Fan Fiction ❯ Illusion of Morning ❯ Chapter 1
Saeorath was sitting on a tree branch looking down on the village from the cliff above. She seemed lost in thought. "What are you doing, Sae-kima(1)?" Sae turned around and saw her friend, Mattezuroke, standing a few feet away. "Nothing, Matte(2). That's just it. There isn't anything to do!" Matte laughed and walked over to Sae.
Sae smiled as she watched her friend sit down next to her. Matte had come to her village about two years before. Most of the other villagers had accepted the fact that she was a half-demon and had made friends with her anyway. "But some of the villagers don't trust her…" Sae thought sadly.
"Whacha thinking?" Matte broke into her thoughts. "Nothing, come on, let's go down to the dock and check my traps. I think they should be full." Sae got up and started to walk towards the path to the village.
"Hey~! I'm coming! Wait up!" Matte scrambled to her feet and chased after Sae on all fours. "Haha, you know I'll wait for ya." Sae turned around and stopped, waiting for Matte to catch up. "Hurry up. If the traps are full enough, we can take Father Masato some Craels(3). He'd like that."
"Alright, I heard in the village that his grandson is coming to visit him. Maybe we can meet him!" Matte caught up with Sae and started to walk with her. "He has a grandson?" Sae looked at Matte. "Apparently so…I wonder why he never told us…Oh well, we have to get to the docks before the sailors do. You know what they did to your traps last time."
"Agreed…Hey, I'll race you!" Sae started running towards the docks with Matte close behind her with a cry of "HEY~! NO FAIR! YOU HAD A HEAD START!" echoing in the wind.