Fan Fiction ❯ Her Future ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

7th Heaven Fic

By Dark Katsumi

Her Future

A/N- Heylo everyone…I can explain -puts hands up in the air- I don't really feel like updating Love Powers All: Life or Death right now, so I decided to make a fanfic that I thought of when I was taking a shower XD and I won't ditch the fic because this is only a one-shot and I like it. If it's a one-shot I'm making while I make another fanfic…when I'm making 2 fanfics or more with millions of chapters that's when you have to worry about ditching them.

Disclaimer- I own the fanfic, but I'm mostly using episodes in this, so I don't really own the plot, except for the very beginning and very end.

Summary- 13 year old, Lucy Camden was in the hospital. When she falls into a long sleep does she see her future? Or was it just a silly dream.

Her Future- One-Shot

She didn't remember much about the accident. All she remembered was that she was walking towards her house, with her bike, from where she came from. Someone was coming. They were holding something, but she couldn't see it, since it was so small. The dark outline of the person coming came closer to her as it ran faster. She was about to move aside, when she felt a sharp pain. She fell to the ground and as she as about to stand up the figure stepped on her hand that was sitting on the ground to support her as she got up. She cried out in pain as tears streamed down her face. The figure stole her back and rode off as Annie walked outside to see what was going on. That was all she remembered. She didn't remember anything after that.

Her family walked into the room and looked at their daughter and sister. She had a cast on her left hand and a bandage wrapped around her right arm, "Lucy, are you ok?"

Annie walked over to her daughter as she nodded and then slowly closed her eyes. Annie's eyes filled with panic, "Eric, go get a doctor!"

"Why what's wrong?" Everyone in the room exchanged glances and they all looked at Lucy who now had her eyes closed.

"Maybe she's sleeping." Simon suggested.

Annie looked at Simon, then Lucy, and back at her husband, "Eric!"

Eric walked over to his daughter, "She's only sleeping."

A nurse walked in to check on Lucy and then looked at the Camden's, "Visiting hours are over."

Annie hesitated, but left shortly after the kids had all left.

- - - - -

Lucy turned her head as she slept and let out a soft moan before starting a new dream.

It was the year 2003. Lucy Camden was now 20 years old. She had just gotten of the plane to Buffalo, New York and in to her it was one of the worse flights she had ever had in her life. She hadn't gotten the peanuts she had wanted during the ride and now her bag was lost. She didn't think the day could get any worse.

"I'm going to go find my bag." Lucy wa about to leave and turned back to her sister, "Can you watch my bag?"

"Sure." With that Lucy walked away.

Shortly after Lucy left Mary remembered that she had to call her parents and tell them that they arrived safely. She picked up her bags, forgetting Lucy's, and went to find the closest pay phone. A few moments later Mary came back just as Lucy was coming back from where she had just been.

"Where's my bag?"

"What bag?"

"The bag I asked you to watch?!"

"Oh…that bag." Mary paused, "I was only gone for a minute."

Lucy started to look around for a police officer when she noticed a security guard. She walked over to the guard.

"Excuse me sir, but have you seen a small black bag?"


"Can I have it?"


"Why can't I have my bag?"

"It could be a threat to the airport and it will be destroyed."

"Yeah, I really think makeup is a threat to this airport!"

"Luce, shut up." Mary tried to warn Lucy, but it didn't seem to stop her.

"I hate this flight! First I don't get my peanuts. Then I lost my bag, and now I can't have my bag back?!"

"It could be a threat."

"Yeah, I'm a terrorist and my bag is a threat…"

"That's it Miss."

"Luce!" Mary hissed at her sister angrily.

The security guard started to talk in his walkie-talkie, "There's a lady here that seems to be threatening."

"I wasn't serious!"

"Lucy, at an airport they take everything seriously."

- - - - -

Lucy was now in a small room waiting for her bag, which was probably getting destroyed at the moment. Mary sat next to her, and the 2 sisters sat in silence.

A police officer came up to the 2 holding Lucy's bag, "I got your bad before they destroyed it." Lucy looked back. She could barely stand up to get her bag.


"My name's Kevin Kinkirk."

