Fan Fiction ❯ Gundares: The Destined Warriors ❯ The New Allies ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gundares Chapter 4: The New Allies
Written By: R. S. Xavior

Ja'aku stepped forward and walked into a dark abandoned alley. Shizen followed him close behind. He took out an orb from his gi sleeve and begun to chant something over it. A light embraced them and their bodies begun changing. Shizen's kimono changed into a magenta color lined with designs of various flowers. Ja'aku's outfit turned completely black. Her hair changed from black into a black that was tainted with green coloration. Her normally blue eyes change into a forest green color. His hair, which is ebony black, changes into dark blue color. His eyes, which are usually sky blue, change into a blood red color. Ja'aku's daisho's sheath changed into black decorated with thin golden lines. Shizen flute disappears and her ninja sword's sheath turns into a sea blue color with golden flowers lining it. The light disappears and Ja'aku takes out the thread holding his hair up and ties it back down at the base of his neck. Shizen allowed her hair to flow completely down without anything holding it up.
They quickly went towards the temple. The guards would not let them by. Ja'aku's orb took over their minds and made them let them inside. Shizen and Ja'aku went through the multiple floors until they reached the rooms in which the royal family stayed at. Everything was quiet so they decided to keep a low profile for now.
"How do we trick the prince into trusting us?" Shizen asks.
"I was the daimyo to Yin at one time, was I not?" Ja'aku asks.
"True. I get it so you are to impose as the daimyo of Yin and me your wife. I rather not like idea of me being married to you. No offense." Shizen answers.
"None taken." Ja'aku adds.
"Sumimasen demo... Dare kimi-tachi desu ga." Ohashi asks walking up from the stairway. (Excuse me but... Who are you guys?)
"Boku wa daimyo no Yin. Kanojo ga kanai." Ja'aku answers while bowing deeply. (I am daimyo of Yin. She is my wife.)
"Irasshai." Ohashi replies while bowing slightly, "Gomen ni burei." (Welcome. Forgive my rudeness.)
"Dare kotaishi ga desu ga." Ja'aku asks. (You are the prince?)
"Aa." Ohashi replies. (Yes.)
"Practice English please?" Shizen asks.
"If you wish." Ohashi answers.
"Sorry to be of a bother but we have for visit." Ja'aku says.
"I will arrange room at once." Ohashi replies, "Meet me at dinner and we talk more, but for now I need time to self so excuse me."
Ohashi walks into his room and locks the door behind himself. Ja'aku and Shizen proceed downstairs to wait in the lobby for a servant to give them a room.


Krystalia watched the party go on before her. She was not having much fun and neither was anyone else for that matter. Her sister, Kitayama, did not seem to be enjoying herself either. The only one having fun was Jegoro over at the buffet table engulfing down as much as his mouth could hold. It was not pretty sight considering everyone else were playing with the silverware. Finally, Mustadio found out that it you can have enjoyment if you used the forks and spoons as devices of play. Once again this made the image before us even sadder.
"Oh please help me..." Krystalia thinks to herself.
"Is there anything that could make this situation any worse?" Kitayama muttered.
At that moment the theater guy from the lower district of the city came into the bar. The guy would not be so bad if he had not permanently dyed his hair blue. Not to mention this guy has a hyperactive personality and acts a little weird for a guy if you know what I mean.
"I spoke too soon." Kitayama commented.
"Maybe if we make a human sacrifice then this will liven up a little." Milvera suggested.
"You know that is just cruel. Let's do it!" Kyrama replies looking to Jegoro with an evil smirk.
"What is today's date?" Gremoro asks.
"October 29th, why?" Kyrama answers.
"I have to fill out this form to win a million asra." Gremoro replies.
"You know you have about one in two billion chance of winning that thing." Krystalia comments.
"Why do you say that?" Gremoro asks.
"Because that is the population of Tenshin and Venchi combined minus the Hybrids." Krystalia answers, "Oddest thing is that both factions have exactly one billion people each."
"There is another useless fact." Jegoro says while sitting down with at least ten plates surrounding him.
"One thing is for sure. No Tenshinion can out eat my brother." Milvera adds.
"Very funny. Haha it is to laugh." Kyrama said unhappily.
"Right now would be a good time to have some tea." Kitayama comments.
"Sorry we are fresh out." Mustadio replies.
"Darn..." Kitayama mutters.


Xaingfei walks along the streets of Tenshinion capital. She watches the people come to and from many different places, but her destination lies in the garden outside the temple guards but inside the city walls. She reaches the garden with ease and takes a seat upon a large, flat rock. She stands up and begins practicing kata or morning exercises used as a warm-up. She closes her eyes and swings at an invisible opponent. Suddenly one of her punches is enclosed inside the fist of another. Xaingfei opens her eyes to stare into the face of Ryutaro. He smiles at her while he keeps a death grip on her hand.
"Shitsureishimasu. Ore wa Okuma. Ryutaro Okuma. Dare kimi jou-chan desu ga." Ryutaro says. (I am being rude. My name is Okuma. Ryutaro Okuma. Who are you little missy?)
"Atashi wa Xaingfei." Xaingfei answers. (I am Xaingfei)
"Jou-chan no kawaii." Ryutaro says while releasing her hand. (Cute little missy.)
"Ryutaro no baka." Xaingfei mutters. (Stupid Ryutaro)
Xaingfei swung her fist at him, but she was met by his block. Ryutaro charged at her, but his fist was met with cold air. He turned around just in time to block her high kick. She punched at him, but she found that he back flipped to dodge. She charged at him with her expression changing to an angry one.
"Is that all you got jou-chan? (Missy)" Ryutaro asked.
"Damare." Xaingfei replies. (Shut up.)
"I see." Ryutaro stated reclaiming his start off position.
Xaingfei charged Ryutaro once again. This time she knocked right into him. They went tumbling back down the hill they were standing on. She landed on top of him. He was smiling. Then, in unison they both laughed at the unusual way that their fight ended. Their laughter was stopped when they heard another person laughing besides themselves. They looked to their right to find Kauwn standing against a tree laughing his head off.
"We can not leave you alone for a second, can we Ryutaro?" Kauwn asks.
"It is not what it seems. I swear." Ryutaro said while bolting onto his feet.
"Yeah sure buddy. What have we told you about fighting off poor defenseless girls?" Kauwn asks.
"Please tell him it is not what it seems." Ryutaro says motioning towards Xaingfei.
An evil smirk appears across her face as she thinks of the most evil thing to do right now. She gets down on one knee and clinches his upper right arm. She allows her right arm to hang limply at her side. Ryutaro growls at her slightly because he has a feeling of what she is going to do next.
"He hit me really hard when I have done nothing wrong. If you had not come along when you did then I may have been killed." Xaingfei said like she was in pain.
"Man, I am going to really hurt you now." Ryutaro adds.
"No really he was not doing anything at all. I challenged him in the first place." Xaingfei said standing up and brushing herself off.
"Well to make amends for the damage I have done to you jou, please allow me to treat you to dinner at the temple." Ryutaro offered with his hand out.
"You have access to the temple?" Xaingfei asks.
"I would think the best friend of the crowned prince would have access to the temple ground at all times." Kauwn comments.


