Fan Fiction ❯ Guyler-chan's words of wisdom ❯ One-Shot
Sayings you wouldn't hear to often for the hell of it
The Good Lord will always provide, even if you have to go to court to get a settlement (Thanks Janks for the saying)
A little polka never hurt anyone, but the Klopfen dance can break your leg if your neighbor hates you
A fat cat and a thin wallet are sure signs that your pets are embezzling
Always speak the truth, but leave yourself a way out
Never judge a man by one thing. If he doesn't do everything perfectly, he's a bad man
Only an old fool or a new parent thinks children will always obey
Beer may be better than blood, but you need fewer transfusions
When you are with bakers, talk bread. When you are with butchers, talk sausage. When you are caught in the middle, talk sandwiches.
Children are a blessing you many not have asked for, but if you complain, God will give you something worse. (Thanks again Janks)
A preacher proclaims what he does not know. A politician promises what he cannot do. A bully threatens what he does not dare. But the phone company will cut off your service if you don't pay.