Fan Fiction ❯ Fate of the Fires ❯ Arwen�s Encounter ( Chapter 3 )
Fate of the Fires
Lady Mars
Part III: Arwen's Encounter
Disclaimer: I don't own LotR, I'm just writing about them.
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Arwen silently stood by the front desk of the inn, fiddling with her dress. Aragorn had sent her out, to search the inns and the area surrounding Rivendell for the mysterious being Rogue. She had searched diligently, but had come up empty handed every single time. She wasn't too happy with the results of her endless search, but she pressed on with diligence.
'Why can't I find this guy?' she thought. 'I've never seen a ranger I can't keep track of.' She was growing aggravated at the inhabitants of her hometown. No one had seen anything that had resembled ANY ranger all day. The innkeeper returned.
"Well?" she asked. She was rapidly growing impatient at everyone.
"Nothing," the man replied. "No one has seen hide nor hair of him, Lady Arwen." She sighed. She had received the same answer at all the other places she had been that day.
"Of whom?" another voice asked. Arwen whipped around to come face to face with a cloaked figure. He seemed very intrigued at what the queen was looking for.
"Rogue," she replied, slightly frightened. This man had appeared out of nowhere and had scared her half to death.
"I am the one you seek then," he replied. "What do you want of me?" He had a bitter tone to his voice, like he had been bothered far too often.
"I was hoping for your assistance." She was hoping he would oblige happily, but was shot down.
"I help no one." His tone grew even bitterer than before.
"But.." She didn't know how to reply to him.
"I help no one." The man had no desire to help the elf.
"Fine. If you won't, I will just have to get my husband to get you to." He snorted; he feared nothing.
"You think he could out wit me? That is foolish thinking, my lady." Arwen was growing ever more angered. "Do you need anything else out of me?" She didn't reply. "Fine then, off with you." He turned to the innkeeper.
"But I…" He turned back to her, glaring at the Queen.
"Do you not understand what I have just said?" This act of defiance had angered the Ranger and he was preparing to attack.
"Look, I will leave if you answer me one thing." He mulled over her statement for a brief moment. 'If it shall get the wench to leave, I'll do just about anything,' he thought.
"Fine. What do you need to know?" he wanted to get rid of her quickly.
"Have you seen Legolas, prince of Mirkwood?" The man stood silent. His muscles tensed.
"No." And with that, he strode off, not honouring her with another word.
* * *
Aragorn turned to greet his wife whom had just arrived back at the palace.
"Well," he asked, a twinge of hope detected in his voice.
"I found him," she replied, still agitated from her encounter with the ranger.
"In his words, 'I help no one.'" The king reeled.
"He won't help."
"Didn't bother to ask."
"Has he seen Legolas?"
"No. The same goes for every inn within the entire town." Aragorn sighed; this search was going nowhere very quickly.
"I wonder where that elf is."
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