Fan Fiction ❯ Fatal Frame 2 Meets Iron Chef! ❯ April or I Summon My Iron Chefs ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

April or I Summon My Iron Chefs!

Houou: Okay! I fixed it!
Kusabi: Really? [pokes Mio]
Mio: Stop!
[Kobe runs by, screaming, while Sae's chasing him.]
Sae: I LOVE YOU!!!!!
Kobe: Helllllp!!!!!
Kusabi: What about him? [points to Kaga]
Houou: Oh, right! [snaps fingers. Kaga sits up]
Kaga: What happened?
Kusabi: I accidentally killed you.
Kaga: Oh. Okay. Shall we begin?
Everyone: Yeah!
Kaga: [goes to his usual spot] If memory serves me right, never has a ghost challenged my Iron Chefs.
Uncle: Aiyah! Bad demonnnnnn! [prepares a chi spell]
Houou: Bob! You're not supposed to be here until Chapter 3! [shoves him out of the room]
Kaga: I have accepted the challenge of a ghose. Okay, let's bring him on! Hailing from the Hellish Abyss…
Mio: Now he's gonna go insane.
Mayu: He already is.
Kaga: The Kusabi!!! [Kusabi walks into Kitchen Stadium, but trips over his dress thing.]
Kusabi: I'm okay! [gets up and walks up to Kaga]
Kaga: Welcome.
Kusabi: Yo.
Kaga: So why did you want to challenge my chefs?
Kusabi: Oh, that's easy. I was BOOOOOOORED!!!!
Kaga: Okay. Now I will summon the pride of Gourmet Academy. I summon my Iron Chefs!
[Chen, Sakai, and….I'll pick Morimoto rise.]
Kusabi: Hey, wait, where's Kobe?
Priest: Up here.
[Everyone looks to see Sae holding a reluctant Kobe in her lap.]
Sae: [all smiles] I love you, Kobe!
Kobe: Help.
Kaga: Sae!
Kusabi: Sae!
Ryokan: Sae April Kurosawa! Put Kobe down now!
[Sae stands up, knocking Kobe on his butt. He scuttles away.]
Sae: Daddy!!! You promised!!!
Akane: Your middle name's April?! [busts out laughing]
Sae: Stop it!
Broken Neck and Mourner: April!!! [laugh]
Sae: WAAAAAHHHH!!!! [runs out crying]
Kusabi: Kobe! Just who I wanted to challenge!