Strider blew at the strain of hair that had landed in his face. He was bored out of his mind and was seriously considering helping the servants. Ningen just sat in his chair all day reading book after book. He would not be surprised if Ningen had read all the books in the library of his at least five times already. If there was one thing Strider did not like more than people who gave you lectures that was books and reading them. Maybe he could ask Ningen for a day's leave or something because he knew the plan would not really be operational for a few days or weeks now. He gathered up the courage and interrupted his master's reading.
"Um... Master Ningen, I was wondering if I could have a few days' leave?" Strider asks.
"Yeah sure just sign this fifty page release form and you can borrow one of my orbs for traveling." Ningen says handing Strider a ton of paper and a pen.
Strider's eye starts twitching at the whole stack of paper. He takes a seat across the library and begins the long, boring, tedious task of signing every sheet. Maybe now he should have kept his mouth shut and put up with being bored for the rest of his life.
"Strider, this is another big mess you have gotten yourself into." Strider says to himself.


Kyrama looked to the sky for what seemed like the billionth time in a row. She seriously was considering buying some wine just to get a little life into everyone. That was out of the question since Milvera would give them a long lecture on how drinking would disrupt your body's function and turn you into another Jegoro. Sometimes she just wished that Milvera would crawl up a hole in a cave and die. She would rather be in a box of rabid squirrels than with her. Milvera looked to Kyrama and smiled. Kyrama just responded by turning her chair to face Krystalia.
"Man, she scares me." Kyrama mutters.
"You are not the only one." Krystalia replies.
"That is a very good thing to know." Kyrama responds.
"Now I wish that something would happen. Do the Guardians dislike me this much?" Kitayama said looking to the sky, "Anything will do! Just make it exciting!"
"I would not say that Kitayama. Remember what happened last time you asked the Guardians for fun." Mustadio commented.
"We got in that really huge sandstorm and were stranded in the large sandbox for about a week before we finally found a town." Kitayama replied.
"I would rather that not happen again." Mustadio said taking a sip from his soda.
"You have to admit it was fun wondering aimlessly through the desert without any sense of where we were going. (cough)" Kyrama added.
"Please that was the most miserable week in my life." Gremoro commented.
"Well we did learn not to put Milvera in charge of maps after that." Jegoro said with a smile.
"True." Kitayama added.
"Oh shut up. None of you could do any better." Milvera snorted.
"Well I managed to navigate us home, didn't I?" Krystalia asked.
"Well that is because you are weird girl." Kitayama answered, "Only men can read maps that is if they decide to pick one up. Usually they give you some excuse like it is just around the next turn. They are too stubborn to admit they need directions."
"I feel lots better now." Mustadio muttered.
"Well you make up for it in your over protectiveness." Kitayama added.
"You people make no sense to me." Kyrama said shaking her head.
"What would you rather live with those Tenshinions barbarians?" Milvera asks, "Them and their males walking around in dresses. Or the fact that they suppress women."
"Do not insult them. Just because you do not understand their culture does not mean that they are barbarians!" Kyrama yells.
"And Milvera and I quote "dresses that the males wear" are called hakama. Get the terms right before you land an insult." Krystalia adds.
"Plus, they do not suppress women." Jegoro adds as well.
"Why defend the Tenshinions?" Kitayama asks.
"Because they are cool." Jegoro, Kyrama, and Krystalia say in unison.
"This is what you get when people actually pay attention in that Japanese language class." Gremoro says while sighing.
"Gremoro, shove it. Just shove it." Jegoro snaps.
"For once I actually agree with him." Kyrama adds.
"Well now we know Jegoro does not have problems with his self esteem." Milvera says with a smile.
"Oh yeah just great... Tell me who cares?" Krystalia says smiling, "I think I am going to talk to the stupid DJ, who has been playing slow songs this whole time."
"Don't leave me here!" Kitayama says running after her sister.
"I will never understand those two." Mustadio says to himself.


After what seemed like forever Strider finally finished his five stacks of fifty page release forms. How could he know that Ningen would give him four more to fill out? Now he knew never ask Ningen to borrow anything that he owned. He would have to take that to memory forever. Strider smiled at the black orb once his back was turned to Ningen. Strider had a single backpack on with his clothes in it. He chanted something he heard Ja'aku told him. Strider slowly disappeared and reappeared in the back alley of Venchi. He had changed clothes earlier. He had on some black dress pants on with a dark brown belt. He had a dark green T-shirt and over that was teal button shirt that was left unbuttoned. He changed into ankle high battle boots with steel toes on the ends. Strapped to his belt was a dagger just in case he needed it. He walked out of the alley with his head looking to the ground with his hands stuffed into his pockets. While lost in thought he did not realize someone was about to run into him until it was too late.
"Come on, Kita!" Krystalia yelled.
"Um sorry ma'am I did not watch where I was going." Strider said looking face to face with Kitayama, "No wait, it was you that ran into me so watch were you are going!"
"How dare you talk to me like that?! Do you even know who I am?" Kitayama screamed back.
"I know for good and well who you are! Just because you have power does not mean you can just waltz right into people and not expect them to do anything to you!" Strider screamed back.
"Did you ever hear the saying ladies first?! Well if you haven't you need to go back to school little boy!" Kitayama quipped.
"I do not give a damn, okay? You are the one running into me expecting that you are able to pass through me like a ghost or something!" Strider retorted.
"Please, you are acting like children." Krystalia stated.
"You started it!" Strider and Kitayama said in unison while pointing at the other.
"Hopeless..." Krystalia whispers.
"Who are you calling hopeless!" Kitayama yells.
"Just stop right there. Argument is over with and end of discussion." Krystalia replied while walking for the DJ once again.
"Man, I get more trouble with women than I do with my masters." Strider comments to himself.


