sitting down, leaving streaks and stains of my blood upon the wall.

Michelle rolled over in the bed, only to have her eyes open suddenly to the sound of a piercing scream. She jumped up in her bed, not bothering to change from her small shirt and pants, and ran down the stairs, almost falling from rushing so hard. She gasps for air only trying to fathom what could have happened, but deep in her mind, she knew somehow that Danny was involved. She threw open the door of the inn, only to see a man in black and green armory on the ground with a framaliar looking blade through him, and another man against a wall with stains of blood with a spear through him. She covered her mouth in horror at the sight of the two and recognized the man in the yellow armor as Danny. "Danny!!!" she cried as she ran over to him and shook his shoulders. "No no Danny! You can't die, you cant!!" tears began to well up as she shook him slower and slower until she stopped and just let the tears fall down her cheeks. A voice flowed through the air and spoke gently "Child… do not cry… for I am still alive… but I need your help…" Michelle looked to Danny and saw the pendant on his armor glowing a crimson color. The voice flowed again sweetly to her "Place your hands upon my chest, and let go of all pain… I shall do the rest…" Michelle wiped her eyes and did as the voice commanded and places her hands on Danny's chest. The outline of her hands began to glow the same crimson color as the pendant, and Danny then flushed a pale blue all over his body. The blood that was slowly dripping from his wound had stopped, and Michelle's hands were still glowing. She placed them on the spear and closes her eyes tightly and she gripped it as hard as her hands would allow. A crack and then a shattering sound came as the spear was broken in half, and slid easily from being imbedded in Danny. Michelle, weakened by giving Danny enough energy to survive, slowly stood, with Danny's arm around her neck, holding him up. She walked slowly towards the inn with Danny. The innkeeper ran out and saw her holding him and cried "Dear child!! Let me help!" The innkeeper ran over and picked up Danny from the other side and they carried him in and to the room they had rented. They both gently laid Danny on the bed and the armor soon faded and the pendant had become a necklace again. The innkeeper blinked at what had happened and Michelle looked at him. "Please… we shall explain later… I'm going to need some medical supplies though." The innkeeper nodded and ran down the hall to get some medical things to help Danny's wound. When he returned, Michelle gently did all that she could to Danny's wounded shoulder and then sat down in a chair.

"Thank you..Michelle... if it was not for you.. I would have surely parished..." The voice inside me said. "Think nothing of it. Now rest, just lay there, and rest" Michelle said, softly, with a bit of worriedness in her voice. The pendant began to glow less and less red, until it finally stopped, and the armor around my body dissapated into the light chain mail I had before.

Within a few hours, I was consious again, and moving. Bit by bit, I was walking, and eventually jogging. I was able to pick up a sword, and the next day, I could swing it without pain. Three days passed before I was able to continue on, but Michelle never left my side. She never left me, and worried if I ever stumbled, or fell.

Within the week, we visited the village chief. I asked if I could adopt Michelle, as a sister. "Sir, I wish to adopt this slave. We have become very close, and I wish to make her a part of my own family." I said, occasionally looking at Michelle, who had a cheesish grin on her face

"Well, to conjoin you as brother and sister, you'll have to have the requirements, you know what they are" said the chief. "What wou-" I began, and Michelle cut me off "We have, everything necessary." "Well, we shall begin the ceremony" he smiled, and grabbed a small stack of papers.

After long and tense hours of signing, and agreeing, Michelle was no longer a slave, and she was free to travel, where she pleases. When we left the chieftain's hut, our first objective was to make it to the Wizard's home. The villagers warned us, it would be a dangerous, and winding trail, but if we were sure, to take the left path, not the right.

"Let's go Michelle, but are you sure about this..?" I asked. "Aye, I'll go, wherever you go." Michelle said, and smiled. The voice inside of me said calmly "I apologize for leaving your body in your time of need. It was the only way I could help you."

"I understand, but there is one thing I still do not know about you" I said, mentally to him. "There are many things you do not know about me, but still, what is it that you wish to know?" He said slowly, and calmly. "What can I call you?" I asked, a bit nervous that he might not tell me. "My name I cannot tell you, but you may call me ______________ " He said.