Fan Fiction ❯ Gundares: The Destined Warriors ❯ The Ceremony and Rebirth ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Gundares: The Destined Warriors Chapter: 2 The Ceremony and Rebirth
Written By: R. S. Xavior

Then the footsteps stopped. The door to the cell was opened and their stood a man in a cloak. He smiled at his three prisoners and walked towards the middle of the cell. They glared at him with a look that would frighten a young child.
"Do not look at me that way. What I am doing is for your own good. You will thank me later. My name is Master Ja'aku." Ja'aku says smiling.
"You let us go right now or else!" Kitayama screams.
"I can not do that after all the trouble I went through to capture you." Ja'aku says with a slight laugh.
"What do you plan to do to us?" Jegoro asks.
"Hold you here for a while until things are prepared for your arrival." Ja'aku responds.
"That does not answer my question." Jegoro says slightly ticked.
"The rest is only of my concern. Besides, you will find out soon enough." Ja'aku answers.
"Master, should we bring them dinner?" Xaingfei asked.
"Yes, we need to keep them alive." Ja'aku replied.
"There is something not right about him. I can sense an inner strength." Ohashi says to himself, "Too powerful of an inner strength."

Later that night the Venchiain and Tenshinion generals meet in the mansion where the others were last scene. They are gathered around in the living room on various chairs and couches. Most are arguing with each other while others are trying to remain calm. After what seems like hours of yelling, the voices are broken up by the frustration of another.
"Shut up all of you! Is this screaming at each other helping the situation? As much as a horror it is, we have to work together to solve this!" Shinji yells at the top of his lungs.
"That was a surprise. He is usually so quiet. But he is right." Gremoro says with a slightly surprised look on his face.
"I can not believe that Leona would betray us like this." Mustadio says clinching his fist.
"That goes to show you not to trust anyone." Kauwn adds, "Not even an injured girl asking for help."
"The thing is how are we going to bust them out." Konin says with his head in his hands.
"I have got it!" Yang says standing up.
"Oh no not another three hour long lecture." Kyrama says slightly ticked.
"Can the insults and just listen. You see Dare Hito is a city of which the Gundarians lived when they first came to this island." Yangs says pacing around everyone.
"Your point is?" Milvera asks.
"The place is deserted except for very few residents. I am sure that someone must have seen them. The town is small so finding someone will not be as hard as we think it is." Yangs says ignoring the comment, "All we need to do is send one person to sort of spy on the residents to find possible suspects. The others will be waiting near the town to attack the captures and rescue our comrades. It is a simple plan but I think it will work."
"It might be crazy enough to work." Krystalia says a little excited, "Just who is going?"
"Well you since you are an assassin and know how to sneak around, from my side of the faction, Kauwn." Yang replies.
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go." Milvera yells.

A knock comes to the door. Everyone places their hands on their weapons as Kiyomitsu answers the door. They find an old man standing in the doorway. Most by this time have drawn their weapons. The old man walks in and goes towards the others. He stops in his tracks at the sight of their drawn weapons.
"What do you want?" Gremoro asks.
"My son that is what." the old man replies.
"Hey Muto glad you could make it." Ryutaro says cheerfully.
"You know him?" Krystalia asks.
"Yes, he is Ohashi's father, and I thought it would be nice if he could help us. Besides, I am sure he would want to see his son come back safely." Ryutaro says scratching his head.
"Hey I know that name from somewhere. I know you were once of part of the Tenshinion royal council!" Yang exclaims.
"You are smart my boy. I do not wish to be of a burden but.... Ohashi means more to me than you can imagine." Muto replies.
"Well, I want my sister back but is it getting her back?" Mustadio asks, 'No."
"You would not understand." Muto says walking back outside.
"Come on guys we better follow him." Ryutaro says going after Muto.

That night in the prison cell, Jegoro tries desperately to break through the steel door. He had been at it for over three hours now and is very exhausted. He looks to the others. He frowns looking at the sleeping samurai not too far away from him. Sitting against that wall sleeping soundly while he gave everything he had trying to break the door down.
"I do not get him. How can he sleep?" Jegoro asks.
"He just does like all the weird Tenshinion people do." Kitayama replies, "Well if I can not sleep he can not either! Hey blue boy wake up! Raise and shine!"
"He must be a hard sleeper, great..." Jegoro says through the slits in his eyes.
"I am a light sleeper and heard your little conversation." Ohashi says with his eyes still closed.
"I say you are the weirdest person I have ever met." Kitayama retorts.
"....." Ohashi says looking as if he was back asleep.
"I really hate him." Kitayama says ticked.
"Not hate but strongly dislike." Jegoro says with a smile.
Kitayama throws a nearby pebble at Jegoro for the comment. A bump forms on his head and he rubs his head while his eyes give Kitayama a devilish look. She responds by yelling profanities at him in an unbearable rage. Jegoro cowers in the corner like a frightened little child. Even the bravest of warriors feared Kitayama's wrath. When Kitayama does not have any breath left to yell, Jegoro relaxes a little bit. He slowly falls fast asleep. Kitayama is not too long either in joining Jegoro and Ohashi in the dream world.

The sun shines in the room from the barred window at the first signs of dawn. Ohashi awakens as the sun hits his face. He looks around to find everyone else asleep. He could even hear the guards snoring. He was too far away from the window or the door to attempt an escape. Plus, he could not break the steel bonds that bound his hands as one. He heard some commotion outside the door and listened in on the conversation taking place.
"Ja'aku wants us to prepare them today for the ceremony. It will take place today at sunset. As soon as they wake take them to another room that was discussed about earlier." Kentaro says.
"One problem sleeping beauty Leona is still asleep." Xaingfei glared in her direction.
"Well she is a Venchiain, and I did not see you stay up past midnight to watch the prisoners. So consider yourselves even." Kentaro replies with a slight smirk.
"Well I see why you are Ja'aku's right hand man. You are more clever than a normal hybrid." Xaingfei says smirking back.
"Thank you for the compliment." Kentaro says walking off, "Now, tend to your job. That Tenshinion boy should be waking up soon."
Xaingfei nods at him in return. She looks to the weapons confiscated from the prisoners. She picks up the daisho and draws the longer katana. She starts swinging it around like an inexperienced child. She starts laughing on how fun it was. Then she heard the chains clank against each other inside the cell. She walks to the barred window on the steel door and finds her Tenshinion "friend" awake.
"Right on time. Up with the sun and down with the sun as they say." Xaingfei jokes.
"You will put katana down if you know what is good for you." Ohashi says giving her the death glare.
"Well you are no fun, but I shall respect your wish." Xaingfei says placing the katana in its proper place, "So you heard the whole conversation, huh?"
"Yes, I like to know what plan is." Ohashi says looking down.
"You will find out sooner or later." Xaingfei replies.
"Man, you should woken me up then." Jegoro says yawning.
"I guess I woke you up as well." Xaingfei says with her head cocked.
"No, I just have to go to the bathroom." Jegoro says scratching his head as Xaingfei and Ohashi fall over and quickly get back up.
"Now you mention it, I do as well." Ohashi says with a slight smile.
"I can only escort one of you at a time. So since funny boy over there asked first he can go first." Xaingfei says with slight amusement.

