Fan Fiction ❯ Hunter ❯ akina ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

An alarm goes off at 6:15 in the morning signaling that Akina has to get up for school. She gets up slowly then goes to take a shower. She comes out and puts on her blue and white uniform. Then ties her long black hair into a ponytail. She goes and looks in the mirror there was no glow in her green eyes mostly cause she was just waking up. She put on her socks and went downstairs to the kitchen
“Oh good morning Akina breakfast will be ready soon.” Her mom said in a very cheerful voice
*Yawn* Akina sat down at the table across from her dad who was reading the paper. Then he looked up from what he was reading and saw Akina lying her head on the table trying to go back to sleep.
“Did you sleep okay?” Her dad said putting the paper down then taking a drink of his coffee.
“…Yea…maybe…” Akina said barely opening her eyes.
“Akina you should get more sleep so you can be more aware in school.” Her mom said in a stern voice then suddenly changed into a cheerful voice. “Now here is your breakfast.” Then she laid a plate in front of Akina and her father. Her mother took a seat at the table. They all started eating breakfast.
Her dad put down his eating utensils then started talking “Ya know I barely went to school and I stayed out all night and I have a good life so the stuff the teachers say isn't true all you really need to know what to do is how to eat, sleep, and watch TV.
The mom had an angry look on her face then she took the paper and hit the dad on the head. “Yea you might have out grown high school but immaturity lasts forever.” Her mom said irritated
“Yep you would know, first hand experience right?” Her dad said with an evil smirk.
“Ha ha very funny, that come back took a lot of thought didn't it.”
“Just as much as yours.”
Akina was getting mad <i>my parents' fight like 5 year olds…this is ridiculous.</i> “Retards.” Akina said then continued eating her breakfast
Her dad looked at her. “Okay I'm the retard and you don't know how to tell time. You better go or else you are gonna be late.”
Akina looked at the clock and she had to be at school in 7 minutes. “Shit!” Akina said then shoved some food in her mouth then grabbed her book bag then ran for the door.
“Watch your language!” Her mom yelled as Akina ran out the door.
The dad took another drink of his coffee “If she thinks we are retarded then she really won't get along with Kyo.”
“No, I think they will get along fine… plus she has no choice.”
Akina ran as fast as she could to school. “Crap! CRAP! CRAP! I'm gonna be late!” Akina said running. She was just about to run into her class when the bell rang, she was 3 seconds late. Akina opened the door to the room. “Shit! Got damnit!! I was like a tenth of a second late! Mother—“
“Miss Miyauchi I am terrible sorry to interrupt your outburst, but I have started class so take your seat.” The teacher said in a very angry stern voice
“Oh…I am really really sorry I didn't---
“Did I not say take your seat? Or is the fact that you can't seem to wake up on time make you deaf too?” The teacher said with cold eyes.
After that Akina kept her mouth shut then the bell rang and her best friend Ayumi walked over to her.
“Hey…wow the teacher really blew up on you. Why were you late anyway?” Ayumi said
“Oh… my parents were acting like children kinda lost track of time.” Akina said. She was still really mad that she got yelled at.
“Yea that's what drugs do to you.” Ayumi said then shrugged.
“What! Sorry I'm not the crack whore if you wanna find her go look in the mirror.”
“Whatever shut up lets go get lunch you retard!” Ayumi said
“Okay.” Akina replied then they got up and got their lunches then went to go sit on the roof.
Lunch went by like always. They were talking, joking around, and being retards like normal. Then the bell saying that lunch was over.
“I hate bells.” Akina said then they went back to class.
School went by like normal everything was fine like everyday. Then the last bell rang and school was over.
Ayumi went over to Akina. “Hey you wanna go get something to eat then you can help me with my homework smart kid.”
“Yea… sure.” Akina replied to the `smart kid'.
“I gotta stop by my house first so wait there for me it will take me like 10 minutes.”
“Okay” Then Akina grabbed her stuff.
They left school then went their separate ways. Ayumi went to her home to get something really quick and Akina went to the place where they were gonna met.
Akina waited there for a while she got bored so she started her homework. A while later her cell phone rang.
“Hello” Akina said as she flipped open her cell phone
“Akina this is your mother where are you it's 5:30.” She said with a concerned voice.
“What really I'm sorry I lost track of time I was suppose to meet Ayumi but she never came.” Akina said
“Oh… well be home soon okay.” Her mom said in the usual cheerful voice,
“Okay I'm coming home now.” She said then hanged the phone up. <i> Wow I was waiting for 2 and a half hours</i> Akina thought as she walked home.
“I'm home!” Akina said then closed the door and put down her stuff.
Again everything was normal. She ate dinner, did her chores and her parents were being retarded same as always.
“I think I am going to call Ayumi.” Akina said as she got done eating.
Then the phone rang
“Maybe that's her.” Her mom said to her
“Yea I'll go answer it.” Akina went to go pick up the phone she answered it and said hello but all she heard was static and weird noise.
“Hello!” Akina said getting annoyed
“H…he…help me…” A mysterious voice said
“What.” Akina couldn't understand what they were saying then she heard a click and the call ended.