Fan Fiction ❯ Fairy Dust Dreams ❯ The War ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Six
The War
The night was close at hand and soon I would find myself in a dark wet slime infested cave… but at the moment I sat dejectedly against the wall. Legolas looked sad, and I assumed he felt sorry for yelling at Aragorn, Gimli was sitting not far from me his eyes still resting on the little kids that were looking over their armor in awe. It really was quiet a sad sight, and I had to keep telling myself that it was just a dream.
I looked around quietly and discovered with a cry Aragorn's sword, lying against the wall!
“Legolas!” I said taking the sword to him, “This is Aragorn's sword; he is going to want it.”
Legolas took it from me and smiling slightly he stood, “Let us bring it to him then.” He said and with that we quickly made our way to where we, or rather Legolas, was certain Aragorn would be.
We found him placing chain-mel and other war necessities on, and then realizing he was without his sword he turned abruptly his eyes searching. Legolas smiled as Aragorn's eyes fell on him and then bringing up the sword he nodded slightly.
Aragorn looked him over silently his eyes momentarily resting on mine, and then taking the sword from Legolas's hands he nodded back.
“We have trusted you this far and you have not led us astray. Forgive me, Aragorn, I was wrong to despair.”
Aragorn grasped the elf's shoulder, “There is nothing to forgive, my friend.” He said.
Legolas smiled, and we all turned as Gimli came into the scene complaining about the chain-mel he had put on, and that was when we heard the horns!
“That is no Ork horn!” Legolas breathed and jumping up he started to run out the door, the rest of us trailing close behind.
What I saw was much more amazing than the movie could put into detail; the elves of Lorian and Rivendale were making their way over the bridge. I felt an odd sense of pride.
Aragorn, of course, was elated and running down the small steps he hugged Haldir. I suddenly felt very sad I was to be stuck in the caves!
I smiled slowly, Hey, wait a second… what was that promise I made?
It was time and making my way down into the caves with the assistance of a rather homely looking Rohiriam man, I began to plot how I would escape this big wet hole. I was a little mad at Aragorn and Legolas; the least they could have done was bring me down them-selves! I shook the feeling off with a shrug as I let my eyes roam about the expanse of the cave. The man, who I had learned was called Hamus, was smiling at me, and pointing past me I let my eyes follow his finger. Down a ways I could see all the other women and children already settled. I smiled at Hamus and gave him a nod, he nodded back and bid me farewell and then began the journey out of the caves. I watched him until he was out of my sight and then seating myself on a hard cold stone I watched the people below me. I wasn't going to go down there, I was afraid of Eowyn.
I'm not sure how long I sat there, I was actually very nervous about getting out of the caves and having a run in with an Uruk. I was only one person after all, one person that didn't know how to use the sword at my side! But then I remembered the promise I made to myself… From now on I am not going to miss anything, every little detail that has to do with Aragorn or Legolas, I will be apart of. I smiled, a promises was a promise after all. I didn't know what I would do out there but I at least wanted to have a good look. I mean after all this was a big part of the movie!
The sounds of war could be heard constantly through the caves, I figured I had waited long enough. I smiled to myself as I stood, Aragorn didn't want me out in the midst of the battle because he would worry about me, my smile widen, What he doesn't know won't hurt him! I thought as I began to climb up the trail heading for the hard wooden doors that would lead me to the war.
I opened it up a crack, grimacing at the rather loud squeak it made, and then looked around as best I could. The noise from the battle was loud, very loud, so I figured I didn't have to worry about the door. Not seeing anyone from my vantage point, I opened the door wider; sure enough I found the room empty! I thought that strange, but was happy either way. I didn't want to have to explain to anyone what I was doing, so without further hesitation I quickly pulled the hood of my cloak up over my head to hide my features, and then grasping my sword, I made my way out of the small room.
It was dark, and it was raining, I figured I didn't have to worry about people recognizing me or for that matter caring. There were only three people I needed to avoid, one more than the others, and besides, what were the chances I'd run into them?
I dodged men that were running about yelling something about the gate, and then turning I went to the edge and looked down. An arrow whizzed pass my head and I ducked. That was close, I thought fixing my hood. I peeked back over and was spellbound by the numbers! There were thousands! The ground was littered with Uruks and worse yet, they were already in the lower levels of the Keep. I was a little surprised the whole explosion bit had already happened, and I was wondering how I could have missed hearing it.
I turned back around wondering where I should go, when suddenly I saw Legolas! I stood stone still hopping he wouldn't see me, and was silently relieved when he didn't stop but continued on past.
I heard screaming, and straining my ears trying to hear over the sound of war, I heard it. Someone was yelling to fall back to the Keep. Actually a whole lot of people were screaming it.
I turned back around to look over the edge when a ladder landed with a thud inches from my fingers. I felt my heart almost exploded. I wasn't prepared to fight anything, much less a huge monster!
