Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts 3, Life goes on ❯ Chapter 1: The Journey Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Life Goes on

Chapter 1: The Journey begins

(Note: This happened after the story,I wrote called, Kingdom Hearts 2, The Return of Sora, this is known as Kingdom Hearts 3, Life Goes On.)

On, the couch reading a book, was a guy with lone white hair and beautiful blue-green eyes, that were shining in the light, he was wearing mostly black, with a bit of red, and there was a wing on the right side of him. He was a one-winged angel. Sephiroth has been reading for hours. Just then a teenage boy came out into the living room.

He had spiky brown hair, and had pretty blue eyes, he had a keyblade in his hand. he was wearing mostly red, and had a crownlike necklace on. It was Sora, he wanted to fight Sephiroth. The last time they battled was at the Coliseum. Sora was getting ready to hit Sephiroth, but just then, Sephiroth dodge the attack, and then he used his most powerful move, and killed Sora.

Just then, A boy woke up, it was Sora, he was dreaming. It was 6:00a.m. Sora was rubbing his eyes, and was yawning. A young girl with dark red hair and has pretty blue eyes like Sora, and was wearing a spagetti strap tank top and a short skirt came in.

" Kairi, what are you doing in my room?" Sora asked

" Sora, it's a brand new day, come out and walk with me." Kairi replied

" Ok!!" Said Sora then he smiled

Soon, Sora and Kairi were walking around on the beach, they even went into that cave were the door is that won't open. Sora noticed the drawing of him and Kairi, he noticed that Kairi drew where she was giving Sora a starshaped fruit.

" Kairi, did you draw this?" Sora asked

" Yes, when I noticed you drew where you were giving me that fruit, I drew where I was giving one to you." Kairi replied

" Gosh Kairi, your very sweet." Sora said as he hugged Kairi

" Your the sweet one Sora." Kairi begen to cry, she was happy

Soon, they left the cave, they saw a teenage boy that had white hair at shoulder length, and had blue-green eyes. he was wearing a yellow and black tank top, and purple pants, with some blue.

" Riku, when did you get up?" Sora asked

" I got up around 5:00" replied Riku

" Gosh, you get up early." said Kairi

" Yeah, I always get up around 5:00 a.m." Riku replied

" Riku, I had a dream." Sora said to Riku

" Cool, what did you dream about?" Riku asked

" Well, I had a dream about this guy that I fought at the Coliseum, he looks kinda like you, except his hair is really long, but he has the same hair color like you, and the eye color, he was reading a book on the couch, I getting ready to kill him, but instead, he dodged my attack, and killed me." replied Sora

" Do you know his name?" Riku asked

" I'm not sure." replied Sora

" Did you win the fight against him?"

" Yes, then he disappeared, wait, I remember his name now."

" You do, what is it?"

" Sephiroth, remember, he and Cloud were helping me save the world."

" Ummm Sora, you probably were dreaming."

" Oh yeah I forgot, it was all a dream."

Then Sora, Kairi, and Riku went for a swim, Sora and Riku were splashing eachother, they were having a water fight. Kairi was cheering. Soon, Sora and Riku were racing eachother, it looked like a tie. Of course Sora and Kairi were making out. Then the three of them were relaxing in the tree.

" Sora, wish I can see this Sephiroth guy." said Riku

" I know, I think he's dead." Sora replied

"Dead?" Kairi asked

" Yeah, I think he was some kind of ghost." Sora replied

" A ghost?" Riku didn't believe it

" Riku, I'm not lying!!" Sora said to Riku

" Well, I need to see this Sephiroth guy." Riku replied

Meanwhile, at the Coliseum, a guy that had long white hair and blue-green eyes, was talking to a guy that had blonde hair, and pretty blue eyes.

It was Cloud. Sephiroth took out his long sword.

" Sephiroth, what do you think your doing!?" Cloud asked

" I'm gonna search for that little brat that killed me!" Sephiroth replied


" I'm gonna kill him!!!"

" You mean that guy that has the keyblade, and told me a long time ago that he was looking for his light?"

"Yes, he's going to die!!"

" No Sephiroth, he's my friend!!"

Cloud blocked Sephiroth from going to kill Sora.

"Cloud, get out of my way, before I kill you!!" Sephiroth yelled

"No, I'm not gonna let you kill my friend!! Cloud replied

" Then you lead me no choice!!"

Sephiroth used one of his powerful moves to kill Cloud, he almost killed Cloud with one of his attacks. When Sephiroth was about to stab Cloud, he blocked Sephiroth's attack.

" Your not gonna kill me!!" Cloud yelled as he struggled when he was in defense

" I warned you!!, Now you must die, darkness rules the world!!!" Sephiroth yelled back

All of a sudden, Cloud had a wing, and then he was flying around.

" You think that flying attack will work on me!? I don't think so!!" Sephiroth yelled

" You can't even fly, when you were fighting Sora, You never flew!!" Cloud said.

Soon, Cloud flew out of the stadium, and then he traveled to a different place. He ended up on the island Sora lives on. It was warm, and the water cooled him off. There were many trees.

End of Chapter 1