Konin had his back against the wall looking to the iris blossoms that were beginning to bloom. Not too far from him was Shinji, who had found this the ideal place to practice. Near the small stream that ran through the temple garden was the two visitors that had arrived out of nowhere. Shinji was very cautious of them and Konin was as well. Konin asked his youngest brother why he let them in. He replied by I have plans of my own. Ever since meeting Ohashi back when he was a simple general in charge of a small number of people, he had always trusted his decisions. Konin looked up to find Shinji talking to his personal servant. The young boy bowed to Shinji before heading off in the direction of the kitchen.
"What did you make that boy do?" Konin asks.
"He is going to get us some tea." Shinji answers.
"I still say they are up to something. Their presence brings uneasiness to me." Konin whispers.
"So to me. But we must have faith in our brother." Shinji replies, "He knows what is he doing. Besides, he never does anything without reason."
"Well, he if does not do something soon then I will." Konin comments while walking off, "If you will excuse I will have tea some other time."
"As you wish." Shinji says while shrugging.
"They were staring at us." Shizen whispers.
"Let them." Ja'aku replies, "Maybe they thought you were cute or something *cough*."
"You know that was not funny." Shizen retorts.
"We should be starting our plan soon. I hope you have everything ready." Ja'aku responds.
"I have been ready. Besides, that Ohashi is making to start thinking weird things." Shizen answers.
"They are called memories." Ja'aku says with a slight evil grin.
"I am not that stupid." Shizen adds.
"Well, once we have received word from Ningen and what he plans to do... We will conduct our attack on them. Well we best leave the countries' people out the matter." Ja'aku states, "We will lead them into the forest near where we live. We will kill them there and be done with our problem."


The music in Venchi livened up a bit as the DJ changed the songs to something that actually had a beat to it. Still, everyone at the table looked dead and bored to death. Maybe boredom was what really brought along the extinction of animals and plants. Out of coincidence Gremoro invited Strider over to his table to sit. Strider sat down as Gremoro said to. Mustadio slapped him on the back to say hello. Strider gave him a face that would scare little children. They ordered drinks and Gremoro tried to strike up a conversation with the new guest and friend they just drug down to a chair.
"Well what do you do for a living?" Gremoro asks.
"I do odd jobs as a knight for hire." Strider answers, "Why did you invite me over here?"
"We like to meet new faces and yours is strange and new plus you look like the type of person we would like as a friend." Mustadio responds.
Jegoro silently sipped his soda while Strider made eye contact with him. A smirk came across their faces before they returned to pretending not to know each other. Gremoro ordered another bottle of root beer to the table. Everyone refilled their glasses full and set the bottle in the middle of the table.
"Come on I know you can drink more than that in a sitting." Gremoro told Strider.
"Watch and learn amateur." Strider said while chugging his whole glass down in a single gulp.
"That is pretty good, but not good enough." Jegoro comments while taking the whole bottle in his hand.
Everybody at the table stared in amazement as Jegoro killed the bottle of root beer in less than a minute. Gremoro had to order more of it. Jegoro set the empty bottle on the table and looked happy for a moment. Then, a long, loud burp erupted from the depths of his stomach. He said excuse me and looked at Mustadio clapped at him.
"I give it a ten plus." Mustadio commented.
"Maybe coming over here was not such a good idea." Strider thought to himself, "None of these people seem to have been taught table manners."
Strider left from the table and went to stand against a building wall. He silently sipped at his wine glass of root beer deep in thought over his mission. Kitayama walked passed him and stopped to examine him. She remembered that he was the arrogant little bastard that ran into her and tried to blame it on herself. Now, she wanted to execute her revenge upon his arrogant brat butt.
"Hello there haven't we met somewhere before?" Kitayama asked.
"Well if it isn't little Ms. I'm better than everyone else because I control this country lady. Yeah we have met before because my name is Mr. If you don't leave me alone I will do bad things to you." Strider said with a smile playing upon his face as Kitayama turned red from his answer.
"You! I do not see how you make it in this world without getting slapped a few dozen times in an hour!" Kitayama screamed and slapped him for emphasizes.
"Ouch, that hurt. Really you need to take a chill pill, lady. That is thing with royalty and high officials. They are so tense and high strung due to the fact the have people always bowing to them. When it comes down to it, they can not act like common people. That is what causes the people to dislike the government. They do not see things as normal citizens do so that leads to decisions the citizens hate." Strider explains calmly.
"Now that was deep and had too much information that did not pertain to the subject." Kitayama responds.
"Actually to get to the point, when it comes down to it people like you do not know when to let things go. I know this because I had this problem when I was younger. People tend to like you more if you do not act the way you do. You walk around as if you own the world, but you must understand you are only Gundarian and make mistakes just like the rest of us. It is just that you can never admit to them due to your over grown ego." Strider says with emphasizes on the word ego.
"I do not have an over grown ego!" Kitayama screams.
"They say if you confess something Gundaria will look over the wrong you have committed." Strider says calmly.
"Are you one of those Gundarian psyche people?" Kitayama asks.
"No, I just study about the way Gundarians act and explain to them why they exhibit that behavior." Strider answers.
"Same thing!" Kitayama retorts.
"No, it is not." Strider says walking off, "Now, excuse if you want to do nothing further than argue with me today. It grows old fast."
"Oh no you don't! Not without dancing with me to make up for what you did to me!" Kitayama yelled grabbing Strider's hand.
"Another mess I have gotten myself into." Strider says to himself.
The night went on and Strider found himself dancing with Kitayama multiple times. He started to like it after a while and practically waited for her to say she wanted to dance again. It was not bad enough he was already attracted to her by her looks, but now her for herself. Kyrama, Krystalia, and Mustadio were sitting at a table commenting about them. A few laughs came from their direction as someone said a funny comment about the strange couple. No one would have known after all the hundreds of suitors that Kitayama would just pick someone out of the crowd and start dancing with him. Even stranger was the fact that they met by yelling at each other. Kyrama cringed slightly at the idea of romance. Krystalia could stand the subject while Mustadio was a helpless romantic due to a certain crush he had. Both girls wondered if they would ever understand the way boys think.

