Fan Fiction ❯ Have a scary christmas ❯ Its christmas at the tower! ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


It's Christmas at the tower!

Beast Boys room

Beast Boy ran out of bed and threw some close on.

BB: wake up wake up! Karie wake up babe!

Me: what time is it?

BB: about seven.

Me: what! I defiantly don't get up at seven for any thing. Go back to sleep Beast Boy, every one else is.

BB: pig pile on Karie!

The next thing I new all the Titian's were on top of me.

Titians: get up get up!

Me: I'm up I'm up. God what the heck we didn't go to bed till about eleven last night. How can all of you be up?

BB: easy, it's Christmas.

As he said that he picked me up (bridal stile) and brought me out two the couch, which was right by the tree. He sat down next two me and held me to him and kissed me.

BB: I love you.

Me: I love you to.

I gave him a kiss then set my head on his shoulder.

Star: oh how wonder full. How could any thing be more enjoyable.

Raven: lets just get this over with.

Star: where is Robin?

Robin (kissing her on the cheek): right here. Sorry I had to go get some things.

Cy (hugging Terra): Terra. Merry Christmas babe.

We opened all the presents and went through our stockings. I grabbed my stuff and started for the bedroom when Beast Boy can and grabbed me and picked me up.

BB: where do you think your going.

He turned me around and kissed me passionately. He then picked me up again and sat me on the couch. Robin sat Star beside me and Cy sat Terra to the other side of me.

Star, Terra, Me: what's going on?

Robin (to Cy and BB): well go in abc order.

BB: no dude we have to do it all at once.

Robin: fine on the count of three. One, two, three.

Cy, BB, Robin: Merry Christmas.

They handed us little boxes. We opened them. Mine was a silver necklace a black rose on it. Terra's was a gold necklace with a yellow stone on it. Star's was a mix of silver and gold with a green emerald on it.

Star, Terra, Me: it's so pretty!

We all jumped up and gave them a hug.

BB: told you guys they would love them.

Cy: never doubted you man.

They turned us around and put on our necklaces.

Me: Beast Boy it's so beautiful, thank you so much. I love you.

I lend forward and kissed him.

Cy: well we better get gong.

Terra: going? Where?

Cy: it's a surprise.

BB: yeah us to.

Me: huh?

Robin: we better head.

Star: where dear Robin?

BB: haven't you ever herd of a surprise guys.

Me: ok we'll go get ready.

I grabbed Stars hand and we all ran in Terra's room.

Terra: oh my god you guy's this is it.

Me: huh?

Star: what is it?

Terra: this is the day like in the classic Christmas movies. When the guys take their girlfriends special Christmas dates.

Me: your right. This is so cool! We should wear really cute out fits. I'll wear this one. Star you should wear this one and Terra you should wear this one.

Star: ok

Terra: ok

We got changed and went out to the living room.

BB: were you guy's been?

Cy: yeah we've been waiting for half an hour.

Me: a girls got to get ready.

Star: where's Robin?

BB: he's out getting his bike ready for you.

Cy: were taking the t-car.

BB: I lost so we'll walk if it's ok with you.

Me: how about we take my car.

BB: you have a car?

Me: yeah. Shall we?

BB: yeah.


Cy: where's your car?

Me: I keep it hidden.

I walked over to a switch which open a spot out side and showed my Ferrari.

Cy: boo yah. You guy's can take the t-car.

Me: you take the t-car. I take my car, I just got a new engine.

Cy: aww man.

BB: sweet!

We got in the car and started off.


That's the end of the first chapter hope you liked it!!! The next chapter will be up soon. PLEASE R&R!!!!!!1