Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts 2: Absense of Light ❯ Into your arms ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kingdom hearts 2:
In the Absence of Light
Disclaimer: Skeledude 12 productions do not own most to any character read or referred to in this story, most characters are property of Disney Interactive, and Square Enix.
It's Skeledude 12 here, I've read your work and know it's time to do something original, well sort of. You know the routine I'll give this story to my editor, she dose a clean up, and then sends it out in intervals, It's not my fault if there is a monthly span between stories, (I'll coax her into going easy on you) she likes when you review. I'm just writing here in the beginning so I don't know what'll happen. I like letting stories write themselves. It might get a little fluffy, (bow chica bow bow) or I could decide to keep it to my younger brothers audience. By the way, now that I know we deal by chapters I may get evil and throw you on cliffhanger, (which reminds me I left all my fans on the Sims website on hold, gonna hate me now!) write ya later!
Skeledude 12
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Chapter 1: Into your arms
“Kairi remember what you said before? I'm always with you too, I'll come back you I promise” Kari watched as Sora slowly slipped from her grasp,
“No Sora don't go” Kairi screamed sitting up right in bed. It was the third time this week she's done that, she looked around her room, her little tokens from adventures on their small island Sora and her used to take, Riku was there to but she wasn't to worried about him, `how could I even think like that' Kairi bellowed in her head. Sure Sora was important, and she cared for him very much but that didn't mean she neglected Riku. She got out of bed and got dressed, she knew that if she just went back to sleep she'd just dream of Sora again,
“All most sun up” she said looking at her clock, Kairi smiled as she sat down on her bed to put on her shoes, `so many sunsets, so many sunrises' she thought,
*Flash back*
Kairi saw the times she had spent with Sora and Riku, out on the delta watching the sunset, but then her mind was drawn to the time she and Sora sat alone at the sunset before the whole incident, as she liked to call it.
“Let's take the raft and go just the two of us!” these words echoed in her head, “What are you talking about? You're the one whose changed Kairi” more words, it was true what he said, she had changed, she had fallen for him,
"I can't wait... once we set sail, it'll be great..."

It'll be great... great...

*End Flash back*
She looked out her window, the beautiful golden rising sun reflecting light of her tears.
“Sora, I love you.”
On the world that Sora didn't know, the keyblade master sat on a rock over looking the horizon, watching the sunset, holding in his hands a small cardboard star. `I love you too, Kairi' he thought back as he smiled and felt the tears well.
Sora would have done anything at that very moment to get back to Kairi, to hold her in his arms, to kiss her sweet lips, to feel her ivory skin. These things all seemed to come to him as if he reading them from a book. He felt the simple pleasure of her presence and wished she were part of him again so when he turned around he would see a very real image of her. It had been two years since they sealed Kingdom Hearts; the likely hood of Riku being alive was slim. He climbed down off the boulder and made his way back to camp. He smiled at the time he had kissed her in the secret place, but that was more than 7 years ago they were just kids, this was more than just I like you this was I'd die for her.
Sora entered the small growth of trees and found his two companions still trying to fix the Gummi ship,
“No! The feegal flopper doesn't on go on the glizzma glom!” Donald yelled at Goofy,
“There we've finished and the best part is, we only used half the pieces!” Goofy said, Sora chuckled even in dangerous situations Goofy never altered his perfect time to crack a good joke, or even just be himself. Which was pretty funny too.
“No you big palooka, we still have to realign the gum guns” Donald quaked. Donald was a duck, plain and simple, he had a funny speech impediment that even the greatest mimic could not do.
When the ship was ready for take off Sora jumped in and was ready to get back to Kairi no matter how far she was away,
“Let's go!” Sora cheered as he boarded the ship. Donald and Goofy followed his suit, goofy took his navigator seat like a pro and punched up their coordinates, `Looks like were about smack dab in the middle of Destiny Islands and Traverse town, well at least the meblagobber worked' Goofy thought looking at the map, Sora took gun control, Donald at the wheel.
“So uh... where we goin?” Goofy asked,
“Destiny” Donald and Sora shouted their own answers in unison,
“We are not going back to that island!” Donald said remembering how they had met Ansem there.
