Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Shadow ❯ Chapter One: Meeting ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Decalimer: I do not own Chii she is my friends also Chii is not from Chobits but some what like it also if you think we did then we do not own Chii she belongs to Clamp. Please do not sue I have nothing more then $14.75

Chapter One: Meeting

Chi kneeled down at the cathedral alter as a sign of respect. She didn't believe in the religion, but she thought it would be a polite thing to do. She touched her cold, cyborgnetic hands as she looked up at the stain glass windows and mosaics.

She was a cyborg, however, she had a human soul. It had been trapped in her artifical body for at least 1,000 years. It was strange, her body had been so old and yet, It functioned better than any machine in the present era.

She sensed an evil presence in the alter. The building began to shake as if it were on fire. Then a demonic figure emerged from the alter.

"Youu......." it hissed. Chi reached into her pocket and pulled out a gun. She pointed to the demon. It had tentecles coming out of it's back, a reddish face with face paint on and huge claws. "You cannot defeat me with a puny gun like that. I will eat your soul and then your world will be destroyed,"

Chi didn't say anything, she pulled the trigger. A silver bullet was released from the iron barrel and flew right in the forehead of the demon. It shoved it's head high in the air, screaming and hissing.

"What is this???"

"A silver bullet encased with a holy aura," Chi spoke, blandly. "You are defeated. It will slowly harden your body into glass and then it will shatter your soul,"

She turned around and began walking away. The demon, as a final attempt, louged it's sharp claws for Chi. The girl quickly jumped aside at lighting speed. She pulled out another gun from her strap pocket and fired both of her guns, barraging the demon with holy bullets. The body of the demon began getting still and glossy. Then it's body shattered into millions of shards of glass that lie on the red carpet of the Church.

Chi walked away. "Where will I find a way to get my real body back? I've been searching for 1,000 years and yet...why am I still searching? The one who I fell in love with died a long time ago, so why am I still searching?"

A girl with long silver hair that is put into a braide leans against the cross that is on the church watchs people pass by she looks up at sky her baby blue eyes shine a bit. She sighed a bit lifted her sleeve up to see what time it was just then a roar was hear. The girl looked around saw it was a demon like angel falling from the Heavens.

"Joy. . .something from god. . .or is it my bother?" she though to her self.

"Psycho!" yelled out the deformed monster.

The girl smirked and stood up her trench coat flew around her then bat wings came from her back then she leaped into the air headed for the demon. They both clashed into each other blackish silver sparks come from them both the demon splits away from the girl. As for the girl she shook her head then looked at the demon and flew at it again.

"Psycho. . .you. . .will pay for what you have done. . ." said the demon monster slowly speaking.

"What did I do you tell me?" replide the girl as she got cloer to it.

"I am what I am now cause of you!"

The girl smirked then reached the demon twished around and slaped the demon in the face with her hair. The demon scream out in pain it covered it's left side of it's face then gladred at her then spit out two fire balls then it's wings be came black and slimey with black ozze. Psycho then placed her hands together two ice spears apper then threw them at the fireballs and put them out. The demon becomes devored by the black slime and heads for Psycho.

"What does he think he is doing?" asked Psycho to her self.

With that said the demon covers her head to toe with the slime starts to eat away at her. Psycho started to struggle trying to find her way out just then she remember something that will kill what was once her bother. She pulled out a scythe started to slice away at it. The monster scream and got off of her then fell to the roof of the chruch in pain. Psycho landed on the roof walked over to it.

"I'm sorry please forgive if you can. . .but I am no longer who I was then. . .I am now Tragy to you and the other along side with demons. . ." she said in a soft voice. She brought her scythe up and brought it down on the monster a loud cry was heared then it was silent.

"God you have for saken me. . .you will now pay for this. . ."

She truned around walked away disappered into the darkness of the night. With a tragic story left behind for a fallen breathen.

Chi walked outside of the cathedral. It was a bit rainy and muggy. The clouds were grey and she could hear thunder in the distance. She looked up at the sky. She then noticed a figure flying with demonic wings.

"What is that?" she thought.

Psycho jumped from roof to roof her hair coming out of it's braide then started to slowly walk looking around.

