Fan Fiction ❯ Horny Juice ❯ Chapter I ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey, this takes place mid year in Fred and Angelina's last year of Hogwarts. I've finished reading all the Harry Potter books and I was bored. This story line would not leave me alone so I had to write it down.

It's not finished yet, but tell me what you think so far. I'll try and get the rest up, asap.

Oh, and I changed the couples to FxAN, GxAL, LxK, k. Those couples make sense

~* Horny Juice *~

"Look, are you sure this is gonna work? It's not gonna turn her into a donkey is it?" Fred asked.

"Sure," Said Lee Jordan, one of Fred's best friends besides his twin brother, Lee was stirring up some potion for Fred. "It's simple Potions, really."

"You're paying attention in Potions?" Fred asked surprised. They never normally follow lessons unless they could be used in Practical Trickery. Fred leant over the cauldron and looked at the potion that he'd asked Lee to make for him.

"Yeah, you know Katie likes Potions and is good at that sort of stuff. Well, I'm impressing her by trying to be smart!"

Fred tried not to burst out laughing. "Oh, right! Is it working?" Like he didn't know the answer.

"Well, not exactly…I don't think…" Lee looked down at his potion, all sad like.

Fred saw the clear potion bubble. He needed this stuff to make his girlfriend, Angelina, more horny when they are together. They'd been going out together since the Yule Ball in their 6th year. She'd even spent the summer holidays with him at the Burrow, though his mum and dad were a bit dubious when they wanted to share a room. Sex between them had always been great but he felt like he was the only one that initiated it. If she took this potion it could make her more horny and she can initiate the lovemaking and it would be even better! "Err, so Professor Snape, What's in this stuff and how does it work?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked!" Lee started all cheesy-like, pulled out his wand, enchanted a spell and a small blackboard appeared. "Viagra, is a muggle thing that men take if they have impotence, that means they can get it up," As he was explaining his wand was drawing with invisible chalk on the blackboard and picturing very clear and almost graphic diagrams. "It has a large amount of male hormone, testosterone. If more male hormones make men horny, why can't more female hormones make women horny? This is most effective taken directly into the blood stream, but pulling out a needle on Angelina may be a bit too obvious. The next best thing is to but it on food. SO…! In my genius, I thought chocolate cookies!!! Women love chocolate!" He pulled out some cookies handed them to Fred to hold. "Hold that a sec." He then got a ladle and poured on some of the clear potion on to just over half the cookies. "Pay attention. You'll need to eat the ones without the potion. If you hand them to her without eating a few she'll think they were tricked."

Fred looked at Lee amazed, "Blimey, you've really caught up over the summer! Thanks Lee, you're the best!" Fred went to leave the boys dorm but stopped at the door. "Maybe you should try this stuff on Katie."

"Yeah! Could do, couldn't I?"

Fred left to meet Angelina in the common room, where they'd earlier discussed to meet, near the end of her Quidditch practice, give or take half an hour or so. When he'd walked in he saw her crashed out on the settee facing the fireplace, in her crimson and gold Quidditch robes, covered in mud, she must of fallen off, and her dark hair escaping the tight ponytail and frizzy. She looked up after hearing his footsteps on the stone stairs leading to the dorms.

"Hey Fred, are you feeling any better? Has the headache gone?" She looked at him with concern in her eyes.

Earlier Fred had told Angelina and the rest of the Quidditch team that he'd had a headache so he could get out of Quidditch practice and work with Lee to make his potion.

"I'm feeling much better now, a bit dizzy sometimes but fine." He rubbed his forehead a bit to add effect.

"Awwww," She said. "Come and sit down next to me, my poor baby." She tapped the space on the settee next to hers with a muddy hand. He happily took the space and started eating the cookies without the potion.

"Do you want one?" Fred asked, handing her the plate with the cookies on.

"Dunno, what have you done to them?" Angelina said, she knew Fred through-and -through. Those had to be jinxed, just like the Canary Creams. Which looked like Custard Creams but turned you into a Canary for a while.

"I've not done anything to them," he picked another one up, "Look." He ate it…nothing happened. After seeing that Angelina readily took the cookies and ate the ones with the potion that were strategically placed on her side.

"Mmmmmm, these are lovely. Where'd'y'get them?" She stuffed two in her mouth.

"Lee took them from the kitchens for me." He replied casually. Soon they'd all gone and they got round to talking. "So why are you up here, before everyone else and all muddy?"

"A bludger got me, right in my shoulder." She pulled off the robes and showed him, she must of gone to Madame Pomfrey, because her wounds had healed as well as any broken bones, all that was left was the escaped bloods trail that had gone dark and dry making it's way down her back and to her slim waist. He leant over and kissed it.

"Oww, fuck! Sorry Fred, don't it's still sensitive."

"Well who's the poor baby now then?" He ran his fingers though the loose frizzy strands of hair that escaped the bobble and twisted it. And looked down at her. There she was just sitting there topless and it looked like she couldn't care less. "You are topless you know. Somebody could walk in any moment."

"So? Do you want to finish the job?" Indicating to her remaining clothes.

He grinned, "Sure, but where are we gonna do it?"

"My dorm is empty, Alicia and Katie are still out on the field."

"Great, let's go!"

She grabbed is hand and they ran up the stone stairs to the 7th year girl's dorm.

`Yes!!!!!' Fred thought, `My Horny Juice is working!!!!!'

They quickly put a locking and silencing charm on the room. Fred defiantly had to thank Lee in the morning. He was a genius!

~* End of Part 1 *~

A/N Hey, thanx for reading. If you liked/loved/hated/weren't to fussed (about) this fic, please review. Please! I have big, funny plans for this fic yet and if you want to know them, review! ~Luv Jayde -x-