------------Three days Later--------

The celebration had long since died down and life was back to normal for the citizens of Venchi. Problem was Kitayama was obligated to choose her royal court members. This meant each member would represent a different aspect of the government and pose as substitutes when Kitayama was on the battlefield. There were seven places to filled: Advisor, War Councilman, Technical Councilman, Foreign Advisor, Public Affairs Councilman, Records Keeper, and Information Gatherer. She chose no one as her Technical Councilman for now. She used Kyrama as her Information Gatherer and Mustadio as the Records Keeper. She allowed Krystalia to be the Foreign Advisor and Jegoro the Public Affairs Councilman. As for her advisor she left that open as well as and the War Councilman. She would later confront Strider for the War Councilman position seeing as he could analyze Gundarian behavior so well. The problem was that Strider was nowhere to be found nor was Jegoro for that matter. Little did they know that they were off to meet up with their masters. Already Ningen had started chaos throughout the city of Mechi. This would attract the Venchiains to that place. Jegoro and Strider were writing a letter from the citizens being terrorized for help from the government.
The letter was received by Kitayama who decided to take immediate action. She assembled the others and headed out for Mechi with or without Jegoro or Strider's help. It did not matter considering she thought the job would be done in a snap.

--------Meanwhile at Tenshin--------

Shizen and Ja'aku had started their plan to lure the Tenshinions to a town near the border called Hema. They had moved to there and started wreaking havoc upon the poor citizens who could do nothing to stop them. When Ohashi heard of this they packed up and went for the town hearing it was the working of Ja'aku and Shizen. It would take them about five days by hovercraft to get there. Everyone went except for Muto who stayed behind as the temporary emperor. Upon reaching there they found the town almost in perfect condition. That was strange within itself, but it was too quiet and no one seemed to be in the nearby area.
"You know if this is all just a hoax then I am going to be pissed." Ryutaro says.
"No, it not. I sense an evil spirit nearby." Yang replies.
"Just great... Maybe those cowards will come out and fight us like real warriors." Kiyomitsu comments.
"Then, we will split up and search. When you find something give the others some kind of signal." Konin says, "We will go two to a group."
"Yang and I will make the first group. Ohashi and Ryutaro can make the second. Shinji and Konin will be the third. That leaves Kiyomitsu with Xaingfei." Kauwn says calmly.
"Sounds like a plan to me." Ryutaro adds.
They split up into groups and head in separate directions than the other groups. Each one turns up with nothing more than some rubble and a a cracked stone or two. Little do they know that Shizen and Ja'aku watch them from the shadows closely as tentative as a cat watches a mouse. Slowly they got closer to the groups to lure them to the destination they desired them to go. They were spotted by Kiyomitsu and everyone else was on them in a flash. Ja'aku and Shizen stood on the roof peering down upon the victims. Shizen chants something and some vines spring up from the ground and capture Konin, Kiyomitsu, and Ryutaro. Ja'aku jumps down to face the remaining few. Yang, Ohashi, Shinji, and Kauwn resume battle stance with their weapons posed and ready. Ja'aku smirks as he draws out a kodachi, which has an eerie dark purple glow to the blade in the sunlight. Xaingfei stands behind a crate allowing her masters to do the work.
"Last time we met, you did have to fight me. Now, this time you will not be so lucky. I do warn you I have been granted powers like yours. My name is Ja'aku, master samurai at the kodachi." Ja'aku says bowing slightly, "It is only proper for you to introduce yourselves as well."
"I am Tenyachi Shinji, master lancer blessed with the powers of darkness." Shinji says bowing.
"I'm Xycon Yang, master samurai and keeper of powers of time and space." Yang says.
"I am Tenyachi Ohashi, master samurai and blessed with the powers of lightning." Ohashi says.
"I am Ryu Kauwn, master ninja and owner of the powers of ice." Kauwn says.
"I am honored to able to fight such seasoned warriors, but now is not time for talk." Ja'aku responds.

Ja'aku raises his kodachi into the air and a strange dark purple aura forms around him. Shizen looks at the battle and disappears with the others still in her grasp. Yang charges Ja'aku first. Ja'aku parries every blow Yang makes.
Ja'aku stops his assault on Yang for a moment as he attaches a small black orb on a secret slot in his kodachi. Ja'aku smirks in admiration. He allows Yang to charge forth blindly. At the last moment Ja'aku chants something under his breath and sends a beam of light towards Yang. Yang is hit and slowly his body disappears from sight.
"What have you done to him?!" Ohashi yells.
"Do not worry you will be joining him soon." Ja'aku mocks while laughing slightly.
Ja'aku charges towards Kauwn. Kauwn holds his hand out and starts chanting things in Japanese. A icy chill appears in his hand but, Ja'aku still charges with his kodachi held high. Kauwn fires the ice blasts and Ja'aku holds his kodachi up and deflects it using the aura it creates. Kauwn curses at himself for his careless error in predicting Ja'aku's move. Once again a beam comes from Ja'aku's sword this time it makes Kauwn disappear.
"One by one they fall... Will the rest of you challenge me or do you accept your fate?" Ja'aku asks.
"I think that my brother would agree with me on this... We will fight you until we are no longer able." Ohashi says resuming a fighting stance.
"I agree. I shall be your next opponent," Shinji says stepping forward with his scythe raised.
"I honor your courage," Ja'aku says charging forward.
"Death Slice!" Shinji yells swinging his scythe around.
A black beam of light gets thrown from Shinji's scythe and hits Ja'aku. He stops as momentary regain his composure from the hit to his arms. Shinji takes this opening and fires another blast of dark energy in Ja'aku direction. Ja'aku looks up at the last moment and allows his kodachi to dispel the energy. Shinji charges behind the blast with his scythe in the air ready to strike Ja'aku down. Their weapons collide and sparks fly from the impact. Shinji back flips over Ja'aku and prepares to hit him in the back. His plan fails since Ja'aku knew he would do this. Shinji is met with the guard blade of Ja'aku kodachi. Shinji grimaces in pain as he disappears and smiles as he sees something Ja'aku does not. Ja'aku turns around to face his last challenger but, he is surprised to find Ohashi nowhere in sight. Suddenly, he is hit with a large bolt of lightning out of nowhere. Ja'aku turns around to see Ohashi standing on a roof with his nodachi aimed at him. Small electrical sparks course over his body as he taunts Ja'aku to attack.
"That was a good plan. He would sacrifice himself so you could get a move in on me. It would have worked have it not been for the fact you misjudged my impact tolerance," Ja'aku says facing Ohashi. "And if I am correct..."
Ja'aku aims his palm at Ohashi and a dark purple energy blasts from it. Ohashi remains unharmed as a electric barrier around him absorbs the impact.
"That you have mastered barrier techniques. The thing is your barrier can only last so long against my attacks. I give it two blasts like that at most before it collapses," Ja'aku states.
Ohashi says nothing as Ja'aku runs and jumps upon the roof. Their two blades clash and Ja'aku pushes Ohashi back. Ohashi sidesteps and breaks the power struggle. Ja'aku slashes at him and Ohashi manages to dodge it by jumping backwards. Ja'aku smirks at him.
"You carry that sword as if the weight does not bother you. I see you have been trained very well. But that sword is only for offensive techniques. You should keep this in mind while battling me," Ja'aku states.
"Save your talk for some other day," Ohashi quips.
Ja'aku charges another dark purple energy blast in his hand and prepares to fire it at Ohashi. He releases a small one that Ohashi dodges, but he does not dodge the next two that are sent after that one. Ohashi's barrier is destroyed leaving him almost defenseless against Ja'aku's energy blasts. While Ohashi is stunned Ja'aku charges and clashes with Ohashi's blade. This sends Ohashi falling off the roof to land on his left ankle. Ohashi grimaces slightly as he something crack. Ja'aku throws another energy blast from his kodachi and Ohashi disappears. Xaingfei comes out from hiding and bows to her master.
"Come, Xaingfei. You have done good work. We must join the others now," Ja'aku says making both of them disappear.

