Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Heart ❯ Skate Night ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I hope you all liked the first chapter and like the second chapter of my very own story

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At 6:50 that night, Brian headed off towards the ice-skating rink which was about 10 minutes walking from his house. Brian arrived at exactly 7:00 and Rick bought a ticket for him, Madison, and Brian because Brian didn't have any money. Their other friends bought tickets for themselves.

"Oh no," Brian said. "Jenna's here? Why is she here?"

"Because I invited Derrek and he finally got up the courage to ask Jenna out," Rick answered. "So he invited her here."

"You know the only reason she accepted was because I was going to be here, right?" Brian asked.

"Of course. Derrek doesn't know that though."

The whole group got together then to rent their skates. Only Madison and Justina had brought their own skates to wear. (The other people besides Brian, Madison, Derrek, Rick, and Jenna there were Justina and her boyfriend Zach and Macey and her boyfriend Christopher.)

As they all got onto the ice, Madison asked Brian as they sped off alone, "So, why isn't Shannon with you? Aren't you two always together on a Friday night?"

"Oh, uh, we broke up today," Brian replied.

"That's good to hear," Madison commented. "I never really liked Shannon anyway. She was always very snobbish."

"Oh, yeah," Brian said. "In fact, I've wanted to break up with her for awhile. I was just so sick of her."

"I know what you mean. Rick is beginning to get boring. We've been together for a year and we do the same things over and over again. He doesn't like to try anything new. I'm breaking up with him tonight."

"You're breaking up with Rick?" Jenna said, skating up behind them. "I never pictured the two of you breaking up. You always seemed like such a cute couple."

"Where's Derrek?" Brian asked. He couldn't stand Jenna. Jenna was a peppy 15-year-old cheerleader with light brown hair and blue eyes and an attitude. To make matters worse, Jenna had liked Brian since the seventh grade when Brian didn't even know how to "like" someone.

"Oh, Derrek can't really skate very well," Jenna replied. "It seems that this is his first time doing it or something. Honestly, he's horrible. Besides, I didn't even want to come here with him."

"We know, Jenna, we know," Madison said. "I'm going to find Rick."

Brian watched as Madison left.

"She'll be free now," Jenna said sadly. "You'll be able to ask her out."

Brian was startled when Jenna said that. "I thought that-"

"You thought right," Jenna said. "Don't let me interfere though. Besides, what do you care about my feelings? I'm just a girl to you. Madison is heaven." Jenna skated away then.

Brian could hardly believe it. Jenna had just advised him to ask Madison out and she had just left. Jenna had never left Brian before. It had always been Brian to leave Jenna. Brian skated off the ice to sit in the bleachers. He watched Madison and Rick for awhile. It didn't seem like anything was going to happen. They were holding hands and skating together, Madison helping Rick stand up because Rick wasn't a very good skater also.

As Brian was about to get back on the ice though, the blow up finally came. Madison and Rick skated off the ice and Madison said, "Listen Rick. I know we've been together for a while now and at first I had lots of fun. But now, things are just getting boring. We do the same stuff over and over and over again, never trying anything new. I'm not the kind of person to just stay in one place but that's what has been happening with you."

"This doesn't sound good," Rick said.

"It's not," Madison continued. "Rick, I don't want to be with you anymore. You're a great guy but I just don't think we should be together."

"Is there any chance that I could change your mind?" Rick asked hopefully.

"No, absolutely not," Madison answered. In Brian's eyes, this was a much better break up than his and Shannon's was.

"Okay," Rick said, shakily. "I guess I'll be going then." Rick walked towards the skate rental place and gave them back his skates. Just as he was about to leave the rink, Brian ran up to him.

"Hey, man, I'm sorry Madison broke up with you," Brian said. "I know how it feels."

"No, no you don't," Rick said. "Shannon was you're only real girlfriend and you're the one who broke up with her. She's not the one who broke up with you. Also, you didn't really care about Shannon like I cared for Madison. And third of all, you're not sorry about her breaking up with me because I've known since last year that you liked her and only dated Shannon to make her jealous. Well, I guess it worked and you win. You get Madison. After all, that's why she broke up with me. She didn't really ever like me. She was exactly like you. She only dated me to make you jealous. Have fun, Brian!" Rick finished sharply. Rick stormed out the rink doors and walked home.

Brian felt a little bad. After all, Rick was his best friend. Everything Rick had said about him was true though. Oh well, Brian thought, I'd rather have Madison as a girlfriend than Rick as my best friend.

Brian skated back onto the ice and caught up with Madison. "Hey!" he said.

"Hi again!" Madison said back.

"So, got any plans for tomorrow night?" Brian asked.

"No. And now that I think of it, I don't have any plans for tonight either. Are you finally asking me out?"


"Well, you better be, because I've been waiting a while for this to happen."

"Okay, so let's make tonight our first date and tomorrow, I'll take you somewhere nice."


"Oh, you'll see," Brian said mysteriously. "I've only planned that date for a year."

"Well then, I can't wait. In the meantime though, let's skate." Madison said, took off and yelled back to Brian, "Come and catch me!"

"No problem," Brian said, speeding off after her. Madison was very, very quick though and throughout the whole night, Brian tried catching her but never quite could.

After the night was over, Brian walked Madison home since she lived about four minutes away from the skating rink in the same direction as he lived. They walked up the steps to the porch of Madison's big white house. As Brian was about to leave, Madison said, "Aren't you going to kiss me?"

Brian answered, "I wasn't aware that you wanted me to." He walked back up the stairs though, and kissed her passionately for a minute. When the kiss was over, he said, "Goodnight, Madison. Sweet dreams. I'll pick you up at 5 tomorrow."

"Okay, goodnight, Brian," Madison replied softly. She walked inside and shut the door and Brian walked six minutes to his house.

Brian slept easily that night and had the best dream of his life. He dreamed that Madison and him got married and had their honeymoon on the Moon. What a life! Brian thought.

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I hope you all liked this chapter. I would like at least one review to continue.