Fan Fiction ❯ Killing Me Softly ❯ The Fire that Melts the Ice ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Note: hey guys, sorry for not updating sooner, but my nephew has been in the hospital, and he might not make it, so that's why I having been writing much. But here's the next chapter. I'm sorry if it really sucks.

Disclaimer: I'm sure you're smart enough to come up with what I don't own.


The Flame that Melts the Ice

The walls are closing in on me

And as I close my eyes, darkness envelopes me

And as it reaches my mind, my body goes with it

It had been a few days since Amari has last seen Harry, but was kind of thankful for it. Now she had time to think about what was going on between them, and it was really hard to tell whether it was a good or bad. Being closer to him would make it easier to protect him from Voldemort, seeing as he was the Dark Lord's main target. But it also meant that he could be in danger. With the kind of life she lived outside of the school, he could also become a target for the mob and get hurt because of her.

She sighed as she reached her room and said the password, pushing her thoughts to the back of her head to think about later. Quickly looking around to make sure nothing was amiss, she strode to her bathroom and took a shower. After getting out, she pulled on some clean clothes and walked back out into the corridor in search of Dumbedore.

She had gone out on her nightly patrol when something caught her eye. Movement near the forest made her creep closer to it, and she spotted a man transforming into some kind of animal. When she got closer, she noticed he had taken on the form of a hawk, and before she could reach him, he took off. "Damnit," she muttered darkly. 'A spy.'

It was now nearing six o'clock in the morning. She had tracked the infernal bird all throughout the night, but she had lost him around four in the morning and turned around to go back to the castle. She couldn't go too far away from it incase someone else had been there with the other man. Besides, she was sure the little spy would come back soon to gather more information.

Hearing footsteps, she looked up and was met with bright blue eyes twinkling at her under half moon spectacles. "I've found a spy on your grounds."

The smile on Dumbledore's face fell and he looked at her seriously. "Who was it?"

She shook her head and looked out the window next to her. "I don't know. Even my eyes couldn't make out what he looked like fast enough because he changed so quickly."

"Changed?" asked Dumbledore and she nodded. "He is an animagus then?" Again she nodded and began to walk away leaving Dumbledore to his thoughts.

It was seven o'clock by the time she made it to the Great Hall and everyone was eating or talking to their friends. Making sure no one saw her, she jumped up onto one of the rafters and watched everything going on. Her eyes landed on Harry and she smiled. He seemed to be talking to his red headed friend Ron, and the conversation soon attracted other people. She was about to look away when something caught her eye.

There in the shadows behind the Gryfindor table sat the same man she had seen last night. It happened so fast she barely had time to think. He dashed out and grabbed Harry by the throat and pulled him to the far wall. Students screamed and scurried about as he held a dagger up to their classmates throat and pressed it into his skin making a fine line of blood appear.

Dumbledore was on his feet in seconds and was about to take a step forward when the mans voice rang out, "No one move! Don't come any closer!"

By now Amari's blood was boiling. How dare he do that to her mate! Wait, mate? Where did that come from? Shaking her head, she looked back at the scene in front of her and slowly made her way to where she was standing right above him. She could hear Dumbledore trying to reckon with the man and to let Harry go, but it was soon tuned out as she concentrated on a feeling deep inside her. It felt as if she needed something…wanted it so badly. She unconsciously chewed on her bottom lip, scraping it against her fangs and making a little blood seep from the small cut. As soon as it hit her tongue, she knew what she wanted.

She saw as the man was about to plunge the dagger into Harry's throat and jumped from her perch and tackled him.

Her eyes were a blood red color as she got up and walked towards him, Harry a few feet behind her. She felt as her body transformed to her demon form and smirked when she heard gasps throughout the hall. The mans eyes widened as she came closer to him and he got up and held the dagger in front of him. Seeing as she wasn't affected by this, he threw it at her and watched as it embedded itself into her shoulder. More gasps were heard as she looked down at it and then back up at him. His eyes widened even more when she just reached up and pulled it out, licking some of the blood off of the blade.

Turning, he began to run toward the doors and she smirked before she took off after him, her form only a blue blur to the many eyes around the hall. She pounced on him and held him to the floor while straddling his thighs. "Please, don't hurt me," he whimpered out.

"But you were so willing to hurt what was mine," she said and then let out a growl before sinking her teeth into his neck. Some of the students screamed and turned away, while others watched in silent horror at the display. The taste of blood in her mouth was so great she forgot where she was for a few seconds. This is what she had been craving ever since this man had threatened Harry. 'Harry,' she thought with shock. What was she doing? She didn't kill people like this! She was NOT a monster!

