Fan Fiction ❯ I Am A Queen! ❯ Poem ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Arthur note: Another poem because you love them. :) I'm working on the Chesh/Alice ficcy, had to get over a slight obssession with the Hatter. :) Alice is talking to this new Wonderland, reminding it of who she really is and reliving the memory of what happened in Looking Glassland.. By the by, not only do I write poems about American McGee's Alice, I draw art of it, too. Go here:

Fic is/contains: Alice's POV. Mainly stuff that's envolved in McGee's Alice. lol

Disclaimers: Don't own AMcG's Alice.

I Am A Queen!

By: Cheshire Kitten.

Who are you to judge me?
After I lived in you for so long.
Wonderland, what happened?!
You've faded, lost is your joyous song.

You torment and banish me!
For what reason, you show no love.
Or is it because you concider yourself better?
In you, I've shruken to an inch or the treetops, I've risen above.

Yet, you still concider me worthless and weak.
It was I who distroyed you, dear friend.
The fire caused me to turn away, you had no cotrol of that.
Now, it's up to me to find a way to save you from your end.

Sure, you have magical creatures of friend or foe.
Like my sweet Cheshire Cat who still remains loyal and true.
The Hare and Dormouse warn me of the Hatter's deeds of evil.
The Queen of Hearts is the worst of all but she has no control over you.

Remeber, dear Wonderland, so long ago,
When I was left all alone and my parents had their party in the dinningroom?
Dinah laid on the floor while her kittens nursed at her side.
She was the only one I had to speak to until I began to dream to pull me out of my gloom.

My mind drifted and my eyes laid on a reflection.
My reflection that played in the huge, silver, looking glass.
As I watched it, the fog around me grew.
Before I knew it, I'd entered through the mirror into a land, great in mass.

The fog faded and they came to me.
Two pairs of king and queen, full of woe were they.
They'd spoken of a Jabberwock and they'd hush me everytime the word came to my lips.
Then, I begged them to let me be a Queen and that I may..

..If I take that troublesome task they offered and feared not the Jabberwock.
I agreed as I watched them flee for fear of the coming night.
I screamed, calling them back but only the Jabberwock himself came to my calls.
I was bold but he in return succeeded in giving me quite a horrible fright.

I ran away and started my task.
I met many creatures along my journey, including Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee!
Leaving me quite courious indeed for they came to Looking Glassland from Woderland!
I finally got to the palace from my long journey where the two queens had a small test awaiting me.

I made it! They accepted me as their Queen Alice! How amazing!
They rose up against the Jabberwock and banished him from their land.
I fled back to my world on the otherside where I'd be safe from their nightly creatures.
Now, Woderland, I come to say that I have the royality of a Queen and my Vorpal blade in hand.

You don't stand a chance in trying to banish me, you won't win.
The Queen of Hearts may be the only Queen you know now.
But I've seen more of you than she could ever dream.
And I tell you now, I am a Queen and to me, you will bow.

It's destiny but destiny has always been harsh, hasn't it?
You pushed me away, fearful of me and my reign.
I won't harm thee or my friends at all.
I only want to reclaim my land and peace you shall gain.

Do you agree to help me or not?
It's your choice to lead me to my destiny.
I follow the magical Cat and await your answer but it never comes.
No matter, when I've won, I'm sure you'll wish you had listened well to me...

Arthur note: Oooh.. When kinda evil there, didn't it? Heehee. Thanx for the reviews! Ja!