-----During This Time in Mechi------

Kitayama and others survey the area of the town. No one is in sight as if they all left the town in a sudden hurry or something. Everything was so barren and silent. No one could stand it. Little did they know that they were being watched by Strider and Jegoro from the shadows. Jegoro had taken out a letter from Master Ningen and had skillfully placed it on the point of one of his arrows that no one knew he had. He aimed the arrow for the wood plank near Kitayama's head. He fired it and it hit it's target without deterring by a faction. Kitayama screamed and jumped away as she saw the arrow that had almost hit her. Gremoro walks up and plucks the arrow out of the plank to retrieve the letter it held.
"Oh yeah pay attention to the stupid arrow and not me," Kitayama says harshly. "Does even stop to ask if I am okay. Oh no that is a crime to do that."
"..." Gremoro says raising an eyebrow and opening the letter.
"What does it say?" Kyrama asks out of curiosity.
"If you want to ensure the safety of your towns and cities you must challenge me. Be warned that I am not your run of the mill warrior. If you do not show then I will see to it that my next target is the capital. If you still wish to challenge me then come to the large house on the west side of the city. I shall await your arrival," Gremoro says reading the letter's contents.
"Well let's not disappoint them," Krystalia says walking towards the west section of the town. "Even though this may be a trap we can not allow anyone to harm innocence people's lives."
"And someone must pay for almost hitting me with an arrow," Kitayama adds.
"I just hope I do not break a nail in this battle," Milvera comments.
"I hope she shrivels up and dies in a rabid rat filled back alley," Kyrama says to herself.
"This is our cue to go back to Master Ningen," Jegoro whispers to Strider.
Strider nods in agreement and follows Jegoro through the back alleys to reach Ningen's house before the others do. Strider can not help but to think if what they are doing is the right thing. Ever since that night he danced with Kitayama he began to doubt his own reasoning to stay with his masters. It was true that they had raised him since his parents died from tuberculosis when he was only four. Like Xaingfei, Kentaro, and Leona he was raised to fight. Strider sat down and laid his back against the wall of the roof of Ningen's castle like house. He had made his decision. Now he was going to stick with it as Jegoro prepared to fire arrows at his former allies. He watches as Kitayama and the others appear over the horizon ready to fight and defeat Ningen. Ningen awaited them on the porch of his house with a sword handle in his hand. The handle did not have a blade to it which was quite strange.
"So this is the person who has been terrorizing the town," Milvera states pointing her finger at Ningen.
"It can not be...." Mustadio thinks to himself as he eyes Ningen.

-----A Memory of Kitayama and Mustadio-----

A young Mustadio and Kitayama run about a artificial garden in the courtyard of a large house. They seem to be having the time of their lives until a huge sandstorm suddenly blows on them. Mustadio shields his younger sister from the biting wind and stinging sand the best he can. The two grip each other as their bodies take a pounding by the sand and wind. A knight in his armor walks out of the house. His armor is a dark purple that is almost black. Under his neck rests a small black orb that has an ancient symbol engraved into its interior. His cape is a very faint purple tent. His boots are knee high and are black as night. He walks towards the pair and covers them with his cape before he picks one up in each arm. He carries them into the house and sets them on the floor to wipe off the sand on their faces.
"Daddy, why did the sand attack us?" Kitayama asks rubbing one of her eyes.
"The sand does mysterious things when the wind comes to play. Just don't go outside for a while." the man replies.
His emerald green eyes look at the pair once more before he gets up. A young baby cries in the distance and the three walk into another room further down the hall. The man walks over to crib and leans over to it placing his arms inside it for something. He rises with a baby girl with blue tainted black hair in his arms. He cradles the child in his arms until she stops crying. Mustadio watches his father in awe. He had looked up to him as the perfect role model and wished to copy everything he stood for.
"I swear daddy if you do not toughen up on her she will become cry baby," Kitayama comments.
"Well when you become a mother you can do that with your children but, as long as I am the parent then I do things to my own accord," the man answers.
"Father, what does accord mean?" Mustadio asks.