Around nine o'clock Kauwn and Krystalia move out to find information in the lost town. Both are very tense and are on their edge. So far they have found nothing and are becoming quite discouraged. When all seems lost they check the last untouched building left in town.
"Last one, oh boy. This situation is not looking very good." Krystalia says with slight frustration.
"Well we must not give up. I consider giving up the worst thing a person can possibly do." Kauwn replies.
"You are right they and the others are counting on us. I will investigate the perimeter first you follow." Krystalia responds.

Kauwn nods in exchange. He finds a suitable place to hide until they were sure it was safe. They crouch low to the ground and begin silently moving behind the scrubby. They come to the first window and peer inside. They see no one. Then they hear footsteps made by a heavy boot coming closer to them the lay low to the ground until the boots stop not too far in front of them. They look up through the scrubs and see Ja'aku. He is lost in thought while looking to the sky. He quickly went back inside. Krystalia and Kauwn breathed a sigh of relieve and kept moving. Kauwn was not used to working in the sunlight but hd to adapt. Krystalia, on the other hand, was doing just fine sneaking around in broad daylight. They came across an air duct. They climbed inside and began rummaging through the mansion. They stopped when they heard a conversation going on between Kentaro and Ja'aku.
"Are they prisoners awake yet?" Ja'aku asks.
"Well yes. The girl just woke up about ten minutes ago." Kentaro replies.
"Good. I shall retrieve the staff and get the temple ready for the ceremony tonight. Now, the dream will be realized." Ja'aku says walking off.
"That boy was the one who invited us to that mansion." Krystalia whispered.
"I believe that they intend to sacrifice our friends. But to be sure we have to find a way to the dungeon." Kauwn whispers back.

Krystalia nods in acceptance and returns to their exploration of the air ducts. After fifteen minutes of traveling through the confined area they reach the dungeon. They find no guards except for a girl standing at the main entrance door. They crawl as close to the occupied cell as possible. Krystalia writes something down on a piece of paper. She folds it into a paper airplane and aims it through the cell bars. She waits for a response. She is answered by Jegoro waving and mouthing the words, speak to me this way.
"We are going to save you." Krystalia mouths out.
"Good, they are planning to do something tonight in that old temple." Jegoro mouths back.
"Are Kitayama and Ohashi with you?" She asks without making a sound.
"Yes." Jegoro mouths in response.
"Hold on a little longer." Krystalia mouths out before leaving.
Kauwn and Krystalia make it out of the building undetected. They run to inform the others of their discovery. They never once look back. Time was not on their side and something had to be done and fast. Both of them reached the hiding place of the others faster than anyone anticipated.
"Well, anything?" Muto asked.
"Yes, they are being held in a mansion on the outskirts on town. The mansion is Tenshinion style. They are planning to do something to them tonight. We must hurry before they are killed." Krystalia manages to say in one breath.
"Come on we have to rescue them." Gremoro says gripping his sword's hilt.
"First we have to come up with a plan." Kyrama said holding him back.
"I think I have one that is crazy enough to work." Ryutaro says standing up.

Thirty minutes passed since Kauwn and Krystalia informed them of their rescue. All three of them were on their edge. They hoped they would come soon. Then, the door to the cell opened. Ja'aku stood there with Kentaro and Leona behind him. He motioned to them and they took Jegoro from the room. A few minutes passed and they took Ohashi away and then followed by Kitayama. All three were locked in a fancy bedroom that looked as if a child once occupied the medium sized room. Kitayama sprawls out on the bed while Jegoro tires to unlock the locked door. He knew that a guard was standing outside, but he did not care. Ohashi walked along the walls of the room lost in thought. He stopped in front of a picture of Tenshin, the city that once stood on Gundaria. Many thoughts pass through his head but one faint memory comes to his mind.
-------------Flashback of the Memory---------

A man dressed in samurai attire stands next to the picture on the wall. His eyes and hair is shrouded by the straw hat he wears in his arms a child no older than a year. The child looks to the picture in wonder. The man chuckles a bit and then smiles at the child.
"That is what used to stand but stands no more. One day I hope you will be its supporting beam. I hope that Gundaria, herself, watches over you. That time will come soon, my little one." the man says staring at the child.
The child stares at him with his head cocked as if to state he did not understand. The man laughed slightly and placed the child on a bed near the window. He brushed the locks of hair from the child's eyes as he fell asleep to the sound of the crickets nightly choir.

---------------End of Memory-------------

Kitayama looks to the boy with blue hair. She disliked him so. If it were not for the bonds that tied her hands, he would be dead. Why was he so wrapped up in that stupid picture on the wall. He turned and looked at her. She felt uneasy. She never liked being stuck in a room with two boys all alone. His eyes looked as if they were piercing through her mind and reading every thought she was having. Maybe this is how people felt when she looked at them and read their minds. No, she could not be that scary. She could not take it anymore.
"Why are you staring at me? Do you like I am beautiful or something?" she questioned him.
"No, its not that." Ohashi responds turning around.
"Oh, so you are saying that I am not pretty." Kitayama retorted.
"Not that either. Just lost in thought." Ohashi replied.
"Yeah sure, all you men think the same." Kitayama says slightly ticked.
"I been taught better." Ohashi responds.
"Will you two stop before an argument starts?" Jegoro asked weakly.
"No! I do what I want to!" Kitayama yelled.
"Forget I even asked." Jegoro replies.
Kitayama throws a pillow at Jegoro. He falls to the floor with swirls in his eyes. Ohashi shakes his head at the two. Kitayama throws a pillow at him, but Ohashi dodges it before it can hit him. Kitayama gives him a face that would scare the bravest of warriors. Ohashi shrugs his shoulders and continues with his own business. Kitayama crosses her arms in anger. Outside it begins to pour down rain. The rain can be heard hitting the shingles on the rooftop. Ohashi looks to the rain from the window that is reinforced with bars. Another memory buried deep inside his head resurfaces for the first time in many years.


The samurai man from before runs through the rain shielding the child held in his arms. The child is around two years of age and is dressed like a samurai. The man's eyes and hair are concealed by the straw hat strapped to his head. The man appears to be in great haste as if he was being chased. He stops under a cherry blossom tree to catch his breath. The child is slowly closing his eyes showing his exhausted. The young boy shivers in the man's arms. In response the man holds the child closer to his chest so his body heat would rub off on the young boy. The rain starts pouring harder and lightning flashes across the darken sky. The boy watches the lightning in wonderment. The man smiles and young boy slowly closes his eyes.
"I am sorry but the time has come. I can no longer continue my act. May Gundaria watch over you as you grow. Aishiteru aka-chan. May this not be the end but the beginning." the man says. (Note: Translation: I love you, little child.)
The wind picked up and the man wrapped the child tightly in a cloth that was concealed in his inner pocket. The boy eyes were still slightly open. The man smiled and cradled the young boy until he slept soundly.

-----------End of Memory-----------

Jegoro looks to the window. He hated rain it always reminded him of the hardships he was put through early in life. Memories always flooded his mind over and over again. He was very happy as a baby but that changed a rainy night ten years ago. He was only three at the time but traces of that night still haunted the depths of his mind. They were a reminder of where he had come from and how he got here. Unknowingly, he stretched out one leg and left the other slightly bent. He laid his right arm on his slightly bent right leg. He sighed as the memories came rushing back.