She threw herself away from the man and crawled away from him. Her eyes snapped shut and when she opened them again, they were no longer the blood red color they had been moments ago. She stared in horror down at her body that was covered in blood, then back to the body the red substance had come from.

"Amari?" He head snapped around to look at Harry and she saw worry evident in his eyes. He reached out a hand to touch her but she shrunk away from it. "Please don't cry." She hadn't even realized she had been crying. Shaking her head she stood and looked at him for a fleeting moment.

"I have to go," she said before running out of the hall, everyone staring after her.

"Argggg! It won't come off!" she screamed. Tears were flowing down her cheeks as she scrubbed furiously at her skin. She had been in the shower for three hours now trying to get the smell and feel of blood off of her, but no matter how hard she tried, she could still feel it running down her arms and chin. After running out of the hall, she had gone into the Forbidden forest and sat in a clearing with a small pond for hours just staring at the water.

Finally coming out of her thoughts, she silently got up and made her way back to the castle. She didn't even register when she made it to her room, but when she did, she sprinted into her bathroom and practically threw herself into the shower.

She slowly sank to the floor and wept, her hands going around her knees. She wasn't supposed to be like this! She had always been in control! So why had she slipped up this time? She was so deep into her thoughts, she didn't hear the door open.

Harry looked around the room and noticed it was empty. He sighed and was about to turn around and leave when he heard a noise from the bathroom. When he got closer, he realized it was the sound of running water and concluded that Amari must be taking a shower. He had wanted so badly to go after her today, but knew he wouldn't be able to catch up to her, so he waited until later to see if she was in her room.

Quietly opening the door, he looked around and noticed the bloodied clothes on the floor. He could hear her sobbing and his heart constricted. He didn't want her to feel like this, he wanted her to forget it ever happened. So without really thinking, he discarded his clothes and made his way to the door of the shower.

Amari looked up with a gasp as she felt a hand on her shoulder. Kneeling in front of her was Harry…a very naked Harry. "What are you doing here?" she asked quietly.

"Making you forget," was his only reply before crushing his lips to hers in a hungry kiss. She was shocked at first, but quickly recovered and kissed back. She felt his arms go around her waist and put hers around his neck making them slide on the wet tile until he was on top of her. His tongue swept over her bottom lip asking for entrance and she agreed whole heartedly.

After a while, Harry broke the kiss and started down her jaw line and she gasped as the new sensations filled her body. "We…can't," she panted out, trying with all her might not to succumb to the pleasure of his hands roving over her body.

"And…why not?" he asked between kisses. It was really getting hard to think of an answer with his tongue swirling around her pulse point like that.

"Because…you might…get hurt," she inhaled deeply as his mouth enclosed on her nipple and he sucked gently.

He stopped briefly to look into her eyes and smiled. "I will not. And besides, I need you just as much as you need me, so stop fighting it," he said and brought his lips back down to hers before resuming his task on her breasts.

She was about to protest that it was too dangerous for them to be together, but found the air knocked out of her when she felt his fingers trail down her stomach to cup her womanhood. She gasped as they played over her folds and tried to bite back the moan that escaped her lips as he slid one into her.

He soon switched his attention to her other breast while pumping his finger into her, soon adding another. She moaned as she rocked against his hand and felt the beginnings of an orgasm deep in the pit of her stomach and clenched her eyes shut. She almost cried out in frustration when he pulled away from her and she opened her eyes to see him smiling devilishly at her.

"You are going to pay for that Mr. Potter," she said in a deadly whisper. Before he had time to react, she had him on his back and was crouching over him before making her way down his body, her eyes on his the whole time. His cheeks tinted red when he realized what she was about to do and she smirked.

Slipping her tongue out of her mouth, she licked the tip of his erection and heard him moan. Being pleased with this result, she took him into her mouth and started to bob her head up and down, sometimes sucking and nipping him. He groaned and buried his hands in her hair as he thrust his hips in time with her bobbing. He was almost there when she suddenly pulled away.

He groaned and opened his eyes seeing her smirking at him. "Oh yeah, that was sooo funny."

She only shrugged her shoulders and replied with a , "Paybacks are a bitch, what can I say?"

He only chuckled and pulled her to him, sighing as she straddled his hips and positioned him at her entrance. "Is this your first time?" she asked. He nodded his head and she smiled at him, "Mine too."

He didn't get to say anything as she thrust her hips downward and bit her lip to keep from crying out. Harry's eyes widened and he gasped at how tight she was. He could feel her trembling and put his arms around her, hugging her to his body and ignoring the pleasure of her surrounding him. As she relaxed, his hold in her lessened and he leaned back to look at her face. "Are you ok?" he asked. She nodded and he chuckled, "Not one of your brightest ideas was it?"

