Fan Fiction ❯ Kim Possible & Ron Stoppable ❯ ch.1 after the prom ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Rufus jumped out of Ron's pocket and shoved him toward Kim. Then he did the same for her, making them get close. Then a song started.
I know we've been friends forever
But now I think I'm feeling something totally new
And after all this time, I've opened up my eyes, now I see
You were always with me…
At this point, Ron and Kim were slow dancing. Kim looked at Ron, then rested her head on his shoulder, placing her arms around him. Ron was a little nervous at first, but then relaxed.
Could it be, you and I never imagined
Could it be, suddenly, I'm falling for you
Could it be you were right here beside me?
Kim looked up, to find Ron gazing at her. They leaned in, so their noses were a mere inch apart. Kim gently pressed her lips to his. Ron returned the kiss, happy that the thing he had been waiting for had finally happened.
After the prom, Kim and Ron started to slowly walk home, hand in hand.
“So, uh…KP?”
“Are we an item, now?”
“I don't know…let this answer it for you…” she stopped walking, forcing Ron to stop, too. She leaned up a little and kissed him passionately. Ron, caught off guard, remained there for a few seconds, with his eyes open. Then, recovering, he closed his eyes, enjoying the moment.
“I'll take that as a yes.”
“I hope so, Ron. I love you.”
When the two reached Kim's house, there was an awkward pause. It was known between the two that both of their parents were out of town.
“You want to come in?” she said with a hint of excitement.
“Wh- I, well, I gotta get home…”
“Ron. You told me your parents are on vacation, and my parents are in a conference thing. It would be totally fine with them if you stayed over because you didn't want to be alone.”
“Well, yeah, but they might think we did something…”
“Ron, our parents trust us. They know we wouldn't do something we would regret.”
“Yeah, I know. Okay. I'll be right back. Gotta get something.” He ran off in the direction of his house. Kim opened the door and turned on the lights. It's a good thing the Tweebs are at a friend's house. Kim giggled at that thought. Just then, Ron opened the door, and ran to Kim and hugged her.
“Hi.” He said.
“Hi.” She replied, giggling.
“So, uh, you wanna watch a movie or something?”
They walked into the Possible living room, which had a huge television, and a very comfortable couch sitting in front of it. Ron walked over and got himself situated, while Kim found a movie, turned it on, and sat on the couch, snuggling close to Ron, who put his arms around her. For the rest of the night, neither said anything. Around the middle of the movie, Kim fell asleep in Ron's arms, and shortly after noticing this, he fell asleep as well, holding his partner, friend, and love.
In the morning, Ron didn't remember where he was at first. Then he glanced down at the sleeping figure in his arms, and smiled. A few minutes later, Kim awoke to find Ron gazing at her. She smiled back at him.
“You hungry?” she asked sleepily.
“Yeah, but don't get up. I'll make breakfast, Kim.”
“Okay.” She got up to let Ron go, then lay back down again.
“I'll be right back.”
A few minutes later, he came back carrying two bowls of cereal. “Bon Appetite!” he said proudly. Kim giggled.
After breakfast, the new couple decided to go to the mall, seeing as it was Saturday. The two took showers, (separately) and got dressed. Then they hopped into Kim's new sports car, which was an early graduating gift from her family. They drove to the mall in silence, each happily drinking in each other's features.