A three year old Jegoro can be seen fighting with an nonexistent opponent. He smiles as he throws punches into the wind. Not too far form him was his four year old brother, Gremoro. Next to him playing with a stick and hitting Gremoro on the head was his five year old sister, Milvera. The winds were blowing in some dark clouds that most likely would bring rain. Then something startled him. His mother was running but to where he did not know. Milvera and Gremoro stood up in utter confusion. Their mother had never done anything like this before. She disappeared beyond the horizon. They turned around to find their father standing on the porch of their house. Their father urged Milvera to follow him as he picked Gremoro up in his arms. He walked to Jegoro and carried him in his other arm. The two brothers stared at each other in confusion. Their father started to run with Milvera not too far behind.
He ran for what seemed like hours. The rain pounded on them with great force. Jegoro saw the desperate look in his father's eyes and at the same time, sadness. They could see a castle come up from the distance. Their father stopped in front of the castle entrance.
"Forgive me. One day you will understand. Gundaria will watch over you now. I can no longer run. Tonight will be known as the night destiny changed sides. Please, trust me." their father said before knocking on the door.
A young woman came out and welcomed them. Their father shook her hand and handed her his backpack. It contained the weapons he never allowed them to touch. The woman took the children inside. Their father bent down to each of them and hugged them, tightly. He looked sad as his eyes filled with tears.
"Please, go with her. Her name is Marin and she will treat you very well. Please do not come searching for me for destiny will send you to me." their father said before running off just like their mother did.
The woman held them back and closed the door. She looked out the window and sighed.
"I am sorry but he has come once again." Marin says before turning to the children.

------End of Memory---------

Kitayama had stared at the ceiling listening to the rain. The rain made her more irritated and porn to yell. Her father had left her and her siblings on a night like this. She had never known her mother and her father was a jerk for leaving them. The memory of it was too painful to think about. She pushed it into the depths of her mind and sealed it shut. A door that should never be opened she told herself. It made her angry at Ohashi to know he had a father who cared. Maybe that was the cause of her to dislike him so. Tomorrow would be her sister's birthday. Somehow she had to escape. She did not want to miss the party. The thoughts passed through her mind until she feel asleep.

Evening came sooner than expected. Ohashi had woken Kitayama from her slumber. She was grateful in a secret way. She would never show it though. She had her arrogance from being cooped up in her room back at the palace. Staring at four walls for most of your life can cause you to do anything. Jegoro was sitting in the corner in deep thought, something he rarely done. All of them heard movement outside the door. They knew that the time was coming. The door opened and there stood Ja'aku, Leona, Xaingfei, and Kentaro. Three regular soldiers were behind them. All the soldiers were hybrids or worked for the hybrids.
"Well you know what time it is." Ja'aku smirks.
"Time to eat dinner I hope." Jegoro says in monotone.
"No, it is time. Cuff them and follow me." Ja'aku says looking to the soldiers.
The unknown soldiers pulled out their guns and aimed them at Kitayama, Ohashi, and Jegoro in case they thought about escape. Leona cuffed Kitayama's hands and lead her after Ja'aku. Kentaro chained Jegoro and placed a gun to his back to force him to walk forward. Xaingfei brought up the rear with a gun pointed to Ohashi's head. They noticed that Ja'aku carried the weapons that he confiscated from them. He held three weapons in a silk bag as if they were deadly. They were their special weapons only used when they used their powers. Kitayama got an idea and decided to escape by teleporting. She held her fingers to her head but could not move. She faced Ja'aku, who had his hand extended in her direction. A dark purple light surrounded the hand and so did a barrier around the three prisoners.
"I do not think so. You see I have powers just like yours except I can control mine." Ja'aku says slightly laughing, "So I would not try anything or it may backfire on you."

They entered the large shrine dedicated to an unknown purpose. They went into the inner most part of the shrine. In there stood three pedestals and one altar for a book. Ja'aku chained the still surrounded by a barrier prisoners to the pedestals, one to each. He smirked and went to the altar. He sat the weapons beside him. From under his cloak, he took a book with ancient writing on it out. He placed the book on the altar and turned to a certain page. Kentaro, Leona, Xaingfei, and three soldiers took places behind Ja'aku.


When the other found no sign of their friends at the mansion, they searched town in great haste. All seemed hopeless until Muto picked up a slight sound with his ears. He turned in the direction of the muffled voice. In front of him stood the woman called Marin. She had raised most of the Venchiain orphans since "The Night that Destiny Changed Sides" happened. She held her hand out to Muto and whispered in the words of the ancients. Words never before heard since the "Great Disaster" that happened many centuries ago. Muto understood it all.
"Thank you.." Muto responded to her words.
"Hurry but do not disturb. The time of fate has come. Show them the way for time can no longer wait. The ones destined must fight." Marin says walking disappearing into the sunset.
Muto yelled to the others. They ran to him and followed him into the temple. When they saw their friends being held captive, they charged forward. Ja'aku laughed and formed a barrier around then room. Leaving the others only to glare through the barrier. They stared in horror at their friends, who were in serious trouble. Ja'aku looked at the book and started chanting. The orb he had given Kentaro was suspended in the air in front of Ja'aku.
"Powers of the forgotten land come to me. I beckon you! I lay before you, your holder. Now show me your path!" Ja'aku yells.
Ja'aku pauses as a cerulean light comes from the orb. It hovers in the air for a few moments before moving. It stops and Ohashi is suspended in the air as his chains break. The light surrounds him and forms a barrier around him. His eyes are blood red and his teeth are clenched tightly. His back is arched and his hands form fists. Both of his arms were at the same level as his back. Ja'aku laughed slightly. Muto punched and kicked on the barrier with no avail to it tearing.
"Heart of the purest warrior with eyes that glow bright and reflect life.... Now, blade of legends hidden within show me your power! Obey me and release your true strength!" Ja'aku yells.

Ohashi's eyes start to convulse as they turn pure white. His breathing can be heard clearly. A golden aura shines in the middle of his chest. It releases its power all over his body. The cerulean light glows brighter and more violent. Then an earthquake starts and affects the entire island of Neo Japan. The cerulean light surrounds the island's outer rims. The same light encases all living life forms on it. Then, a sudden surge of ocean blasts in as the island begins to sink. Water rushes in and covers what was once ground. When they are completely covered by water the stop in the sea as the island dissipates. Then one by one all the lights head towards the sky. They look into the vastness of space below them, Earth. That is when Muto realizes that the barriers around them keep them alive.
Ohashi holds his still clenched hand towards an area behind the Earth, but on the same orbit. Out of nowhere a planet started to form from the inside, out. It was if they were going back in time. Soon enough Gundaria stood before their eyes as beautiful as ever. Ohashi turned around to face the life forms that depended on him for the moment. His left hand shoot out and the barriers followed him. They were all put on Gundaria safely. When every life form was on the ground of the reborn Gundaria, a barrier formed around the entire planet. The barriers on the life forms dispelled. The appeared in a shrine similar to the one they were just in. They look to Ohashi, who was safely placed on the ground by the barrier that surrounded him. He stood there dazed for a minute. His eyes turned back to normal. Then, his eyes rolled back into his head as he collapsed on the ground. Muto at that point was ready to tear Ja'aku's throat out but the barrier around the group prevented it.
"Now, powers of the spirit come forth to me. Here I lay before you with your holder. Now, show yourself and prove existence!" Ja'aku yells.