She only smirked while rising off of him only to sink back down making him gasp. "If you want more of that you had better start being a good boy Harry James Potter." He could only nod and she smirked as she repeated her earlier actions. They both moaned as she thrust her hips up and down on him, and Harry's hands found their way to her hips, helping to guide her into a faster pace.

Amari had never felt anything so incredible in her entire life. If heaven was like this, then please let her die quickly. The feeling in her stomach was coming back quickly with each thrust and before she knew what was happening, her back was against the cool tile of the floor and Harry was on top of her. "Faster, harder," she moaned. He complied and she was soon moaning out his name, as he was hers.

He was soon driving into her with such force that she had to put her hands on the wall behind her so that her head wouldn't hit it. The feeling intensified she realized, when she moaned, and so, she groaned out his name repeatedly. She closed her eyed tightly as she went over the edge and was glad she had sound proof walls as she screamed out his name. She felt a warm sensation fill her and could faintly hear Harry calling out her name as well.

Feeling his weight on top of her, she opened her eyes to come face to face with his neck. On instinct, she leaned forward and bit down where his shoulder and neck met and then lapped up the blood.

They both laid there for a while before Harry sat up and grabbed the soap and started to wash them. It wasn't until after he had turned the water off and was carrying her to her bed that she noticed she couldn't smell or feel the blood on her anymore.

He laid down beside her and pulled the covers over them before wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to him and kissing her forehead. "I love you," he whispered and soon was asleep.

She smiled up at him and brushed the hair out of his face. "I love you too."

The sun shone brightly the next morning and Amari shifted and felt her pillow hug her closer to iself. 'Wait a minute…pillows don't hug people.'

She turned around and came face to face with a sleeping Harry Potter. The events from the night before came back into her head and a slight blush tinted her cheeks. Shifting next to her made her look back to Harry and she watched as his eyes opened and looked around confusedly. She grabbed for his glasses on her night stand and put them on him.

Looking down at her he smiled before leaning down to kiss her. "Morning," he said quietly making her smile at him.

"Morning. How did you sleep?" she asked.

"It was the best one I've ever had," he said while stretching. "We have to do it more often…definitely do."

She laughed softly and nodded her head agreeing with him before laying her head in his chest while he stroked her hair. "I don't want you to get hurt Harry."

He looked down at her with a confused expression and she sighed. "You don't know what kind of life I live. I'm not some hero you know…and I think you saw that yesterday."

"Don't even think about yesterday. That wasn't you. And I don't care if you're some hero or not, but I do want to know what has you so scared about me being hurt."

"I want to tell you Harry, I really do. But it…" she didn't get to finish though as he put his finger to her lips.

"I don't care, I want to know, and I'm going to find out whether you like it or not."

She sighed at that. She knew he was silently threatening to go to Dumbledore. And knowing that old man, he would probably tell him. She looked into his eyes and saw trust, love, and kindness in them. "I'm an assassin," she said simply.

He stared at her for a few minutes before smirking. "That's it?" he asked. That's it? What was that supposed to mean? Seeing the confused expression on her face he explained. "Well when me and my friends saw you that one night you were covered in blood, it gave us a hint as to what you had done. And the way you can fight is also a give away to what you do. After all the riddles me and my friends have had to solve, yours wasn't that hard."

She stared at him dumbfounded but then took on a worried expression. "But you don't care?" she asked.

"Care? Well, I don't think its right or anything, but that doesn't mean its going to stop me from loving you." Before he could say anything else though, she flung herself into his arms and kissed him for all she was worth.

A whispered 'thank you' was heard against his lips and he laid them back down on the bed, not sure when they had sat up in the first place. The kiss went on for a few more moments before they had to break for air. "I think we need to go to breakfast…lest people suspect what we're doing," he said.

"Let them suspect, I can come up with a perfect fib."

"You mean a perfect lie?"

"No because I do not lie, I merely fib," Amari said with a smirk.

Harry chuckled and got out of the bed and made his way to the bathroom to get his clothes. Pulling them on, he came back out and saw that Amari had gotten dressed and was waiting for him. He kissed her once more before setting out to the Great Hall, her next to him until she went outside to check for any more spies.

Once outside, she made her way to the forest and skimmed the branches with her eyes. 'There!' she thought seeing a figure disappear within the shadows of the trees. 'So, they've come back for more…' She smirked and turned back around to go back inside.


Alright, I kno this chapter sucked. But my minds not really on it because of the above facts.

I promise the next chapter will be better!!!! But until then, R & R!!

LiL Elf