Fan Fiction ❯ Journey of Hope ❯ Journey part 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Journey of Hope
Written by VegetandAru (lord of the underworld)
Everything is my own, Please be nice as far as criticism goes, however if you do have something about it that you don't like then don't flame, just tell me about it if you would.

This was written quite a few years ago now, but I just stumbled across it on my hard drive and I've began to patch it up, it's still not finished but I'm working on it.

Yours VegetandAru (


'To the world you may be one person,
But to one person you may be the world'


"Make way. Make way. What's going on?" Trayant blinked in surprise and confusion. Who could possibly have the courage to walk through such a terrible place, calling out at the top of their lungs in such a cocky tone of voice, then on top of that being able to approach these devilish people with out fear of heart. He was taken aback with the person he saw when he looked around the corner again. It was a women! She was beautiful, though not in the conventional way.

The stock straight blonde hair was tied back off her face with green ribbon, and quite flat, possibly the result of the bronze helm she was currently holding under her arm, silvery- blue- grey eyes that seemed to switch between hard and cold and piercing to deep, fathomless and expressive depths, peered out from under the dark blonde fringe, reminding Trayant rather strongly of a hawks eyes.

Her chest was as flat as a boys but her glare could pin you to the far wall, the arrogant smile was one of a leaders and completing the look was the undeniable air of powerful intelligence, the kind only possessed by those in high authority, the 'I'm smarter and stronger and all round better then you and you know it and I know it, so stop pretending you don't' air. The might of body and spirit she was in possession of stopped her from fearing these people and that was truly a beauty in itself.

"Come on. What's going on? Someone tell me." The people stepped backwards, away from Zak. No one answered her question. "Come on I don't have all day." The silence she had brought to the world was unnatural, "Look you have a choice, you can tell me now or you can tell me later, but be warned; if you do not tell me now then later will be by the time that I have managed to squirm it out of one of you insolent creatures." One of the grey faced women stepped forward towards her,

"Nothing is going on missss Sssaria. We have jusssst found ssssome sssstrange people wandering around the sssstreetsss."

"What stranger than you creeps. Now move let me through." The people shuffled out of the way letting her through to Zak. He was crouching on the floor his arms over his head to protect it. The women now known as Saria reached down and pulled Zak to his feet.

"You said people, but I can only see one person here you fools." A man perked up this time.

"There wassss another one missss. He ran away."

"Well," she announced raising her voice, "if he values his life then he better step forward. If he doesn't then he is to know that I will not care when you things steal his soul. I will not come to his rescue." She looked around; waiting, Trayant did not move. "Very well." She turned around to leave.

"I'm here." Trayant stepped out from the shadows, he was surprised to hear his own voice. It was hollow and had no expression in it, "Please don't go without me." the weak tremor in his whispered words caused an almost sadistic look of glee to shroud over Saria's eyes and she grinned maliciously at him. Trayant suppressed a shudder.

"Ahhh and what would your name be child?"

"I'm not a child, I'm eighteen and my name is none of your business." She gave a sharp in take of breathe, shocked that anyone would dare disobey her or answer her back. A moment later the slender red lips curved up into a thin but real smile that unnerved him more than the earlier look sadistic merriment. It was certainly no ordinary smile.

"You're hiding something from me and I don't know what it is." He didn't dare tear his eyes from hers.

"And if I am?" Trayant glared at her but said nothing he knew that he was not going to find out anything from Saria any time soon. "Follow me." she ordered them knowing that she had won. She turned quickly on her heels and walked away. Trayant ran over to Zak and in silence they followed Saria until they came to a crisp white building. It was the only nice structure in the whole of Gibin. It had tall marble columns and huge double doors made out of stunning opal stone that shone when the light caught its polished surface. She flung the doors open and suddenly they were in a room so spectacular that it seemed a miracle that such a beautiful place could exist in such a shallow depressing city. Large tables framed the edge of the room and a platform was at the far end with instruments set up as if for a ball. The roof was high with magnificent pictures painted on it and a huge round window right in the center. The walls were lined with weapons and armor from far off places. There was a large open space in the middle of the room for dancing. Saria beckoned at a seat.

"Please sit, I will be back in a minute." She walked out of a little door tucked away in the far corner where it was hard to notice amongst the rest of the rooms glory.

"Are you okay Zak."

"Yeah but," he looked at himself in a long mirror that ran the length of the nearest wall, "I feel kind of drained like someone has just sucked out my life."

He nodded a confirmation that he felt just the same. "How come you didn't warn me about them?"

"Because I didn't know."

"But I thought that you were staying here while you got this thing for your master."

"No, I was on my way here when I met you."

"Then how come you know that it was boring and horrible here and that there was an inn?"

"I came here when I was little with my mum, we were visiting my father who was here on business. This place was in a bad condition back then, but when the people stared at you like that then it just made you fell really unnerved it didn't make you go all weak kneed and fell sick and hollow like it did just then."

There was a very slightly uncomfortable silence that hung in the air between them for a moment before a look of realisation hit Zak, quickly followed by deep frown.

"Hey Trayant."

"What?" The reply was mumbled, as the older boy refused to lift his head from his hands.

"Where's Tomato?"