His orb sends out a silver light. It hovers over Kitayama and then envelops her. She raises above the ground. Her eyes a blood red. Her back arches and she relaxes the rest of her body. The top of her front show as her upper lip draws upward ever so slightly. Ja'aku smirks and again looks to the book in front of him.
"One tainted by hardship and strong emotions with a spirit that shines. Now, dagger that brings life show us what you can accomplish! Obey me and resurrect!" Ja'aku yells.
Kitayama twitches as her muscles do things without her commands. A golden light emanates from her chest. The barrier around her glows violently. Kitayama holds her hand to the ground and raises it again. Outside people, who died during the planet's explosion, start popping out the ground. Kitayama stares into infinite space as they continue to rise. Then when the whole population is restored, she looks to Mustadio. He can help but to hit on the barrier in rage. His eyes are blood red and shine with a hatred for Ja'aku. Kitayama is slowly set upon the ground. She smiles as she collapse to the floor. Ja'aku smirks and again returns to the book.
"Now, powers of the advanced mind come to me. Here I set before you, your holder... Now, guide to what used to be!" Ja'aku yells.
Ja'aku's orb sends out a dark green light. The light hovers above Jegoro and then surrounds him in a protective barrier. He is raised from the ground. Jegoro hangs limp in the air with no signs of life within him. His right hand balls up to form a fist. His eyes turn completely white. He looks to Ja'aku.
"Two minds torn between each other with a strong ambition... Now, bow that knows all show us what we used to have!" Ja'aku yells.
Jegoro remains still but his right hand is doing strange and usual motions. Around the planet buildings, computers, and every other thing lost in the explosion appears. Jegoro smiles evilly as his hand kept motioning in multiple directions. Then the barrier around him falls and he falls to the ground unconscious. Ja'aku laughs and the orb broadcasts this message in the head of every Gundarian.
"Welcome back home. The powers of legends are true so do not fear. Please continue with your normal lives for now."
Ja'aku takes the orb and says something. He and his soldiers disappear from the temple. The barrier around the arena dispels and the others rush to their fallen comrades' sides. Muto takes Ohashi into a sitting position. Mustadio takes Kitayama into a sitting position. Gremoro gathers his younger brother in a sitting position.
"What's wrong with them?" Ryutaro asks.
"They are unconscious. That is all I can explain." Konin replies.
Yang looks to the murals in the shrine as the others ponder over what just happened. Yang gasps when he realizes the events that just occurred. The others stare at him when the sound escapes his lips. Yang turns to face them and then repeats what the murals say.
"Heart of the purest warrior with eyes that glow bright and reflect life. One tainted by hardship and strong emotions with a spirit that shines. Two minds torn between each other with a strong ambition. These are the ones who hold the powers of forgotten time. One with a power to bring back planets another with the power of life and the other with the power of mind or technology. These are the powers handed down by the leader herself. Powers of rarity brought to life only by pure chance." Yang repeats, "They are the destined ones with those powers."
"How can that be possible? I have heard of those legends before but only those of royal blood or of high power as council can have them. But Jegoro and Ohashi are not of that kind of blood." Gremoro says.
"Jegoro is a descendant of the war council holder in the Venchiain army. That explains him." Kyrama says with her eyes closed.
"My family has a long heritage to be advisor to the Tenshinion emperor." Muto adds.
"Now I remember why the name Enkai sounds so familiar." Kauwn says, "They were the ones brought along Tenshin with the help of Emperor Oshi."
"You are right." Muto responds. "Ohashi, come on wake up. Mezameru. Come on." (Translation- Wake up)

Ohashi's hands twitch slightly at Muto's voice. He groans a bit as well. Then his eyes slowly flutter open. He stares at Muto for a minute trying to remember what had happened. Muto smiles at the boy as he shakes him a bit trying to wake him up completely. Ohashi sits up without support and places his left hand on his forehead. He shakes his head a bit before looking to the others.
"Welcome back." Kiyomitsu says bending down.
"Do you remember what happened?" Shinji asks holding his hand out to help Ohashi up.
"Not really. I remember losing control of myself and then outer space. Now we are here on Gundaria. I overheard what Yang said." Ohashi says taking Shinji's extended hand.
"Good that means I do not have to explain things to you." Yang says rubbing his head.
"That is great and all but what about my sister!" Mustadio yells.
"She will come around. Just give her time." Ohashi says standing up and brushing himself off.
Ohashi looks to the pedestal and finds their weapons lying there. He walks to the pile and retrieves his daisho and no-dachi. Milvera starts to laugh as he bends over. Her laughter is soon followed by Mustadio. Ohashi turns around after strapping on his weaponry and stares at them with big confused eyes.
"Nani." Ohashi says.
"I have never noticed until now how much those pants of yours look like a dress." Milvera says on the floor laughing.
Ohashi lets out a muffled growl and walks to her. He gives her a death glare and then kicks her hard in the stomach. This blow causes her to shut her mouth since Tenshinions are three times stronger than Venchiains. Milvera holds her stomach as she experiences the world of pain. Ohashi smiles and walks back to "his own kind."
"...Pain..." Milvera groans.
"Okay, I have learned not to insult a Tenshinion. You do learn something everyday." Mustadio says with a smile.
"Can it." Kyrama glares at Mustadio.
"I want my sister to wake up." Krystalia looks to Ohashi, "Please use that power of yours."
"Iie." Ohashi replies. (Translation: No)
"Pretty please." Krystalia says giving him the "puppy dog face" and whining.
"Aa." he says holding his index finger up. (Translation: Yes)
Ohashi makes sure this time to make the thunderbolt smaller. He throws it at Kitayama. She wakes up and runs towards Ohashi with hair that deifies gravity. Ohashi stands his ground firmly and does not waver his eyes from her face. This was the samurai signal to say I am not scared. Kitayama stops in front of him and says nothing.
"Man, you are no fun." Kitayama says with pursed lips.
"....." Ohashi says walking away.
"Oh... Um domoarigato for saving me in that mansion." Krystalia says after Ohashi. (Translation: Thank you very much)
"Do itashimashite." Ohashi replies. (Translation: Your welcome)
"Do not start it Yang, I know what happened." Kitayama glared in Yang's direction.
"Hey, do not blame for something not caused." Yang says waving his hands in a defending motion.
"I still say all of you need grammar checks." Kitayama says looking to an extremely happy Mustadio, "I thought I told to stop being so overprotective of me."
"Well I can not help it. Old habits die hard." Mustadio says with a slight grin.
"Mush that is all that talk is." Gremoro says leaning against the wall.
"I say someone has attitude problem." Muto says looking to Gremoro.
"Who ever this old man is, I like him!" Kitayama responds.
"He is my father." Ohashi says with his eyes closed.
"Maybe I do not like him as much anymore." Kitayama says with a sigh.
"I am hungry..." Jegoro says getting up.
"For once I glad to hear that voice." Milvera says walking to her brother.
Milvera for some odd reason hugs Jegoro. Jegoro starts gasping for breath as his face turns blue. Gremoro laughs slightly and then pulls his sister off Jegoro. Kyrama gives a sad face.
"Now why did you do that? He could have been killed." Kyrama says snapping her fingers.

