Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Come ❯ The Strong Tower ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"There it is!"
"So how far away would it be about?" Kisha asked the scout who brought the news.
"We're still a couple of hours away from them." Their scout peered though his looking glass. "There's something happening down there. It looks like a fight!"
Talia looked at the naval base in front of them, but couldn't make out much without the handy tool their point man was carrying. "Do we have to stop humans fighting again? I thought they were more civilized than that."
"For the last few millennia we've been fighting too you know." Kisha commented dryly.
Silence reigned for the next few seconds.
"But we'll still have to stop them right?"
"Well you know we can't let them kill one another."
"Why," mused Talia, "do we always have to get involved in their matters? Can they not solve their own problems once in a while?"
"You know, this time we are the ones with problems, needing their aid. Same as last time we had a presence here."
By that time, another scout returned, tucking his looking glass into a pouch on his sword-belt. "It doesn't look like a battle actually. I can see mages standing all around the central construction yard. There are two half-built ships, wrecks more like, surrounded by large bales of hay for some reason. The humans appear to have split into two groups."
"Training?" asked Talia. "Yes, that makes some sense."
"Alright then," ordered Kisha, shooting an unnoticed glance at Talia. "I guess the humans' training will have to wait a while."
A soldier ran up to where the base commander was seated, a simple chair near a window in a tower. Apologizing for having to interrupt his viewing of the practice battle, he explained that several unknown objects or people were approaching their base from the northeast. Before long everyone was arrayed on the ramparts and walls. Many were holding good bows, with arrows on strings. Kisha's group approached the base at a leisurely pace, weapons visible but clearly not to hand. Kisha motioned and one of her guard moved downwards towards the base walls. "Be careful, just not too obvious about it."
Several minutes later, Kisha and Talia were shown into a large sitting room in the base's central tower. The bright cheery decorations clashed with the stern gray walls and dark stone corridors leading to it. A private bowed himself out of the solid door after bringing in wine. Talia picked up a stainless steel cup and peered into it. Inhaling slightly, she was unsurprised to discover the rich scent of what appeared to be various ground herbs. She brought it up to her lips as the door opened again.
"Greetings," said the base commander, entering with two guards who closed the door after him, taking up positions to each side. He looked on quizzically as Talia took a sip. "Well, you two are certainly very brave - or foolhardy."

"Why would that be?" asked Kisha, picking up a similar cup and moving towards the window.
"You walk in here equipped with plate armor and just casually drink flavored wine?"
"Poisoned? Drugged?" murmured Talia, taking another sip. "My friend there didn't touch it. I guarantee - if you had tried that, there would have been some pretty serious `consequences,' if you catch my drift."
"Enough of that," he told her, settling himself in a nearby chair. "Why is your happy group coming to my base?"
"What? No. You answer me first. Who are you working for?"
"We're the navy, who else could we be working for? The Alliance of Common Empires."
Kisha pondered the new bit of information before speaking up. "This wouldn't happen to include those across the ocean, would it?"
"Sadly, the Frontier Lands Alliance, actually a nation, is not included in the ACE. Not that there haven't been efforts to bring them in. They never saw a need to join us in alliance because, is they insist, they are a unified continent. The Mages' Guild has also secreted themselves on the northern end of their landmass. Understandably, there was no wish to attempt to include them by force."
"Ah," added Talia. "But they've sent raiders along the coast. I daresay you don't know that they razed four towns to the northeast of here along a bay similar to this one. Also, the alliance you speak of appears to have collapsed, according to news of strife in the capital."
"We have received no orders of - "
"If there is no alliance head, then who would be able to send you orders? Look, it would be in your best interests to send out for information. New Silversea is the only surviving town there, unless you count the raiders' likely base."
"There are settlements closer to this, but .. there wasn't a `New' on that town's name."
Kisha sent Talia a surprised look. "Several months ago now, Silversea was attacked by the raiders. The survivors managed to beat them back, but lost most of their town. They built a new town further from the coast to prevent that. Apparently, you haven't been a very good guardian of these lands."
"Say whatever you wish," he told her, annoyed. "I can't just do things without orders or at least permission."
"And I've told you. You won't be able to get those. For your own sake, take a look around. Learn what's happening, or you might encounter unpleasant surprises down the road."
"Is that a threat?"
"Friendly advice, rather. Do you know us?"

Curtly - "No."
Kisha shook a head in exasperation. "Let's go Talia. Perhaps we will be better received elsewhere," she added in a cool tone. "In any case, think well - you didn't give your name."
"Commander Ramifus Stonehold."
Talia paused on her way to the door, turned and gave him a slight nod, acknowledging his introduction. "Then we would be Kisha and Talia. Of the Council." Kisha made a displeased sound and Talia moved over to the door. The soldiers did not so much as salute as they moved past. Ramifus did not make any move to show his peculiar guests out.
Once out of the door, the two of them discussed the odd human they had just met. A fine thread of magic was utilized to connect portions of their minds, or consciousness, allowing very rapid transfer of small bits of information.
"So," was Talia's first directed thought. "That was quite a waste of time. Luckily only the two of us came."
"Not necessarily," Kisha sent back. "I would say we've gained some rather good information."
A puzzled thought came back. "How so?"
"It might be a good idea to quickly move to those nearby settlements he mentioned. Likely they are left without any professional soldiers."
"Ah, I see. But isn't getting the army more important?"
"Gaining the support of the populace should be more important as they will be more involved then those far up. They're also too worried about the nation overseas."

They walked out the door. Just in front of the tower there were many humans standing in straight ranks. Facing them from near the gates were the troops Kisha had brought. Sparing the former a quick assessment, Talia wondered why there were so few. "Ok, off we go!" Kisha announced. The guards near the gate did not make a move to open it. Talia blinked. Kisha lifted a hand to the sky. "Off we go!"
The humans, Ramifus included, gaped as the small force of fifty-three jumped and took to the air before splitting up into two groups, headed north and south.
"Talia, take the north. I'll check the south. Do try to be tactful."
"I'll be just fine."