"Lucy Camden." There was a moment of silence as all the 2 did was look at each other.

"Do you want to go to dinner tonight? I'll bring my brother." Mary quickly stood up.

"No, it's ok. We should be on our way now." Lucy shot a glare at her sister.

"Excuse me for a second." She grabbed Mary's arm and walked to the other side of the room.

"Mary!" Lucy said in a low whisper, "Look at him, he's gorgeous…please?"

"Fine, we can go."

Lucy ran back towards Kevin, "Where do you want to meet?"

The two talked about where they were going to meet and 10 minutes later Mary and Lucy left for the apartment they rented for their stay.

- - - - -

Lucy walked into the apartment with Lucy close behind her, "We're going to stay here for 3 days?"

"Luce, you can use the shower first." Lucy ran into the bathroom as Mary had a conversation with someone who had been in the apartment when the 2 walked in.

Lucy undressed herself and stepped into the warm shower. She washed her hair and let herself soak in the water before applying the soap. When she was done she turned the water off and put a new outfit on. She tried her hair and brushed it before getting out.

After she was out of the bathroom Mary went into the bathroom and had done the same thing. Before they both knew it, it was time to go to the restaurant. Once they got there they waited. For a minute Lucy thought Kevin and his brother would be late, when she noticed him.

Her and Lucy walked over to them, but as the got closer Mary and Kevin's brother's faced were covered with shock. The four walked over to the table. Kevin and Lucy sat next to each other and Kevin's brother and Mary sat together. Everyone was silent for a second.

"Mary, this is my brother…"

"We know." Both Mary and Ben said in unison.

Ben stood up and grabbed Mary's arm so she would get up. She got the message and followed Ben. Kevin and Lucy stayed in their spots and talked to each other about themselves until the two others came back.

They walked back and sat down and then Mary and Ben started talking about how they didn't like each other. When Mary mentioned Ben's "girlfriend" Kevin interrupted.

"What girlfriend?" Ben glared at his brother and Mary looked at the two.

Mary grabbed her coat as she got up from her chair, "Thanks for the dinner, Kevin and have a good time, Lucy."

"You're welcome." She left and then Kevin looked at Ben, "You still love her…go after her and get her back!" Ben only looked at his brother objecting to what he had just said until Kevin had won and ran out of the restaurant after Mary.

- - - - -

It was almost midnight. Lucy and Kevin were now in front of Mary's apartment and were making-out. Mary opened the door so Ben could leave for the night.

Mary only stood there for a second before clearing her throat, "Ahem,"

Lucy and Kevin looked up, "Well bye." Lucy started to say she kissed him again before Mary pulled her away.

- - - - -

"If you don't get ready we'll be late for our flight." It was two days later and Lucy was standing at the door.

"Luce, sit down." Lucy sat down and waited for Mary to explain.

"I'm not going home right now. I'm becoming a flight attendant."

"What about college?"

"My boss set it up so I could still do my work from college from online."

"Oh." Lucy stood up, "Bye Mary and thank you." She hugged her sister goodbye.

"For what,"

"Bringing me here,"

"No problem."

Lucy left the apartment and went to the airport.

- - - - -

A Year Later- Lucy Kinkirk, 21

It was about a year and 6 months after Lucy had meant Kevin. Over the year, Kevin had moved to Glen Oak and had asked Lucy to marry him on Valentine's Day. Lucy said yes and in April the two had gotten married. Lucy was in college to become a minister and Kevin was still a police officer, but now he worked at the Glen Oak Police Department. The two lived in the garage apartment that, Lucy's mother had made a while back. The both knew that they would live a great life together and they loved each other more than anything else.

- - - - -

Lucy woke up shortly after he dream ended. It was the next morning. She was still in the hospital, but she would be able to leave soon.

7 Years Later

After 7 years her dream had come true. She had really met Kevin and they had really gotten married. When she had told her family they all thought it was just a dream, but when that year had come they all knew that it had come true.

A/N- How did you like the fic? I know it was pretty much the exact same as what happened, but I didn't just type up the episode and say that it was a fanfic…I put an idea I thought up into it and that's the important thing…I think XD…I hope you all liked it. Please R&R and tell me what you thought!