Fan Fiction ❯ It Only Hurts ❯ It Only Hurts When I Pretend ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“I'm fine…” Kitty said as lightheartedly as she could, walking up the stairs. She was just intent on disappearing into the library of the school where she could just hide. “Just leave me alone…”
“Kitty…” Puppy whined as she walked up a step behind Kitty; Spike and Blu in tow. “Something's wrong we can tell…”
“Puppy maybe you should just let her be…” Spike suggested as they all hit the top of the stairs. “Everyone needs space…”
“You know she wasn't like this until you showed up.” Blu growled at Spike. “What did you do to her?”
“I didn't do anything to her,” Spike defended as he and Blu stopped walking staring the other down. “it's not entirely my fault she's like this!”
“You just denied and admitted you did something all in one breath.” Blu pointed out as she flipped him off. “So you, obviously in some way, are the cause of this!”
Blu's back soon met the wall in a not so friendly manner, Spike growling at her, “Don't you dare say I'm causing her harm! I care about her more then you'll ever be able to care about anyone in your entire life.”
“Spike!” Puppy squeaked as she started backing up.
Spike ignored her and continued to growl at Blu. Kitty grabbed a hold of Puppy's shirt telling her to stay put before she walked over to Spike. “Spike calm down…” Kitty said as calmly as she could.
Spike glared over at her for a moment before he let go of Blu. Spike hugged Kitty to him and whined into her shoulder, “I'm not hurting you, am I?”
Kitty glared at Blu before returning the hug whispering to him, “No, you're not hurting me…”
Blu looked shocked at what had just happened. First Spike was growling at her and now Kitty was willingly touching him in a kind way. Blu glared for a moment before she noticed that the dean was standing just as shocked at the other end of the hall. He must have seen a good bit of what had happened.
“You must have freaked her out, she doesn't know you're a demon and most people don't openly growl at others…” Kitty said as they walked in the hotel.
“It got my point across…” Spike said noticing Gabriel waiting for them. “Though it got me detention…”
“Hey I ended sharing your after hours because I stuck up for you, really loudly.” Kitty said quietly as they got closer to her father.
“You disturbed four classes!” Gabriel exploded hearing his daughters' last statement. “You almost punched the dean, and you thoroughly insulted him and your friends at the same time!”
“They deserved it especially the dean!” Kitty defended herself before Spike pushed her lightly behind him.
Spike kept a hold of Kitty's hand just to make sure she didn't go anywhere. “It's technically my fault that happened, and I actually punched him…”
Gabriel pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment before saying, “You punched the dean of the school…A demon…punched the dean of the school…”
“I held back, I didn't break anything, as much as I would have liked to…” Spike said with a sigh. “Besides we only got a month of detentions, the principle sided with us. That guy had no right to make that remark.”
“Remark?” Gabriel questioned.
“It's not important…” Spike said as Kitty snatched her hand back and walked away.
“That makes it important.” Gabriel said pointing to where his daughter had walked off to, she was probably heading for the stairs, or elevator. “I don't care what you promised her, you're going to tell me. I'm your boss, you might have my daughter but I can just as easily send you off on a long job that you most likely wouldn't come back from.”
Spike sighed shaking his head. “He made a remark about how her mom died…and about you…”
Gabriel nodded and waved Spike off as he headed for the training room. He did not look happy, then again who wouldn't be mad. Spike glared around the room at some of the people who were watching him, they all backed off the second Spike looked at them though.
Once Spike made it up to the room he found Kitty sitting on the couch flipping channels, not really watching it, just kind of looking through it. “Kitten…”
Kitty watched him out of the corner of her eye now as he sat down and asked, “What…?”
“Turn off the T.V. you're not watching it…” Spike said lightly nuzzling up against her. “Also I'm sorry…”
Kitty turned off the T.V. before saying, “Why are you sorry?”
“I'm sorry I hurt you.” Spike whined, lightly hugging her. “I'm really sorry…”
Kitty hugged him back shaking her head, “You're not hurting me.” Kitty wasn't expecting this, she didn't expect him to be saying sorry just because she had been having a bad day; just because she had tried to pretend that she was ok, she had done it so many times before she didn't think that this time it would hurt someone. “Spike don't be sorry.”
“But you're so sad, and Blu's right you weren't unhappy before I was here.” Spike said kissing the top of her head.
“Spike…I was unhappy before you came…” Kitty said moving onto her knees and cuddling into him. “It's just so hard to pretend around you…” Kitty sighed; she could feel his distress through the way he was holding her. His usual hugs were rough to an extent now that she thought about it, he never hurt her but they were firm, she always could feel him clearly, know it was like he was afraid to touch her. “I mean I wasn't always unhappy, but when I was I wouldn't show anyone unless it was to much to keep down.”
Spike sighed and moved Kitty onto her back before settling on top of her. He nipped at her bottom lip when she looked up at him questioningly.
“What are you doing?” Kitty questioned as she pulled his hat off his head and tossed it onto the coffee table as he started kissing her collarbone.
“Kissing you…” Spike said slowly, as if he was telling a five-year-old what a kiss was.
“I got that part…why?” Kitty corrected her question as she grabbed a hold of both his hands keeping them away from any body part that might not be appropriate for him to even be looking at let alone touching.
Spike pouted for a moment before going back to what he was doing. After a moment he said, “To make you happy…”
“Are you sure this isn't to make you feel better?” Kitty let a smile cross her features as she eyed him. She could feel him smile against her skin before he raised his head up a little.
“You could be on top…” Spike said laying his head down not really giving her a choice.
“Nah…” Kitty said moving some of his hair out of his face. “Spike…could you do me a favor?”
“Sure, what's the favor Kitten? Spike asked not looking up at Kitty. He was enjoying being so close to her and her not pushing him away.
“Could…could you take me out?” Kitty asked feeling slightly weird that she was asking this.
“On a date?” Spike asked now looking up at her.
“Kinda…I mean like to a club…” Kitty said looking off to the side, not looking down at him now. “I want to go somewhere loud.”
“I can do that…” Spike grinned kissing her cheek. “I can take you to a club. You know…just as long as I can pick the place…”
“Yeah, I guess you can pick the place.” Kitty said eyeing him wearily.
“Good.” Spike said kissing her forehead. “And don't worry you'll have fun.”