I grasped the ladder with both my hands and heaved with all my might, and was much relieved when it tumbled over easily. I sighed and searched the hordes of Uruks down below. I saw Aragorn, he was yelling for people to fall back, and then I saw Haldir. I remembered suddenly that this was where he died! What was there for me to do?
Another thud slammed near me and I turned started eyes to another ladder, and then another! I looked back to where Haldir was and realized he was going to die if I didn't do something. Then I started running.
I pulled my sword awkwardly free of the sheath as I ran; I saw what I was looking for and turned suddenly making my way down some stone steps. I was close now and saw in vivid detail as an Uruk's sword twisted into the elf's gut, but I knew this wasn't what killed him. I kept my pace, coming up behind him and then I saw the Uruk with the ax. He was running with his ax up over his head and I was afraid I wouldn't make it, but then suddenly I was there, as my foot slipped on something soft and gorily red. I slid right into the huge monster's legs, causing him to stumble and land with a powerful crash atop of me!
I felt my breath leave my lungs and wondered if anything was going to snap. It certainly felt like there should be blood! I realized suddenly that the Uruk on top of me wasn't moving and I wondered if he had killed himself in the fall. I could feel warm stinky blood drip on my forehead and slide down around my neck. The blood wasn't mine; at least I didn't think so. I tried to move him off me but found I couldn't! I was trapped! Trapped under a stinking dead monster!
I heard a grunt and then suddenly the Uruk was thrown off me, there staring down at me was Haldir. I smiled weakly up at him as I sat up slowly. Nothing appeared to be broken. Haldir was bleeding quite badly, and with an exclamation I pulled back his tattered tunic thing to look at it.
“You're bleeding!” I said as I scooted closer. He grasped my hand to stop me and shook his head.
“Not now.” He paused as he grimaced, “We need to get to the Keep.” He stuck out his hand and I quickly grasped his upper arm as I stood slowly, bringing him to his feet. With his arm around my neck and mine around his shoulder, we began to walk toward the steps. That's when Aragorn came into the scene.
His eyes were on me and the look he gave me drained the blood from my face. He then turned his eyes on Haldir and seeing he was wounded he placed his arm around his other shoulder and together we made our way up to the Keep.
Once there, in the somewhat safety of the room I had left moments before, Aragorn and I laid Haldir down against a wall. He quickly striped open the elf's tunic and armor to reveal an ugly looking wound. It was still bleeding and tearing off a large strip of cloth he tied it tightly around the wound. Aragorn then turned his eyes back on me.
“Are you alright?” he asked me and I nodded, “Do not leave this room.” He said it quietly his eyes hard, and I found this tone was worse than if he had yelled at me. I swallowed hard.
“Aragorn, I'm…”
He cut me off with a harder look, “Do you understand.”
I nodded my face still pale.
“Watch him.”
I nodded again, and then he was gone, running from the room.
I sat beside Haldir for a good while, wondering what I had done. I had messed with the story, and of course there had to be some kind of consequence. Haldir was supposed to have die, yet here he was. I shrugged my shoulders, Haldir hadn't died in the books, and besides, this was all just a dream. A very real seeming dream, yet still a dream.
The first group of men and elves came rushing into the room and I knew the next stage of the war was beginning. I searched the crowd and saw Gimli among them, and then I saw Legolas. His eyes were on me and Haldir and he was frowning, he made his way over stopping in front of us.
“Drea?” his eyes were on my forehead and then trailed down to my neck. He briefly looked at Haldir taking in his bloody bandage. Legolas knelt down moving aside my hood he inspected my forehead. I frowned, wondering what he was doing, and then I remembered the blood.
I moved aside his hand and smiled, “I'm fine, it's not my blood. Haldir is the one who is hurt.”
Legolas turned his attention to Haldir, and they had a quiet conversation in their own tongue. I noticed Aragorn helping to bolt up the door, and I swallowed hard.
“The fortress is taken, it is over.” King Theoden said, and I grimaced at the sound of something heavy ramming the door. Our last defense.
“You said this fortress would never fall as long as your men defended it. They still defend it! They have died defending it!” Aragorn yelled above the roar.
Another crash came, this time the wood snapping. Legolas grasped Haldir's shoulder helping him up, and Haldir nodded his thanks. I rose as well.
“Is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves?” Aragorn asked looking at the king. The king said nothing and Aragorn turned to a man near by, “Is there no other way!”
“There is one passage,” the man said, “it leads into the mountains, but they will not get far, the Uruks are too many.”
Another crash echoed through the room. “Send word for the women and children to make for the mountain pass and barricade the entrance.” Aragorn said to him, and then turning suddenly he eyed me, “Drea, I want you back in the caves.”
I nodded once again and then found Legolas's eyes on me, a smirk on his face. I frowned.
“So much death,” The king said quietly, “what can man do against such reckless hate?”
“Ride out with me.” Aragorn said to him, “Ride out to meet them.”
Theoden smiled slowly, “For death and glory.” He whispered.
“For Rohan… for your people.” Aragorn breathed back.

“The sun is rising.” I heard Gimli say and then that was it as I was pushed along with the messenger into the caves.