“I've got to see if Kairi is alright,” Sora said,
“Goofy set our course to Destiny islands.” Goofy did as he was instructed; Sora looked at Donald who stared back,
“Please Donald?” Sora pleaded,
“Alright but then it's straight to traverse town no complaints,” Donald said getting the plane flying.
They were leaving the world when Donald slammed on the breaks,
“A little warning would be nice” Sora said,
“We can't leave,” Donald said
“The firewalls are up.” Donald tried to quickly find away back when Sora smiled leaned over and pressed the torpedo button, *BOOOOM*. The torpedo hit the barrier with intensive force; soon a hole the size of Cerberus was blasted through the firewall.
“That works” Sora said face plastered with a satisfied smirk.
“Don't ever do that again,” Donald yelled at him, but deep down Donald was impressed. Goofy looked at the map they were on there way, `uh, I don't know if that torpedo is the safest way into a world' Goofy thought but let it be, he'd let Donald do the thinking.
Today was the Seagull festival, `Sora's favorite holiday' Kairi reminded herself. Everyone would dress up in seagull features and seagull costumes and then there was a dance at night around a fire, the couple that danced the best in the best costumes was given a very special Paopu fruit, the 6 pointed one. Only one grows every 5 years. It let the people who share it will not only bind you for life but it also gives the power to feel what's in the other's hearts. Without Sora there she didn't feel very festive but she made three costumes anyway one for her, one for Sora, and one for Riku just out of habit. Sora and Riku joked that they were the worst costumes ever, and even if they did the mumbo perfectly they still wouldn't win cause they were just to damn ugly. Kairi didn't mind in fact she almost agreed the white feather tiara Kairi always made Riku wear didn't go well with his hair, and Sora's chain kept ripping the feathers of the one part of his costume. Kairi smiled and wished Sora was here and Riku too.
Sora was so happy he was ready to get back into Kairi's arms, he tried to remember what he said before on the boulder outside of camp but it just wasn't coming to him.
“We're approaching coordinates” Goofy said, Sora looked out the window at the blue ball coming closer. It wasn't all blue, just most of it. Small green freckles littered the world and white fluffy clouds scattered around. `It's so beautiful' with that word his head was filled with images of Kairi sitting alone on the dock as the sun went down.
“We've got get down there,” Sora said reaching for the torpedo button,
“Sora stop!” Goofy yelled,
“Why?” Sora said pulling his hand away from the button.
“These firewalls are young and new, they aren't as strong, as the ones as the heartless brought down, your last torpedo didn't break the wall it went straight though it, if you fire that missile it'll destroy Destiny Islands for sure,” Goofy said, never had such wisdom flowed from Goofy. Donald looked the world and said,
“Every firewall has a lock, and like all locks it can be opened with...” Sora cut him off
“A KEY!” When the firewall was down Donald made Sora bring it back up, just in case. They went in for a landing.
Kairi saw the sunset and the bon fire rise she sat alone in the secret place dressed in her costume as music floated down the tunnel, she sat staring at the picture of Sora and Kairi exchanging Paopus she felt a tear run down here face,
“Sora I wish you were here”
“Who said I'm not?” Kairi couldn't believe her ears; she turned around to see Sora fixing the features on his wing,
“You know, I've been in a lot of your costumes, but this one is the worse yet.” Kairi got up and ran over to Sora and they embraced, Sora looked over Kairi's shoulder to see the drawing of him and her and the second Paopu she drew.
“Now my fair feathered friend will you be my date tonight?” Sora asked; Kairi shook her head yes accepting his wing.
That night was one to remember. Wakka, Tidus, and Selphie were glad to see Sora, and he to them. The beach was decorated with bright pink orange and red streamers; drums playing a beat while a flute played a tune. Everyone danced and screamed and cheered on their favorite competitors but Sora and Kairi got the most support. Everyone marveled at Donald's realistic costume, but he didn't win cause they all figured he looked more like a duck, no one tried to explain. Goofy (even though he didn't mean to) stunned everyone with his break dancing (if falling and slipping on a banana peel over and over till you break something is dancing), but the highlight was on Sora and Kairi who won the rare Paopu for their amazing dancing and costumes.
I've got this story done, so if you review I'll post the next chapter :D
Review please?!