At that moment twenty soldiers rush into the shrine. They all have their guns pointed at the group of invaders. Konin, Shinji, and Kiyomitsu walk up to them. They try to attempt a conversation with the leader.
"Hey guys calm down. We did not come for trouble." Kiyomitsu says holding his gun's handle.
"But we will fight if you threaten us." Shinji says holding his scythe.
"So it is best if you place your weapons on the ground." Konin says ready to punch someone.
"Hey wait! They are allies!" Ryutaro yells, "They are soldiers of the Tenshinion royal court."
The soldiers perk up at the mentioning. They look at them in odd. They turn their heads to see Muto and then they breath a sigh of relieve. They drop their guns and the leader comes forth to speak.
"We are sorry for the inconvenience. You must be the ones Emperor Utahiro trusts. We have been searching for you since the rebirth of Gundaria. But the news we bring is not good. The emperor has mysteriously vanished with no trace." the leader says with his head hung low.
"Ironic, considering he was a substitute." Muto says walking towards them.
"How did ....oh yeah. You were there when we held that council meeting. Right now we are searching for the real royal family." the leader responds.
"Good that means Tenshin can easily be captured." Kyrama yells.
"Do not mind them." Muto says beckoning Ohashi forward, "You know what we must do, boy."
"Go to the capital and help with the search. Of course take the Venchiains captive." Ohashi replies.
"Very good, I have taught you well." Muto replies grinning slightly.
"What? After all we did to help you!" Gremoro yells.
"Just kidding. You will be my guests." Muto says.

The Venchiains look at each other in utter confusion. Kitayama walks forward and clears her throat.
"What if I do not trust you?" Kitayama asks.
"You have no choice you are all ready on Tenshinion land." The leader replies, "This is the town of Yin."
"Darn..." Kitayama replies.
"I shall see that when we get to Tenshin that you will be safely escorted to Venchi." Muto responds.
"We can not do that until the emperor is found or one of his sons." the leader adds.
"I am sure that will not be long." Muto says with his eyes closed.
"Overconfident, I see." the leader replies.
"No, just positive about something." Muto says looking to Ohashi out of the corner of his eye, "I just know."
"We can arrange for some hovercrafts to take us there. I shall be your escort." the leader says walking out, "You can stay here for tonight but tomorrow we leave."

The rest of that day is spent talking and eating. The morning sun rises early and so do the Tenshinions. The Venchiains are still sleeping soundly. When they finally are forced out of bed they eat breakfast and start the journey. Everyone packs things that they bought from Yin's stores. They place their things in the back of the two hovercrafts reserved for them. Muto drives one of them while the leader, whose name is Seiji, drives the other. The Tenshinions ride with Muto while the Venchiains ride with Seiji. That night they set up camp in a forest grove. Kauwn cooks dinner and they eat... well the Tenshinions do at least. Jegoro and Gremoro poke and sniff at their plates. Kyrama and Krystalia eat with no argument. Mustadio eats very slowly. Milvera decides she is not hungry and gives her plate to Shinji. Kitayama stares at her plate trying to decide what to do.
"Do you find something wrong with it?" Kauwn asks.
"What is it?" Kitayama asks.
"Sashimi with a side of steamed rice, burdock root, vegetable stir fry, and tofu for seasoning. And for desert mochi covered with sweet sauce. I really out did myself." Kauwn responds.
"You know it is not half bad. Plus I am very hungry." Jegoro says starting to devour his plate.
"Well, if you not going to eat it, I will eat it." Ohashi says grabbing Kitayama's plate and starting to eat from it.
"Hey... Never mind." Kitayama says.
The next morning comes quickly and the Venchiains soon learn to get up early. They have also learned to eat what you get or starve. Before starting their journey they celebrated Krystalia's fifteenth birthday. After three days of riding they decide to rest at the town of Tenya. Everyone relaxes and tries to enjoy themselves. Muto on the other hand is very disturbed about something. Everyone just thinks of it as stress or something along those lines. Konin thinks differently though. He knows that something he knows is bothering him. That night he decides to confront Muto about it in the garden. Konin walks up to the tree which Muto is rested under. Konin takes a seat beside him and begins a conversation.
"What is bothering you? Everyone is getting worried about you." Konin asks with his head down.
"You would not understand." Muto replies.
"It is about the emperor, isn't it?" Konin asks.
"Yes." Muto replies.
"Second thoughts on whether you can find him or not?" Konin responds.
"You of all people should know. You are his descendant." Muto says with a grin.
"How did you know? That Shinji and I are..." Konin says shocked.
"Are of royal blood? Let's just say I know." Muto responds.
"Well, we are still missing our youngest brother. I was four when he was born but I remember him well. Mother only kept him for two weeks before he vanished. We never gave him a name. We just called him aka-chan. I have the suspicion that he is dead." Konin says with his head hung low, " He was the crowned prince and heir to the throne. Shinji as emperor would not work out."
"I promise you that we will find your other brother. But I would like to know is why you did not tell anyone until now?" Muto asked.
"We decided it would be safer that way. At least until we could find our brother that is. So I guess now we have given up." Konin answers.
"Do not give up.... Giving up is the worst thing you can do." Muto says standing up, "Besides I promised you to find him and I have never broken a promise yet. And I do not intend to anytime soon."

