Fan Fiction ❯ Chase ❯ Chase ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By J. R. P. “Tiger_kisa699”

Chase looked at him self in the mirror. He pulled his long blond hair back with his finger and then shook it out. He turned the stud in his furry ear and then began brushing his long sharp teeth. He brushed out his tail and then looked for something out of his closet to put on. It was his first day of High School at Dr. Moreau's School. The only School any children, or parents if they wanted to further their education, on The Island of Dr. Moreau could attend. It was required for the children born to his experiments to attend the school up through High School. And if the adults wanted to take some classes there was a small amount of college level stuff that was offered.

Chase pulled on some baggy black shorts that came to his knees and then pulled on a white shirt. His tail poked out the back of his shorts. It was spotted like his mothers but thick and fluffy like his father’s wolf tail. He looked very much like his father, long blond hair and a thick build. But he had quite a few of his mother’s spots, rounder ears and her eyes.

He walked down stairs and saw his mother at the stove cooking some eggs and his father was reading a news paper that Dr. Moreau's men typed up every week. There was a section on the happenings about the island, as well as a rather long section on the happening in the rest of the world they were now cut off from.

"Morning Mom, Dad," Chase said to his parents. His mother turned and smiled at her son. She poured the scrambled eggs onto a plate for him and then turned the stove off.

"Good morning Chase! Are you ready for your first day of high school?"

Chase nodded. He’s been looking forward to school for a while. He liked school, like most of the other kids on the island. There wasn’t much else they could do, or were allowed to do anyways. His father, Ambrose, looked over the paper at his son.

"High school here should be better then in the rest of the world. That should be an advantage. Not as many fashion trends or peer pressure as we had."

Chase ate his eggs and nodded, "I know dad you tell me this every time I start a new school year."

His father liked to point out the advantages of living here... Though Chase knew that his father hated living here, as much as the next person trapped on this stupid island.

After his mother, Angelina, had handed him his stuff for school he kissed her goodbye and told his father he’d see him later. He left the house and walked down the road toward the school. Cami was waiting for him halfway down the trail. Cami was another child born on the island. She was a month younger than he was, so they were in the same grade. She smiled and waved at him as he walked closer. Chase had liked her for about a year now; like he’d tell her that. They had been friends since they were about five.

"Morning!" she said. Her large cheetah-styled ears rotated to catch the sound of a bird flying from a tree. Most of her was cheetah-styled: her spots, her tail, her face and her ears. She smiled and walked with him down the road. She had her backpack on, her hands at the bottom of the straps under her armpits. She was in a purple shirt and had written the word 'Princess' on it herself. She was in black tight pants and her tail swished as she walked with her head up watching the sky. "I'm so happy to be starting high school now! Gosh, we've been waiting for this forever, huh Chase?" She looked at him and he nodded.


They said when they reached high school that they would finally find someone to date. It was not allowed to date till freshmen year of High School. If you were found dating before then, your family was fined money.

Cami was a very cute girl, one of the prettiest girls in a grade old enough to date, and he knew several guys that were going to try and ask her out today. but he was going to do it first.

"Oh I hope some one asks me out today," Cami said. She had dreamt of having a boyfriend for so long and she had had her perfect wedding planned since she was ten. Chase looked over at her and smiled.

"Oh, I’m sure there will be no problem there."

Cami smiled at him. What Chase didn't know was that Cami wanted him to ask her out. She had known for so long that she wanted Chase and would say no to anyone who asked her out until Chase asked her. But Chase, being a man, had never picked up on the hints that she wanted him to ask her. But he liked her, so he had it all planned out...or so he thought.

"Cami...I need to tell you something..." he blushed under his fur and thanked God that it was there to hide it. "Cami I..." But before he could finish, he was tackled from behind and he and the tackler went rolling down the hill. They stopped with 'oaf' as they hit a tree. Chase turned to see a very funny looking teen shaking out his black hair. "Rocky! What was that for?"

Rocky smiled and stood, offering Chase a hand up. "Just saying good morning," he said with a devilish grin. Cami was laughing as she walked down the hill toward them. She was holding her sides and tears streamed down her face from laughing so hard.

Rocky was Chubby and Joliette's kid. His body alternated fur and scales. He had hair on his head and down his back and hard protective scales that covered his belly. His nails were very sharp as well as his teeth. His head was shaped like his mother’s, long and lizard-like and he had no visible ears. He had a long hard tail that was hard as rock. Unlike his mother he walked on two legs, but could easily run on all fours if he needed to.

"Oh Rocky, that was so funny! But uncalled for! Chase was talking to me! What were you going to say?"

Chase looked away and frowned, "Never was nothing." He fixed his shorts and shirt, then started back on his way to school. Cami and Rocky started talking about what kind of homework the teachers would be giving them and how hard it might be.

As the three of them walked up the stairs to the school they were greeted by three more friends. Gabby, Jake and Mark walked up to them and smiled. "Morning," all three of them said. Chase nodded a greeting and Cami and Gabby talked about their break they had had, like they hadn’t spent it together. Mark smiled at Cami. He was one of the guys that Chase knew who wanted to ask Cami out.

"Hey Chase, why do you look so dirty?" Jake asked as he brushed some dirt and grass out of Chase’s hair. Chase rolled his eyes and shook out his hair.

"Rocky tackled me and we rolled down the hill. It was his way of a good morning," he glared at Rocky, who threw up his arms and shrugged.

"Sorry man I couldn’t help it. I saw an opportunity and I took it." He smiled.

Chase rolled his eyes again as they headed down the hall to their lockers. He smiled inwardly when he saw his was across the hall from Cami’s. He put his stuff inside and took a deep breath. Ok, I can do this! Now! I’m going to ask her before someone else... As he was saying this to himself he turned and saw Mark... He was talking to her and he took her hand. She smiled at him and nodded. Chase cursed himself, grabbed his books and headed to his first class sadly.