Fan Fiction ❯ Guardian Angel ❯ III ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Guardian Angel - Ch. 3 - Full circle
The first half of the semester was almost over, just a few more weeks. That didn't mean much to Kaci, because all of her classes where a full semester. Kaci was still excited though because the Christmas season had started and it was always her favorite time of year. Snow, two weeks vacation, and sweets up to your knees; what could be better?
Kaci sluggishly treaded through the heavy snow toward the entrance of the school. “Where are all the shovels at? “ thought Kaci grumpily as she shook off the clumps of snow that clung to her pants. “I guess the janitors need a break too, just like all of us.” Kaci looked up from her task to she her friends gathered around her locker, laughing and looking over at her quiet rapidly. “I wonder why they're all in a good mood. They must have something to tell me.”
She adjusted her pack and happily set off to the group, a smile on her face. But that smile quickly faded and she had a familiar feeling in her gut, something she hadn't felt in years. “They're gossiping about me…” As this thought crossed her mind she stopped her joist advance, and just stared at her `friends'.
A blonde, a girl she didn't know, turned around to face her with a look of very fake surprise on her face, “Oh, Kaci! I didn't know you where there.” At this remark of fake concern the other girls let out a chores of giggles.
Kaci just stared at them, “What's… What's going on? Who are you?” she asked, her eyes shifting from face to face.
“She new,” said a brown haired girl with pigtails.
“She's really cool too,” chimed in a shorted haired girl.
The blonde turned to her and gave her a fakest of fake smiles, “Thank you so much!” She turned back to Kaci, her smile disappearing as she scanned Kaci from her head to her toes. A sound of disgust came from her mouth, the other girls started to circle around her. “This is Kaci eh? What's so great about her?”
Kaci looked from the face to face, looking for some compassion. There was none to be found.
“You see Kaci, I've opened these girls eyes. A girl like you has no place at the top of the food chain. There is a lot of work to do at this school, my school.” She tossed her hair behind her shoulder with the flick of her wrist. She had the most hideous smile on her face.
Kaci just keep standing there, the words not really getting to her because she was too stunned to comprehend.
She smiled at Kaci once again and approached her, her hands clasped behind her back. “Poor Kaci, don't you get it? Your through here, if you want to be popular you have to go through me and… well… I not going to let you stay at the top with people like me.” With the turn of her heel the gang left, leaving her to try to understand why.
The rest of the day was a daze to Kaci. She felt a pane in her heart every time so saw her `friends' giggling in class, casting glances toward her, talking behind her back, pointing and laughing. She couldn't concentrate on the teacher's mindless droning, or get her work finished. All she did that day try to figure out why. Why did they all suddenly turn against her? It was because of that girl, but… was their friendship so fickle. Did it mean so little that they could turn on a dime against her?
All these questions she had asked herself before, but before, she was able to play it off, act happy to spite her true sadness. Now she couldn't hide her depression from her family. Her usually non-communicative baby brother was overly nice to her, doing her chores and fussing over her like she was an old woman. Mike wasn't much better, not to mention her father. Since he worked all the time and their mother wasn't around, he jumped on any problem, no matter how small. He tried so hard, she loved him for it, but right now… she hated him. She hated her whole family, she couldn't stand them anymore. Didn't they understand that the best thing they could do was leave her alone. She was just happy that it was Friday so that she could try to settle herself before she had to face them again.
Saturday came and went, a day spent in her room. Sunday finally came and she wasn't too happy about it. Sunday meant church, and church meant facing a few of those girls. She huddled in her room for as long as she could until finally her father came to her.
“Kaci, it's time to go…. I know your upset but maybe you can find peace with god. You know he's always there for you Kaci. Now hurry up.” Her father left, his footsteps retreating down the hall.
“God,” Kaci scoffed as she pulled on her clothes and made for the door. “He plays with us humans like toys, playing with our emotions. You finally think you're out of the woods and then, he decides to plunge you deeper into the forest.”
The ride to church was a very uncomfortable one, her brothers and father trying to get her to talk and the sermon wasn't much better. Kaci could just feel her anger at the people around her and god's injustice growing and growing.
A/N - this was written during my freshmen year, I am now a junior, and I can still remember the things that happened to inspire this story. When I re-read it, it's like I'm reading my life. This story is based heavily on personal experience. Edited 4/24/05