The next day comes early and they set off again for Tenshin. A week passes and they are only thirty miles away from the Ki Valley where Tenshin is located. They decide to rest that night beside the Kiyo River. The Venchiains talk around the campfire while the Tenshinion spend time alone in the forest away from everyone else. We see Ohashi leaning against a tree next to the river banks. He holds his daisho against the front of his shoulder with his eyes closed. He senses footsteps and a click can be heard as he is ready to draw his katana on a moment's notice. Muto sits beside him and Ohashi relaxes his katana.
"Ohashi, we need to talk." Muto says with his head hung low.
"Yes, father." Ohashi replies.
"Well I hope you will not take this hard but... Ohashi, you are not my real son... I adopted you when you were two." Muto says with his voice breaking.
"You kidding, aren't you? No, you are not kidding type." Ohashi replies with his still closed eyes, "I did start suspecting it for a while now."
"What gave it away?" Muto asks.
"The fact that I look nothing like you. And in the Enkai family there has never been anyone with blue hair. Yet I have blue hair." Ohashi responds.
Ohashi stands up and straps his daisho to his hakama. He walks to the river's edge and stares into the calm water. He kneels to the river and Muto watches him. Ohashi was in one his thinking modes and it would be hard to try to start a conversation.
"Do you know who my real parents were?" Ohashi asks.
"I have some idea." Muto replies.
"Why did they get rid of me? Was I that horrible or did they want a better life for me?" Ohashi questions.
"They wanted you to have a better life. They wanted you but if they kept you then your life would be in danger. They did not want that so they gave you to me until that danger was gone." Muto responds.
"Muto, please could you leave me alone for a while?" Ohashi asked.
"Sure." Muto says getting up and leaving, "But I do care for you like you are my own."
"I am grateful for that too." Ohashi replies.
Muto walks away and leaves Ohashi to think by himself for a while. Krystalia had went to the river to get some water for cooking ran across the two's conversation. She walks to the river's edge and begins to collect the water in a bucket. She can not help but to look at the melancholy Ohashi.
"Do not think me rude but I overheard your conversation. If it will make you feel better, I do not know my real parents either." Krystalia says facing Ohashi.
"No, it is fine. But I vow to myself, even if it kills me, that I will find them." Ohashi says looking to the bucket she holds, "You never fill it up in shallow water."
"Did anyone tell you that you talk funny?" Krystalia chuckles.
"It is what you get when you learn Japanese before English." Ohashi replies jumping into a tree.
Ohashi, skillfully, climb to a branch hanging over the river's deep water. He latches his feet to the branch and leans down and fills the bucket. After finishing he hoists himself back up and hands Krystalia the full bucket. She thanks him as they walk back to camp. Jegoro greets Krystalia and Kitayama gives Ohashi and Krystalia a hard glare. (Note- Jegoro has a crush on Krystalia.)
"Okay Sparky, let's get one thing straight. You never mess with my sister!" Kitayama yells.
"It is not what you think. And I am not in the mood for your mouth." Ohashi says walking inside his tent, "And my name is not Sparky!"
"Well the way you throw those thunderbolts around could have fooled me, Sparky!" Milvera retorts for Kitayama.
Milvera is hit from a flying zori sandal thrown from Ohashi's tent. Milvera falls over and lays on the ground with swirling eyes. Ohashi comes outside and retrieves his zori. For good measure, he kicks her in her stomach. Milvera once again experiences the world of pain.
"Milvera that is not a good idea." Krystalia says weakly.
"Well I guess it is time to cook!" Kauwn exclaims coming from his tent, "Now let's see... hibachi rice with sushi... Mixed with a little chicken teriyaki and lastly some steamed vegetables."
"Yuck... Kauwn what's sushi?" Gremoro asks.
"It is raw fish with a special rice stuffed inside it. It is very good. Hey Ohashi ,do me a favor and prepare the sushi." Kauwn responds.
Ohashi comes out of his tent with a bamboo try with some kind of device on it. Kauwn hands him the fish and Ohashi starts preparing it. He kneads the fish after cleaning it. Krystalia watches in fascination and to pick up how it is made. Kitayama, Milvera, and Jegoro shrink back in disgust.
"Hey Kauwn why are you not fixing it?" Kiyomitsu asks walking up.
"Well he makes the best sushi I have ever tasted. He will not tell me his secret either." Kauwn says cooking the vegetables over the fire, "Go gather the others for me, would you?"
After everyone has eaten they call it a night and go to bed. All of them wake at the first signs of dawn. Packing everything thing up they set off for the gates to the city. The Venchiains did not seemed to excited to be this close to the capital of Tenshin. They reach the gates and after a few minutes of talking the guards allow them to pass. After parking the hovercraft, which are solar powered, in the back of the temple, they proceed to the temple. The temple on Gundaria has much bigger and around twenty stories in height and of course in Japanese style. They were allowed inside as soon as Seiji and Muto explained everything. The Venchiains were shown their sleeping quarters as were the Tenshinions. After setting their things in their rooms they went downstairs to the medical laboratory. They followed Muto into the back rooms. There, Konin and Shinji sat down in two different chairs.
"What are we doing here?" Kyrama asked.
"To prove the existence of the royal family." Muto replied, "I told you I knew who they were."
Sakura, a teenage nurse around Konin's age, walks in. She takes the blood samples from them and goes to analyze them. After five minutes or so she comes back with the results. She bows to Konin and Shinji.
"The results are positive. These two are the the sons of the emperor." Sakura answered.
"I can not believe this. Never trust the silent ones or they will become the leader of a country." Mustadio adds.

The Tenshinions bow to them, deeply. Konin and Shinji follow Seiji to another room for preparations. The Venchiains leave for their rooms and other places. All the Tenshinions due the same except for Ohashi and Muto. Muto had grabbed Ohashi's gi by the shoulder and pulled him back. Ohashi looks at him strangely.
"Sakura, do me a favor and run a blood test on this one." Muto says looking to Sakura.
"As you wish." Sakura responds.
'Muto, what you mean by this?" Ohashi asked.
"This will tell you who your true parents were." Muto answers.
Ohashi nodded his head and sat down. He watched Sakura place out his main vein in his wrist. She cleaned the area she chose. Then, gently, she placed the needle connected to a tube directly into the vein. Taking an empty syringe she emptied the blood flowing through the tube into it. After filling that syringe she another and repeated the process. After finishing the second one, she slowly took out the needle in Ohashi's wrist. She applied pressure to the area and wrapped it in white bandages. She came back five minutes later with the test results. She handed them to Muto and he smiled.
"Ohashi, you are the prince..." Sakura stated.
"Nani." Ohashi said with confused eyes.
"It is true you are the third child of the royal family. That makes you the crowned prince and heir to the throne." Sakura explained.
"She is not joking with you either. I can vouch for the truth in it." Muto added.

Ohashi looked at both of them and sighed. Sakura escorted both of them to the room Konin and Shinji were being held in. They turned to look at him. Ohashi sat down near them and Seiji wanted an explanation.
"What is the meaning of this?" Seiji asked.
"Here these results will tell you." Sakura said handing over the papers.
"He can not be.... the last son..." Seiji said while gasping.
"Wait you are telling me that he is my younger brother?" Shinji asked.
"Yes, you are right." Muto replied.

The next day the preparation to celebrate the coming of the new leader of Tenshin is under way. Kitayama, who hated the Tenshinion cuisine decided to sit in the courtyard which had flowers. She sat down on a rock and looked at the array of flowers and plants the Tenshinions kept for entertainment. She had to hand her enemy one thing, they knew how to make a garden. Little did she know two other people were in the garden with her. She heard of them trying to sneak up behind her. She grabbed the person's wrist and pulled them to the ground.
"Krystalia, if you are going to be a good assassin then you better learn how to sneak up on people better." Kitayama said while smiling.
"I am trying. Just because you have been trained to know surroundings does not make me bad." Krystalia retorted.
"Kon'nichi wa." Kyrama says walking up.
"I told you not to say that around me!" Kitayama yelled, "You know I hate Tenshinion languages. They say it when we are around like they are hiding some big secret."
"Well aren't you the party crasher." Kyrama said sitting down.
"Please, I do not want another argument. Kyrama, I thought you were torturing Jegoro?" Krystalia said.
"Well, the boys found a big screen television and you what that means." Kyrama sighed.
"Well let's spy on them, shall we?" Kitayama said with a large grin.

