Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Come ❯ What Weapons Do ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"This is outrageous!" Faust shouted at a hapless guard. "What do you mean they've been `kidnapped'? Where were you useless people!" The guard tried to speak, but never managed to say anything audible over Faust's angry tirade. "Send out all the scouts!" The guard tried to stammer out something, but the door was violently opened as a soldier ran into the room.
"Scout Hawa has found the two of them!" he announced, with a glad smile. "You'll be happy to know that your daughter is unharmed."
Faust started to ask for more information about Lucien, but was caught on something else. "Two?" He turned to the guard. "Didn't you cay there was only one?"
"Uh, sir .. Lord Eldon's daughter told us her friend was taken."
"Then why does this one say there were two?" Sighing, he waved away the guard, since there was no need for him. "Never mind that, go on. I see that someone has already rescued them. Now get lost!"
"Yes sir!" As Faust turned to the soldier, the dismissed guard bowed quickly and left the room speedily. He sighed again, taking a seat. "Who's the other one?"
"Elias, sir. They're all on their way back right now. A bit slow because .. "
"Is he fine?" This time there was a hesitant pause before the answer. "Erm, yes sir, though he has several scrapes."
"I see."
"If I may .. sir?"
"Go ahead."
Faust watched the other man look out the window, into the town square, which was bustling with activity. Despite the sun having set a couple of hours ago, it was still bright, thanks to magic lighting. "Our new allies - they have many useful skills, which they do not seem miserly in using."
"To the point, soldier."
"Yes sir. I would suggest that you send to them and look for one that can heal."
"And that would be for?"
"Just a precaution sir. Some of these raiders have been known to use .. poisoned weapons. Just to be safe, I think asking for some help would be a good idea."
"Very well then Lieutenant. I'll leave it to you then."
"Yes sir!" Saluting, he left the room at a quick trot. Faust reached out for the glass of wine that he had been about to drink before suddenly hearing the news. Why was it that by the time he heard of the kidnapping, they had already been found?
Lucien opened her eyes to see the darkening sky above. She wondered how come she was out so late, outdoors no less, and tried to stand up.
"Whoa!" Whoever was apparently - carrying her - paused to let her get her feet.
"You're back!" exclaimed Elias from somewhere to her left. Turning her head, she caught sight of him. There was a large red stain covering much of his right shoulder.
"You're hurt."
"No, don't worry about me. You gave us a shock too you know." He pointed at her dress, which she realized had even more dried blood on it. "Don't worry, concentrate of getting back. We've just a little more to go, isn't that right Hawa?"
"Yes, just half an hour more or so."
As they walked back in the direction of New Silversea, various nightlife could be heard in the background. A new moon shone down on them, making seeing rather easy. Of course their guide had no trouble at all leading them. Taking another look at Elias, she realized that he held his right arm very stiffly, but when she tried to comment on it, he would simply reply tersely that they should hurry before it got too late, so she contented herself with the peaceful sounds of the night. After about half an hour, they reached the outside of the town, the lights of which appeared very bright. In no time at all they were hailed by a guard and then quickly brought in. However, instead of being taken to her home, they were moved to the infirmary. Lucien started to tell them that she was fine and just wanted to go home when the door opened an a tall figure stepped out. She gasped as it appeared to shimmer or flicker - she didn't know which. But why was one of them here?
"My, my," it commented, shaking .. his? head. "I've seen worse, to be sure, but you're a little young for that aren't you?" He lead the way inside. Elias took a chair that was near the entrance, and Lucien took the one on the opposite side. Taking a quick look at them, their odd medic moved towards Elias, who waved it towards to Lucien.
"Check her first."
Something slight changed about his expression as he said that, settling slightly into his seat. The angel appeared to disagree, but still moved towards Lucien. Gently, it took hold of her wrist and felt her pulse, then look at look at her eyes. "I'm fine, I tell you," she said, feeling slightly peeved at being coddled so blatantly by the only people around her. The angel in front of her shook a head, making a small motion with its left hand.
"That's for me to decide."

Lucien watched, entranced, as several small sparks of light appeared at its fingertips. They jumped into the air as several more twinkled into existence and joined them. In no time at all there was a small constellation of the bright flashes. A slight movement and they jumped onto her, sinking through her clothes easily. The angel closed its eyes briefly, as if reading something mentally, before opening them again and nodding. "Nothing wrong with you," it told her cheerfully. "But you might feel rather ill tomorrow, nothing serious at all though. And you should get some rest." She nodded, feeling rather drowsy for some reason.
Having finished with her, it moved to Elias. He remained motionless as it examined his head, but refused to give it his hand. "Go on Elias," Lucien said sleepily. "I'm not leaving until I see if you're fine too." Sighing, he lifted his hands. Around his wrist were many nicks and scrapes, some of which had dried blood on them. She suddenly remembered his insistence that she free him first, as well as his apparent discomfort while she did so.
"Did I do that?" she asked delicately. "I didn't want you to see," he replied tiredly. "But yes. It doesn't hurt though." When he finished speaking, the angel straightened, and thought for a second before bringing up the small sparks again. He brought forth a lot more than he had for Lucien. He showered Elias with the fine dancing motes and drew a sharp breath. With a flick of a finger, he ripped open Elias' shirt with magic, revealing a large wound, which, while not bleeding, appeared very serious.
"What happened to you?" Lucien asked him.
Stepping forward quickly, the angel blocked her view and gave her a sharp look, making a complex motion with its hands. In almost no time at all, she felt very tired. As sleep pulled at her, she caught a little of their conversation before losing her battle with fatigue.
"This looks serious," the angel was saying. "How did you come by this?"

Elias' voice sounded tired and worn, and he spoke in low tones that she barely caught. "One of them stuck me with a dagger. Isn't it obvious?"
"Even so, it's nothing to be taken lightly," it replied. Before Lucien fell completely asleep, she could sense the room becoming brighter, more filled with life, in a way, as the angel's magic worked its way into the deep wound, fixing the damage caused to Elias' shoulder. She could hear his soft groans as the magic drained his energy to repair torn flesh.
Then she slept.