"The night is alomost over what will happen now. . ."

Her eyes glowed a bit then she cracked her neck a bit started to peel off the black slime off of her self.

"This is something I didin't think I would see coming from a half breed. . ." she said quietly looking at it.

Chi ran down the streets, three houses down. She felt something...something from the past. She had to find out what it was. Her eyes roamed the houses, landscape, everything. Then her sensors where fixed onto a figure, standing on the side of the curb. Chi stopped for a second and called out.


The girl turned to Chi. Out from the dark alleys of the city, learked a demon, whom set their sights on the cyborg. It jumped at her, ready to tear her limb from limb. Chi quickly pulled out a pistol, pointed it behind her back without looking and shot the demon dead.

"Who are you?" Chi asked, putting her gun into a strap pouch she had on her hips.
The other girl walked up to Chi. She too, felt that they had known each other some how.

"You...are dead?" the girl asked.

"No," Chi said. "Tell me your name,"

"I am called Pyscho," Pyscho said. "And yours?"


"Chi, you are not human," Pyscho said.

"You are very wise," Chi said, surprisingly. "How could you tell?"

"I sense your soul, but with every fiber of your being, I can sense that there is not life present," Pyscho said.

"I am a cyborg. I used to have a natural body, but it was destroyed a long time ago," Chi explained.

Psycho's eyes glowed a bit and nodded slowly. The looked at her carefully and then placed her hand on her hip. Chi looked at her looked her up and down though she gave off the look of a mortal and looking so younge she could tell that the demon with in her was strong.

"So your mortal body was distoryed?" ash asked.

"Yes it was. . .long ago. . ." repiled Chi.

"How did it happen?"

"A war with something that had happen long ago that is all."

"A war hm?"

Psycho closed her eyes for a moment and though of the war that happen long ago of being banished and fallen. As for Chi she though for a bit of what happen so long a go that it lingered in her. Psycho's eyes snaped open and she tackled Chi out of the way.

"What are you doing!?" yelled Chi.

"Something is here. . ."

Out fell from the sky was a another demon like angel as the ground stared to shake it cracked open and a demon started to crawl out hissing and calling out Chi's name as the demon angel called out Psycho. The two stood up and where ready to interact with the new monseter that is coming at them both.

Chi pulled out her two guns, pointing them at the demon.

"F you," she cursed. Chi was angry. She always hated interupptions. She a pull of the trigger, a bullet was released from the iron barrel and aimed straight for the demon. He dodged it.

"Damn," Chi thought. "I must be getting rusty,"

Psycho ran and lept into the air and pulls out the scythe threw it at the demonic angel that was falling. It caught the scythe smiles and then slamed into Psycho they both flew past Chi right behind her. They both skided half way down the stree. The demon on the other hand headed for Chi spined around knocking out the gun from her hand and caught it with it's tail.

"Chi. . .you are mine. . .I will devore your soul. . ." it said smirking.

"Not if I can help it" said Chi.

The demon ran at Chi tackled her to the ground tacking her other gun and getting off of her. Chi's eyes narrowed and she looked at them monster eyes glowing as she looked over to Psycho who was having her own problems with the demonic angel. It held the scythe at her neck trying to cut her head off. Chi then looked back at the monster.

"Damn it this is not what I had mind" though Chi.

Chi flipped backwards and then rushed forward, drawing a small dagger hidden in a compartment of her knee-height black boots. She rushed forth and stabbed the demon. She reached down and pulled out another dagger from her other boot and shoved it into the demon's neck. It yelped in pain and forced it's giant claw into Chi's stomach. Chi flinched a bit, but still pushed the dagger further into the demon's neck.

Chi looked back at Pyscho.

"She needs help," she thought. Without a thought, Chi pulled out the dagger that was inside of the demon's chest and threw it at the demon that Pyscho was fighting. The dagger stuck him in the back, causing him to let go to Psycho and try to pull it out of his back. Chi then turned to the Demon she was fighting.

"You...must die. Your soul is so powerful. Once I devour it, I will become so powerful, not even God cannot stop me,"
The demon could feel his claw inside of Chi. He didn't understand why she wasn't screaming in pain.

