Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: The Search For Love ❯ "I'll go find him!" ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hello Everyone! Welcome to my new fanfic! It was made to basically challenge a baka flamer. I'm actually pretty proud of this fic. It's mainly based on what I think is going to happen in Kingdom Hearts2. I had to do a lot research on what the developments of the Kingdom Hearts 2 so far were. No flames, please. This story takes place a year after the game, just like Kingdom Hearts2 is going to.

Disclaimer: Do I seem like a person who would own Kingdom Hearts, the greatest game of all time? Nope didn't think so either.

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Kingdom Hearts: The search for love.

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Kairi's bright blue eyes looked towards the misty ocean of the Destiny Islands.

"I'll go back inside in fifteen more minutes...." She murmured, saying the same thing over and over again for the last three hours. This is what her life had came to after the events of Kingdom Hearts. She sighed and sat down. If she wasn't going to leave then it didn't make sense to stand up anymore. She shivered. It was cold out here! And in this type of weather a yellow tank top and a short red mini skirt was not enough.

"Kairi, you're going to catch a cold if you stay out here!" Kairi turned around to see Stephie walking towards here.

"Ohayo, Stephie-chan...." Kairi said, forcing on a smile.

"You gotta come inside, I know you're freezing" Stephie said. Kairi shook her head. Stephie sighed.

"Well if you're not going to come inside I guess I'll get you some blankets. I'll be right back!"

**= =**

"Are you done yet?" Said the voice of a chestnut haired youth.(A/N: We all know who this is!)

"Sora just shut up! You've been saying that same thing over and over again ever since I started working on the gummi ship, and it's annoying the hell out of me!" A blond haired man yelled in anger. Sora grinned.

"Sorry Cid, but I'm bored. By the way are you done yet?"

"That's it get OUT!!!" Cid yelled angrily while pushing Sora out of his workshop. "And stay out until I'm finished!" He yelled as he slammed the door in Sora's face.

"Geez, he didn't have to be so mean! I was just asking...."

"Garwsh, Sora that's the fifth time this week Cid kicked ya out. Ya must be really ammoring him." Said the king's head knight.

"It's called annoying Goofy." Goofy laughed. "Well Donald I guess it's annoying then." Donald rolled his eyes.

"You big palooka."

**= =**

After Stephie had come back with two blankets she handed one to Kairi. Stephie sat down, wrapping her blanket around her shoulders.

"I don't know how you do it Kairi." Stephie said.

"What do you mean?" Kairi asked with a confused look on her face.

"I mean how can you stay out here everyday and wait for Sora to come back and never lose faith that he's coming back ?" Kairi smiled sadly.

"Well ever since Sora left I've always felt his presence. Like I know he's around. It makes me feel more comfortable. But I'm beginning to get nervous"

"Why?" Stephie asked with a curious look on her face.

"His voice....It's left me. I can't feel his presence anymore. I'm worried that something might've happened to him." Kairi said, tears glimmering in her cobalt eyes. Stephie wrapped her arm around her. "Don't worry, I'm sure Sora's fine."

"I miss Riku too. I feel so lonely sometimes, I just wish things could go back to the way they were before all this happened." Kairi choked out through tears.

**= =**

Sora struggled to stay awake. It was so boring waiting for Cid to build the new gummi ship since they had lost the old one after they had sealed the door to the light. They had just heard of the barriers to the worlds had broken down. He smiled, he was finally going to see Kairi and make good on the promise he had made to her a year ago. He also had the chance to figure out how to get Riku and King Mikey out of Kingdom Hearts. Doanld had insisted on them finding King Mikey first before he could see Kairi. Sora rolled his eyes.

"Is Cid still in there?" Sora asked yet again.

"For the last time he's not yet! You are annoying!" Donald yelled.

"I'm not annoying!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"You two should stop arguing. It ain't going solve nothin'." Goofy said trying to calm his friend down. Sora sneered

"Well he started it..."

"Get out of here!" Donald yelled.

"Fine then I will!" Sora yelled, going into to Cid's workshop....again.

**= =**

Kairi had started to spar with the other islanders after the events of Kingdom Hearts. She didn't want to be the wimpy girl who stands there and does nothing while everything happens. She had actually become a pretty good fighter. "I'll probably never be as good as Sora or Riku ." She said with a sad smile. She looked up at the sky and sighed heavily. 'Why can't I feel him anymore if her hearts are connected?' She asked herself as she felt tears prick her eyes. 'No, Sora wouldn't you crying like a baby!' She yelled at herself mentally.

"Besides Sora always keeps his promises." She muttered, trying to no avail to cheer herself up. She sighed. 'But what if something did happen to him?' She thought feeling sadness engulf her being.

"M-maybe I should go find him." She whispered. "It's better than just moping around doing and waiting for him to come." She smiled.

"I'll go find him!"

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A/N: Well that's it until I update. How did you like the story? I think I did a pretty good job on it! Top that Ben Dover! I have so many good things planned for this fic! Anyway I'll try to update by next Friday if possible. Please Read and Review and please no flames.



^_^X: Kingdom Hearts Forever!!!!!
