Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Come ❯ Past, Present, Future ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"The raiders kidnapped two people?"
"They have already been rescued," the scout said, delivering her report. "They've been checked by - " She looked in her papers. "one of our Engineers. Hmm. One needed some `rather serious' restoration, but they've both been cleared to go home."
Kisha sighed. They moved their troops back from New Silversea and almost immediately those raiders were back, bold as ever. "They must have a landing base somewhere." Wishing that Talia had returned to the Temple with her, she thought about where the hidden camp could be. "The villages and three towns on the west side of the Silversea bay were razed, is that right?" Turning to glance at the map, the scout nodded. "It seems likely that they have a base near the bay's entrance. Send a couple of scouts over, further north of the last few ruins."
The order was addressed at a nearby clerk, who hurriedly filled out a dispatch order. Checking the details, she handed it back. "What about sending some to the town?"
"The initial reports suggested that the kidnappers were in fact scouts. Since New Silversea is designated as a priority ally, we scrambled air - "
"Priority ally?"
"Yes, it was added to the listing by the First."
"That's alright then." Taking the orders, she grabbed a pen and signed it before handing it back. "Is that all?"
"For now. There might be new reports from out own scouts spreading out around the town."
"Make a point of keeping me informed as new information comes in. All of it, mind you." "Of course, as you command."

Kisha left the room as the soldier bowed her out. Soon after reaching her rooms, there was a knock on the door. "What is it?" she asked, busily writing.
"Preparations for the ceremony are complete, right on time. Your presence is needed in the courtyard."
"Thank you very much for informing me. I will be down momentarily. Don't wait for me at the door."
"As you command."
Footsteps could be heard faintly though the closed door. Putting down her pen, Kisha fixed her sheet of writing to the wall to dry, using a bit of Air. A touch of Wind pulled open the balcony doors. Stepping outside, she look a look at the bright sky and jumped over the railing, flying around the central keep to find the gathering she knew was down below. Spotting it quickly, she swooped down, landing lightly on the soft grass. Just in front of her was a small podium, and many white obelisks, some tall, some short, covered in small writing. There was one towering black one, which looked smooth, but was completely covered in almost invisibly small etchings. Even so, it flanked by six other white ones, three on each side.
Pausing for a moment, she paid homage to those who had passed into the Next. Sighing silently, she ran her eyes over the only remains of at least ninety million former comrades. Since a body naturally disintegrated within minutes after its animating spirit was removed, there was nothing tangible to bring back. There were, however, always memories left behind, a legacy left in the minds of those who were not yet lost, and another name etched into the unfeeling stone. A small slab of obsidian lay in front of the black monument. She didn't have to bend down to know what was written there. She had seen it many times over the last three centuries, when she came to remember Irane, who had been a close friend and filled the very position she now held. Near the top of that dark spike was etched a name. Irane Seren, First of the Council. Kisha blinked away a few stray tears. She had always said that Irane would make First some day, but she hadn't meant on her death-day. Irony sharp as a razor edge.
"I will meet you again some day," she had said upon seeing that name, at the memorial service. "but not just yet. I have been brought into the Council. I now have responsibilities to those still left."
Hopes and dreams lie here preserved,
Now unbreakable after having broken.
The sacrifices not made in vain,
The legends not forgotten.
A new block stood quietly in the corner, still covered in fine marble dust.
"What's happening?"
Faust was taking a visit to the site of Crystal Life, the new town that was going up just to the north, when a messenger dashed in. A couple of minutes later, many of the angels took flight, leaving behind only several of their guards. "Where are they going?" he asked Serle, who also had no idea.
"They're sure acting oddly," he commented, turning around. "Perhaps we can take a look tomorrow."
As the noonday sun blazed forth in the sky, casting bright rays all over Silversea town, more of their new allies could be seen leaving in an orderly fashion, but nevertheless in a hurry to reach their destination.
"I wonder what's the occasion."
Broken from her reverie by the sound of several hundred pairs of wings rusting in the wind, Kisha wondered if everyone necessary had reached. Above, the sun shone down strongly, making all the stone memorials appear to shine as the many sharp etchings broke up the reflected light. The new one shimmered as rays of light danced over it. Nodding at the officers as she passed them, and receiving formal salutes in return, she moved towards the smooth marble podium, simply a large block, but carefully cut with straight edges. Closing her eyes for a moment, she thought over what to say. Looking over the armies as they prepared to assail the Devourer's stronghold in her mind, she looked up as those around. They had all come to remember those close to them who had been lost in their last battle. Unconsciously, she stood straighter, ready to address not just those before her, but those unseen behind, as well as their Master, who was in all places at all times.
"This day is one for the past, present, and future," she told them all with a feigned serenity. "We are here to remember those lost in the defense of the Temple of Glory. We are here to thank our great and glorious Master for what we have today - our lives. We are here to mourn before we move forward."
"Thanks to the valiant efforts and willing sacrifices of those we are here to bid farewell too, we who are here, are here. It is no small gift that they have given up their lives for, but still .. ! One that had to be paid for! One that was! And dearly! Soldiers, comrades, friends, they were all these before. We must not forget them, so they can continue to be these, now and forever. They are no longer here with us, but in the Next Existence. We who have survived them have this duty to make the most of their gift. We must not allow that price to have been paid for nothing! Their efforts, sacrifices, must not be in vain!" She paused for a moment before resuming.
"However, we must never forget the purpose for our existence. Praise the great and mighty God! Worship the glorious Master! For though we may march out armed and armored, He is our unbreakable sword, our only true defense. The light of his majesty strikes down the enemy, shelters those in his hands, succors the wounded. Yea! Into the dark pits of the Underworld, or the blazing hells of Hades, we shall neither stumble nor be burned if we seek and follow his will earnestly. That which he strengthens will never fall. Never fall! His instruments of healing, his tools of work, his weapons of righteous vengeance, will they be easily broken while he has uses for them?" Stopping again, she took a deep breath, exhaled slowly. Those words had not been in her initial speech. She wondered .. but continued.
"Here, now, we gather for the sake of those who lived, fought, and died beside us. Tomorrow, others may gather for the same reason, and it will be our names in the stone. Remember! Come what may, happen what may, we should not, and cannot escape from this. The enemy is many, and strong. Therefore, remember those who have already left us, remember the glory for which we fight, remember those we defend as we do so. Remember all these, and stand strong, for ourselves, those before us, those behind us, and the Master who watches over us."
Glancing over those in front of her briefly, Kisha turned toward the new list of dead and saluted. Soft sounds could be heard from behind her as the others followed. Turning back, she wondered how many of those before her would be lost in the next battle, or the one after, or the one after that one, or ..
"Remember that we are still in full battle alert. Those of you who have scheduled duties are reminded to report in a timely fashion. Dismissed."
Pr-ai-se-HI-IM! O-ur-ho-pe, o-ur-jo-y, gre-at-re-ward,
We-sac-ri-fi-ce, we-pr-ai-se, h-um-bly-ad-or-e.
Mar-ch-we-on-f-or-ward, s-wor-ds-rea-dy, al-ways-al-ert, to-ba-tt-le,
F-or-pre-se-nt, f-or-pa-st, we-st-an-d, en-co-un-ter-f-oes
"So what now?" asked Alavaria after leaving the administrative building. "Plans?"
"First, we send a message to Maero. Since we're 'allowed' five soldiers each, we might as well bring those in."
Nodding, Alavaria turned towards their inn. Other people were exiting the building, heaving over to the nearby market area to get their lunch. The sun shone away merrily as a group of arguing politicians was swept away in the moving crowd of hungry clerks. Seeing their futile attempts to continue the debate while being pushed apart was very amusing. Once they have passed the lane leading to the food vendors, the road ahead was much less congested. Eferlon looked at several of the rather well made stone buildings with some admiration.
"They're got some good architects," he commented to Alavaria, nodding his head in approval. "These aren't like further away from the city center, or those in New Silversea."
"I'd say," she responded quickly. "That's probably because their building design appears to be a copy of ours."