Chi closed her eyes, focusing some of her spirit energy on the blade of her dagger. Her arms and chest were covered with blood. There wre also some little specks and dots of blood that lay on her left cheek. The demon felt a power emerging inside of his neck.

"What is this power? Is it...really..." he didn't finish his sentence. He was dead. Chi had created a holy barrier around her dagger that expanded inside of his throat, plaguing his demonic body with holy spirit. Chi pulled the dagger from the demon has he fell over...stiff and dead. Chi looked down at the damage that was inflicted in her body. A deep gash. Some wires were sticking out and little sparks were liting up randomly.

"Damn," Chi said.

Chi flipped backwards and then rushed forward, drawing a small dagger hidden in a compartment of her knee-height black boots. She rushed forth and stabbed the demon. She reached down and pulled out another dagger from her other boot and shoved it into the demon's neck. It yelped in pain and forced it's giant claw into Chi's stomach. Chi flinched a bit, but still pushed the dagger further into the demon's neck.

Chi looked back at Pyscho.

"She needs help," she thought. Without a thought, Chi pulled out the dagger that was inside of the demon's chest and threw it at the demon that Pyscho was fighting. The dagger stuck him in the back, causing him to let go to Psycho and try to pull it out of his back. Chi then turned to the Demon she was fighting.

"You...must die. Your soul is so powerful. Once I devour it, I will become so powerful, not even God cannot stop me,"
The demon could feel his claw inside of Chi. He didn't understand why she wasn't screaming in pain.

Chi closed her eyes, focusing some of her spirit energy on the blade of her dagger. Her arms and chest were covered with blood. There wre also some little specks and dots of blood that lay on her left cheek. The demon felt a power emerging inside of his neck.

"What is this power? Is it...really..." he didn't finish his sentence. He was dead. Chi had created a holy barrier around her dagger that expanded inside of his throat, plaguing his demonic body with holy spirit. Chi pulled the dagger from the demon has he fell over...stiff and dead. Chi looked down at the damage that was inflicted in her body. A deep gash. Some wires were sticking out and little sparks were liting up randomly.

"Damn," Chi said.

Psycho kicked the demon off of her and grabs her scythe spined around and cut the demons right wing off. It cried in pain then tackled Psych one again. This time Psycho turned her scythe upside down the demon angel inplaed it self on it was screaming in pain.

"You have to die! You can't live!" cried the demon angel.

"Tell me why that is. . ." asked Psycho.

"Both of you must die!" it whimpered out.

"What?" she asked as she looked back at Chi. "Damn it. . ." With quick movemet Psycho placed her hands on the demon angel and snaped it's neck and walks over to Chi.

"Are you alright?" asked Psycho walking over to Chi. Chi looked at her and nodded a bit.

"Come with me I know how we can fix you I'm go with things my self. . ." said Psycho as she took her scythe and the dagger and two guns. She helped Chi walk down the street.

"Can you function properly?" Pyscho asked.

"I'll be alright," Chi took her guns and slipped them back into her pouch. "I should have straps on this things so they won't get tossed away again,"

Pyscho laughed a bit. They continued to walk down the street. Chi sensed something in Pyscho. Something...that Pyscho had always longed for.

"What's wrong, Pyscho?" Chi asked. "What are you looking for?"

Pyscho paused a bit. "I've been looking for someone. I can't seem to find her,"

"...Who?" Chi asked.

"My sister. We were separated in a war a long time ago. I know she's still alive," Pyscho said. "She's the only family I have,"

Chi nodded. "Hey, I'll make you a deal. I'll help you find your sister, but in return, you have to help me find a way to recover my mortal body,"

"Deal," Pyscho said.

The two shook on it headed into a old building it looks like a old masion. When they both walked in side it looks like a rich family lived here. Chi could not belive her eyes.

"You got this all on your own?" she asked.

"No I got it with my bestfriend" she said.

"Who is your friend?" asked Chi.

"Dark she is here some where I just don't know where once I find her we can work on you." said Psycho.


