Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Twighlight Blades ❯ Drama in Destiney Islands 'End' ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 17

Suki the Cat: Well, this is my second story, and I plan to conclude it so majesticly...and so cute like.......

Dark Eriss of the Moon: You don't own Kingdom Hearts, but you own your characters for it, right?

Suki the Cat: Yes...that would be so...

Dark Eriss of the Moon: Ah! Yessirie!!!

Suki the Cat: Now on with it! The story!

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W hen Kurai arrived at Destiny Islands she climbed out of her Gummi Ship and stumbled some. Kurai, who had streams running down her face, went to the beach and held Sora's life in her hands, "I'll never forget you....your my best friend.." Kurai wiped the tears from her eyes. One of her tears fell on "Sora", and it covered the heart in a soft pink and gold-like shell. It floated out of her hands and hovered in the air before her. As pink, red, gold, and silver streaks created a 3D shape of a body, they colored the shape in. "And your my best friend..." Sora said smiling his stupid, but cute smile. Kurai stared is confusion but joy and happiness followed as she jumped on Sora. Yes, Sora was recreated and still has all of his life built in his mind, and the things he thinks are still in the best of shape. Sora fell to the ground as Kurai glomped him. "SORA!!!! YOUR ALIVE!!!!!.....AGAIN!!!!! ^ _ ^; " Kurai squeezed Sora. Sora coughed a few times "I....can't....Breath!!!" Sora strugled out. Kurai quickly got off and apologized. "How did you come back to life?" Kurai said, purposely falling backwards onto the soft sand, looking up into the shaded sunset sky. Sora had a confused expresion on his face, and finally shrugged "All I remember was being in a battle with you fighting the last Heartless Boss, and then appearing here. I could hear you perfectly well though...and I couldn't speak..." Sora sat on a log about 2 feet away from Kurai "How did you defeat the Heartless?" Sora looked at Kurai. Kurai looked at him, grinning "Well, with help from Nightmare Flame...I guarded you, and Nightmare Flame guarded me and you..." Kurai looked back into the shrinking horizon. There was a long silence...and Kurai hates long she threw a small stick at him. Sora laughed a her and threw the stick at her. Kurai ducked as it flew right past her. She pointed at Sora "Ha Ha!!!". Then King Mickey appeared from the bushes, Minnie at his side. "We thank you both for ridding the land of the Heartless, and saving our Kingdom." Mickey bowed in thanks to Sora and Kurai. Sora stood up and bowed back, as Kurai did also. Minnie gave Mickey two necklaces and Mickey gave them to Sora and Kurai. Sora's was a right side of a Paopu fruit, and Kurai's was the left side. "When you combine your necklaces together, your power will become greater than that of the Heartless!" Minnie said touching Kurai and Sora's noses. Sora thanked them and he looked at his necklace. "They're....pretty..." Sora said strokeing his necklace. Kurai shook her head "No, we can't accept these!!!" Kurai panicked. Minnie put her hands on Kurai's shoulders "We got them spacificly for you guys. So theres no need to fret, dear." Kurai nodded slowly, and, smiling, plopped down and stuck it in her mouth. Sora laughed and did the same, and Mickey and Minnie chuckled. Mickey and Minnie waved to them, and left for they're Gummi. When they left, Kurai went to the edge of the dock, letting the warm, beach breeze thread through her hair. Sora watched the King and Queen fly off to their kingdom. He turned to face Kurai, noticing she was stareing in the never-ending distance towards her island. Sora walked up the dock, sitting on the edge, his legs hanging over, while she stood over next to him. "...You miss your island don't you?..." Sora glanced at Kurai. Kurai slowly nodded, as tears slowly started to make their way down her pale face. Sora quickly tried to get up to Kurai, but fell off the edge into the water, and Kurai with her quick reflexes jumped down to ground level, and grasped ahold of Sora's hand, a tight hold on it. She pulled him up and fell on her bottom on the wooden dock. Sora started to chuckle, which grew to laughing hystericlly, and Kurai followed, joining in his laughter.

