Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Come ❯ Alpha and Omega ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The Council was divided.
"Look at what you have done! Such obvious war preparations cannot possibly be missed!"
"Nevertheless, this is the time for it. We must strike first."
"How can now be a right time, when we are below the Enemy's strength."
Suddenly a new voice broke in stilling all with three words.
Long moments after the last reverberations ceased to shake the stars, the voices started again, in a different kind of discussion. It was clear that they had to prepare for massive military operations against the gates of the Underworld and its legions. Evacuation procedures were the first topic of discussion.
In another place, one much further away, in an area of nothingness, so far beneath the sky that it was cloaked in endless shadow, there was another sort of debate. From the top had come down new orders - ATTACK! The forces were stirred into a burst of activity. Scouts had noticed a significant change in the civilian population of the City of the Mount - they had been seen leaving, clearly because they feared an attack. Their leader had seen the implications of such a move - already he prepared to strike the first blow before the Council could further organize themselves.
The rumblings of an uncountable force moving filled the Realm. Rows upon rows of demonic forces marched over plains and hills. Their army extended so far that the keenest eye could not see the ends of their ranks, or the rear of their army, which was moving toward the City on the Mount. Harsh growls, sharp barks and the screech of grinding stones filled the air. Slavering hounds were tossed raw meat and large engines of war were lashed together. Demons checked armor and arms while waiting for the slower imps to catch up. Despite their haste, there was no need to rush excessively - the City was their target and that could not move. They were a large force, a numerous, overwhelming force and could see no outcome besides total and inevitable victory.
As the Council discussed their plans and strategies in the Temple of Glory, above the rest of the City, a new voice intruded. "Stewards of the Master! The enemy is on our doorstep!" An abrupt silence fell as the Council turned towards the source of the intrusion. Through the large full-length windows around the chamber, the sky could be seen - dark with clouds. But clouds were a very rare occurrence in the land. There were actually rumbles of thunder, and that never .. ! Ceasing that line of thought, Eferlon, the First of the Council, looked towards the large ornate doors to the room, which were ajar, quickly spotting an unknown face.
"This had better be important."
"Large masses of enemy forces have phased in just outside the walls, a little past bow range. Estimates put their initial numbers as approximately one for each watchman on our walls, though more are likely to follow."
Eferlon frowned, thinking quickly, analyzing the various possibilities. A surprise attack wasn't likely, since they couldn't phase into the city limits, and the city walls would slow down any attackers. Their small force size was also important - most of the City's army was in the barracks, not on the walls. Perhaps a first-hand look would prove more useful. "Lets take a look" he said while walking to one of the large windows and pushing it open. Spreading his wings, Eferlon stepped out onto the air before propelling himself upwards to the very top of the central keep, which also doubled as a strategic watch post. A long glass rod lay on the floor where the scout had left it. After checking to make sure that his colleagues had followed, Eferlon picked up the looking glass..
Peering through the narrow end, Eferlon look a look around at the area a little past the north gate. There was an unnatural haze that blocked his sight, clearly magic, that. Despite its presence, Eferlon though he could spot some shapes moving behind their cover. A small tear in the fabric of space-time glimmered brightly to his eyes, even through the fog. Wondering about the enemy's possible objectives, he quickly checked the other eleven city gates. Fog surrounded the whole city, and more of the small rips in reality were evident to his trained senses. The other Councilmembers had arrived shortly after he did, and were already discussing the force's strength. He handed the looking glass to Kisha before turning to the rest of them.
"This is more than a mere raid or show of force," he told them gravely. "The enemy is just outside our walls, and they've conjured up a damnable mist to cover themselves. It seems that they're for real now."
Kisha tapped the looking glass on her knuckles. "Its puzzling, I'll admit, that cover. It's the same as announcing that everything they've got is out there or on its way."
"Oh not that," said Alavaria thoughtfully. "They don't want us to gain intelligence on their strategies most likely. That's what I would do anyway."
Talia laughed wryly. "Mass assault? They've never used strategy, unless 'fling excessive strength' at them is a strategy that I've missed."
Maeror looked at his brother with a hint of uncertainty before adding, "They're hiding the moment of attack?"
A sudden gust of wind swept through the tower-top, ruffling hair and blowing skirts. Annoyed with the strangely errant weather, Talia threw up a wall of Air, forcing the wind to flow around them. Unconsciously, she tried to smoothen away the wrinkles in her light blue dress, but only made her clothes untidier. Skysilk, like all the fine fabrics, needed a skillful hand, or else the use of magic to clean and straighten. Alavaria wove several thin threads of Light into her light green skirt, and it was instantly neat again. At least it looked neat, thanks to her use of Dancing Light. Kisha did nothing as the wind creased her orange and red garments, as if she hadn't noticed. She didn't usually worry about such things - especially not when the events unfolding in front of them were more pressing than a misbehaving breeze. "For a mass assault, I would think a couple of weeks for troop buildup is unavoidable, therefore we should have at least ten days to get defenses in place. They will try to send as many as they can in their first wave, right?"
"That is indeed their most likely course of action."