Psycho brough Chi to the living room and there was a small puppy and a kitten playing around the floor. Psycho seat Chi and left looking for Dark.

"Dark!" called out Psycho as she walked out of the room.

Chi looked at the two pets they looked back at her. They both walked over to her and they starts to play with her. From the kitchen Dark walked into the room and saw Chi.

"Who are you?" asked Dark.

"I'm Chi I came here with Psycho" said Chi.


Dark walked over saw Chi the blood and wires all over the place. She ran into the kitchen started to wet the towel then ran into the room started to clean Chi up.

"I take your not normal. . ." said Dark

"Nope. . ."

"I knew that. . "

Psycho walked into the room and saw Dark tending to Chi walked over started to help.

Soon after a day, Chi was all fixed up. Her articifical skin grew over the damaged section as if it were alive.

"That's some awesome technology. It's almost as if it were...alive...growing like an organism," Dark said. "It's kinda amazing how your still functioning after...1,000 years? I didn't know cyborgs exsisted 1,000 years ago. I always thought that people where still trying to figure out how to use steam as energy,"

"My body questions me as well," Chi said. "It's like a bad frame like version of my real body. I remember vaguely, my real body was much more swifter, light...but in the sense of cells and stuff, they both healed pretty quickly,"

Psycho perched herself over the counter, drinking some ice cold water.

"Thank you," Chi responded, politely.

"You don't seem to have that much of emotion," Dark noticed. "Have you killed all of them?"

"No, I wasn't really programed with emotion. I was only programed with love, hate and will. That is the only thing keeping me going,"

Dark blinked a bit then placed her hand to the corner of her mouth and taped it lightly. Psycho put her glass down looked at Dark she knew she had a plan going on in her little head.

"What is your plan" asked Psycho.

Dark blinked a bit then sweatdropped and looked at Chi who was wondering what was going on and what was Dark thinking about right now and then.

"Well see I was thinking we could try and hook something to you so you can feel all the things a normal person could feel." said Dark.

Psycho blinked and bit but didn't understand why she would get an idea like that and looked over to Chi.

"So what do you think" asked Psycho to Chi.

Chi looked at Psycho then to Dark and though about it for a moment and nodded.

"It would not hurt to try" said Chi.

"Alright we can get started when ever you are ready" Dark said.

"If you don't like it we will take it out and you can be the way you where before." said Psycho.

Chi nodded.

"Let's get started right away. Then, we can go on our quest to find what we are looking for," Chi said.

Psycho nodded. "It might be hard. I've been searching for her for about 1,000 years. I dont' know where to look,"

"I've been around for that long. Maybe she fell into another dimension. I mean, it could happen. Who knows, maybe we'll find what are both looking for in the same place,"

"Perhaps," Pyscho agreed.

"Let's go," Dark said as she led Chi to an engineering type room. Chi lied down on the metal-like bed and reached up for her ear. Her ear was different from a normal person's ear. It was like a persocoms ear. You couldn't really tell because Chi's hair covered the ear very well. Chi pressed the button on the underside of her ear and it open up, revealing circuits, output and input plugs.

"This might take awhile, and I might have to take out your energy battery," Dark said.

"I'll just go into shut down mode," Chi said as she closed her eyes. And with that, Chi looked dead. She didn't move an inch and her skin color was more pale.

"Work your magic, Dark," Pyscho patted Dark on the shoulder.

"This will be easy, but I will take me a while to figure out her database,"

Dark started to hook up the wires to the computer. Psycho took a seat in front of the computer she started to type in a few things trying to see where she can open up a few things about the body.

"So what you got?" asked Dark as she walked over to where Psycho was.

"Nothing yet" replied Psycho as she took her drink and took a sip from it.

"Reall now?,"

"Yes really why don't you look for your self" told Psycho.

"I will and I will see what we can find out so move over" explained Dark as she took Psycho's places. Pscyho got up moved over to another computer she started to play around with a few things hpoing she can get Chi to do more then love and hate. Dark on the other hand looked threw one file after antoher carefuly reading eveything.

Sanity: Okay well thats all I was able to get done with my friend so we don't know if we want to krrp going its taking to long to do so please tell us what you think.