Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Homocidal ❯ death of another enemy ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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Author: MKL </profile.php?userid=517866>
R - English - Horror/Humor - Reviews: 4 </reviews.php?storyid=1679703> -
Published: 01-09-04 - Updated: 03-14-04 id:1679703
The teachers were a bit suspicious after Harry was late to class
the day of Hagrid's death.
While contemplating this he noticed how much Dean annoyed him,
with his soccer posters and crazy-eyed look. When they were finally
alone one day, Harry whipped out his knife and stabbed Dean ten times in
the face, then stomped on his head, laughing hysterically as the blood
sprayed over everything. He threw the body out the door and killed the
person (Seamus) it hit. He took both corpses and sat them in common room
chairs, putting books on their laps and hats on their heads. He sat on
the steps and quietly giggled as a person walked in and screamed at the
sight of the two lover's (yes, they're now lovers) corpses. What fun
this is! I must see more! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
As his new urge of bloodshed continues, he longed to do this. To
kill an adult. Not just any adult. Snape. He had a plan for this.
As he could've done, He would've say something "disturbing" for
Malfoy and get his teacher to assign detention in a snap. If Malfoy
wasn't dead, he could be happy that the moment has come. Ron would've
been so proud, but he's also dead.
Alright, Harry thought, I can get detention from Snape. It's so easy!!
Snape didn't seem to miss the many deceased students at all. Harry
wasn't suprised.When he was called on to recite the three properties of
dragon scales, he replied "Fuck you, bitch!" and giggled. Snape eagerly
gave him detention. Harry applauded himself for his wonderful use of
profanity, and promptly blew up his potion, which got him another
detention. He giggled louder, which caused another one. Now he was
cackling. Snape gave up, and left it at three. He just couldn't stand
seeing the Potter boy for any longer. In addition he had a date with
Minerva McGonagall tonight. He didn't want to look bad.
Harry sat through his first detention giggling like a madman.
Snape eyed him curiously, wondering if the boy's mind had snapped.
Harry followed Snape out the door and stalked him to Professor
McGonagall's office, and then as Snape turned his back, he leaped at
McGonagall and stabbed her between the eyes, then in the neck. Snape
whipped around and Harry pushed him into the burning fireplace, Snape
yelped, screaming as his body was eaten by the flames. Harry stabbed him
to ensure that he was dead. He dragged the corpses out the door and hid
them in Professor Dumbledore's office. He ran out and quietly followed
Dumbledore back in to see him gasp at the bodies. Harry ran out and
leaped for joy:
This is pure bliss! How I love my life! And the fact that I am
still alive.
After grinning evilly in the empty hall, he spotted a simple
girl. Some who's never been focused on. Now it was his own and no one
else's target. So simple, but yet gotta kill. Harry's target was indeed,
Ginny Weasley.
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Books </subcats.php?categoryid=202> » Harry Potter
</list.php?categoryid=224> » *Harry Homocidal* text size: (+)
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Author: MKL </profile.php?userid=517866>
R - English - Horror/Humor - Reviews: 4 </reviews.php?storyid=1679703> -
Published: 01-09-04 - Updated: 03-14-04 id:1679703
The teachers were a bit suspicious after Harry was late to class
the day of Hagrid's death.
While contemplating this he noticed how much Dean annoyed him,
with his soccer posters and crazy-eyed look. When they were finally
alone one day, Harry whipped out his knife and stabbed Dean ten times in
the face, then stomped on his head, laughing hysterically as the blood
sprayed over everything. He threw the body out the door and killed the
person (Seamus) it hit. He took both corpses and sat them in common room
chairs, putting books on their laps and hats on their heads. He sat on
the steps and quietly giggled as a person walked in and screamed at the
sight of the two lover's (yes, they're now lovers) corpses. What fun
this is! I must see more! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
As his new urge of bloodshed continues, he longed to do this. To
kill an adult. Not just any adult. Snape. He had a plan for this.
As he could've done, He would've say something "disturbing" for
Malfoy and get his teacher to assign detention in a snap. If Malfoy
wasn't dead, he could be happy that the moment has come. Ron would've
been so proud, but he's also dead.
Alright, Harry thought, I can get detention from Snape. It's so easy!!
Snape didn't seem to miss the many deceased students at all. Harry
wasn't suprised.When he was called on to recite the three properties of
dragon scales, he replied "Fuck you, bitch!" and giggled. Snape eagerly
gave him detention. Harry applauded himself for his wonderful use of
profanity, and promptly blew up his potion, which got him another
detention. He giggled louder, which caused another one. Now he was
cackling. Snape gave up, and left it at three. He just couldn't stand
seeing the Potter boy for any longer. In addition he had a date with
Minerva McGonagall tonight. He didn't want to look bad.
Harry sat through his first detention giggling like a madman.
Snape eyed him curiously, wondering if the boy's mind had snapped.
Harry followed Snape out the door and stalked him to Professor
McGonagall's office, and then as Snape turned his back, he leaped at
McGonagall and stabbed her between the eyes, then in the neck. Snape
whipped around and Harry pushed him into the burning fireplace, Snape
yelped, screaming as his body was eaten by the flames. Harry stabbed him
to ensure that he was dead. He dragged the corpses out the door and hid
them in Professor Dumbledore's office. He ran out and quietly followed
Dumbledore back in to see him gasp at the bodies. Harry ran out and
leaped for joy:
This is pure bliss! How I love my life! And the fact that I am
still alive.
After grinning evilly in the empty hall, he spotted a simple
girl. Some who's never been focused on. Now it was his own and no one
else's target. So simple, but yet gotta kill. Harry's target was indeed,
Ginny Weasley.