"Interesting .. I didn't think they would have kept that style around for so long."

"Historical buildings, no doubt." Alavaria pointed out a tall building to their right. It was sturdily built of stone, with many large windows and balconies. "Their 'Art Museum' looks exactly like some of those Air Force outposts, which would have been scattered around this area, but not actually used for very much."
"So, anyway .. " Eferlon paused as something small and gray ran, yapping all the way, past them. Soon, a couple of men with long-handled nets appeared. One of them pointed out the direction that it had gone in and the both gave chase. Curious, Alavaria asked a nearby walker what the commotion was about.
"Oh, that? Nothing new really, there's just been more strays recently," the man told her, dusting off his brown coat. "They're not bothersome unless one actually attacks."
"Attacks?" asked a younger one. "Those only happen in the other areas." The first one nodded, then walked away. "It's a pity I have to go there, myself." continued the newcomer as Alavaria wandered off to see how well the catchers were faring.
"Will you be anywhere near the west side, by any chance?" Eferlon asked him, wondering what Alavaria was up to.
"Not exactly, though the delivery is close enough I guess .. you need something delivered? Oh, sorry. Kierby Cowwel, messenger, at your service. I have to send this," he hefted a rather large package in one hand. "To a place in the north west side."
"I see," said Eferlon, pulling out the small envelope that he had tucked away. "This needs to be sent to some people who are just outside the city. If you look out of the gate towers, you should be able to see their camp." After a moment, he pulled out a silver coin, which he handed over, along with the message. "Send this to them once you've completed that delivery." The messenger glanced at the coin, put it into a small pocket in his shirt and nodded before hurrying away on his errand.
Pleased with having been able to get his message sent, Eferlon looked around, only to realize that Alavaria had disappeared. After several moments of fruitless searching, he went back to the inn to wait.
Peering around, Alavaria spotted some movement in a narrow alleyway. Making a small knot of Light, she moved in to take a look. Staring up at her was a small gray dog. Blinking, she wondered why there was such a big fuss over a small animal. Perhaps humans were just too ..
"It went that way!"
Turning towards the source of the shout, she saw the two men who had been chasing the dog earlier. They still had their nets. Pausing just outside the alley, they quickly spotted the little animal when it tried to hide behind a keg.
"Erm, if you could .. ?" one of them asked her hesitantly. "That there dog is dangerous. Try not to aggravate it."

"What, that one?" she asked, pointing at the dog in question. "It's so small, what can it do?"
The other dog-catcher stepped forward confidently, net at the ready. "It's not just the size, milady," he explained, eying his target as he inched towards it. "Some of them have this disease. A bite like deadly poison. Please move away slowly. We'll handle this."
. One side had some writing in a small spiral, the other an oddly crafted shield.