Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter meets Acuvue 2! ❯ Chapter one: The Pop up ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Harry Potter gets Acuvue 2!


Harry Potter was a strange boy, yes indeed. A very strange enchanted boy. But before we break out into a David Bowie (A/n: Whom does not belong to me) song let me tell the story (the song will be after). Harry Potter sat at the computer waiting for the connection to load. His uncle had just got it and used it rarely, but he wasnt there now was he? A little pop up came on the screen with a girl around his age with short dark hair.

[When I told Katrina, my best pal, how comfortable these Acuvue 2 contacts were, she said she couldnt wait to try them, so we went to the eye doctor, got her a prescription and now she looks better then ever!] Harry shrugged and clicked the box. But that little feeling that he should check out the Acuvue 2 website kept nagging at him. Before long he found himself at the website. But he didnt have a credit card (so so sad). So he decided to try something.

"Acuvue2magic" he said outloud as he typed it into the Google box. A link popped up and he clicked it, then the screen flickered out. "Great, now I broke Uncle Vernon's computer" he said hitting the screen.

"No you didnt" a voice said from behind him, now he was scared because the house was empty except for him. He turned around to see a young golden haired girl around his age.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Oh, didnt you order me? Acuvue 2 contact lenses?" she asked.

"Well I went to the site..."

"Exactly, I'm one of the representatives for the magical site." The girl said. "I'm Delina Blackerd, the regular representitive for your country, Irma, is out sick" she said. All Harry could do was nod. Delina didnt look like an ordinary british witch (then again, she was american), she had streaked blond hair pulled into two twisty ponytails that reached just below her shoulders and green eyes, she also had blue colored braces in her mouth and many many freckles, he supposed she also used the contacts. She wasnt dressed ordinary either, she didnt have a cloak on but simply a red and black dress the went to just above her knees and had many torn pieces of fabric strategically placed on the dress and big black boots.

"Well, how do I get the contacts?" he asked. "And how much are they?"

"Well, since were in England, about 140 of those little gold pieces you use and you just fill this form" she said handing him a clip board. "I'm aware that you do not have access to your money at the bank at this time and you can arrange a representitive to take you to the bank to get your money if you want, or you can pay credit which I doubt you have" she said. "When you are done with the sheet just click on the link and somebody will come to do the check up and pick up the clip board" she said. "Bye!" Delina disappeared.


A/n: Okay, this is probably going to be a very short fic. I got the idea while I was in school and started writing it on my homework! Well, I gotta go! Please review.