They sneak up and watch the boys from behind potted plants. They find even the Tenshinion boys. They are gathered around a big television. Mustadio, Gremoro, and Jegoro made beds out of the tatami mats. The others were sitting on them, properly. Gremoro had the remote and was flipping through the channels. He stopped on a Venchiain network that was playing football. Jegoro and Mustadio watched closely while the others grimaced in disgust. Kitayama learned one thing from this, that not all males enjoy watching the carnage called football. Kiyomitsu grabbed the remote from Gremoro and turned the channel to a fighting tournament. The Tenshinions watched with excitement. Mustadio and Gremoro looked disappointed. Jegoro did not mind it was television.
"How can you not like football?" Gremoro asked.
"Who wants to watch of bunch of people fight and charge each other for a stupid oval shaped ball, anyway? To us it is dishonorable." Yang replied.
"I do not not mind the tournament. It is television so be happy." Jegoro added.
"So quit complaining, you are staying for free." Shinji commented.
"Meany..." Gremoro mumbles.

Later on at that day around evening time Kitayama had gone shopping for the party that night. She did not want to go but was almost forced to. She walked outside to find a lot of dancing and festivities taking place. She followed Krystalia and Yang into a local sushi bar where Ohashi and the others were at. She sat down on a tatami mat. She complained on why the Tenshinions sat on the floor. What made the situation worse was the fact Japanese music could be heard in the background. She held her head in her hand.
"You like something to drink?" Ohashi asked.
"What have you got?" Kitayama asked.
"Sake, soda, wine, and water." Kiyomitsu replied.
"I will take a soda." Kitayama answered.
"Sake, tansan' inryo, sashimi, onegai shimasu." Yang says looking to a geisha girl. (Translation: Sake, soda, sashimi, please)
"I think I will try the singing thing out." Kyrama says walking towards the controller of the sound system.
"I think I will try the sake stuff." Jegoro says picking up a glass of the mystery drink.
Jegoro poured himself a glass (a very small cup in Tenshin) of sake. He took one sip and started chugging down the whole bottle placed in front of him. Gremoro sighed as his brother stole Yang's bottle. Milvera shook her head and held it in her hand.

Ja'aku sat at a table shifting through the pages in an ancient book. He looked lost in his thoughts. Nearby Leona and Kentaro were engaged in a game of knights and archers (Venchiain Board game played like chess but using only knights and archers and slightly more complex). Xaingfei sat on a tatami mat and was reading by the light of a candle. Everything was silent and calm. Ja'aku shut his book and yawned with his hand in front of his mouth. He ran his hand over the straps that held his samurai ponytail in place. He unraveled them and laid the ribbon to the table. His ebony black hair fell and rested at the base of his shoulder blades. He picked up the single katana that rested beside him and placed it in the straps that held his hakama up. He took the book and ribbon from the table and proceeded deeper inside the candle lit building. He whistled and Leona, Kentaro, and Xaingfei followed him. His small cape swayed as he walked. His tabi were slightly dirty on the bottom showing that the house needed to be dusted.
"Ja'aku, this may sound odd but why do you insist on wearing a kataginu and hakama when you are in the house and a cloak with a shirt and jeans outside?" Xaingfei asked.
"Hush. The time draws near... I will have to plan for the uprising. I have a favor to ask one of you." Ja'aku replied looking to Leona.
"Yes?" Leona asked.
"Spy on the Tenshinions for me. I already have one for the Venchiains." Ja'aku answered, "Another thing for all of you. Thank you for continued loyalty to me. Someday and soon I will reward you for your hard work. Maybe a vacation is in plan."
Ja'aku turned around and gave them half of a smile. He went to the kitchen and brought out some refreshments consisting of soda, mochi cakes (rice cakes), chips, and ohaki (rice cakes sweeten up and colored brown). Xaingfei, Kentaro, and Leona smiled at each other and took their fair share of the offering. It was a rare occasion when he allowed them to pig out.
"Master, you are the greatest." Kentaro said popping a rice cake into his mouth.
"I think I will go now." Leona said stuffing her bag of chips and drink into her pouch.
"So soon will you not stay until you are done?" Ja'aku looked at her with a ohaki in his hand.
"I must... Time must not be wasted." Leona replied.
"Okay." Ja'aku replied with a slight bow of his head.
Leona walked over to a holding rack. It had five blacks orbs placed on it. She took the one on the left and held it in her palm. She looked to Ja'aku, who started chanting something. He did not stop until Leona disappeared. He yawned once more and went to bed. Xaingfei and Kentaro looked at him.
"Going to bed so soon?" Xaingfei asked.
"Yes. Stay up as long as you want just do not wake me." Ja'aku answered walking off.

Back in Tenshin everyone has gotten their drinks and food. They are having fun. Jegoro has a crimson colored face due to the tremendous consumption of sake that he had. Gremoro was trying to support his drunken brother with little success. Kiyomitsu, Shinji, Konin, Milvera, and Mustadio were out in the town square dancing to the various sounds that blasted from the speakers. Ryutaro and Ohashi shared in trying their voices out with the song playing in the bar. Kitayama was looking quite bored while poking at her food. Kyrama tried to figure out what in the world that weird smelling clear stuff was that Ohashi and Jegoro were drinking. Krystalia watched Ryutaro and Ohashi perform while she sipped from her glass.
"If I have to hear another Japanese speaking song I will go insane!" Kitayama bellowed.
"Lighten up and have a little fun once in a while. It will not kill you." Krystalia said with a smile.
"I have got it! It must be fermented fruit!" Kyrama exclaimed.
"No, actually it is fermented rice with extra sweetening." Yang said bringing his small cup to his mouth.
"Thanks for blowing it for me." Kyrama said giving Yang a harsh look.
"Well that was fun, right?" Ryutaro said sitting down.
"Aa." Ohashi replied.
"You were great." Krystalia said.
"Yes, considering that Ryutaro lip sang through most of song." Ohashi said with a smile.
Ryutaro threw his arm around Ohashi's neck in a loose headlock. He gave him a very mean look. Ohashi just laughed slightly with his eyes closed and a huge grin on his face.
"Nobody was supposed to know that!" Ryutaro retorted and tightened his lock on Ohashi.
"Please, do not try to kill your best friend over harmless joke." Ohashi replied.
"Yeah, you are too valuable to loose. Besides, Muto would have my head if anything happened to you." Ryutaro said releasing Ohashi.
"You two act like brothers than friends." Kitayama said sighing.
"They always act like that." Yang says with an evil grin.

A top of the temple in the city Muto stands facing the wind. His right arm is tucked inside his gi except for his hand which hangs out of the middle opening. The sleeve flows and sways with the motion of the wind's great force. His other hand clinched a small object, a necklace. He looked at it and sighed. In the middle was an orb that had no color to it. It was surrounded by ancient symbols and runes. It hung upon a silver chain that was forgotten by time. He placed it back into his inner gi pocket. Marin walked up beside him with a staff in hand.
"They are coming." Muto says in a serious tone.
"Yes, now is the time for destiny to test them. This time we can not interfere; it is up to them." Marin replies.
Muto turns to face her. Her long sleeves resembled a kimono's as they flowed into the air. Her dress was of Venchiain style and it rested against the face of her legs. Her eyes were of two colors, one blue and the other green. Her hair was ebony black but glistened as the purest of purple under the moonlight. She smiled at Muto.
"We will part ways soon. Watch over him as you have... he still is counting on you. Time has come for the final training." Marin says disappearing.
"I shall keep that promise of mine." Muto says closing his eyes remembering his promise to one.
----Muto's Memory----

Muto sat a top a house of great stature and beside him a samurai with a straw hat on. They watched the moon and the stars unfold into the night sky. The samurai looked to him and sighed. Muto stared at him for a moment before speaking.
"Well?" Muto asked.
"A boy with blue hair and teal eyes. Just as I foresaw." the samurai answered.
"I am sure he will live up to his potential." Muto added.
"No, he can not. I can not watch over him for long. That is why I come to you, my old friend." the samurai said smiling.
"You want me to the child's keeper?" Muto asked.
"Yes. You are the only one that can help me now. The others will be safe I have seen it. But this one will not if something does alter his fate. He is the one that will lead us home." the samurai said standing up.
"You can not be serious, can you?" Muto says standing up as well.
"Yes... Promise me that you will take him when the time comes." the samurai replied.
"I promise, he will be safe." Muto answered.