Eferlon spun around to see who this newcomer was. He froze. Standing before him was a giant, it seemed, but there was more then just size. The - being - in front of him shone like a small star. There could only be One person with such a presence. He dropped to his knees. "What would you have of us, Master?"
The Avatar laughed softly. The tower shook slightly in response. "Don't be caught off guard. There is little time left." It paused. "Enter battle proudly." And then, for a moment, reality gave way in an burst of light, as if a nova had exploded. The Council as one flinched, but it passed before they could even blink. The tower top felt empty. The Master had withdrawn His presence.
"Quickly," Eferlon said, slightly shaken. "All troops to move here immediately and await orders. We have need of haste."
The Light Eater frowned. A fine white thread, visible even in the distance, connected the sky and a tall tower-top in the center of the city, and promptly disappeared. He had no idea was it was. The Devourer was nearby, also looking at the tower. It had to be the highest tower in the City, making it the central keep of the Temple of Glory. He turned, shaking his head in light amusement. "Was that supposed to scared us, you think?"
He decided that it was of little consequence. "Likely a pre-arranged distress signal, seeing that they are spread out all over the realm."
"In any case, we proceed as planned."
For a moment, rumbles could be heard from the clouds ahead. The imps had gone good work on their cover. He hadn't thought of having clouds to cover the airborne troops. However, it was time to send out something more - tangible. He smiled slightly. His forces would overthrow the City, and realign the balance of power forever, in his favor, of course. "Now sound the advance, all forward to the sack of the City. Assault its walls from every side. We will tear down the very stones of its foundations!" He raised his voice so his officers could hear. "Yes, a new order will arise! Our order! We shall set up our seats in the very Temple! There is no need to hold back. If necessary, everything else can be destroyed. If so, we will use the rubble to pave the way for our total dominance!" In the dry dusty plains below, his bodyguard roared their assent, stamping feet and beating weapons on shields.
"Now," he said, lowering his voice. "How are losses likely to run for our first air assault?"
The Eater blinked. "Majesty, you know as well as I do that your forces will never - " He cut off as the Devourer stood up suddenly.
"I know that. Go and - do whatever it is needs to be done." he said, waving him away. "I have something pressing to deal with."
With that he strode away, as from the mass of guards, a small imp hopped out. The Devourer promptly picked it up and made a beeline for a tall ash-colored building. Once he walked in, the door slammed shut. The Eater rushed over to the door and tugged at the handle - a simple staple punched into the strange stone. The door opened easily and he walked in. After a little searching, he found The Devourer alone in a room with only a chair and table. He was sitting in the tall gray chair that looked dusty, staring through the wall, as if he could see something. Then he spoke. "As always, no prisoners. Send them all into oblivion."
The Light Eater didn't respond. He had been given those same orders just yesterday. The Devourer paused a moment. "And have someone go over my guards' gear again. If some tiny crack causes a much larger problem later on, I will be very displeased." The Eater hesitated. "My apologies, but we do not have the time to recheck their armor. There are only rear guard units left, the last of your main forces just exited the gates." The Devourer shifted blood-red eyes to the table of black crystal, idly scratching a small engraved sword on its edge. "So fast? Did I not just give the orders? Hmm ... "
The Eater thought faster than ever before. "Do you not remember? The deployment orders were given out three days ago. Your hosts were greatly motivated by your impending and inevitable victory."
"Is that so? It must have slipped my mind." mused the Devourer. Pulling back a massive armored leg, the kicked the large table, shattering it into a million black shards. "Let us be gone!" he proclaimed to the otherwise empty room. "Our time is now!" With that he spread webbed wings, tipped with razor sharp claws and flung himself outwards and upwards and towards the glittering city that he would soon conquer. "Right now!" he shouted to his omni-present guards over the howl of the wind. "Send out the attack orders for our forward air forces now!"
One of them sped off, heading towards one of the forward command centers, simple cubic structures with tall scout towers on top. He hurriedly searched for the Ruler of Air, found him, handed over a special rod of authority, and whispered the orders that the Devourer had given. The Ruler of Air frowned at the long rod that he had been given. It was smooth and about an arm's length, made of obsidian, with a pair of razor sharp wings decorating the end. "Got it." he told the messenger who had been tasked to deliver it and was already turning to leave. He himself turned to face those with him, and raised the rod above his head for all to see. He didn't want anyone to miss the token of authority that he had been given.
"This is the day!" he exclaimed. "Brothers, sisters, today is our day. Today our Master moves to take his own, but to us is given the honor of being first to assault the Temple of Glory directly. Ground forces have been attacking the walls, but we will be the first to enter the City. Hold up your heads and fight. Fight, for the Master has ordered that the City be taken. Fight, for only through battle will be gain honor. Fight, for we will be given eternal glory when we prevail."
Raising the rod again, he pointed into the air above them. "Comrades, fellow warriors, I will see you next in the skies above and then in the Temple itself." And with that he opened wings of black feathers and hurled himself into the air. Below, his forces - he liked the sound of that - his forces took to the air and broke up into groups as he had ordered previously. He lifted the rod again, and pointed towards the Temple. "Forward!"