Fan Fiction ❯ Degrees of Guilt ❯ Acacia's Anecdote ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: BlurredClarity 
I guess you could say that I'm an arrogant, moody, and concieted teenager. But if I were you, I honestly wouldn't. Sure I could bore you with the trials of my life, the hardships I've faced. In fact, that's exactly what I'm going to do. Yep, you my lucky friend get to hear me gripe about my first few hours at Xander High School.
Who doesn't hate school, besides the nerds that sit in the corner of the lunch room and make up math problems for eachother to solve? There is one part of the first day of the year that people actually do look forward to. The first 20 minutes before school starts, when you can recap on what happened during their "busy" summer. They drone on and on with mindless chatter of who went the most places, or who spent the most on a new wardrobe for school. I was looking forward for the first bell to ring however. If you don't know anyone at all, how "fun" is it to listen to those gidy teenagers try to one up their friends with the events of their vacation? Not very, believe me.
My prayers were answered, if you could call my silent cursing of the school bell that, and the bell screeched across the lawn. Amidst the sounds of groans, I felt the sudden impulse to scream, "Yes! Ha suckers, play time is over!", but I decided that would not be a very good way to give a first impression. But on the topic of making first impressions, even if I had made the attempt to make a good one, my reputation would be ruined by the end of the year. So, why try? We entered the building; we as in the student body, not we as in me and a friend. I thought we went over this already. Im new and unlike these stereotypical teens.
The walls were a sterile white, blinding to the sight. The lockers weren't much better. They were a dusty grey, and gouged with scratches from vandalizistic kids. I found my locker, and of course, it was next to a girl that was the exact opposite of me. To contrast my dark, shorter hair, she had long, honey blonde hair. To my sun-hidden epidermis, hers was a light gold, but I had to give her a few props, for it definately wasn't fake-bake. She wore an outfit I once saw posted to a mannequin in the window of American Eagle. I despised labels and wore my clothes inside-out if they had even the slightest label embroidered on it. She looked at me slightly, and I saw she had brown eyes, the one similar feature we had. She was a freakin' Barbie doll, and I swear if she is the captain of the cheerleading team or something stupid like that, I'd kill myself. I dumped the contents of my black backpack into my locker, and shut it. I walked to Gym alone, even in the midst of them. I wanted it to stay that way for the rest of the year.
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Mystery / Drama / Suspense / Romance | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 04.10.2004 | Updated On: 05.08.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 8 | Visits: 315 | Status: Work In Progress

I guess you could say that I'm an arrogant, moody, and concieted teenager. But if I were you, I honestly wouldn't. Sure I could bore you with the trials of my life, the hardships I've faced. In fact, that's exactly what I'm going to do. Yep, you my lucky friend get to hear me gripe about my first few hours at Xander High School.
Who doesn't hate school, besides the nerds that sit in the corner of the lunch room and make up math problems for eachother to solve? There is one part of the first day of the year that people actually do look forward to. The first 20 minutes before school starts, when you can recap on what happened during their "busy" summer. They drone on and on with mindless chatter of who went the most places, or who spent the most on a new wardrobe for school. I was looking forward for the first bell to ring however. If you don't know anyone at all, how "fun" is it to listen to those gidy teenagers try to one up their friends with the events of their vacation? Not very, believe me.
My prayers were answered, if you could call my silent cursing of the school bell that, and the bell screeched across the lawn. Amidst the sounds of groans, I felt the sudden impulse to scream, "Yes! Ha suckers, play time is over!", but I decided that would not be a very good way to give a first impression. But on the topic of making first impressions, even if I had made the attempt to make a good one, my reputation would be ruined by the end of the year. So, why try? We entered the building; we as in the student body, not we as in me and a friend. I thought we went over this already. Im new and unlike these stereotypical teens.
The walls were a sterile white, blinding to the sight. The lockers weren't much better. They were a dusty grey, and gouged with scratches from vandalizistic kids. I found my locker, and of course, it was next to a girl that was the exact opposite of me. To contrast my dark, shorter hair, she had long, honey blonde hair. To my sun-hidden epidermis, hers was a light gold, but I had to give her a few props, for it definately wasn't fake-bake. She wore an outfit I once saw posted to a mannequin in the window of American Eagle. I despised labels and wore my clothes inside-out if they had even the slightest label embroidered on it. She looked at me slightly, and I saw she had brown eyes, the one similar feature we had. She was a freakin' Barbie doll, and I swear if she is the captain of the cheerleading team or something stupid like that, I'd kill myself. I dumped the contents of my black backpack into my locker, and shut it. I walked to Gym alone, even in the midst of them. I wanted it to stay that way for the rest of the year.
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Mystery / Drama / Suspense / Romance | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 04.10.2004 | Updated On: 05.08.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 8 | Visits: 315 | Status: Work In Progress