Fan Fiction ❯ Illicit Angels-Caught between heaven and hell ❯ epilogue ( Chapter 1 )
Forget what you think you know about vampires, okay? Chances are you don't know anything, trust me. Contrary to popular belief, not all vampires fear crosses, churches, holy water, etc... They're not allergic to sliver, that's werewolves. And just because they hunt at night, doesn't mean that they can't stand sunlight.
They do not sleep in crypts or coffins. At least, the sane ones don't. They do not prey only on the blood of a virgin. A whore's blood tastes just the same as a virgin…although, I'm sure that the latter has much less Crack shooting through her veins. Running water and garlic do nothing to them other than get them wet or give them bad breath. On that note, they do breathe, and their hearts beat just fine, thank you.
And about the whole `vampires can't procreate' issue…well, it's half true. Female vampires are sterile. They cannot have babies. At all. Ever. Male vampires, however, come fully equipped and everything is in working order. So, what does this tell us? It tells us that vampires cannot procreate. Vampires and humans, on the other hand, can. It's happened before, though not too often. Most human women don't survive the pregnancy long enough to give birth. And even if they do, other, pure vampires usually assassinate of the offspring. Half-breeds are not tolerated in most vampire circuits.
Vampires drink blood, true, but they don't need to drain the person they drink from. And it doesn't have to be painful for the person. They are not immortal in the sense that you think. True, they don't ever age, but they can be killed. But it's a bitch to do so. And they tend to regenerate so injuring them is really no skin off of their backs. It just really pisses them off.
Don't even get me started on stakes. Just because you stab a vampire with a stake doesn't mean that it'll just disintegrate or fall in a writhing heap. If you've missed the heart, then I would suggest that you bend over, put your head between your knees and kiss your ass good bye.
They can't fly. They do have a reflection. They're not cold-blooded. They can't turn into bats or wolves or any other kind of animal. They can, however, play with your mind using a trick called a Mind Glamour. And you can't make a new vampire by having them suck a little and you suck a little…it's more complicated than that. Not every vampire is a mindless, blood-sucking fiend. Basically, They're human, but they're not. Get it?
Now, I'm sure you're wondering `Okay, if nothing that I know about vampires is true, then how long have vampires actually been around?'
Answer: a long time.
Your next question, I'm sure, is `Can you tell me how they were created?'
Okay, this is where things get a little controversial for some people. Well, all I have to say before I begin is this: Just stay open minded. That's all that I ask. Okay now, kids, get ready for a bible lesson…this one's a real shocker, let me tell you.
Many people don't know this but Adam and Eve were not the first humans that God created. True, they were the first innocents. And they were the only humans to inhabit Eden. But God had created other humans before Adam and Eve. These humans were born with the knowledge of good and evil. But God wanted to make perfect subjects. So he created Adam and Eve and secluded them from the rest of the world in their own utopia. Thus, Adam and his lady, Eve are not a part of this little lesson.
Well, just before Lucifer (that's Satan, for all you people who aren't familiar with the many aliases of the Morning Star. Other aliases include, but are not limited to, The Prince of Darkness, Daemon, Beelzebub, The Devil, Belial, Satanael, The Lord of the Flies, and the less well known; James) led the rebellion against God in heaven, he wanted to make the perfect soldiers to fight along with the angels that he had recruited. Well, what could be better than using God's precious humans against him. After all, God cherished them and doted on them.
Well, Lucifer went in search of humans that would help him. He found three humans, three brothers, working in their family's fields. He came down to them and disguised himself as a beautiful woman. When the three young men saw her, they could hardly resist her charm. She came up to them and said that she was a messenger from God. She told them that God had been watching them and favored them over all other humans. She said that God wanted to make them more than human…he wanted them to be half angel.
The three brothers were not sure what to think. The eldest of the three, Sieri, wasn't quite sure that they should trust her. But the two younger brothers were too spellbound by Lucifer's facade to resist. They agreed that the middle brother, Apexis, would become a half angel first and tell the other two what it was like. So the middle brother went off with the beautiful woman.
