Fan Fiction ❯ hidden within ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
chapter 1
His vision was blurry as he ran through the dark forest, two young women by his side. The wind they created as they ran too fast for normal humans to see swept back their long hair. He glanced over to the young women as he ran, but couldn't see them clearly. All he could see was one's midnight hair that was in a high ponytail, a pair of black fox like ears atop her head, the whiskers on her cheeks, and her golden eyes that glowed in the darkness. And he could see the other's long blonde hair and deep green eyes and the electric yellow markings on her cheeks.
Suddenly the sound of a gunshot rang through the forest, and he fell to his knees clutching his side. The women stopped and one appeared to scream something, but he couldn't hear it. He told them to leave him, but he couldn't even hear himself. The women seemed to understand though, and began to cry and shake their heads.
He growled, but the black haired one just ignored him and grabbed his free arm and lifted him up. He saw her mouth move and could tell she need him to sart moving. They began to walk, and he could tell they were getting worried about how much he was slowing them down. They heard more gunshots, and the blonde fell to her knees, blood seeping from her wounds in her back. People carrying guns, swords, and knives burst into the meadow they had walked into and making them back up to the edge of the pond that was in the center.
Two men stepped to the front, both carrying bibles. They began to shout something, and the three of them felt like their insides were being cut with hot knives. Finally his hearing came back to him just in time for him to hear the two women screaming in pain. He was able to hear what the two men were shouting. They were exorcising them! If he wasn't hurt at the time already, and if his soul hadn't already been slipping away already, he would have done something. He heard one of the screams come to a sudden stop and turned just in time to see the blonde fall face forward, and to see her soul being forced out of her body. As it rose, something strange happened. It split. One part continued to drift off towards the heavens, and the other dissapeared. He then felt a sudden pain go through him,it was as though someone was ripping out his heart. He cried out in pain, then fell to the ground, feeling as though something was missing. It was:half his soul had been forced out of his body. He knew he wouldn't last long.
"What did we ever do to you?!" He heard the remaining woman scream.
"You're thieves and murderers."a woman said as she walked into the clearing. The two men holding the bible began shouting louder. The blackhaired woman let out a cry of pain that echoed through the forest.
"We didn't kill anyone! We're not murderers!"she screamed. The woman began to chant something and the entire clearing became cold, the plantlife all freezing and the pond behind them began to glow blue. He began to feel his life energy fade faster from the sudden change. The last thing he saw was half of the soul of the black haired girl forced from her body before the woman waved her hand and she was knocked off her feet.Before she fell into the water and the pond froze over she shouted one more thing.
Mike's eyes snapped open and he sat up, gasping for breath.His long black bangs stuck to his forehead with cold sweat, and his ruby eyes were wide. That dream had been too real. After a minute he calmed down and ran a hand through his short black hair. That was the fifth night in a row he'd had that dream.
"Maybe I should ask Karin or Kaoru what it means."he said to himself as he swung his legs over the side of his bed. He stood up and walked over to his dresser and pulled out his clothes, then headed towards the bathroom. Five minutes later he came out drying his hair with a towel and wearing a pair of black slacks and a white button up shirt. he headed straight for the kitchen and ate a quick breakfast which consisted of no more than a nutrigrain bar and a glass of orange juice. Most demon boys his age seemed to have a minature black hole for a stomach, but since he was half ice maiden, he naturally had a small appetite. He grabbed his keys off the counter and stuffed them in his pocket before grabbing his black blazer and heading out the door.
As he walked to school he thought about the dream. It had been too real for his liking. He had learned a long time ago from his best friend Kaoru that if you had the same dream over and over again it meant something and you shouldn't ignore it. No matter how stupid it seemed. This had saved him from failing a pop quiz in geography. Even though Karin said that he wouldn't have had any trouble even if he didn't know before hand if he had just paid attention in class.
Feh, what does that stupid human girl know anyway? he thought.
"Certainly a lot more than you..."
Mike jumped when he heard the all too familiar voice of his friend.He whirled around to see a girl with long curly brown hair and emerald eyes glaring at him.
"Mike, how many times do I have to remind you that I can hear you?"Karin said as she glared at him.
"By the way, Kyle's on his way."she added. At that moment, a boy wearing a uniform identical to Mike's ran around the corner and headed straight to them, his short green hair blowing back and his blue eyes full of confidence and a cocky grin on his face.
"This is the day I defeat you Konijima!"Kyle shouted. Karin and Mike let out identical exasperated sighs. Karin stepped out of the boy's path, and Mike stood still, rubbing his forehead.
"Idiot..." When Kyle was only two feet away, his swung his fist at the other boy's face. Mike sidestepped him, irratation clear on his face. He then slammed his fist into the human boy's stomach, sending him crashing into the wall besisde them and knocking the wind out of him.
"You picked the wrong day to mess with me Wheeler."Mike said. Two people came running around the corner. They bent down next to Kyle, shaking their heads as they looked him over.
"Maybe you should give up. That's 32 loses this week!And it's only Tuesday!"Jose said.He had messy silver hair that was black at the base of his neck, and one of his golden eyed was hidden by his long bangs, the other visible thanks to the red headband he wore.His black dog ears were twitching with amusement.
"Yeah, and I don't think he was being serious either."Mako said, his shoulder length green hair falling over his blue eyes and his pointed ears twitching.Kyle sat up, wheezing.
"I will defeat him!Maybe not today or tommorrow, but someday!" he shouted,jumping up. He turned and pointed in Mike and Karin's direction.
"You hear that Konijima?!One day I'm gonna kick your--Hey!Where'd they go?!?!"he shouted when he finally noticed the two had disappeared.
"They left before we even got here..."Jose said, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. Kyle scoffed.
"The cowards. They were just afraid that I was gonna kick their--Hey! Where are you going?!" he shouted as he watched his two best friends begin to walk away.
"School, of course."Mako shouted over his shoulder.
"Yeah, my mom said I gotta actually go today."Jose shouted. Kyle muttered something about stupid demons, then started walking behind them.