-----End of Memory-----

Kitayama stares at the man for what seems like eternity. The words she wanted to say to him over the years were rushing into her mind. She could not decide what to start yelling at him for. She went back to the only suitable thing to say at the moment since her mind was so tangled with so many phrases and curses she could throw at him right now. She walks up to him with her eyes as soft as they can be.
"Daddy," Kitayama says like a very young child while smiling and throwing her arms out to accept a hug or something.
Everyone's mouths dropped in awe at her display. Kyrama started laughing and could not control it. Krystalia hide a smile under her hand that she had brought to her mouth. Ningen cocked his head in response looking at her as if she were a lunatic or something. He drew the sword handle from his belt and held to his side. When it rested still two neon green blades formed at either end of the handle. Each blade was curved away from the other making the double bladed sword resemble the shape of a pinwheel. His features grew hard and cold as he assumed a fighting stance. His eyes pierced through Kitayama's own in the most disturbing way possible.
"You must be mistaken for my children are dead," Ningen said in monotone.
Kitayama's face looked shocked as did Mustadio's. They both knew the man was their father. No other person could look like him due to the fact their father's armor was custom made. Not to mention Ningen possessed the same faint scar right below his jaw line as their father did.
"But now is not the time for talking about my life. You came and that means you have challenged me so I accept," Ningen says coldly as he charges forward.
Jegoro and Strider watch from the castle rooftop. Strider turns his head from the battle already knowing the outcome and feeling sorry for the ones that will receive defeat as the prize. Jegoro was carefully preparing an arrow from his quiver and setting it in position in his short bow. Strider held his sword in his hand still unconfident of what to do next. He could hear the metal clashing below and could only wonder why Ningen was prolonging the fight longer than he had to. Strider mentally sighed realizing why he prolonged the inevitable. He noticed Jegoro as he shifted his weight slightly to fire his arrow for his correct target. Ningen had told him earlier which one he planned to take out first. Strider could only guess at the target's identity. Jegoro made sure to shadow his face with a black cap he wore upon his head. His trench coat billowed against the strong currents of the desert wind. Jegoro shifted his bow slightly and death's wings flew upon the arrow as it flew through the air with deadly accuracy. A young girl's shrill cry ran throughout the city as the arrow carried its message upon wings. Gasps came from the fighters below as the their comrade fell to the floor in a lifeless heap. Strider barely allowed his eyes to peer over the side of the roof to see who the victim of Jegoro's arrow was. Jegoro, too, had crouched down low to the roof to avoid detection and, Strider could of sworn to see a look of regret on his face.
The girl's mahogany hair billowed around her fallen form. His eyes closed and her face conveyed a peaceful passing. Her frail form looked delicate against the sand sprinkled cobblestone. Her blood started pool around her fallen form as her hands seemed to reaching for the arrow that pierced through her chest in her dying moments. Her weapon had dropped to her side no longer did it have a master. Her light purple shirt was slowly being strained crimson from a wound in her thigh. The others glazed at her in sympathy and sadness shown upon their faces. Gremoro was kneeled over her form on his armored boots. His body slumped over and, his head hung low as his fists clenched tightly were thrown in front of him out of angered grief. His breaths came in struggled, mournful gasps.
"Dammit... Why?," he choked and cursed as he banged his fists onto the cobblestone.
The others looked on him with pity. Gremoro shifted his glaze to his sword that rested at his side. The palms of his hands were now covered in crimson from the pool around his friend. He looked his sword in his right hand and placed it clinched in his fist limply. A choked moan escaped his lips as his body quivered slightly. Slowly, a small droplet of salted water sprinkled the cobblestone. Another hit his right hand. He slowly stood up and faced Ningen with enraged features as his eyes were teary.
"You monster.." He growled. "How could you? She... no... Milvera was my only sister... I swear upon my name that I will serve justice to you in her honor."
"Her death would have come sooner or later. You can not expect everyone to live during war. But I do see that you are quite admirable in wanting to avenge her death. Just remember killing me off will not bring her back," Ningen states taking another fighting stance.
Gremoro charges forth and meets Ningen's sword with his own. The two knights struggle for position. Ningen knocks Gremoro back due to the fact that he is stronger than Gremoro is. Gremoro regains his balance in preparation for his counter attack. Gremoro holds his sword high and then brings it crashing down to the ground with all his might. A large crack forms in the ground and throws Ningen's balance off function. Gremoro followed up his attack with a slash to Ningen's armor. Ningen smirks as Gremoro realizes his sword did not even put a small scratch on his armor. Gremoro looks in awe as his eyes were wide open and his pupils dilated to show his shock.
"I hate to tell you this boy but, from the start of this quarrel you did not stand a chance," Ningen comments. "Too bad you discovered this a little too late."

