Fan Fiction ❯ Killer on the Loose ❯ Crawling in the Dark ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I'm posting this fic also in under the name Towa no Mirai. So I'm not copying from the author… ^_^!!!
I watched her sit at the front of the class. Always sitting obediently with her back straight, never slouching. Always smiling politely and talking to everyone. Always noticing and greeting everyone, except for me. She despised me, because I wasn't popular or as talented as she.
Kagomi Toshimoto was always going to be the popular one.
I sat in the back of the classroom, alone like usual. I don't have friends. No one wants to be with someone like myself.
All because of that fucking bitch in the front row.
I leaned back on my chair, not paying any attention to what my teacher was lecturing us students about. I couldn't care less. I knew this stuff already. I'd learned it way before any child my age.
Instead I picked up my pencil and started to scribble into the last page of my notebook.
I was soon awoken from my trance by the school bell ringing for recess. I gathered my belongings quickly and hurried out of the classroom, being extra careful not to bump into anyone in my haste. I had to keep that bitch in my sight.
Be free to call it stalking, because that's what I was doing. I'd been doing it for two months now. She still hadn't noticed.
But I was going to make her notice. I was going to make her notice it tonight.
(Kagomi's POV)
“I'm leaving ma!”
“Bye honey, see you in a bit!”
I closed the door behind me as I left my home. A slight wind blew by as soon as I stepped outside and I hugged myself, though I was wearing a jacket.
“Sure is windy out tonight…” I mumbled to myself as I started a brisk walk towards my destination.
I was going to pick up my little brother from my dad' apartment.
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday was the same for me. Waking up, going to school, going home, doing homework and then picking up my brother from dad' place.
It was late, being over 7:00 p.m. and all the alleys were cast by shadows made by the light from the lampposts.
Suddenly I felt uncomfortable, as if I were being watched. I turned to look in every direction, but I saw no one.
I shuddered, and not only because of the cold.
`Kagomi, you're imagining things,' I thought to myself, hugging myself once again as another cold breeze blew by.
There was a sudden loud sound that made me jump, but as I turned around I saw it was only a tipped over trashcan. A dirty looking stray cat poked its head out of the trashcan and wailed with a rotting fish in its mouth.
`It was just a cat. Stop imagining things Kagomi!' I thought as I breathed a sigh of relief.
Suddenly I heard footsteps, but as I looked in every direction, I couldn't see anyone.
Panic rose steadily in my mind. My pace turned from a brisk walk into a full out run. The footsteps seemed to follow me, approaching me in what seemed inhumane speed.
“Aah!!” I cried out in surprise and panic as I was pushed into a dark alley.
I was pushed against a dark, damp wall face first, and the hard brick scratching my soft cheek.
“Let me go!” I yelled, struggling against my assailant, but to no vain,
“Somebody help me! HELP!!!”
A dark chuckle sounded from behind me.
“No one can hear you. There's no use in spoiling your pretty voice,” the voice said, it turning into a sneer at the end.
“What do you want?” I asked, hating myself for being so weak.
`I should've listened to dad about those karate lessons…' I thought and laughed bitterly at my bad luck.
I must have laughed out loud, because I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek unscratched cheek.
“Shut up!”
I felt something hard and sharp graze over my throat and my breath hitched. The knife moved southward and with a swift move was in my hip.
“AAAHHH!!!!” I screamed in agony as I felt the knife twist.
The knife was pulled out and I was let go. I tumbled to me knees, moaning in agony.
Tears pricked my eyes at the stinging pain in my side, but I refused to cry.
I knew it would just make my assailant amused.
I was picked up by my long onyx hair and made to face my assailant. I could make out only one thing. The eyes of my assailant were blood red and screamed murder.
“Wh-Who are you?” I asked in a trembling voice, not being able to take my eyes off the others blood red ones.
I gasped as in a flash, cold lips were whispering into my ear.
“1, 2, I'll give you a clue. 3, 4, I'm no common whore. 5, 6, what if I like dicks? 7, 8, now it's too late. 9, 10, now we're even.”
The face moved away and I looked at it, not able to see it clearly, but as a car' headlight illuminated through the alley I saw who it was.
“It's yo- AAHH!!!” I screamed as my assailant stabbed the knife through my chest in lightning speed, many times repeatedly. I couldn't count how many times, as all I could do was feel the pain and scream in agony.
My thoughts flew to my family.
My mother was probably already waiting for my little brother and me to arrive home and dad was probably surprised I hadn't picked up Itsumo yet.
I felt my blood flowing out of my body from all the wounds I was carrying. I was becoming numb and my vision was darkening.
“Why?” I rasped out with my last breath, feeling blood rush into my lungs and I choked on it.
Before my heart stopped beating, I heard the evil, amused voice,
“Because no one makes me look like an easy fuck at school.”
So, what do you think?
Good? Bad?
R/R and let me know! ^_^!!!
- Sakura