Fan Fiction ❯ Comfort: Dorei ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Comfort - Dorei
Katelin Edge

Dorei stumbled out of the club after sweating out most of the drugs from his system. He shook his hair back and staggered as his head began to swim. He started laughing at his shoelaces (what funny things) before heading in what he believed was the general direction of the apartment.

He stumbled into the dark apartment and made his way to the bathroom without turning on the lights. He stripped quickly and stepped into the shower, stubbing his toe on the small rise. A twisting of knobs and the water hissed through the shower head and onto Dorei's slick body.

The water helped to finish grounding him, and he leaned against the cold tiles breathing deeply as he watched it slip down the drain.

Just like everything else.

How long had he known Kigai? It must have been almost two years. It seemed like an eternity. Sometimes Dorei couldn't imagine life without having Kigai around. Well, he didn't have to imagine it, he had lived it. It was still as if he was living without, though.

Dorei felt tears running with the shower water. The bad thing about the drugs was that it heightened his emotions, also. It helped him to forget, but once he started thinking about Kigai, he couldn't stop and the tears wouldn't stop and the cold shower water was just like Kigai's impersonal touch.

He turned off the water and stood with his forhead against the tiles. He shuddered then stepped out, not bothering to dry himself off he made it to his room and flopped naked onto the bed, the rough sheets gingerly scratching his skin.


He woke an hour later to the slam of the front door. Groaning, he rolled out of bed and pulled on a loose black long sleeved shirt that he had ripped the collar off of and baggy black pants. No good to get caught in his birthday suit. He had one hell of a headache.

He followed the wall to the kitchen, the glow of the TV making Kigai's face dance with ghoulish shadows. He popped open a coke from the fridge and guzzled it in three gulps. He dropped the aluminum into the sink with and it clattered against the steel sink before whirring and staying in the drain. He pushed himself away from the sink and made his barefooted way to the living room. He leaned against the wall, his thumbs hooked over the waistband of his pants.

* "This is Mishima Taia live at the Heiwa Corporation banquet hall. The gala behind me is being held in honor of the engagement of Heiwa Inori and Yutaka Shima. Rumours have been flying around about this couple for quite some time but now it has been officially confirmed. This marriage will bring together two of the largest media companies in all of Japan - there's the happy couple now!" *

Dorei glanced back and forth from the screen to Kigai's face. "Hey, Kigai, don't you have a thing for Shima?" He paused for a moment, when there was no reply.

"Eh, don't worry about it, Kigai. There'll be another guy. Or girl. Or whatever sashays your way on two legs." his eyes watched the screen until he couldn't take the attack of colours any longer. He turned away from the screen and began searching his pockets for a cigarette, momentarily forgetting he had just slipped into the clothing.

In his search he hadn't noticed Kigai rising from his seat. A cigarette was placed between his lips and his lighter blazed to life and lit the tip. Dorei's eyes slid slowly up to meet Kigai's. The boy was slightly taken aback when his roommate handed him the pack and lighter before turning.

"Jeez, Kigai... this is really getting to you, isn't it?"

Kigai stopped before he made a half turn to glance Dorei toe-to-lips. He slunk around and over to Dorei, invading the other's personal space.

"Is what getting to me?" he asked, tone deliberately absent. Leaning forward he let his right hand skim lightly up the side of Dorei's face before tangling in his hair, his other hand reaching up to remove the cigarette that was about to fall to the carpet. Kigai snuffed out the stick, his every move smooth and calculated. Sliding even closer, he pressed a soft openmouthed kiss beneath Dorei's ear.

When Kigai began to pull away, Dorei's head went of its on volition with the other's lips, his eyes narrowed as that one touch sent blue electric sparks from that point.

Dorei knew why Kigai was doing this. He wanted a distraction, to release some tension. It was always like this, and it was always Shima's fault.

Dorei didn't know if it was remnants of the drugs or Kigai's touch, but he was winding right around Kigai's fingers. Kigai's fingers traced the lips he had just removed the cigarette from and then slipped over Dorei's face, sliding over his body and brushing over the boy's crotch before he stepped back. A look best described as empty in his eyes, he turned away from Kigai and headed towards his bedroom

It was as blatant an invitation as Kigai would give Dorei in his current mood. It didn't matter if Dorei went to him or not... the truth was in his face everyday. Kigai did not want Dorei.

But Dorei wanted Kigai. He couldn't stop wanting Kigai. He'd already lost himself in the other man.

Dorei pushed away from the wall and followed Kigai to his room. He walked into the room, but it was too dark for him to see anything at first. He took a step into the room, knowing it was dark so that Kigai could pretend he was someone else.

Warm arms wrapped around Dorei's waist and slipped beneath his sweater, causing Dorei's breath to stop for an instant. The rough sound of skin on skin reaching his ears made him ache to his marrow for Kigai. One hand wrapped around Kigai's wrist, and Kigai turned Dorei around and pulled the boy's sweater over his head. Dorei wondered for an instant why he bothered with clothes; afterall, he was just a doll.

When the two finally fell into the tanglement of sheets, Dorei didn't care anymore. Dorei wanted to show Kigai he was worthwhile, but Kigai held him pinned with the slightest touch. Kigai's lips dragged over Dorei's body, his face, everywhere but Dorei's lips. Dorei gasped as Kigai nipped at his neck and he groaned as fingers traced the skin of his stomach so lightly it was as if he had imagined the touch. Kigai ran open mouth kisses over the other's left shoulder an he began making his way down Dorei's arm. Dorei's eyes shot open and air rushed into his lungs... Kigai couldn't find the marks.

Gathering the strength he had and fueling it with a sort of desperation, Dorei wrenched upwards and over, toppling Kigai beneath him he slid down Kigai's body and took him into his mouth.

Kigai was better than any drug to Dorei. A drug he could never overdose on. A drug he could have without paying a middle-aged greying man with rings the size of pomegranates $20 a pop to tie him off and shoot him up in an alley. He just had to wait for Kigai. Wait until he boiled over and Dorei was the only one around. Kigai was his suicide.