Ningen drew his double blade sword back and aimed for Gremoro's undefended left side. The blade's guard hit its target and Gremoro hissed in pain. The small black orb on Ningen's chest armor glowed violently and Gremoro disappeared out of everyone's sight. Ningen withdrew his blade as Gremoro vanished completely. He looked up at the others who stood shocked at the series of events that just occurred.
"Where did he go?" Mustadio asks.
"Do not worry over it. You will meet him soon," Ningen answers.
"I shall go next," Kyrama states stepping forth. "I can not stand back and simply watch as you dispose of my friends one by one."
"Be careful," Krystalia cautions. "You must find the weak point in his armor if you are to harm him."
While they were engaged in battle Kitayama had examined the arrow in Milvera's chest closely. She had come to a conclusion. Her father, no Ningen, could not have been the one who killed her. He did not possess a bow and arrow on him. Plus the arrow had flown down from somewhere high in the air. She glanced at the castle rooftop as her suspicions rose with each moment. The arrow was not recognizable as some archer she known since she did not recognize the design carved into its shaft. She looked over her shoulder to find Kyrama deep in battle with Ningen. Kyrama was trying her hardest yet Ningen had barely broken a sweat. This was not a good sign for the warriors. Kyrama sent a large beam of white light in Ningen's direction. He held his blade up and the spell was disposed of quickly. He raised his sword into the air as the orb begun to glow violently again.
"Spirit Meral Naga!" Ningen yelled as he held his hand out and a blast of golden energy came from it.
The beam hit Kyrama and she wailed in pain. At the same time she disappears as mysteriously as Gremoro had. Ningen brushes himself off before turning to face the others. Strider could not take it anymore and decides to show himself. He jumps down from the roof and lands safely. Ningen eyes him weirdly as do the three warriors that were left to fight.
"I can not take this anymore. Master Ningen, I do not find that what we are doing is right. I know I was sent here to follow orders. But ever since I got to know them I began to wonder. What purpose does it serve hunting them down? Truly, I know they are in the right. So I, Strider knight of the Three Lord Masters, decline my loyalty to the Three Lord Masters. From here on I will fight for the Empress Kitayama," Strider ends this by kneeling on his knee to Kitayama. "I am sorry your highness for deceiving you. If you forgive me I wish to be a knight under your order. I promise to you that I shall not dissolve my alliance with you or the country. I give you my word as a knight as my promise."
"I am surprised, Strider. After saving you from certain death this is how you repay us by betraying us? Well now that you are a mere obstacle in my wake you must be destroyed as well," Ningen replies.
"I never knew you were a spy for them," Kitayama adds. "I shall determine if your word is faithful, Strider."
"To prove my word allow me to fight along side you, Kyrama," Strider says stepping up beside Kyrama and pulling his sword out. "It is better to fight him as a whole than as a single person."
"As you wish," Kyrama replies. "Light of purest somber I summon you! Light Spiral Attack!"
A large spiraling beam of a pale yellow light heads towards Ningen. He dodges it and allows the attack to hit a building. Strider runs up to him as he is unguarded. Strider's sword hits Ningen's arm protectors. A small dent appears on the armor and Ningen throws Strider away from him. Strider regains his composure as Kyrama charges Ningen with her pair of short swords. Due to her small size and less amount of armor she is faster than Ningen and manages to lay a few blows on him before she to is pushed back. None of her attack seem to do any damage to Ningen, though. As he prepares to attack both of them with a spell he is hit twice from behind. He groans at the surprise and turns around to see Krystalia and Kitayama standing behind him with their weapons drawn.
"Not to bad of a strategy. But still with those kinds of moves the battle is hopeless for you," Ningen comments.
"Shut up, Ningen. Just like the fairy tales good always triumphs over evil. Only difference is that this is not a fairy tale, but real life," Strider replies.
"Good indication," Ningen replies.
Ningen charges up again, but this time his attack seems to smaller than the one before. He fires the golden colored beam in Strider's direction. Strider is hit and disappears from the battlefield. Ningen turns and smiles at the three girls that remain as resistance at his feet. Kitayama charges forth with her daggers in her hands. She slashes at him in her fastest combo attack she can do. Ningen counters by swinging the guard of his sword into her stomach causing her to double over in pain as she disappears. Kyrama takes her chance and attempt to stab Ningen in the back with her feral. Her feral does not pierce his armor and she disappears as Ningen pokes her with his sword. He smiles at Krystalia. He walks slowly towards her as she seems to be summoning a spell.
"My dear, do you think that can save you now? Besides I have better plans for you," Ningen says smiling.
"I do not why you are doing this, but just back away. Or I will be forced to hurt you," Krystalia responds.
"I do not think you will have to lay a finger on me, my dear. Nor will I have to lay a finger on you," Ningen comments.
Jegoro jumps down from the castle rooftop silently. He lands and sneaks up behind Krystalia and grabs her before she can react. He presses his hand to her mouth. She struggles to free herself, but Jegoro is too strong for her. Ningen walks in between both of them and looks at the orb resting upon his breastplate. He eyes it over and nods to Jegoro before the three of them vanish into the desert winds.


Ja'aku and Shizen looked at their Tenshinion friends that were starting to recover from the effects of the vanishing act they had just done. Not too far away was Ningen and the Venchiain warriors placed at his feet. The Three Masters laughed at their captures. They watched each one recover from the slight jarring their bodies had received to a transported to this battle ground in the grove of a dense forest. Most rose to fight once more. They realized that there were the other sides there as well. Amongst the confusion Konin spoke up to find the meaning of this.
"What is point of dragging us all here?" Konin asks.
"Why that is simple really. This saves us the trouble of hunting you down one by one. Now we can finish you all off here and now and be done with it, " Ja'aku answers.
"Who are you people some kind of politician haters or something?" Mustadio questions.
"No. They are a bearers of special powers. From my accounts they are the ultimate warriors. They are called the Three Lord Masters. They are the current leaders of an underground faction bent on taking over the world. I would watch out for what they say because you do not know whose word is the truth," Strider explains.
"Very good, Strider. But you have forgotten one thing about us and shall pay for that mistake," Shizen replies.
"Unlike all of you, our powers are very special and powerful, indeed," Ningen adds.
"But like the Ancient Gundarians we will give you a riddle to figure how our powers are," Shizen replies.
"Powers of forgotten time. Passed down by the thirteen children of the pair. The bloodline of heroes foretold. We protect what we shall and forever are the people indebted to us," Ja'aku says the riddle. "If you can not figure that out. Then, I guess it is all too bad for you."
"Uh Yang?" Kiyomitsu says looking to him.
"No clue..." Yang replies.
"If it is a fight you want then it is a fight you get," Kyrama says harshly.
"I say we fight them in groups. That way we stand a chance," Yang says.
"Agreed," Everyone answers in unison.
Ohashi, Ryutaro, Kyrama, and Gremoro go after Shizen. Kitayama, Strider, Shinji, and Konin charge after Ningen. Yang, Kiyomitsu, Mustadio, and Kauwn are left to take care of Ja'aku. Each group charges towards their opponent hoping to land damaging blows to them. The Three Lord Masters attack all of them with a power beam attack. The warriors fall back in pain, but get up and charge again. Before they can lay a finger on them Leona, Xaingfei, and Kentaro jump out of the trees to surprise them.
"Kisama..." Ohashi says under his breath. (Damn you)
"Such language you would think a prince would not have that word in his vocabulary," Xaingfei says teasing Ohashi. "It was a blast at the temple and all, but now you fight my friends and me."
"Leona, you traitor! After all these years in my council yet you still betray me?" Kitayama yells.
"I am sorry for the trickery, but I am loyal only to whom I truly serve," Leona replies.
"But enough small talk... We are here to finish what was started," Kentaro says drawing out a large sword.
Leona takes on Kitayama. Kentaro charges and battles with Ohashi. Xaingfei runs up and starts punching fists at Ryutaro. The other are left to battle Ja'aku, Ningen, and Shizen. The battle did not seem to be in their favor this time.

