Fan Fiction ❯ Guess What ❯ 01: In which there are many conversations ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: The characters featured in this story belong to JK Rowlings, et. al. JK Rowling gave permission for fan fiction with her approval of fan fiction as stated in a Barnes & Noble chat.

A/N: If Ginny's little announcement at the end of this chapter bugs you, you'll want to hit back without reading the rest of the chapters. I lack the time and the patience to deal with people who continue reading after this fair warning.

A later A/N: This was started well before OotP came out, and may or may not be continued, and may or may not take it into account.


"-So then it just explodes everywhere, and half the shop is covered in sticky feathers-"

"-shameful, really, the negligence that goes into most measuring sets. Why, if the measurements are off as much as-"

"-borrowed Harry some of my comics. I just hope those stupid Muggles don't-"

"Pass the peas."

Ginny was, of course, ignored.

"-so *cool*, and it'll be useful for this new gag we're inventing-"

"George dear, I don't see why this joke shop is so important."

"-heard about a case in which shoddy measuring equipment caused an explosion that had catastrophic-"

Percy never seemed to mind being ignored.

"-gonna send me some muggle comics his cousins got tired of."

"Look, just hand me the peas."

"Lay off our shop, Mum. There's a lot of money in this-"

"-the one who resembles a beached whale so very much?"

"Fine. I'll get them myself," Ginny snapped, and stretched across the table to reach the bowl.

"Yes, the whale."

"Manners, Ginny. Fred, I'm just saying, with these opportunities at the Ministry-"

Manners? After she'd been asking politely and been ignored for half the meal? Ginny stood, trying to think of something properly scathing that would show her family to pay a bit more attention to the youngest member.

What came out was "I'm a lesbian."

For the first time in a long time, possibly ever, the Weasley's dinner table was dead silent.