She took Apexis far away from his brothers and told him that if he were to become half angel, he would have to drink some of her blood. Well, Apexis was so taken by her beauty and charm that he immediately agreed to what ever she said. So she slit her wrist and bled into a cup. When the cup was full, she closed her wound and gave it to the young man. Apexis drank it quickly. When he was done, he began to feel strange, and told the woman as much. She told him that it was because his body was undergoing a change that would make him more than merely human. He would be stronger, faster, have more stamina, see better, hear better, feel the slightest vibrations and the faintest touch, and taste marvels that he never knew existed. But, in order to keep this new strength, he would need to drink more blood. The blood of humans or animals, to be specific. And, when he was strong enough, he could make more half angels like himself by letting his blood mingle with theirs. Apexis accepted her explanation and said no more.
The next day, he returned to his brothers. He showed them that he was stronger, faster, had better sight, taste, and could hear almost anything. He explained that when he was strong enough, he would make more just like him. The youngest brother, Isos was so envious that when the woman came, he ordered her to take him and make him half angel as well. The woman did exactly as he wished. She bled into the cup for him and while he drank her blood, she told him everything that she had told Apexis.
While he was gone, Sieri went to Apexis. He asked him if he was truly happier now that he was more than human. The question struck the younger man as being absurd. He was angry that his brother would ask such a ludicrous question. He began thrashing things about and behaving violently towards his brother. He would not speak to him after that.
The next day, the youngest brother came back. He too had undergone the same changes that Apexis had. Sieri came to him and asked once more if he was happy. At this, Isos began to cry. He confessed what the woman had told him. He told his brother that he felt impure…like he had tainted himself. But he was bound by his blood to do what ever the woman said.
The next day, the woman returned to take the oldest brother. He went with her. She opened her wrist once more and bled into the cup. When she was done, she gave the cup to Sieri. He looked at the cup and raised it to his lips. He took a sip, but suddenly threw the cup away from himself.
The woman became angry. She asked him why he did not want to please God and honor him by becoming half angel. Sieri turned to her and said, `to drink the blood of another is to curse your soul. My brothers did not know this but I do. You are not a messenger from God.' It was then that Lucifer revealed his true form. Sieri swore that he would take revenge for his brothers. Lucifer laughed because there was no way that a human could kill an angel. Sieri knew that the only way to take revenge upon Lucifer was to kill his brothers and free their cursed souls. He would hunt them wherever they went until he had killed them. He left quickly and tried to reach his brothers before Lucifer.
But when he returned home, his brothers were nowhere to be found. Lucifer had already warned them that Sieri was going to kill them and told them that in order to live, they must come with him. Apexis readily agreed, but Isos had seen what his folly was in agreeing to drink the blood and refused. He chose instead to run away on his own.
Well, it wasn't long before both brothers became lonely and decided to make some one like them. That was how the Vampire Division started. The youngest brother was who created the Kin, the sect of vampires that do not necessarily drink the blood of humans and definitely do not kill humans. They usually try to survive on animal blood. The middle brother created the Brotherhood, a sect of vampires that meets every criteria of the kind of vampires that people fear. They are violent, sadistic, and ravenous with their appetite and revel in causing pain to their human victims.
The eldest brother was the first of many, many hunters. Now, you may be wondering `What, exactly, is a Vampire Hunter?'.
Okay, stay with me on this one…a Vampire Hunter is, by definition…one who hunts vampires. Don't let the name throw you off.
Because the eldest brother had taken a sip of the blood before he refused Lucifer, he had gained a few powers of his own and was connected by the blood to his brothers. He could feel when his brothers or those that his brothers had changed were near by and vice-versa. All hunters have slightly sharper senses than humans and a sort of sixth sense. Their bodies can heal in one third of the amount of time that a normal human being would take. Mind Glamours have no effect on Hunters. They can fight almost as well as their vampire counterparts but are not as hard to kill and they do not suffer the thirst for blood.
Now, there is one way that will cure the insatiable lust for blood. The only way to cure their driving hunger was to find their soul mate...their true love, and to let their blood mingle, bonding both together by blood. If the soul mate happens to be human, then he or she will go through the painful process of becoming a vampire when their blood mixes with their vampire soul mate, if they survive, that is. While initiating the bond by blood a bond of their bodies is to be formed, a connection in the most intimate way. But the two bonds must be forged simultaneously or else both will be stuck with the thirst. There are no records of how this method was discovered.
Well, now that I've cleared a few things up, onto the story...
A/N well, this is just to kind of give a bit of background. I personally don't like to follow the normal myth about vampires so I came up with my own origin. PLZ TELL ME WHAT U THINK??????