Kairi, watching Sora and Kurai from the treehouse deck, jelously growled some. She kept watching them as they were laughing, tickling, and running around playing tag. 'Kurai is always stealing Sora away from me!!! And Sora would rather be with Kurai than me!!!...Altough Riku and Kano are cute too, I feel like I acctually have a connection to Sora...I gotta think of a plan to get Sora away from Kurai just for a minute,... like maybe causing a conversation with Sora...That's it!!! I've got it!!! Heh heh heh...goodbye Kurai, hello Sora!!!' Kairi thought to herself. Kairi started to make her way down the stairs to Sora and Kurai, a kind smile on her face, and a pretty good looking one for a fake. Kairi looked at Kurai with a 'Hi there!' look and looked at Sora "Hey, Sora? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Sora nodded "Ok..." Sora looked at Kurai and put a finger up for 'Hang on...'. Kairi led Sora to the Cave and sat next to the picture Sora drew long, long ago. "So, what do ya need?" Sora said sitting a few feet in front of Kairi "...Sora, I was like Kurai...right? You a friend?..." Kairi said looking innocent. Sora started to blush faintly "Ya! Yes!! She's my best friend!!!" Sora's blush started to increase to where Kairi can see it. Kairi looked at him sadly, but remember, reader, it's fake. "You like her more, don't you, Sora?!" Kairi didn't yell, but it quietly echoed through the cave. Sora blushed a bit more, slowly nodding. Kairi started to look like she was gonna cry "I loved you Sora!!! I loved you!!!" Kairi got an evil look on her face while looking at Sora, who was a tad terrified "WELL, YOU WON'T LIKE HER ANYMORE!!!" Kairi started to crawl closer to Sora "Come here!!!" Kairi said in the same tone and volume. Sora, who was trying to crawl backwards from Kairi, started to franticlly stumble. Kairi pounced on her prey (a.k.a.: Sora), and tried to press her lips against his, but Sora put his hands in front of his face and pushed her away. Sora got up and ran out of the cave beside Kurai who was sitting on the log faceing the entrance of the cave. Sora finaly decided to get behind Kurai instead. "What happened? Are you ok?" Kurai asked putting her hand on his shoulder. Sora saw Kairi raceing out of the cave, and franticlly clung to Kurai. She blushed a bit when Sora clung to her, then saw Kairi, slowly but surely (Me: yes, slowly, but don't call me Shirley) putting the pieces together. Sora had his forehead pressed up against the back of her neck, his arms wrapped around the bottom of her collar bone, and his feet on the outside of her feet. Kairi drew closer to Sora, but Kurai stopped her "...Don't...touch...him..." Kurai said sternly. "Well, Sora is saposed to love me, so I'm trying to let that happen." Kairi said smileing and winking at Sora, so he shrunk down behind Kurai more. Kurai quickly looked at Sora "You like me?!?!" Kurai saw Sora slowly nod. Kurai looked at Kairi with an 'I don't want to fight...' expresion on her face "Litsen Kairi, I don't want to hurt you, but I don't want you to hurt Sora either, so Sora has to make a decision..." Kurai said looking at Sora. Kairi stoped being 'I'm evil, I need Sora!!!' attitude, and looked at Sora. Sora stood behind Kurai and sighed "Well, it's tough, but I choose...I choose..." he sighed once more "...I choose Kurai..." Sora said looking at Kairi to see her angry expresion, but only to find it a smooth and mellow face, nodding "I knew you'd pick her Sora. And I'm happy for the both of you..." Kairi smiled at Riku who just appeared behind Kurai, smiled at Kairi, then looked at the back of Kurai. Riku tapped on Kurai's shoulder. She turned around quickly, saw Riku and hugged him "Dude!!!! Riku!!!!!" Riku smiled and patted her head "I love you as a sister, Kurai." Riku said giving her a brotherly hug. Kurai grinned "And I love you as a brother, Riku!!!!" Kurai gave him a sister hug, looked at Sora, and hugged him lovingly. Sora blushed madly, then hugged back. Kairi ran to Kano's side. "Kano!!!" Kurai yelled and hugged Kano. He hugged back then pointed to Rikai, who was standing next to Riku. Kurai ran to Rikai and hugged her. Rikai hugged back and gave Kurai a noogie. Kurai laughed and pushed away. Sora walked back to Kurai and poked her "....tag, your it! HAHA!!!" Sora ran and Kurai followed swiftly behind, closing in on Sora. Everyone else left, it was getting late. Sora put his two hands in a T "Time-out, time-out..." Sora stoped and turned around to face Kurai. Kurai blushed a bit, looking into his soft, blue gaze. Her maroon eyes became heavy with sleep, but she wiped it off. Sora chuckled when her eyes got heavy, and he turned, faceing the full moon "I never thought I would see a full moon today,...that is before Kairi 'Attacked'..." Sora chuckled, Kurai joining and smileing softly at Sora. He didn't see her, but he sensed her. Sora watched the others walk in the treehouse before turning to face Kurai who was stareing at her necklace "...I understand now!!! Minnie said our powers will be greater than that of the Heartless because our powers would have to involve love!!! The Paopu stands for love!!!" Kurai looked at her necklace, then sticking it in her mouth again. Sora was now figureing it out "So they knew we liked eachother!!! Wait a minute...are they expecting us to eat a Paopu fruit together?" Sora said confused and blushing. Kurai thought, while also blushing, and nodded confused-like. Sora blushed madly and tried to call Mickey and Minnie "Hello? Minnie? I need to speak with you about something. You know those necklaces you gave us?...Well me and Kurai were just thinking, do you want us to eat a Paopu Fruit?...ok,....ok, thanks Minnie...bye..." Sora hung up, and turned to face Kurai "...she said....yes..." Sora blushed and went to pick a ripe Paopu Fruit. Kurai stood shocked for a moment before cringing in her mind 'Well, how bad could it be? I mean, I can't get any better, especially with Sora...Yay!!! ^ . ^!!!' Kurai thought happily, and watched Sora come back, a Paopu in his hand, and blushing a whole bunch, but he looked happy too, he was thinking the same thing about Kurai. Kurai broke off half of the Paopu fruit for herself, and Sora took the other half. "Ready?" Sora asked nervously. Kurai looked at him the same way "Ya, I guess so..." Sora counted "Alright, 3...2...1...Go!" Kurai took a bite of the Paopu fruit at the same time as Sora, then after a bit they stuffed a bit in their mouths until it was gone. Kurai stood, thinking "I just thought of something...what if the fruit had alchohol in it?" Sora looked at her "I doubt it..." Kurai put her arms around Sora neck, and put her head next to Sora's. Sora, after a bit, looked at Kurai from the corner of his eye, grabbed Kurai, and put her head in his lap, so now she was practiclly on top of Sora. Sora grabbed Kurai's face and planted a deep kiss on her lips, Kurai returned the attention her mouth was getting. The Paopu worked, and now, the two would be inseperable, so by the golden rope of love, and the bond they created in their travels, they didn't tie the knot...yet...but they would be together forever. So, truly was a full moon...indeed.

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Suki the Cat: See? Wasn't that just simply adorable?

Dark Eriss of the Moon: Yes!!! Cute!!!

Suki the Cat: Yes, very. Remember, R and R!!! And tell me how you like it!!! Until next time!!!