Fan Fiction ❯ Horny Juice ❯ Chapter X ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*Horny Juice*~

~*Chapter 10*~

Madame Pomfrey looked at Angelina with sad eyes, put a hand on her shoulder and said sympathetically, "Angelina, please sit on the chair."

Angelina got off the table and rushed to the chair, practically hanging off the seat, clawing into the seating of the chair in anxiousness. "Surely it can't be something so terrible for me to sit down is it??" Though she secretly knew what was going on but wouldn't admit the secret to herself.

"I'm afraid it is, dear. --" Madame Pomfrey massaged the bridge of her nose, "I'm not quite sure how to tell you this, because I don't understand it myself. BUT the last spell was the most powerful spell and isn't wrong."

"But, I don't understand what it was trying to tell me. What did it say?" Angelina pleaded.

"Angelina," Madame Pomfrey sighed, "I'm sorry to have to say this dear but your *not* pregnant."

"WHAT??!!" Angelina shouted. She got up and paced all over again. `I can't believe it! I was scared something like this would happen but this is worse! How am I gonna tell Fred? He was finally coming round to the idea of us all being a family.' With that last thought Angelina leant against the wall of the office and slid down it, tears falling as fast as she did. Letting out all that anxiety, stress and taking on a new set of fears. "I've practically been leading Fred on!"

Madame Pomfrey rushed to Angelina and knelt down on the floor with the school girl. Because that was what she was, she was only a girl of 18 and she thought she was about to become a mother for the first time, she probably had to convince the father of this and that it wouldn't be all that bad. But seeing Angelina down on the floor like this crying there was no tomorrow, she knew Angelina wanted the baby more than anything. "I'm so sorry, pet." Pomfrey pulled Angelina into a motherly hug.

"But why? What happened? Why wasn't I on my period? Why did I have cravings for bacon?" Then Angelina screamed, "and why did that first test say I was FIVE MONTHS PREGNANT!?"

"I don't know, Angelina. You must be having a phantom pregnancy."

"What does that mean?" Angelina said timidly, looking up at the nurse with tear stained eyes.

"It just means that your hormone balance has reached a certain point in your body that's only reached when you're pregnant. Some how your hormones have tricked you and your body into thinking your pregnant." She paused. "That's why your first test said you were pregnant, it measures the estrogen level in the blood. To that test you have the same levels as someone who's five months pregnant."

Angelina sighed. "I don't know what I'm gonna do. I've told Fred and now he's in his class waiting for me to join him and tell him how great the baby and me are. I'm not sure if I can face going into classes for today."

"Well, how about I owl the professors you have for today and tell them you won't be attending today."

"But you can't tell them why!"

"I wasn't going to tell them why, dear. That's between us."

"Thank you." Angelina hugged the nurse. She was truly grateful for all of Madame Pomfrey's support.

"Just remember love, you can always start a family, but maybe starting now while you're here at Hogwarts isn't the best." Madame Pomfrey said as she smiled.

"Yeah, I guess your right. Thanks again." Angelina got up and left the office.

Madame Pomfrey lead her to the large oak doors, "Don't mention it dear. I only wish I could of told you something you'd of wanted to hear."

Angelina left. A lonely tear in her eye as she thought, `I come here thinking I was pregnant, not alone, but now I leave knowing I'm not, I'm alone.' She made her way back to the common room wondering how Fred's going to take it when she tells him. `Well,' she thought, `At least I have the rest of the day to think of a way to tell him.'

As Angelina made her way back to the Gryffindor common room Madame Pomfrey started writing out notes to each of the professor's Angelina would have had today and said she wouldn't be joining them for classes that day. And it was up to Angelina's discretion when she thinks she'll be able to attend again. She also added if Fredrick Weasley was in their class ask him to see Miss Johnson in their common room, discreetly.


Fred was in Herbology, his second class for the day. He was waiting for Angelina to join him and tell him all about her appointment with Madame Pomfrey. He hoped with all his heart that everything was going well with Angelina and his baby. Though he didn't know it was in vain. As he boredly potted some Poison Night Ivy, a powerful Nightshade - Poison Ivy Hybrid, an Owl flew from the rafters of the greenhouse, dropped a letter to Professor Sprout and took off to the direction of the Hospital Wing. He knew that owl, it was Madame Pomfrey's personal owl, and she was the only one to have an Eagle Owl on the grounds. He watched as professor Sprout opened the letter, read it and she looked up making eye contact with Fred.

Now Fred was worried. Why was she looking at him for? Had Angelina died? `Of course not, don't be stupid!' He told himself. Then as Professor Sprout started walking towards him he remembered, `The baby! Is that why Angel isn't here with me now?'

The professor reached Fred, leant over to whisper "Fred, Madame Pomfrey told me to tell you to go and see Angelina in the common room."

Fred's face fell.

"And take this note with you just incase you get questioned for not being in class en route to your common room." Professor handed him the note and turned her attention back to the class to stop them from staring at Fred as he left.

Fred knew something was wrong but willed himself not to put upsetting thoughts in his head and just concentrated on running as fast as he could to the common room without falling over.

~*End of Chapter 10*~

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A/N = How was that? I hope I written it as angsty as it is in my head :P

Now Fred's gotta find out what's happened. He'll soon find out that it was all his doing!!!!!!

!!**Please review!!**

Thank you, to those lovely who read Chapter 9:

Pegataur Cat (Thank you, I will. Let me know what you think of this chapter.)

Ashliegh (Hehehe, good, I hoped it would :D Oh, Ashliegh, there is no baby. Next chapter I'll explain why.)

Wheezes (They'll be fine, but there was no baby. Maybe they'll have one later **Wink, Wink**)

Natasha (I hope 2 days is soon enough for you. Truth be told I finished this chapter last night. ::smiles:: I've just tried to e-mail you to let you know but the e-mail was returned because apparently your over quota. Sorry. I tried.)

Cosmoz (YAY! Thanx. Boys would come up with something like a horny juice. Just look at Rohipnol - If that's spelt correctly, I don't know?? Fred has yet to learn about what his little invention has done to poor Angelina)

Swimgirl (Cool! Hey, what's your friends name? We all LOVE Fred!!)