-----Battle with Leona-----

Kitayama charges at Leona with daggers drawn and ready to slice her down. Leona cracks her whip and Kitayama dodges it with ease. They stare at each other planning their next move before they charge the other again. This time Leona comes out of the skirmish with her forearm cut. Kitayama does not give her time to recover as she charges once again. This time Kitayama is not so lucky as Leona gives her whip lash on her right arm. Kitayama gets angry at her damaged good arm. Somehow the years of knowing and working with her come to her. A lady's voice says to her that she must not fight this battle. Kitayama looks confused at Leona as the battle continues as does the voice.
"What is wrong? Are you too scared to fight?" Leona asks.
"When did I ever say that? Quit accusing me of saying things I didn't!" Kitayama quips.
"Well you are just standing there like you are afraid of me or something," Leona responds. "No matter I will still continue to fight you until the outcome of this battle is clear."
"For some strange reason I believe we do not have to do this. I mean Strider has already turned against you so why can't you see what he sees?" Kitayama questions.
"Because unlike him I know better than to quit for the sheer reason of just being scared to lose everything. I owe my life to the Three Lord Masters and I will fight until that debt is repaid," Leona answers.
"So you really think that fighting us is really going to repay that debt? If we die all it will bring is the destruction of the countries and ultimately the world. What you are doing is acting like a human. You are trying to take over everything in your wake. And here I though all Gundarians were more civilized than Humans. This may sound low, but even the Tenshinions know better than to go around and conquer everything you see," Kitayama explains.
"That is not our objective so you can just stay out of it," Leona retorts.
"Well you seemed a lot happier when you worked for me," Kitayama replies.
This comment struck Leona harder than the others. Her memories of working at Venchi suddenly came flooding back to her. She realized that she was a lot happier back then when she worked under the Empress's name. Ideas also came flooding into her mind as questions popped up out of nowhere to challenge her authority and past decisions. Maybe Strider and Kitayama were right in what they said and all of this was for nothing. She looks at Kitayama with emotions building up inside her. Suddenly she could not decide who she really wanted to work for. Mysteriously as these questions arose she collapsed in a heap on the soft green grass below. Kitayama sighed and looked to the others and ran up to join them.

----Battle With Kentaro----

Ohashi and Kentaro were meters away from each other sizing up the other for an attack. Kentaro finally notices a flaw in Ohashi's stance. He is favoring his left side by a fraction. This gives Kentaro the opening he needs. He charges forth with a blow aimed for Ohashi's lower left side. Surprisingly, Kentaro's sword is met with Ohashi's nodachi. Kentaro sidesteps and looks his opponent over for a second. Kentaro did feel completely right with this battle. His opponent had been giving him an emotionless stare that chilled his bones. Kentaro had no time to think as Ohashi slashed at his right side. Kentaro barely dodged the attack and had little time to prepare for the next. Kentaro back flipped hoping the dodge the next slice. His timing was off so he ended up with a large gash in his left arm. Kentaro decided that this would not be a fight easily won. Kentaro stopped for a moment and looked at Ohashi.
"Tell me why do you fight?" Kentaro asks.
"It is my duty and if I do not others will have to. I do not wish for others to see the bloodshed that I have," Ohashi answers.
"Interesting, you fight so that others who are weaker than you do not have to. But eventually everyone will have to fight for what ever reason. If I recall from Biology Tenshinions are more prone to fight that Venchiains by nature that is," Kentaro adds.
"But some of us have learned to suppress this rage and turn into something that will allow the world to prosper. But as long as I can fight I will. Even if others have to. At least what I do they will not have to," Ohashi says resuming a fighting stance. "That is something you Hybrids will never understand. That is why Venchiains and Tenshinions alike agree that you are outcasts because of your nature. This does not account for all of your people, though."
"Never did like samurai anyway. They are all talk and no fight. All you can do is talk," Kentaro comments.
"That is your opinion and I shall not question it because you have your reasons and I, mine. But I will show the best of my abilities and nothing further," Ohashi says calmly.

Kentaro laughs and Ohashi charges with his nodachi held off to the side. Kentaro barely has time to react and is slashed in his side, deeply. His eyes grow big in surprise as he falls down on his face. Ohashi stands behind him with his nodachi dripping with Kentaro's blood. Ohashi turns and looks at the fallen warriors. His blood pools around him like a lake. Kentaro beckons Ohashi to listen to him on his dying wings.
"Please... tell Leona... I am sorry... My carelessness has become my fall... I am sorry..." Kentaro says taking his last breath.
"That I will," Ohashi replies to the spiritless body.
Ohashi places his nodachi to the side and claps three times summoning the spirits surrounding him. Ohashi clasps his hands to one another and kneels at Kentaro's fallen form. As a Tenshinion he had to respect Kentaro's dying will to fight and see that his spirit would be at rest instead of wandering the endless seas.
"May the Guardian of Tenshinii guide your spirit. May you find happiness in the Spirit World and bring no more harm to the living," Ohashi prays. "Vyus shinii et lachis."
(Vyus shinii et lachis is an Ancient Gundarian spoken prayer translates into "rest spirit of the vassal" It means that the spirit that leaves the body when someone dies shall rest. Rest meaning that they find a safe journey to the realm of the dead spirits.)

----Battle with Xaingfei----

Ryutaro and Xaingfei stood apart from each other, glaring. Ryutaro was the first one to throw a punch at the other and start the fight off. Xaingfei followed him up with a kick to his side. Ryutaro took it as if it were nothing. They backed away from each other and stared. Xaingfei could not help but to smile. She saw him spit up blood into his hand. For him that was not a good sign.
"You kick pretty hard..." Ryutaro comments. "I am very impressed on what you have been able to do to me."
"You are not so bad yourself. I have never met a guy up until now that can be a decent opponent," Xaingfei says smiling.
"I thank you for the compliment, but you have seen nothing yet," Ryutaro replies.

"Stop flattering yourself," Xaingfei says grinning.

Ryutaro charges forth with his fist raised high in the air. Xaingfei blocks the punch very easily. They stare each other down and rush forward for the next attack. Xaingfei tries to kick him, but he blocks it with his arm. They step back and stare at each other once more. They both grin.

"This battle gets us nowhere," Ryutaro says calmly.

"Really I do not want to do this," Xaingfei answers. "So I wish to join you and your emperor."

"Then, follow me to pledge loyalty to Ohashi," Ryutaro says holding out his hand.

---To Be Continued…