"Still I continue to watch him. No longer is he a little child, though." Muto said jumping to the ground below.
Muto walks through the crowd of people with ease. He spots Kiyomitsu and goes towards him. He suddenly stops and looks to the moon. He smiles with his eyebrows down. He looks to the gate and sighs. Again, he walks towards Kiyomitsu with something on his mind. Kiyomitsu stares at him and Muto simply motions his head in the direction of the gate. Kiyomitsu nods in return and runs towards the two command towers. A few minutes pass and he stops walking and looks to the mountains that surrounded Ki Valley. He could see a mass of darkness moving towards them. He smiles and looks to the command towers.
Kiyomitsu stood among the array of equipment and control modules. A lookout called out to him. He ran up to the observation deck of the tower. He grabbed the telescope from the lookout and zoomed in to where he pointed. He saw a massive army heading towards them. He handed back the telescope and ran downstairs. He quickly typed in a few commands into the main computer and the whole town started flashing red. Loud sirens screamed out the warning signals and the citizens scattered.
Muto slide his arm back through its sleeve and grabbed his katana. He held the guard against his shoulder and walked forward. He smiled as he heard the footsteps of the enemy drawing nearer.
"Some just do not know when to give up." Muto says smirking.

Inside the bar Ohashi, Yang, and Ryutaro looked to each other and spoke out some words in Japanese. Krystalia knew what they were saying and grabbed her small sword and ran outside. Gremoro followed her example and ran out with his knight sword drawn. Kitayama looked at Yang and Ohashi, who had drawn out their katana. Ohashi pointed to her dagger and whip and told her to prepare for a fight. She looked to Jegoro, who was sacked out on the floor from drinking. She sighed and grabbed Kyrama on her dash out the door. The others except for Jegoro soon followed. Jegoro knew they were gone and stood up. He took his bow and placed an arrow in waiting to fire. He walked into the back alley and waited. A lady came into view. She was dressed in a kimono with long flowing sleeves. Her hair was tied into a ponytail by a green ribbon. Strapped to her side was a flute and a ninja sword. Jegoro smiled at her as he walked forward.
"Orders?" Jegoro asked.
"The usually understood?" she replied.
"As you wish my lady." Jegoro said pulling a cloak out from his quiver and wrapping himself in it.
"Ja'aku did not say anything about you being here." Leona said walking out from the shadows.
"Here I thought he would have known. The mission objective is to capture them. Now, you are to follow my orders." the lady answered.
"Fine, but I had better be getting paid more for this." Leona said grabbing her whip in a fighting stance.
"That should not be your concern right now." the lady added.
Ohashi ran up to Muto. Muto smiled and pointed towards the invaders coming over the walls. Ohashi nodded and pressed his two fingers together. He held them pointed towards the walls. He chanted something in the ancient language and a weak thunder field surrounded the section of the wall. The ones caught by it were electrocuted and thrown back the way they came. Ohashi smiled at Muto and they quickly drove into the oncoming opponents.
"Flames of eternal power come forth to my aid! I beckon thee! Burning Flare!" Kiyomitsu chants.
"Waves of Darkness that cover the land. I call upon thy strength! Shadow Wave!" Shinji yelled.
"Light that guides us! Give me thy power! Holy Circle!" Kyrama yells.
The blasts hit the on coming soldiers and injury them severely. The battle intensifies when Leona enters the fray. She runs her way through the crowd hitting a few men in the process. She is stopped by Krystalia, Yang, and Mustadio. They have their weapons drawn and are ready to fight. Yang immediately connects his two katana at their ends and begins to twirl them around in a circle. He picks up his speed at which he turns them over time. Krystalia holds out her book and presses two fingers to her forehead.
"Powers of forbidden magic come to me! Energy of the fallen I summon your undying spirit! Sonic Crisis!" Krystalia yells.
A large green energy blast travels towards Leona. She jumps over it and lands back on her feet in one motion. Mustadio charges her with his javelin in hand. Leona replaces her whip for her sword and the weapons clash with the sound of metal bashing. Krystalia casts an array of barriers on Mustadio to help and protect him. Yang finally opens his eyes and Mustadio steps back from Leona.
"Powers of the past, present, and future grant me thy divine state! Dimensional Breakdown!" Yang chants.
A large circle with symbols of time engulf Leona and cause her body to fell like it is coming apart. Yang charges at her with both katana acting as independent souls. He stops right before he hits her and disappears. He changes his speed as he circles her. Becoming a blur one second and a still figure the next. He stops and it seems as if Leona is surrounded by ten Yangs. She tries to find the real one but fails as she hits a charging image. She is hit on the backside causing a cross shaped laceration to appear. Leona falls to the ground from the impact of the blow.
Above the temple lies Jegoro with his arrow aimed at Yang. He pulls the arrow back to his face. He smiles and blows on it. His breath is a pale green color and it turns the arrow the same color. He lines up the target and fires. Krystalia sees the oncoming projectile and forms a barrier in front of Yang deflecting the arrow.
Ryutaro, who was nearby, saw the direction from which the arrow came. He unlatches his bow and draws and arrow from his quiver. He rests one knee on the ground while the other leg in bent and touching the ground with his foot. He aims towards the figure and fires. He smirks as he hears the satisfying wail of a warrior. He latches his bow and kicks the soldier behind him. Konin runs to his aid with his rod in hand with Gremoro not too far behind. He points to the charging soldiers.
"Precious liquid that brings destruction and life I summon you! Tsunami!" Konin yells.
"Strength of the harden soil aid me! Earthquake Sword!' Gremoro yells while stabbing his sword into the ground.
The soldiers scream in pain and retreat to where they came from. Meanwhile the lady watches from atop a building. Her anger builds inside her as her men fall one by one. She looks to see Ohashi and Kitayama fighting side by side. Their backs are facing each other and they are only half a meter apart. Ohashi has his no-dachi held close to his body in a defensive stance. Kitayama holds her dagger in a stabbing motion with her left hand behind the guard. They circle slowly as the soldiers start to surround them. Kitayama and Ohashi charge at them and quickly dispatch the little annoyances. The lady jumps down in the middle of the fray and laughs. Ohashi and Kitayama turn to her ready to fight her if need be.
"To think two mortal enemies could make such a great fighting team. I am not surprised by that strength of yours. I have seen stronger. Namely myself..." the lady said pulling out a flute, "Those powers of yours are mere tricks compared to mine. Oh how rude of me, my name is Shizen a warrior for the master."

To Be Continued.....